Your IP :
"""Option handling and Option management logic."""
import argparse
import enum
import functools
import logging
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Mapping
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Type
from typing import Union
from flake8 import utils
from flake8.plugins.finder import Plugins
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# represent a singleton of "not passed arguments".
# an enum is chosen to trick mypy
_ARG = enum.Enum("_ARG", "NO")
_optparse_callable_map: Dict[str, Union[Type[Any], _ARG]] = {
"int": int,
"long": int,
"string": str,
"float": float,
"complex": complex,
"choice": _ARG.NO,
# optparse allows this but does not document it
"str": str,
class _CallbackAction(argparse.Action):
"""Shim for optparse-style callback actions."""
def __init__(
*args: Any,
callback: Callable[..., Any],
callback_args: Sequence[Any] = (),
callback_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
self._callback = callback
self._callback_args = callback_args
self._callback_kwargs = callback_kwargs or {}
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __call__(
parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
namespace: argparse.Namespace,
values: Optional[Union[Sequence[str], str]],
option_string: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
if not values:
values = None
elif isinstance(values, list) and len(values) > 1:
values = tuple(values)
def _flake8_normalize(
value: str,
*args: str,
comma_separated_list: bool = False,
normalize_paths: bool = False,
) -> Union[str, List[str]]:
ret: Union[str, List[str]] = value
if comma_separated_list and isinstance(ret, str):
ret = utils.parse_comma_separated_list(value)
if normalize_paths:
if isinstance(ret, str):
ret = utils.normalize_path(ret, *args)
ret = utils.normalize_paths(ret, *args)
return ret
class Option:
"""Our wrapper around an argparse argument parsers to add features."""
def __init__(
short_option_name: Union[str, _ARG] = _ARG.NO,
long_option_name: Union[str, _ARG] = _ARG.NO,
# Options below here are taken from the optparse.Option class
action: Union[str, Type[argparse.Action], _ARG] = _ARG.NO,
default: Union[Any, _ARG] = _ARG.NO,
type: Union[str, Callable[..., Any], _ARG] = _ARG.NO,
dest: Union[str, _ARG] = _ARG.NO,
nargs: Union[int, str, _ARG] = _ARG.NO,
const: Union[Any, _ARG] = _ARG.NO,
choices: Union[Sequence[Any], _ARG] = _ARG.NO,
help: Union[str, _ARG] = _ARG.NO,
metavar: Union[str, _ARG] = _ARG.NO,
# deprecated optparse-only options
callback: Union[Callable[..., Any], _ARG] = _ARG.NO,
callback_args: Union[Sequence[Any], _ARG] = _ARG.NO,
callback_kwargs: Union[Mapping[str, Any], _ARG] = _ARG.NO,
# Options below are taken from argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument
required: Union[bool, _ARG] = _ARG.NO,
# Options below here are specific to Flake8
parse_from_config: bool = False,
comma_separated_list: bool = False,
normalize_paths: bool = False,
) -> None:
"""Initialize an Option instance.
The following are all passed directly through to argparse.
:param short_option_name:
The short name of the option (e.g., ``-x``). This will be the
first argument passed to ``ArgumentParser.add_argument``
:param long_option_name:
The long name of the option (e.g., ``--xtra-long-option``). This
will be the second argument passed to
:param default:
Default value of the option.
:param dest:
Attribute name to store parsed option value as.
:param nargs:
Number of arguments to parse for this option.
:param const:
Constant value to store on a common destination. Usually used in
conjunction with ``action="store_const"``.
:param choices:
Possible values for the option.
:param help:
Help text displayed in the usage information.
:param metavar:
Name to use instead of the long option name for help text.
:param required:
Whether this option is required or not.
The following options may be passed directly through to :mod:`argparse`
but may need some massaging.
:param type:
A callable to normalize the type (as is the case in
:mod:`argparse`). Deprecated: you can also pass through type
strings such as ``'int'`` which are handled by :mod:`optparse`.
:param action:
Any action allowed by :mod:`argparse`. Deprecated: this also
understands the ``action='callback'`` action from :mod:`optparse`.
:param callback:
Callback used if the action is ``"callback"``. Deprecated: please
use ``action=`` instead.
:param callback_args:
Additional positional arguments to the callback callable.
Deprecated: please use ``action=`` instead (probably with
:param callback_kwargs:
Keyword arguments to the callback callable. Deprecated: please
use ``action=`` instead (probably with ``functools.partial``).
The following parameters are for Flake8's option handling alone.
:param parse_from_config:
Whether or not this option should be parsed out of config files.
:param comma_separated_list:
Whether the option is a comma separated list when parsing from a
config file.
:param normalize_paths:
Whether the option is expecting a path or list of paths and should
attempt to normalize the paths to absolute paths.
if (
long_option_name is _ARG.NO
and short_option_name is not _ARG.NO
and short_option_name.startswith("--")
short_option_name, long_option_name = _ARG.NO, short_option_name
# optparse -> argparse `%default` => `%(default)s`
if help is not _ARG.NO and "%default" in help:
"option %s: please update `help=` text to use %%(default)s "
"instead of %%default -- this will be an error in the future",
help = help.replace("%default", "%(default)s")
# optparse -> argparse for `callback`
if action == "callback":
"option %s: please update from optparse `action='callback'` "
"to argparse action classes -- this will be an error in the "
action = _CallbackAction
if type is _ARG.NO:
nargs = 0
# optparse -> argparse for `type`
if isinstance(type, str):
"option %s: please update from optparse string `type=` to "
"argparse callable `type=` -- this will be an error in the "
type = _optparse_callable_map[type]
# flake8 special type normalization
if comma_separated_list or normalize_paths:
type = functools.partial(
self.short_option_name = short_option_name
self.long_option_name = long_option_name
self.option_args = [
for x in (short_option_name, long_option_name)
if x is not _ARG.NO
self.action = action
self.default = default
self.type = type
self.dest = dest
self.nargs = nargs
self.const = const
self.choices = choices
self.callback = callback
self.callback_args = callback_args
self.callback_kwargs = callback_kwargs = help
self.metavar = metavar
self.required = required
self.option_kwargs: Dict[str, Union[Any, _ARG]] = {
"action": self.action,
"default": self.default,
"type": self.type,
"dest": self.dest,
"nargs": self.nargs,
"const": self.const,
"choices": self.choices,
"callback": self.callback,
"callback_args": self.callback_args,
"callback_kwargs": self.callback_kwargs,
"metavar": self.metavar,
"required": self.required,
# Set our custom attributes
self.parse_from_config = parse_from_config
self.comma_separated_list = comma_separated_list
self.normalize_paths = normalize_paths
self.config_name: Optional[str] = None
if parse_from_config:
if long_option_name is _ARG.NO:
raise ValueError(
"When specifying parse_from_config=True, "
"a long_option_name must also be specified."
self.config_name = long_option_name[2:].replace("-", "_")
self._opt = None
def filtered_option_kwargs(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Return any actually-specified arguments."""
return {
k: v for k, v in self.option_kwargs.items() if v is not _ARG.NO
def __repr__(self) -> str: # noqa: D105
parts = []
for arg in self.option_args:
for k, v in self.filtered_option_kwargs.items():
return f"Option({', '.join(parts)})"
def normalize(self, value: Any, *normalize_args: str) -> Any:
"""Normalize the value based on the option configuration."""
if self.comma_separated_list and isinstance(value, str):
value = utils.parse_comma_separated_list(value)
if self.normalize_paths:
if isinstance(value, list):
value = utils.normalize_paths(value, *normalize_args)
value = utils.normalize_path(value, *normalize_args)
return value
def to_argparse(self) -> Tuple[List[str], Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Convert a Flake8 Option to argparse ``add_argument`` arguments."""
return self.option_args, self.filtered_option_kwargs
class OptionManager:
"""Manage Options and OptionParser while adding post-processing."""
def __init__(
version: str,
plugin_versions: str,
parents: List[argparse.ArgumentParser],
) -> None:
"""Initialize an instance of an OptionManager.
:param prog:
Name of the actual program (e.g., flake8).
:param version:
Version string for the program.
:param usage:
Basic usage string used by the OptionParser.
:param parents:
A list of ArgumentParser objects whose arguments should also be
self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
usage="%(prog)s [options] file file ...",
epilog=f"Installed plugins: {plugin_versions}",
f"{version} ({plugin_versions}) "
self.parser.add_argument("filenames", nargs="*", metavar="filename")
self.config_options_dict: Dict[str, Option] = {}
self.options: List[Option] = []
self.extended_default_ignore: List[str] = []
self.extended_default_select: List[str] = []
self._current_group: Optional[argparse._ArgumentGroup] = None
# TODO: maybe make this a free function to reduce api surface area
def register_plugins(self, plugins: Plugins) -> None:
"""Register the plugin options (if needed)."""
groups: Dict[str, argparse._ArgumentGroup] = {}
def _set_group(name: str) -> None:
self._current_group = groups[name]
except KeyError:
group = self.parser.add_argument_group(name)
self._current_group = groups[name] = group
for loaded in plugins.all_plugins():
add_options = getattr(loaded.obj, "add_options", None)
if add_options:
if == "flake8.extension":
# isn't strictly necessary, but seems cleaner
self._current_group = None
def add_option(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Create and register a new option.
See parameters for :class:`~flake8.options.manager.Option` for
acceptable arguments to this method.
.. note::
``short_option_name`` and ``long_option_name`` may be specified
positionally as they are with argparse normally.
option = Option(*args, **kwargs)
option_args, option_kwargs = option.to_argparse()
if self._current_group is not None:
self._current_group.add_argument(*option_args, **option_kwargs)
self.parser.add_argument(*option_args, **option_kwargs)
if option.parse_from_config:
name = option.config_name
assert name is not None
self.config_options_dict[name] = option
self.config_options_dict[name.replace("_", "-")] = option
LOG.debug('Registered option "%s".', option)
def extend_default_ignore(self, error_codes: Sequence[str]) -> None:
"""Extend the default ignore list with the error codes provided.
:param error_codes:
List of strings that are the error/warning codes with which to
extend the default ignore list.
LOG.debug("Extending default ignore list with %r", error_codes)
def extend_default_select(self, error_codes: Sequence[str]) -> None:
"""Extend the default select list with the error codes provided.
:param error_codes:
List of strings that are the error/warning codes with which
to extend the default select list.
LOG.debug("Extending default select list with %r", error_codes)
def parse_args(
args: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
values: Optional[argparse.Namespace] = None,
) -> argparse.Namespace:
"""Proxy to calling the OptionParser's parse_args method."""
if values:
return self.parser.parse_args(args)