Your IP :
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import pytest
from _pytest import nodes
from _pytest.config import Config
from _pytest.config.argparsing import Parser
from _pytest.main import Session
from _pytest.reports import TestReport
from _pytest.cacheprovider import Cache
STEPWISE_CACHE_DIR = "cache/stepwise"
def pytest_addoption(parser: Parser) -> None:
group = parser.getgroup("general")
help="Exit on test failure and continue from last failing test next time",
help="Ignore the first failing test but stop on the next failing test. "
"Implicitly enables --stepwise.",
def pytest_configure(config: Config) -> None:
if config.option.stepwise_skip:
# allow --stepwise-skip to work on it's own merits.
config.option.stepwise = True
if config.getoption("stepwise"):
config.pluginmanager.register(StepwisePlugin(config), "stepwiseplugin")
def pytest_sessionfinish(session: Session) -> None:
if not session.config.getoption("stepwise"):
assert session.config.cache is not None
if hasattr(session.config, "workerinput"):
# Do not update cache if this process is a xdist worker to prevent
# race conditions (#10641).
# Clear the list of failing tests if the plugin is not active.
session.config.cache.set(STEPWISE_CACHE_DIR, [])
class StepwisePlugin:
def __init__(self, config: Config) -> None:
self.config = config
self.session: Optional[Session] = None
self.report_status = ""
assert config.cache is not None
self.cache: Cache = config.cache
self.lastfailed: Optional[str] = self.cache.get(STEPWISE_CACHE_DIR, None)
self.skip: bool = config.getoption("stepwise_skip")
def pytest_sessionstart(self, session: Session) -> None:
self.session = session
def pytest_collection_modifyitems(
self, config: Config, items: List[nodes.Item]
) -> None:
if not self.lastfailed:
self.report_status = "no previously failed tests, not skipping."
# check all item nodes until we find a match on last failed
failed_index = None
for index, item in enumerate(items):
if item.nodeid == self.lastfailed:
failed_index = index
# If the previously failed test was not found among the test items,
# do not skip any tests.
if failed_index is None:
self.report_status = "previously failed test not found, not skipping."
self.report_status = f"skipping {failed_index} already passed items."
deselected = items[:failed_index]
del items[:failed_index]
def pytest_runtest_logreport(self, report: TestReport) -> None:
if report.failed:
if self.skip:
# Remove test from the failed ones (if it exists) and unset the skip option
# to make sure the following tests will not be skipped.
if report.nodeid == self.lastfailed:
self.lastfailed = None
self.skip = False
# Mark test as the last failing and interrupt the test session.
self.lastfailed = report.nodeid
assert self.session is not None
self.session.shouldstop = (
"Test failed, continuing from this test next run."
# If the test was actually run and did pass.
if report.when == "call":
# Remove test from the failed ones, if exists.
if report.nodeid == self.lastfailed:
self.lastfailed = None
def pytest_report_collectionfinish(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self.config.getoption("verbose") >= 0 and self.report_status:
return f"stepwise: {self.report_status}"
return None
def pytest_sessionfinish(self) -> None:
if hasattr(self.config, "workerinput"):
# Do not update cache if this process is a xdist worker to prevent
# race conditions (#10641).
self.cache.set(STEPWISE_CACHE_DIR, self.lastfailed)