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S( s� DetailsViewer class.
This class implements a pure input window which allows you to meticulously
edit the current color. You have both mouse control of the color (via the
buttons along the bottom row), and there are keyboard bindings for each of the
increment/decrement buttons.
The top three check buttons allow you to specify which of the three color
variations are tied together when incrementing and decrementing. Red, green,
and blue are self evident. By tying together red and green, you can modify
the yellow level of the color. By tying together red and blue, you can modify
the magenta level of the color. By tying together green and blue, you can
modify the cyan level, and by tying all three together, you can modify the
grey level.
The behavior at the boundaries (0 and 255) are defined by the `At boundary'
option menu:
When the increment or decrement would send any of the tied variations
out of bounds, the entire delta is discarded.
Wrap Around
When the increment or decrement would send any of the tied variations
out of bounds, the out of bounds variation is wrapped around to the
other side. Thus if red were at 238 and 25 were added to it, red
would have the value 7.
Preserve Distance
When the increment or decrement would send any of the tied variations
out of bounds, all tied variations are wrapped as one, so as to
preserve the distance between them. Thus if green and blue were tied,
and green was at 238 while blue was at 223, and an increment of 25
were applied, green would be at 15 and blue would be at 0.
When the increment or decrement would send any of the tied variations
out of bounds, the out of bounds variation is set to the ceiling of
255 or floor of 0, as appropriate. In this way, all tied variations
are squashed to one edge or the other.
The following key bindings can be used as accelerators. Note that Pynche can
fall behind if you hold the key down as a key repeat:
Left arrow == -1
Right arrow == +1
Control + Left == -10
Control + Right == 10
Shift + Left == -25
Shift + Right == +25
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