Your IP :
"""Extensions to the 'distutils' for large or complex distributions"""
# mypy: disable_error_code=override
# Command.reinitialize_command has an extra **kw param that distutils doesn't have
# Can't disable on the exact line because distutils doesn't exists on Python 3.12
# and mypy isn't aware of distutils_hack, causing distutils.core.Command to be Any,
# and a [unused-ignore] to be raised on 3.12+
from __future__ import annotations
import functools
import os
import re
import sys
from abc import abstractmethod
from import Mapping
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar, overload
sys.path.extend(((vendor_path := os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'setuptools', '_vendor')) not in sys.path) * [vendor_path]) # fmt: skip
# workaround for #4476
sys.modules.pop('backports', None)
import _distutils_hack.override # noqa: F401
from . import logging, monkey
from .depends import Require
from .discovery import PackageFinder, PEP420PackageFinder
from .dist import Distribution
from .extension import Extension
from .version import __version__ as __version__
from .warnings import SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning
import distutils.core
from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError
__all__ = [
_CommandT = TypeVar("_CommandT", bound="_Command")
bootstrap_install_from = None
find_packages = PackageFinder.find
find_namespace_packages = PEP420PackageFinder.find
def _install_setup_requires(attrs):
# Note: do not use `setuptools.Distribution` directly, as
# our PEP 517 backend patch `distutils.core.Distribution`.
class MinimalDistribution(distutils.core.Distribution):
A minimal version of a distribution for supporting the
fetch_build_eggs interface.
def __init__(self, attrs: Mapping[str, object]) -> None:
_incl = 'dependency_links', 'setup_requires'
filtered = {k: attrs[k] for k in set(_incl) & set(attrs)}
# Prevent accidentally triggering discovery with incomplete set of attrs
def _get_project_config_files(self, filenames=None):
"""Ignore ``pyproject.toml``, they are not related to setup_requires"""
cfg, _toml = super()._split_standard_project_metadata(filenames)
except Exception:
return filenames, ()
return cfg, ()
def finalize_options(self):
Disable finalize_options to avoid building the working set.
Ref #2158.
dist = MinimalDistribution(attrs)
# Honor setup.cfg's options.
if dist.setup_requires:
def _fetch_build_eggs(dist: Distribution):
except Exception as ex:
msg = """
It is possible a package already installed in your system
contains an version that is invalid according to PEP 440.
You can try `pip install --use-pep517` as a workaround for this problem,
or rely on a new virtual environment.
If the problem refers to a package that is not installed yet,
please contact that package's maintainers or distributors.
if "InvalidVersion" in ex.__class__.__name__:
if hasattr(ex, "add_note"):
ex.add_note(msg) # PEP 678
def setup(**attrs):
# Make sure we have any requirements needed to interpret 'attrs'.
return distutils.core.setup(**attrs)
setup.__doc__ = distutils.core.setup.__doc__
# Work around a mypy issue where type[T] can't be used as a base:
from distutils.core import Command as _Command
_Command = monkey.get_unpatched(distutils.core.Command)
class Command(_Command):
Setuptools internal actions are organized using a *command design pattern*.
This means that each action (or group of closely related actions) executed during
the build should be implemented as a ``Command`` subclass.
These commands are abstractions and do not necessarily correspond to a command that
can (or should) be executed via a terminal, in a CLI fashion (although historically
they would).
When creating a new command from scratch, custom defined classes **SHOULD** inherit
from ``setuptools.Command`` and implement a few mandatory methods.
Between these mandatory methods, are listed:
:meth:`initialize_options`, :meth:`finalize_options` and :meth:`run`.
A useful analogy for command classes is to think of them as subroutines with local
variables called "options". The options are "declared" in :meth:`initialize_options`
and "defined" (given their final values, aka "finalized") in :meth:`finalize_options`,
both of which must be defined by every command class. The "body" of the subroutine,
(where it does all the work) is the :meth:`run` method.
Between :meth:`initialize_options` and :meth:`finalize_options`, ``setuptools`` may set
the values for options/attributes based on user's input (or circumstance),
which means that the implementation should be careful to not overwrite values in
:meth:`finalize_options` unless necessary.
Please note that other commands (or other parts of setuptools) may also overwrite
the values of the command's options/attributes multiple times during the build
Therefore it is important to consistently implement :meth:`initialize_options` and
:meth:`finalize_options`. For example, all derived attributes (or attributes that
depend on the value of other attributes) **SHOULD** be recomputed in
When overwriting existing commands, custom defined classes **MUST** abide by the
same APIs implemented by the original class. They also **SHOULD** inherit from the
original class.
command_consumes_arguments = False
distribution: Distribution # override distutils.dist.Distribution with setuptools.dist.Distribution
def __init__(self, dist: Distribution, **kw) -> None:
Construct the command for dist, updating
vars(self) with any keyword parameters.
def _ensure_stringlike(self, option, what, default=None):
val = getattr(self, option)
if val is None:
setattr(self, option, default)
return default
elif not isinstance(val, str):
raise DistutilsOptionError(
"'%s' must be a %s (got `%s`)" % (option, what, val)
return val
def ensure_string_list(self, option: str) -> None:
r"""Ensure that 'option' is a list of strings. If 'option' is
currently a string, we split it either on /,\s*/ or /\s+/, so
"foo bar baz", "foo,bar,baz", and "foo, bar baz" all become
["foo", "bar", "baz"].
TODO: This method seems to be similar to the one in ``distutils.cmd``
Probably it is just here for backward compatibility with old Python versions?
:meta private:
val = getattr(self, option)
if val is None:
elif isinstance(val, str):
setattr(self, option, re.split(r',\s*|\s+', val))
if isinstance(val, list):
ok = all(isinstance(v, str) for v in val)
ok = False
if not ok:
raise DistutilsOptionError(
"'%s' must be a list of strings (got %r)" % (option, val)
def reinitialize_command(
self, command: str, reinit_subcommands: bool = False, **kw
) -> _Command: ...
def reinitialize_command(
self, command: _CommandT, reinit_subcommands: bool = False, **kw
) -> _CommandT: ...
def reinitialize_command(
self, command: str | _Command, reinit_subcommands: bool = False, **kw
) -> _Command:
cmd = _Command.reinitialize_command(self, command, reinit_subcommands)
return cmd # pyright: ignore[reportReturnType] # pypa/distutils#307
def initialize_options(self) -> None:
Set or (reset) all options/attributes/caches used by the command
to their default values. Note that these values may be overwritten during
the build.
raise NotImplementedError
def finalize_options(self) -> None:
Set final values for all options/attributes used by the command.
Most of the time, each option/attribute/cache should only be set if it does not
have any value yet (e.g. ``if self.attr is None: self.attr = val``).
raise NotImplementedError
def run(self) -> None:
Execute the actions intended by the command.
(Side effects **SHOULD** only take place when :meth:`run` is executed,
for example, creating new files or writing to the terminal output).
raise NotImplementedError
def _find_all_simple(path):
Find all files under 'path'
results = (
os.path.join(base, file)
for base, dirs, files in os.walk(path, followlinks=True)
for file in files
return filter(os.path.isfile, results)
def findall(dir=os.curdir):
Find all files under 'dir' and return the list of full filenames.
Unless dir is '.', return full filenames with dir prepended.
files = _find_all_simple(dir)
if dir == os.curdir:
make_rel = functools.partial(os.path.relpath, start=dir)
files = map(make_rel, files)
return list(files)
class sic(str):
"""Treat this string as-is ("""
# Apply monkey patches