Your IP :
i�f�� � @ s� d dl Z d dlmZmZ ddddddd gZd
d� Zdd
� Zdd� Zdd� Ze � Z
G dd� d�ZG dd� de�Z
dZG dd� de�ZG dd� ded�ZG dd� dee�Zdd� ZG dd� de�ZG dd� dee�Zdd� Zdd � Zd d!� Zd"d#� ZdS )$� N)�MappingProxyType�DynamicClassAttribute�EnumMeta�Enum�IntEnum�Flag�IntFlag�auto�uniquec C s t | d�pt | d�pt | d�S )z?
Returns True if obj is a descriptor, False otherwise.
__delete__)�hasattr)�obj� r �)/opt/alt/python38/lib64/python3.8/�_is_descriptor s
��r c C sL t | �dkoJ| dd� | dd� ko.dkn oJ| d dkoJ| d dkS )z=
Returns True if a __dunder__ name, False otherwise.
� N� ����__�_�����len��namer r r �
_is_dunder s &�
�r c C sL t | �dkoJ| d | d ko&dkn oJ| dd� dkoJ| dd� dkS )z;
Returns True if a _sunder_ name, False otherwise.
r r ���r � r r r r r r �
_is_sunder! s ���r c C s dd� }|| _ d| _dS )z,
Make the given class un-picklable.
c S s t d| ��d S )Nz%r cannot be pickled)� TypeError��self�protor r r �_break_on_call_reduce0 s z6_make_class_unpicklable.<locals>._break_on_call_reducez <unknown>N)�
__module__)�clsr% r r r �_make_class_unpicklable, s r) c @ s e Zd ZdZeZdS )r zP
Instances are replaced with an appropriate value in Enum class suites.