Your IP :
�fc @ s� d d l Z d d l m Z d d l m Z d d l m Z d d l m Z d d
d � � YZ e e j d � r� d d d � � YZ n d S( i����N( t glob( t convert_path( t sdist( t filtert sdist_add_defaultsc B se e Z d Z d � Z e d � � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z
d � Z d � Z RS(
Mix-in providing forward-compatibility for functionality as found in
distutils on Python 3.7.
Do not edit the code in this class except to update functionality
as implemented in distutils. Instead, override in the subclass.
c C sJ | j � | j � | j � | j � | j � | j � | j � d S( s9 Add all the default files to self.filelist:
- test/test*.py
- all pure Python modules mentioned in setup script
- all files pointed by package_data (build_py)
- all files defined in data_files.
- all files defined as scripts.
- all C sources listed as part of extensions or C libraries
in the setup script (doesn't catch C headers!)
Warns if (README or README.txt) or are missing; everything
else is optional.
N( t _add_defaults_standardst _add_defaults_optionalt _add_defaults_pythont _add_defaults_data_filest _add_defaults_extt _add_defaults_c_libst _add_defaults_scripts( t self( ( sA /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/py36compat.pyt add_defaults s
c C sS t j j | � s t St j j | � } t j j | � \ } } | t j | � k S( s�
Case-sensitive path existence check
>>> sdist_add_defaults._cs_path_exists(__file__)
>>> sdist_add_defaults._cs_path_exists(__file__.upper())
( t ost patht existst Falset abspatht splitt listdir( t fspathR t directoryt filename( ( sA /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/py36compat.pyt _cs_path_exists( s
c C s� | j | j j g } x� | D]� } t | t � r� | } t } x7 | D]/ } | j | � rD t } | j j | � PqD qD W| s� | j
d d j | � � q� q | j | � r� | j j | � q | j
d | � q Wd S( Ns, standard file not found: should have one of s , s standard file '%s' not found( t READMESt distributiont script_namet
isinstancet tupleR R t Truet filelistt appendt warnt join( R t standardst fnt altst got_it( ( sA /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/py36compat.pyR 9 s
c C sL d d g } x9 | D]1 } t t j j t | � � } | j j | � q Wd S( Ns
test/test*.pys setup.cfg( R R R t isfileR R t extend( R t optionalt patternt files( ( sA /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/py36compat.pyR N s
c C s� | j d � } | j j � r7 | j j | j � � n xM | j D]B \ } } } } x- | D]% } | j j t j j
| | � � qZ WqA Wd S( Nt build_py( t get_finalized_commandR t has_pure_modulesR R( t get_source_filest
data_filesR R R R"