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�D] Z e GHq� Wn d S( sC List python source files.
There are three functions to check whether a file is a Python source, listed
here with increasing complexity:
- has_python_ext() checks whether a file name ends in '.py[w]'.
- look_like_python() checks whether the file is not binary and either has
the '.py[w]' extension or the first line contains the word 'python'.
- can_be_compiled() checks whether the file can be compiled by compile().
The file also must be of appropriate size - not bigger than a megabyte.
walk_python_files() recursively lists all Python files under the given directories.
s Oleg Broytmann, Georg Brandlt has_python_extt looks_like_pythont can_be_compiledt walk_python_filesi����Ns [ --]c C s t r | GHn d S( N( t debug( t msg( ( s. /usr/lib64/python2.7/Tools/scripts/pysource.pyt print_debug s c C s� y t j | � j } Wn( t k
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