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dS )aA Utilities to compile possibly incomplete Python source code.
This module provides two interfaces, broadly similar to the builtin
function compile(), which take program text, a filename and a 'mode'
- Return code object if the command is complete and valid
- Return None if the command is incomplete
- Raise SyntaxError, ValueError or OverflowError if the command is a
syntax error (OverflowError and ValueError can be produced by
malformed literals).
The two interfaces are:
compile_command(source, filename, symbol):
Compiles a single command in the manner described above.
Instances of this class have __call__ methods identical in
signature to compile_command; the difference is that if the
instance compiles program text containing a __future__ statement,
the instance 'remembers' and compiles all subsequent program texts
with the statement in force.
The module also provides another class:
Instances of this class act like the built-in function compile,
but with 'memory' in the sense described above.
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