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SVN helper script.
Try to set the svn:eol-style property to "native" on every .py, .txt, .c and
.h file in the directory tree rooted at the current directory.
Files with the svn:eol-style property already set (to anything) are skipped.
svn will itself refuse to set this property on a file that's not under SVN
control, or that has a binary mime-type property set. This script inherits
that behavior, and passes on whatever warning message the failing "svn
propset" command produces.
In the Python project, it's safe to invoke this script from the root of
a checkout.
No output is produced for files that are ignored. For a file that gets
svn:eol-style set, output looks like:
property 'svn:eol-style' set on 'Lib\ctypes\'
For a file not under version control:
svn: warning: 'patch-finalizer.txt' is not under version control
and for a file with a binary mime-type property:
svn: File 'Lib est' has binary mime type property
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