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\� � @ s^ d Z ddlZddddgZG dd� dej�ZG dd� de�ZG d d� de�ZG d
d� de�ZdS )a Response classes used by urllib.
The base class, addbase, defines a minimal file-like interface,
including read() and readline(). The typical response object is an
addinfourl instance, which defines an info() method that returns
headers and a geturl() method that returns the url.
� N�addbase�addclosehook�addinfo�
addinfourlc s8 e Zd ZdZ� fdd�Zdd� Zdd� Zdd � Z� ZS )
r zOBase class for addinfo and addclosehook. Is a good idea for garbage collection.c s t t| �j|ddd� || _d S )Nz<urllib response>F)�delete)�superr �__init__�fp)�selfr )� __class__� �'/usr/lib64/python3.6/urllib/response.pyr s zaddbase.__init__c C s d| j jt| �| jf S )Nz<%s at %r whose fp = %r>)r �__name__�id�file)r
r r r
�__repr__ s zaddbase.__repr__c C s | j jrtd��| S )NzI/O operation on closed file)r �closed�
r r r
� __enter__ s zaddbase.__enter__c C s | j � d S )N)�close)r
�type�value� tracebackr r r
�__exit__! s zaddbase.__exit__) r �
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__r r r r �
__classcell__r r )r r
r s
c s, e Zd ZdZ� fdd�Z� fdd�Z� ZS )r z*Class to add a close hook to an open file.c s t t| �j|� || _|| _d S )N)r r r � closehook�hookargs)r
r r r )r r r
r ( s zaddclosehook.__init__c s>