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dd� Zedkr�dd� Ze� dS )a& This modules handles dialog boxes.
It contains the following public symbols:
SimpleDialog -- A simple but flexible modal dialog box
Dialog -- a base class for dialogs
askinteger -- get an integer from the user
askfloat -- get a float from the user
askstring -- get a string from the user
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_setup_dialogZMessage�message�packZBOTH�Frame�framer �cancel�default�bind�return_event�range�len�ButtonZconfigZRIDGE�LEFT�protocol�wm_delete_window�_set_transient)r �masterr �buttonsr$ r# r r r �s�br r r �__init__ s2
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r r. ZrelxZrelyZwidgetZm_widthZm_heightZm_xZm_yZw_widthZw_height�x�yr r r r- ? s4
zSimpleDialog._set_transientc C s. | j �� | j �� | j �� | j �� | jS r
)r �wait_visibility�grab_set�mainloop�destroyr �r r r r �go\ s
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