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{fc @ sI d Z d g Z d d l m Z d d l m Z d e f d � � YZ d S( s5 Class representing application/* type MIME documents.t MIMEApplicationi����( t encoders( t MIMENonMultipartc B s e Z d Z d e j d � Z RS( s2 Class for generating application/* MIME documents.s octet-streamc K sL | d k r t d � � n t j | d | | � | j | � | | � d S( s Create an application/* type MIME document.
_data is a string containing the raw application data.
_subtype is the MIME content type subtype, defaulting to
_encoder is a function which will perform the actual encoding for
transport of the application data, defaulting to base64 encoding.
Any additional keyword arguments are passed to the base class
constructor, which turns them into parameters on the Content-Type
s Invalid application MIME subtypet applicationN( t Nonet TypeErrorR t __init__t set_payload( t selft _datat _subtypet _encodert _params( ( s. /usr/lib64/python2.7/email/mime/application.pyR s
( t __name__t
__module__t __doc__R t
encode_base64R ( ( ( s. /usr/lib64/python2.7/email/mime/application.pyR
s N( R t __all__t emailR t email.mime.nonmultipartR R ( ( ( s. /usr/lib64/python2.7/email/mime/application.pyt <module> s