Your IP :
#ifndef RBIMPL_INTERN_ENUMERATOR_H /*-*-C++-*-vi:se ft=cpp:*/
* @file
* @author Ruby developers <>
* @copyright This file is a part of the programming language Ruby.
* Permission is hereby granted, to either redistribute and/or
* modify this file, provided that the conditions mentioned in the
* file COPYING are met. Consult the file for details.
* @warning Symbols prefixed with either `RBIMPL` or `rbimpl` are
* implementation details. Don't take them as canon. They could
* rapidly appear then vanish. The name (path) of this header file
* is also an implementation detail. Do not expect it to persist
* at the place it is now. Developers are free to move it anywhere
* anytime at will.
* @note To ruby-core: remember that this header can be possibly
* recursively included from extension libraries written in C++.
* Do not expect for instance `__VA_ARGS__` is always available.
* We assume C99 for ruby itself but we don't assume languages of
* extension libraries. They could be written in C++98.
* @brief Public APIs related to ::rb_cEnumerator.
#include "ruby/internal/attr/nonnull.h"
#include "ruby/internal/dllexport.h"
#include "ruby/internal/intern/eval.h" /* rb_frame_this_func */
#include "ruby/internal/iterator.h" /* rb_block_given_p */
#include "ruby/internal/symbol.h"
#include "ruby/internal/value.h"
* This is the type of functions that rb_enumeratorize_with_size() expects. In
* theory an enumerator can have indefinite number of elements, but in practice
* it often is the case we can compute the size of an enumerator beforehand.
* If your enumerator has such property, supply a function that calculates such
* values.
* @param[in] recv The original receiver of the enumerator.
* @param[in] argv Arguments passed to `Object#enum_for` etc.
* @param[in] eobj The enumerator object.
* @return The size of `eobj`, in ::rb_cNumeric, or ::RUBY_Qnil if the size
* is not known until we actually iterate.
typedef VALUE rb_enumerator_size_func(VALUE recv, VALUE argv, VALUE eobj);
* Decomposed `Enumerator::ArithmeicSequence`. This is a subclass of
* ::rb_cEnumerator, which represents a sequence of numbers with common
* difference. Internal data structure of the class is opaque to users, but
* you can obtain a decomposed one using rb_arithmetic_sequence_extract().
typedef struct {
VALUE begin; /**< "Left" or "lowest" endpoint of the sequence. */
VALUE end; /**< "Right" or "highest" endpoint of the sequence.*/
VALUE step; /**< Step between a sequence. */
int exclude_end; /**< Whether the endpoint is open or closed. */
} rb_arithmetic_sequence_components_t;
/* enumerator.c */
* Constructs an enumerator. This roughly resembles `Object#enum_for`.
* @param[in] recv A receiver of `meth`.
* @param[in] meth Method ID in a symbol object.
* @param[in] argc Number of objects of `argv`.
* @param[in] argv Arguments passed to `meth`.
* @exception rb_eTypeError `meth` is not an instance of ::rb_cSymbol.
* @return A new instance of ::rb_cEnumerator which, when yielded,
* enumerates by calling `meth` on `recv` with `argv`.
VALUE rb_enumeratorize(VALUE recv, VALUE meth, int argc, const VALUE *argv);
* Identical to rb_enumeratorize(), except you can additionally specify the
* size function of return value.
* @param[in] recv A receiver of `meth`.
* @param[in] meth Method ID in a symbol object.
* @param[in] argc Number of objects of `argv`.
* @param[in] argv Arguments passed to `meth`.
* @param[in] func Size calculator.
* @exception rb_eTypeError `meth` is not an instance of ::rb_cSymbol.
* @return A new instance of ::rb_cEnumerator which, when yielded,
* enumerates by calling `meth` on `recv` with `argv`.
* @note `func` can be zero, which means the size is unknown.
VALUE rb_enumeratorize_with_size(VALUE recv, VALUE meth, int argc, const VALUE *argv, rb_enumerator_size_func *func);
* Identical to rb_enumeratorize_with_func(), except you can specify how to
* handle the last element of the given array.
* @param[in] recv A receiver of `meth`.
* @param[in] meth Method ID in a symbol object.
* @param[in] argc Number of objects of `argv`.
* @param[in] argv Arguments passed to `meth`.
* @param[in] func Size calculator.
* @param[in] kw_splat Handling of keyword parameters:
* - RB_NO_KEYWORDS `argv`'s last is not a keyword argument.
* - RB_PASS_KEYWORDS `argv`'s last is a keyword argument.
* - RB_PASS_CALLED_KEYWORDS it depends if there is a passed block.
* @exception rb_eTypeError `meth` is not an instance of ::rb_cSymbol.
* @return A new instance of ::rb_cEnumerator which, when yielded,
* enumerates by calling `meth` on `recv` with `argv`.
* @note `func` can be zero, which means the size is unknown.
VALUE rb_enumeratorize_with_size_kw(VALUE recv, VALUE meth, int argc, const VALUE *argv, rb_enumerator_size_func *func, int kw_splat);
* Extracts components of the passed arithmetic sequence. This can be seen as
* an extended version of rb_range_values().
* @param[in] as Target instance of `Enumerator::ArithmericSequence`.
* @param[out] buf Decomposed results buffer.
* @return 0 `as` is not `Enumerator::ArithmericSequence`.
* @return 1 Success.
* @post `buf` is filled.
int rb_arithmetic_sequence_extract(VALUE as, rb_arithmetic_sequence_components_t *buf);
* Identical to rb_range_beg_len(), except it takes an instance of
* `Enumerator::ArithmericSequence`.
* @param[in] as An `Enumerator::ArithmericSequence` instance.
* @param[out] begp Return value buffer.
* @param[out] lenp Return value buffer.
* @param[out] stepp Return value buffer.
* @param[in] len Updated length.
* @param[in] err In case `len` is out of range...
* - `0`: returns ::RUBY_Qnil.
* - `1`: raises ::rb_eRangeError.
* - `2`: `beg` and `len` expanded accordingly.
* @exception rb_eRangeError `as` cannot fit into `long`.
* @retval RUBY_Qfalse `as` is not `Enumerator::ArithmericSequence`.
* @retval RUBY_Qnil `len` is out of `as` but `err` is zero.
* @retval RUBY_Qtrue Otherwise.
* @post `beg` is the (possibly updated) left endpoint.
* @post `len` is the (possibly updated) length of the range.
* @internal
* Currently no 3rd party applications of this function is found. But that can
* be because this function is relatively new.
VALUE rb_arithmetic_sequence_beg_len_step(VALUE as, long *begp, long *lenp, long *stepp, long len, int err);
/** @cond INTERNAL_MACRO */
# define rb_enumeratorize_with_size(obj, id, argc, argv, size_fn) \
rb_enumeratorize_with_size(obj, id, argc, argv, (rb_enumerator_size_func *)(size_fn))
# define rb_enumeratorize_with_size_kw(obj, id, argc, argv, size_fn, kw_splat) \
rb_enumeratorize_with_size_kw(obj, id, argc, argv, (rb_enumerator_size_func *)(size_fn), kw_splat)
/** @endcond */
* This is an implementation detail of #RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR(). You could
* use it directly, but can hardly be handy.
* @param[in] obj A receiver.
* @param[in] argc Number of objects of `argv`.
* @param[in] argv Arguments passed to the current method.
* @param[in] size_fn Size calculator.
* @return A new instance of ::rb_cEnumerator which, when yielded,
* enumerates by calling the current method on `recv` with `argv`.
#define SIZED_ENUMERATOR(obj, argc, argv, size_fn) \
rb_enumeratorize_with_size((obj), ID2SYM(rb_frame_this_func()), \
(argc), (argv), (size_fn))
* This is an implementation detail of #RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR_KW(). You
* could use it directly, but can hardly be handy.
* @param[in] obj A receiver.
* @param[in] argc Number of objects of `argv`.
* @param[in] argv Arguments passed to the current method.
* @param[in] size_fn Size calculator.
* @param[in] kw_splat Handling of keyword parameters:
* - RB_NO_KEYWORDS `argv`'s last is not a keyword argument.
* - RB_PASS_KEYWORDS `argv`'s last is a keyword argument.
* - RB_PASS_CALLED_KEYWORDS it depends if there is a passed block.
* @return A new instance of ::rb_cEnumerator which, when yielded,
* enumerates by calling the current method on `recv` with `argv`.
#define SIZED_ENUMERATOR_KW(obj, argc, argv, size_fn, kw_splat) \
rb_enumeratorize_with_size_kw((obj), ID2SYM(rb_frame_this_func()), \
(argc), (argv), (size_fn), (kw_splat))
* This roughly resembles `return enum_for(__callee__) unless block_given?`.
* @param[in] obj A receiver.
* @param[in] argc Number of objects of `argv`.
* @param[in] argv Arguments passed to the current method.
* @param[in] size_fn Size calculator.
* @note This macro may return inside.
#define RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR(obj, argc, argv, size_fn) do { \
if (!rb_block_given_p()) \
return SIZED_ENUMERATOR(obj, argc, argv, size_fn); \
} while (0)
* Identical to #RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR(), except you can specify how to
* handle the last element of the given array.
* @param[in] obj A receiver.
* @param[in] argc Number of objects of `argv`.
* @param[in] argv Arguments passed to the current method.
* @param[in] size_fn Size calculator.
* @param[in] kw_splat Handling of keyword parameters:
* - RB_NO_KEYWORDS `argv`'s last is not a keyword argument.
* - RB_PASS_KEYWORDS `argv`'s last is a keyword argument.
* - RB_PASS_CALLED_KEYWORDS it depends if there is a passed block.
* @note This macro may return inside.
#define RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR_KW(obj, argc, argv, size_fn, kw_splat) do { \
if (!rb_block_given_p()) \
return SIZED_ENUMERATOR_KW(obj, argc, argv, size_fn, kw_splat); \
} while (0)
* Identical to #RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR(), except its size is unknown.
* @param[in] obj A receiver.
* @param[in] argc Number of objects of `argv`.
* @param[in] argv Arguments passed to the current method.
* @note This macro may return inside.
#define RETURN_ENUMERATOR(obj, argc, argv) \
RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR(obj, argc, argv, 0)
* Identical to #RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR_KW(), except its size is unknown. It
* can also be seen as a routine identical to #RETURN_ENUMERATOR(), except you
* can specify how to handle the last element of the given array.
* @param[in] obj A receiver.
* @param[in] argc Number of objects of `argv`.
* @param[in] argv Arguments passed to the current method.
* @param[in] kw_splat Handling of keyword parameters:
* - RB_NO_KEYWORDS `argv`'s last is not a keyword argument.
* - RB_PASS_KEYWORDS `argv`'s last is a keyword argument.
* - RB_PASS_CALLED_KEYWORDS it depends if there is a passed block.
* @note This macro may return inside.
#define RETURN_ENUMERATOR_KW(obj, argc, argv, kw_splat) \
RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR_KW(obj, argc, argv, 0, kw_splat)