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Note when comparing these calendars to the ones printed by cal(1): By
default, these calendars have Monday as the first day of the week, and
Sunday as the last (the European convention). Use setfirstweekday() to
set the first day of the week (0=Monday, 6=Sunday).� N)�IntEnum�global_enum)�repeat)-�IllegalMonthError�IllegalWeekdayError�setfirstweekday�firstweekday�isleap�leapdays�weekday�
weekheader�Day�Month�JANUARY�FEBRUARY�MARCH�APRIL�MAY�JUNE�JULY�AUGUST� SEPTEMBER�OCTOBER�NOVEMBER�DECEMBER�MONDAY�TUESDAY� WEDNESDAY�THURSDAY�FRIDAY�SATURDAY�SUNDAYc � � e Zd Zd� Zd� Zy)r c � � || _ y �N�r )�selfr s �//opt/alt/python312/lib64/python3.12/�__init__zIllegalMonthError.__init__"