Your IP :
# Copyright 2018 Valletech AB
# Copyright 2002-2023, OpenNebula Project, OpenNebula Systems
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import dict2xml
import xmltodict
from lxml.etree import tostring
from collections import OrderedDict
from aenum import IntEnum
# this is a bit hackish way to avoid escaping <,> characters
# by dict2xml, as it would break <!CDATA[]> which is injected before
dict2xml.Node.entities = []
def add_cdata(d):
recursively traverse nested dict and add xml
CDATA element to the leaves
if isinstance(d, list):
return [ add_cdata(x) for x in d ]
elif isinstance(d, dict):
return { k: add_cdata(v) for (k,v) in d.items()}
return f"<![CDATA[{str(d)}]]>"
def cast2one(param):
This function will cast parameters to make them nebula friendly
flat dictionaries will be turned into attribute=value vectors
dictionaries with root dictionary will be serialized as XML
Structures will be turned into strings before being submitted.
:param param: the parameter to make nebula friendly
:return: casted parameter
def is_nested_dict(dictionary):
for val in dictionary.values():
if isinstance(val, dict):
return True
return False
if isinstance(param, IntEnum):
# if the param is a constant we return its value
return param.value
if isinstance(param, dict):
# if this is a structured type
# in case we passed a dictionary that is part of another
if hasattr(param, '_root'):
param = param._root
# if the dictionary is not empty
if bool(param):
root = list(param.values())[0]
if is_nested_dict(param):
# We return this dictionary as XML
return dict2xml.dict2xml(add_cdata(param),
indent="", newlines=False)
# We return this dictionary as attribute=value vector
ret = u""
for (k, v) in param.items():
ret = u'''%s%s="%s"\n''' % (ret, k, v)
return ret
raise Exception("Cannot cast empty dictionary")
return param
def one2dict(element):
This function returns a dictionary from an anyType binding element
The dictionary can then be used later as imput for an udpate
This is now deprecated, included for backward compatibility.
:param element: anyType element to be converted such as TEMLATE or USER_TEMPLATE
:return: a dictionary representing the element
return element._root
def none2emptystr(d):
for k,v in d.items():
if type(v) == OrderedDict:
elif v == None:
d[k] = ""
def fix_dict(d, tag):
if tag == 'TEMPLATE' and hasattr(d['TEMPLATE'], '__iter__'):
tmpl = d['TEMPLATE']
# wrap single entry as a list
if elem in tmpl and type(tmpl[elem]) != list:
tmpl[elem] = [ tmpl[elem] ]
def child2dict(element):
Creates a dictionary from the documentTree obtained from a binding Element.
:param element:
xml = tostring(element)
ret = xmltodict.parse(xml, strip_whitespace=False)
# process dict, do ad-hoc fixes
fix_dict(ret, element.tag)
# get the tag name and remove the ns attribute if present
if "}" in element.tag:
tagName = element.tag.split('}')[1]
del ret[tagName]['@xmlns']
tagName = element.tag
# Reemplace no-dictionary with empty dictionary
if ret[tagName] == None:
ret[tagName] = OrderedDict()
# Replace 'None' values returned by xmltodict by ""
if not isinstance(ret[tagName], OrderedDict) and isinstance(ret[tagName], dict):
ret[tagName] = OrderedDict(ret[tagName])
# return the contents dictionary, but save a reference
ret[tagName]._root = ret
return ret[tagName]
def build_template_node(obj,nodeName,child):
Utility function to build an anyType element that can be accessed as a dictionary
:param obj:
:param nodeName:
:param child:
if nodeName == "TEMPLATE":
obj.TEMPLATE = child2dict(child)
return True
elif nodeName == "USER_TEMPLATE":
obj.USER_TEMPLATE = child2dict(child)
return True
return False
class TemplatedType(object):
Mixin class for Templated bindings
def _buildAttributes(self, node, attrs, already_processed):
vars(self)['custom_attrs'] = dict(attrs)
def _buildChildren(self, child_, node, nodeName_, fromsubclass_=False, gds_collector_=None):
if not build_template_node(self, nodeName_, child_):
super(TemplatedType, self)._buildChildren(child_,node,nodeName_,fromsubclass_,gds_collector_)