Your IP :
# Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Michael Trier ( and contributors
# This module is part of GitPython and is released under
# the BSD License:
"""Module for general utility functions"""
# flake8: noqa F401
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import warnings
from git.util import IterableList, IterableObj, Actor
import re
from collections import deque
from string import digits
import time
import calendar
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, tzinfo
# typing ------------------------------------------------------------
from typing import (
Sequence, # NOQA: F401
from git.types import Has_id_attribute, Literal, _T # NOQA: F401
from io import BytesIO, StringIO
from .commit import Commit
from .blob import Blob
from .tag import TagObject
from .tree import Tree, TraversedTreeTup
from subprocess import Popen
from .submodule.base import Submodule
from git.types import Protocol, runtime_checkable
# Protocol = Generic[_T] # Needed for typing bug #572?
Protocol = ABC
def runtime_checkable(f):
return f
class TraverseNT(NamedTuple):
depth: int
item: Union["Traversable", "Blob"]
src: Union["Traversable", None]
T_TIobj = TypeVar("T_TIobj", bound="TraversableIterableObj") # for TraversableIterableObj.traverse()
TraversedTup = Union[
Tuple[Union["Traversable", None], "Traversable"], # for commit, submodule
] # for tree.traverse()
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
__all__ = (
ZERO = timedelta(0)
# { Functions
def mode_str_to_int(modestr: Union[bytes, str]) -> int:
:param modestr: string like 755 or 644 or 100644 - only the last 6 chars will be used
String identifying a mode compatible to the mode methods ids of the
stat module regarding the rwx permissions for user, group and other,
special flags and file system flags, i.e. whether it is a symlink
for example."""
mode = 0
for iteration, char in enumerate(reversed(modestr[-6:])):
char = cast(Union[str, int], char)
mode += int(char) << iteration * 3
# END for each char
return mode
def get_object_type_by_name(
object_type_name: bytes,
) -> Union[Type["Commit"], Type["TagObject"], Type["Tree"], Type["Blob"]]:
:return: type suitable to handle the given object type name.
Use the type to create new instances.
:param object_type_name: Member of TYPES
:raise ValueError: In case object_type_name is unknown"""
if object_type_name == b"commit":
from . import commit
return commit.Commit
elif object_type_name == b"tag":
from . import tag
return tag.TagObject
elif object_type_name == b"blob":
from . import blob
return blob.Blob
elif object_type_name == b"tree":
from . import tree
return tree.Tree
raise ValueError("Cannot handle unknown object type: %s" % object_type_name.decode())
def utctz_to_altz(utctz: str) -> int:
"""Convert a git timezone offset into a timezone offset west of
UTC in seconds (compatible with time.altzone).
:param utctz: git utc timezone string, i.e. +0200
int_utctz = int(utctz)
seconds = ((abs(int_utctz) // 100) * 3600 + (abs(int_utctz) % 100) * 60)
return seconds if int_utctz < 0 else -seconds
def altz_to_utctz_str(altz: int) -> str:
"""Convert a timezone offset west of UTC in seconds into a git timezone offset string
:param altz: timezone offset in seconds west of UTC
hours = abs(altz) // 3600
minutes = (abs(altz) % 3600) // 60
sign = "-" if altz >= 60 else "+"
return "{}{:02}{:02}".format(sign, hours, minutes)
def verify_utctz(offset: str) -> str:
""":raise ValueError: if offset is incorrect
:return: offset"""
fmt_exc = ValueError("Invalid timezone offset format: %s" % offset)
if len(offset) != 5:
raise fmt_exc
if offset[0] not in "+-":
raise fmt_exc
if offset[1] not in digits or offset[2] not in digits or offset[3] not in digits or offset[4] not in digits:
raise fmt_exc
# END for each char
return offset
class tzoffset(tzinfo):
def __init__(self, secs_west_of_utc: float, name: Union[None, str] = None) -> None:
self._offset = timedelta(seconds=-secs_west_of_utc)
self._name = name or "fixed"
def __reduce__(self) -> Tuple[Type["tzoffset"], Tuple[float, str]]:
return tzoffset, (-self._offset.total_seconds(), self._name)
def utcoffset(self, dt: Union[datetime, None]) -> timedelta:
return self._offset
def tzname(self, dt: Union[datetime, None]) -> str:
return self._name
def dst(self, dt: Union[datetime, None]) -> timedelta:
return ZERO
utc = tzoffset(0, "UTC")
def from_timestamp(timestamp: float, tz_offset: float) -> datetime:
"""Converts a timestamp + tz_offset into an aware datetime instance."""
utc_dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, utc)
local_dt = utc_dt.astimezone(tzoffset(tz_offset))
return local_dt
except ValueError:
return utc_dt
def parse_date(string_date: Union[str, datetime]) -> Tuple[int, int]:
Parse the given date as one of the following
* aware datetime instance
* Git internal format: timestamp offset
* RFC 2822: Thu, 07 Apr 2005 22:13:13 +0200.
* ISO 8601 2005-04-07T22:13:13
The T can be a space as well
:return: Tuple(int(timestamp_UTC), int(offset)), both in seconds since epoch
:raise ValueError: If the format could not be understood
:note: Date can also be YYYY.MM.DD, MM/DD/YYYY and DD.MM.YYYY.
if isinstance(string_date, datetime):
if string_date.tzinfo:
utcoffset = cast(timedelta, string_date.utcoffset()) # typeguard, if tzinfoand is not None
offset = -int(utcoffset.total_seconds())
return int(string_date.astimezone(utc).timestamp()), offset
raise ValueError(f"string_date datetime object without tzinfo, {string_date}")
# git time
if string_date.count(" ") == 1 and string_date.rfind(":") == -1:
timestamp, offset_str = string_date.split()
if timestamp.startswith("@"):
timestamp = timestamp[1:]
timestamp_int = int(timestamp)
return timestamp_int, utctz_to_altz(verify_utctz(offset_str))
offset_str = "+0000" # local time by default
if string_date[-5] in "-+":
offset_str = verify_utctz(string_date[-5:])
string_date = string_date[:-6] # skip space as well
# END split timezone info
offset = utctz_to_altz(offset_str)
# now figure out the date and time portion - split time
date_formats = []
splitter = -1
if "," in string_date:
date_formats.append("%a, %d %b %Y")
splitter = string_date.rfind(" ")
# iso plus additional
splitter = string_date.rfind("T")
if splitter == -1:
splitter = string_date.rfind(" ")
# END handle 'T' and ' '
# END handle rfc or iso
assert splitter > -1
# split date and time
time_part = string_date[splitter + 1 :] # skip space
date_part = string_date[:splitter]
# parse time
tstruct = time.strptime(time_part, "%H:%M:%S")
for fmt in date_formats:
dtstruct = time.strptime(date_part, fmt)
utctime = calendar.timegm(
return int(utctime), offset
except ValueError:
# END exception handling
# END for each fmt
# still here ? fail
raise ValueError("no format matched")
# END handle format
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported date format or type: {string_date}, type={type(string_date)}") from e
# END handle exceptions
# precompiled regex
_re_actor_epoch = re.compile(r"^.+? (.*) (\d+) ([+-]\d+).*$")
_re_only_actor = re.compile(r"^.+? (.*)$")
def parse_actor_and_date(line: str) -> Tuple[Actor, int, int]:
"""Parse out the actor (author or committer) info from a line like::
author Tom Preston-Werner <> 1191999972 -0700
:return: [Actor, int_seconds_since_epoch, int_timezone_offset]"""
actor, epoch, offset = "", "0", "0"
m =
if m:
actor, epoch, offset = m.groups()
m =
actor = if m else line or ""
return (Actor._from_string(actor), int(epoch), utctz_to_altz(offset))
# } END functions
# { Classes
class ProcessStreamAdapter(object):
"""Class wireing all calls to the contained Process instance.
Use this type to hide the underlying process to provide access only to a specified
stream. The process is usually wrapped into an AutoInterrupt class to kill
it if the instance goes out of scope."""
__slots__ = ("_proc", "_stream")
def __init__(self, process: "Popen", stream_name: str) -> None:
self._proc = process
self._stream: StringIO = getattr(process, stream_name) # guessed type
def __getattr__(self, attr: str) -> Any:
return getattr(self._stream, attr)
class Traversable(Protocol):
"""Simple interface to perform depth-first or breadth-first traversals
into one direction.
Subclasses only need to implement one function.
Instances of the Subclass must be hashable
Defined subclasses = [Commit, Tree, SubModule]
__slots__ = ()
def _get_intermediate_items(cls, item: Any) -> Sequence["Traversable"]:
Tuple of items connected to the given item.
Must be implemented in subclass
class Commit:: (cls, Commit) -> Tuple[Commit, ...]
class Submodule:: (cls, Submodule) -> Iterablelist[Submodule]
class Tree:: (cls, Tree) -> Tuple[Tree, ...]
raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented in subclass")
def list_traverse(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
""" """
"list_traverse() method should only be called from subclasses."
"Calling from Traversable abstract class will raise NotImplementedError in 3.1.20"
"Builtin sublclasses are 'Submodule', 'Tree' and 'Commit",
return self._list_traverse(*args, **kwargs)
def _list_traverse(
self, as_edge: bool = False, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any
) -> IterableList[Union["Commit", "Submodule", "Tree", "Blob"]]:
:return: IterableList with the results of the traversal as produced by
Commit -> IterableList['Commit']
Submodule -> IterableList['Submodule']
Tree -> IterableList[Union['Submodule', 'Tree', 'Blob']]
# Commit and Submodule have id.__attribute__ as IterableObj
# Tree has id.__attribute__ inherited from IndexObject
if isinstance(self, Has_id_attribute):
id = self._id_attribute_
id = "" # shouldn't reach here, unless Traversable subclass created with no _id_attribute_
# could add _id_attribute_ to Traversable, or make all Traversable also Iterable?
if not as_edge:
out: IterableList[Union["Commit", "Submodule", "Tree", "Blob"]] = IterableList(id)
out.extend(self.traverse(as_edge=as_edge, *args, **kwargs))
return out
# overloads in subclasses (mypy doesn't allow typing self: subclass)
# Union[IterableList['Commit'], IterableList['Submodule'], IterableList[Union['Submodule', 'Tree', 'Blob']]]
# Raise deprecationwarning, doesn't make sense to use this
out_list: IterableList = IterableList(self.traverse(*args, **kwargs))
return out_list
def traverse(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
""" """
"traverse() method should only be called from subclasses."
"Calling from Traversable abstract class will raise NotImplementedError in 3.1.20"
"Builtin sublclasses are 'Submodule', 'Tree' and 'Commit",
return self._traverse(*args, **kwargs)
def _traverse(
predicate: Callable[[Union["Traversable", "Blob", TraversedTup], int], bool] = lambda i, d: True,
prune: Callable[[Union["Traversable", "Blob", TraversedTup], int], bool] = lambda i, d: False,
depth: int = -1,
branch_first: bool = True,
visit_once: bool = True,
ignore_self: int = 1,
as_edge: bool = False,
) -> Union[Iterator[Union["Traversable", "Blob"]], Iterator[TraversedTup]]:
""":return: iterator yielding of items found when traversing self
:param predicate: f(i,d) returns False if item i at depth d should not be included in the result
:param prune:
f(i,d) return True if the search should stop at item i at depth d.
Item i will not be returned.
:param depth:
define at which level the iteration should not go deeper
if -1, there is no limit
if 0, you would effectively only get self, the root of the iteration
i.e. if 1, you would only get the first level of predecessors/successors
:param branch_first:
if True, items will be returned branch first, otherwise depth first
:param visit_once:
if True, items will only be returned once, although they might be encountered
several times. Loops are prevented that way.
:param ignore_self:
if True, self will be ignored and automatically pruned from
the result. Otherwise it will be the first item to be returned.
If as_edge is True, the source of the first edge is None
:param as_edge:
if True, return a pair of items, first being the source, second the
destination, i.e. tuple(src, dest) with the edge spanning from
source to destination"""
Commit -> Iterator[Union[Commit, Tuple[Commit, Commit]]
Submodule -> Iterator[Submodule, Tuple[Submodule, Submodule]]
Tree -> Iterator[Union[Blob, Tree, Submodule,
Tuple[Union[Submodule, Tree], Union[Blob, Tree, Submodule]]]
ignore_self=True is_edge=True -> Iterator[item]
ignore_self=True is_edge=False --> Iterator[item]
ignore_self=False is_edge=True -> Iterator[item] | Iterator[Tuple[src, item]]
ignore_self=False is_edge=False -> Iterator[Tuple[src, item]]"""
visited = set()
stack: Deque[TraverseNT] = deque()
stack.append(TraverseNT(0, self, None)) # self is always depth level 0
def addToStack(
stack: Deque[TraverseNT],
src_item: "Traversable",
branch_first: bool,
depth: int,
) -> None:
lst = self._get_intermediate_items(item)
if not lst: # empty list
return None
if branch_first:
stack.extendleft(TraverseNT(depth, i, src_item) for i in lst)
reviter = (TraverseNT(depth, lst[i], src_item) for i in range(len(lst) - 1, -1, -1))
# END addToStack local method
while stack:
d, item, src = stack.pop() # depth of item, item, item_source
if visit_once and item in visited:
if visit_once:
rval: Union[TraversedTup, "Traversable", "Blob"]
if as_edge: # if as_edge return (src, item) unless rrc is None (e.g. for first item)
rval = (src, item)
rval = item
if prune(rval, d):
skipStartItem = ignore_self and (item is self)
if not skipStartItem and predicate(rval, d):
yield rval
# only continue to next level if this is appropriate !
nd = d + 1
if depth > -1 and nd > depth:
addToStack(stack, item, branch_first, nd)
# END for each item on work stack
class Serializable(Protocol):
"""Defines methods to serialize and deserialize objects from and into a data stream"""
__slots__ = ()
# @abstractmethod
def _serialize(self, stream: "BytesIO") -> "Serializable":
"""Serialize the data of this object into the given data stream
:note: a serialized object would ``_deserialize`` into the same object
:param stream: a file-like object
:return: self"""
raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented in subclass")
# @abstractmethod
def _deserialize(self, stream: "BytesIO") -> "Serializable":
"""Deserialize all information regarding this object from the stream
:param stream: a file-like object
:return: self"""
raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented in subclass")
class TraversableIterableObj(IterableObj, Traversable):
__slots__ = ()
TIobj_tuple = Tuple[Union[T_TIobj, None], T_TIobj]
def list_traverse(self: T_TIobj, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> IterableList[T_TIobj]:
return super(TraversableIterableObj, self)._list_traverse(*args, **kwargs)
@overload # type: ignore
def traverse(self: T_TIobj) -> Iterator[T_TIobj]:
def traverse(
self: T_TIobj,
predicate: Callable[[Union[T_TIobj, Tuple[Union[T_TIobj, None], T_TIobj]], int], bool],
prune: Callable[[Union[T_TIobj, Tuple[Union[T_TIobj, None], T_TIobj]], int], bool],
depth: int,
branch_first: bool,
visit_once: bool,
ignore_self: Literal[True],
as_edge: Literal[False],
) -> Iterator[T_TIobj]:
def traverse(
self: T_TIobj,
predicate: Callable[[Union[T_TIobj, Tuple[Union[T_TIobj, None], T_TIobj]], int], bool],
prune: Callable[[Union[T_TIobj, Tuple[Union[T_TIobj, None], T_TIobj]], int], bool],
depth: int,
branch_first: bool,
visit_once: bool,
ignore_self: Literal[False],
as_edge: Literal[True],
) -> Iterator[Tuple[Union[T_TIobj, None], T_TIobj]]:
def traverse(
self: T_TIobj,
predicate: Callable[[Union[T_TIobj, TIobj_tuple], int], bool],
prune: Callable[[Union[T_TIobj, TIobj_tuple], int], bool],
depth: int,
branch_first: bool,
visit_once: bool,
ignore_self: Literal[True],
as_edge: Literal[True],
) -> Iterator[Tuple[T_TIobj, T_TIobj]]:
def traverse(
self: T_TIobj,
predicate: Callable[[Union[T_TIobj, TIobj_tuple], int], bool] = lambda i, d: True,
prune: Callable[[Union[T_TIobj, TIobj_tuple], int], bool] = lambda i, d: False,
depth: int = -1,
branch_first: bool = True,
visit_once: bool = True,
ignore_self: int = 1,
as_edge: bool = False,
) -> Union[Iterator[T_TIobj], Iterator[Tuple[T_TIobj, T_TIobj]], Iterator[TIobj_tuple]]:
"""For documentation, see util.Traversable._traverse()"""
# To typecheck instead of using cast.
import itertools
from git.types import TypeGuard
def is_commit_traversed(inp: Tuple) -> TypeGuard[Tuple[Iterator[Tuple['Commit', 'Commit']]]]:
for x in inp[1]:
if not isinstance(x, tuple) and len(x) != 2:
if all(isinstance(inner, Commit) for inner in x):
return True
ret = super(Commit, self).traverse(predicate, prune, depth, branch_first, visit_once, ignore_self, as_edge)
ret_tup = itertools.tee(ret, 2)
assert is_commit_traversed(ret_tup), f"{[type(x) for x in list(ret_tup[0])]}"
return ret_tup[0]
return cast(
Union[Iterator[T_TIobj], Iterator[Tuple[Union[None, T_TIobj], T_TIobj]]],
super(TraversableIterableObj, self)._traverse(
predicate, prune, depth, branch_first, visit_once, ignore_self, as_edge # type: ignore