Your IP :
# -*- Mode: Python; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Johan Dahlin <>
# dynamic module for introspected libraries.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
import importlib
from threading import Lock
_have_py3 = (sys.version_info[0] >= 3)
maketrans = ''.maketrans
except AttributeError:
# fallback for Python 2
from string import maketrans
import gi
from ._gi import \
Repository, \
FunctionInfo, \
RegisteredTypeInfo, \
EnumInfo, \
ObjectInfo, \
InterfaceInfo, \
ConstantInfo, \
StructInfo, \
UnionInfo, \
CallbackInfo, \
Struct, \
Boxed, \
CCallback, \
enum_add, \
enum_register_new_gtype_and_add, \
flags_add, \
flags_register_new_gtype_and_add, \
from .types import \
GObjectMeta, \
from ._constants import \
repository = Repository.get_default()
# Cache of IntrospectionModules that have been loaded.
_introspection_modules = {}
def get_parent_for_object(object_info):
parent_object_info = object_info.get_parent()
if not parent_object_info:
# If we reach the end of the introspection info class hierarchy, look
# for an existing wrapper on the GType and use it as a base for the
# new introspection wrapper. This allows static C wrappers already
# registered with the GType to be used as the introspection base
# (_gi.GObject for example)
gtype = object_info.get_g_type()
if gtype and gtype.pytype:
return gtype.pytype
# Otherwise use builtins.object as the base
return object
namespace = parent_object_info.get_namespace()
name = parent_object_info.get_name()
module = importlib.import_module('gi.repository.' + namespace)
return getattr(module, name)
def get_interfaces_for_object(object_info):
interfaces = []
for interface_info in object_info.get_interfaces():
namespace = interface_info.get_namespace()
name = interface_info.get_name()
module = importlib.import_module('gi.repository.' + namespace)
interfaces.append(getattr(module, name))
return interfaces
class IntrospectionModule(object):
"""An object which wraps an introspection typelib.
This wrapping creates a python module like representation of the typelib
using gi repository as a foundation. Accessing attributes of the module
will dynamically pull them in and create wrappers for the members.
These members are then cached on this introspection module.
def __init__(self, namespace, version=None):
"""Might raise gi._gi.RepositoryError"""
repository.require(namespace, version)
self._namespace = namespace
self._version = version
self.__name__ = 'gi.repository.' + namespace
path = repository.get_typelib_path(self._namespace)
self.__path__ = [path]
if _have_py3:
# get_typelib_path() delivers bytes, not a string
self.__path__ = [path.decode('UTF-8')]
if self._version is None:
self._version = repository.get_version(self._namespace)
self._lock = Lock()
def __getattr__(self, name):
info = repository.find_by_name(self._namespace, name)
if not info:
raise AttributeError("%r object has no attribute %r" % (
self.__name__, name))
if isinstance(info, EnumInfo):
g_type = info.get_g_type()
with self._lock:
wrapper = g_type.pytype
if wrapper is None:
if info.is_flags():
if g_type.is_a(TYPE_FLAGS):
wrapper = flags_add(g_type)
assert g_type == TYPE_NONE
wrapper = flags_register_new_gtype_and_add(info)
if g_type.is_a(TYPE_ENUM):
wrapper = enum_add(g_type)
assert g_type == TYPE_NONE
wrapper = enum_register_new_gtype_and_add(info)
wrapper.__info__ = info
wrapper.__module__ = 'gi.repository.' + info.get_namespace()
# Don't use upper() here to avoid locale specific
# identifier conversion (e. g. in Turkish 'i'.upper() == 'i')
# see
ascii_upper_trans = maketrans(
for value_info in info.get_values():
value_name = value_info.get_name_unescaped().translate(ascii_upper_trans)
setattr(wrapper, value_name, wrapper(value_info.get_value()))
for method_info in info.get_methods():
setattr(wrapper, method_info.__name__, method_info)
if g_type != TYPE_NONE:
g_type.pytype = wrapper
elif isinstance(info, RegisteredTypeInfo):
g_type = info.get_g_type()
# Create a wrapper.
if isinstance(info, ObjectInfo):
parent = get_parent_for_object(info)
interfaces = tuple(interface for interface in get_interfaces_for_object(info)
if not issubclass(parent, interface))
bases = (parent,) + interfaces
metaclass = GObjectMeta
elif isinstance(info, CallbackInfo):
bases = (CCallback,)
metaclass = GObjectMeta
elif isinstance(info, InterfaceInfo):
bases = (GInterface,)
metaclass = GObjectMeta
elif isinstance(info, (StructInfo, UnionInfo)):
if g_type.is_a(TYPE_BOXED):
bases = (Boxed,)
elif (g_type.is_a(TYPE_POINTER) or
g_type == TYPE_NONE or
g_type.fundamental == g_type):
bases = (Struct,)
raise TypeError("unable to create a wrapper for %s.%s" % (info.get_namespace(), info.get_name()))
metaclass = StructMeta
raise NotImplementedError(info)
with self._lock:
# Check if there is already a Python wrapper that is not a parent class
# of the wrapper being created. If it is a parent, it is ok to clobber
# g_type.pytype with a new child class wrapper of the existing parent.
# Note that the return here never occurs under normal circumstances due
# to caching on the __dict__ itself.
if g_type != TYPE_NONE:
type_ = g_type.pytype
if type_ is not None and type_ not in bases:
self.__dict__[name] = type_
return type_
dict_ = {
'__info__': info,
'__module__': 'gi.repository.' + self._namespace,
'__gtype__': g_type
wrapper = metaclass(name, bases, dict_)
# Register the new Python wrapper.
if g_type != TYPE_NONE:
g_type.pytype = wrapper
elif isinstance(info, FunctionInfo):
wrapper = info
elif isinstance(info, ConstantInfo):
wrapper = info.get_value()
raise NotImplementedError(info)
# Cache the newly created wrapper which will then be
# available directly on this introspection module instead of being
# lazily constructed through the __getattr__ we are currently in.
self.__dict__[name] = wrapper
return wrapper
def __repr__(self):
path = repository.get_typelib_path(self._namespace)
if _have_py3:
# get_typelib_path() delivers bytes, not a string
path = path.decode('UTF-8')
return "<IntrospectionModule %r from %r>" % (self._namespace, path)
def __dir__(self):
# Python's default dir() is just dir(self.__class__) + self.__dict__.keys()
result = set(dir(self.__class__))
# update *set* because some repository attributes have already been
# wrapped by __getattr__() and included in self.__dict__; but skip
# Callback types, as these are not real objects which we can actually
# get
namespace_infos = repository.get_infos(self._namespace)
result.update(info.get_name() for info in namespace_infos if
not isinstance(info, CallbackInfo))
return list(result)
def get_introspection_module(namespace):
An object directly wrapping the gi module without overrides.
Might raise gi._gi.RepositoryError
if namespace in _introspection_modules:
return _introspection_modules[namespace]
version = gi.get_required_version(namespace)
module = IntrospectionModule(namespace, version)
_introspection_modules[namespace] = module
return module