Your IP :
* This file is part of Psy Shell.
* (c) 2012-2022 Justin Hileman
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Psy;
use Psy\Exception\DeprecatedException;
use Psy\Exception\RuntimeException;
use Psy\ExecutionLoop\ProcessForker;
use Psy\Output\OutputPager;
use Psy\Output\ShellOutput;
use Psy\TabCompletion\AutoCompleter;
use Psy\VarDumper\Presenter;
use Psy\VersionUpdater\Checker;
use Psy\VersionUpdater\GitHubChecker;
use Psy\VersionUpdater\IntervalChecker;
use Psy\VersionUpdater\NoopChecker;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterStyle;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
* The Psy Shell configuration.
class Configuration
const COLOR_MODE_AUTO = 'auto';
const COLOR_MODE_FORCED = 'forced';
const COLOR_MODE_DISABLED = 'disabled';
const VERBOSITY_QUIET = 'quiet';
const VERBOSITY_NORMAL = 'normal';
const VERBOSITY_VERBOSE = 'verbose';
const VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE = 'very_verbose';
const VERBOSITY_DEBUG = 'debug';
private static $AVAILABLE_OPTIONS = [
private $defaultIncludes;
private $configDir;
private $dataDir;
private $runtimeDir;
private $configFile;
/** @var string|false */
private $historyFile;
private $historySize;
private $eraseDuplicates;
private $manualDbFile;
private $hasReadline;
private $useReadline;
private $useBracketedPaste;
private $hasPcntl;
private $usePcntl;
private $newCommands = [];
private $pipedInput;
private $pipedOutput;
private $rawOutput = false;
private $requireSemicolons = false;
private $useUnicode;
private $useTabCompletion;
private $newMatchers = [];
private $errorLoggingLevel = \E_ALL;
private $warnOnMultipleConfigs = false;
private $colorMode = self::COLOR_MODE_AUTO;
private $interactiveMode = self::INTERACTIVE_MODE_AUTO;
private $updateCheck;
private $startupMessage;
private $forceArrayIndexes = false;
private $formatterStyles = [];
private $verbosity = self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL;
private $yolo = false;
// services
private $readline;
private $output;
private $shell;
private $cleaner;
private $pager;
private $manualDb;
private $presenter;
private $autoCompleter;
private $checker;
private $prompt;
private $configPaths;
* Construct a Configuration instance.
* Optionally, supply an array of configuration values to load.
* @param array $config Optional array of configuration values
public function __construct(array $config = [])
$this->configPaths = new ConfigPaths();
// explicit configFile option
if (isset($config['configFile'])) {
$this->configFile = $config['configFile'];
} elseif (isset($_SERVER['PSYSH_CONFIG']) && $_SERVER['PSYSH_CONFIG']) {
$this->configFile = $_SERVER['PSYSH_CONFIG'];
// legacy baseDir option
if (isset($config['baseDir'])) {
$msg = "The 'baseDir' configuration option is deprecated; ".
"please specify 'configDir' and 'dataDir' options instead";
throw new DeprecatedException($msg);
unset($config['configFile'], $config['baseDir']);
// go go gadget, config!
* Construct a Configuration object from Symfony Console input.
* This is great for adding psysh-compatible command line options to framework- or app-specific
* wrappers.
* $input should already be bound to an appropriate InputDefinition (see self::getInputOptions
* if you want to build your own) before calling this method. It's not required, but things work
* a lot better if we do.
* @see self::getInputOptions
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @param InputInterface $input
* @return self
public static function fromInput(InputInterface $input): self
$config = new self(['configFile' => self::getConfigFileFromInput($input)]);
// Handle --color and --no-color (and --ansi and --no-ansi aliases)
if (self::getOptionFromInput($input, ['color', 'ansi'])) {
} elseif (self::getOptionFromInput($input, ['no-color', 'no-ansi'])) {
// Handle verbosity options
if ($verbosity = self::getVerbosityFromInput($input)) {
// Handle interactive mode
if (self::getOptionFromInput($input, ['interactive', 'interaction'], ['-a', '-i'])) {
} elseif (self::getOptionFromInput($input, ['no-interactive', 'no-interaction'], ['-n'])) {
// Handle --raw-output
// @todo support raw output with interactive input?
if (!$config->getInputInteractive()) {
if (self::getOptionFromInput($input, ['raw-output'], ['-r'])) {
// Handle --yolo
if (self::getOptionFromInput($input, ['yolo'])) {
return $config;
* Get the desired config file from the given input.
* @return string|null config file path, or null if none is specified
private static function getConfigFileFromInput(InputInterface $input)
// Best case, input is properly bound and validated.
if ($input->hasOption('config')) {
return $input->getOption('config');
return $input->getParameterOption('--config', null, true) ?: $input->getParameterOption('-c', null, true);
* Get a boolean option from the given input.
* This helper allows fallback for unbound and unvalidated input. It's not perfect--for example,
* it can't deal with several short options squished together--but it's better than falling over
* any time someone gives us unbound input.
* @return bool true if the option (or an alias) is present
private static function getOptionFromInput(InputInterface $input, array $names, array $otherParams = []): bool
// Best case, input is properly bound and validated.
foreach ($names as $name) {
if ($input->hasOption($name) && $input->getOption($name)) {
return true;
foreach ($names as $name) {
$otherParams[] = '--'.$name;
foreach ($otherParams as $name) {
if ($input->hasParameterOption($name, true)) {
return true;
return false;
* Get the desired verbosity from the given input.
* This is a bit more complext than the other options parsers. It handles `--quiet` and
* `--verbose`, along with their short aliases, and fancy things like `-vvv`.
* @return string|null configuration constant, or null if no verbosity option is specified
private static function getVerbosityFromInput(InputInterface $input)
// --quiet wins!
if (self::getOptionFromInput($input, ['quiet'], ['-q'])) {
return self::VERBOSITY_QUIET;
// Best case, input is properly bound and validated.
// Note that if the `--verbose` option is incorrectly defined as `VALUE_NONE` rather than
// `VALUE_OPTIONAL` (as it is in Symfony Console by default) it doesn't actually work with
// multiple verbosity levels as it claims.
// We can detect this by checking whether the the value === true, and fall back to unbound
// parsing for this option.
if ($input->hasOption('verbose') && $input->getOption('verbose') !== true) {
switch ($input->getOption('verbose')) {
case '-1':
return self::VERBOSITY_QUIET;
case '0': // explicitly normal, overrides config file default
return self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL;
case '1':
case null: // `--verbose` and `-v`
case '2':
case 'v': // `-vv`
case '3':
case 'vv': // `-vvv`
return self::VERBOSITY_DEBUG;
default: // implicitly normal, config file default wins
// quiet and normal have to come before verbose, because it eats everything else.
if ($input->hasParameterOption('--verbose=-1', true) || $input->getParameterOption('--verbose', false, true) === '-1') {
return self::VERBOSITY_QUIET;
if ($input->hasParameterOption('--verbose=0', true) || $input->getParameterOption('--verbose', false, true) === '0') {
return self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL;
// `-vvv`, `-vv` and `-v` have to come in descending length order, because `hasParameterOption` matches prefixes.
if ($input->hasParameterOption('-vvv', true) || $input->hasParameterOption('--verbose=3', true) || $input->getParameterOption('--verbose', false, true) === '3') {
return self::VERBOSITY_DEBUG;
if ($input->hasParameterOption('-vv', true) || $input->hasParameterOption('--verbose=2', true) || $input->getParameterOption('--verbose', false, true) === '2') {
if ($input->hasParameterOption('-v', true) || $input->hasParameterOption('--verbose=1', true) || $input->hasParameterOption('--verbose', true)) {
* Get a list of input options expected when initializing Configuration via input.
* @see self::fromInput
* @return InputOption[]
public static function getInputOptions(): array
return [
new InputOption('config', 'c', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Use an alternate PsySH config file location.'),
new InputOption('cwd', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Use an alternate working directory.'),
new InputOption('color', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Force colors in output.'),
new InputOption('no-color', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Disable colors in output.'),
// --ansi and --no-ansi aliases to match Symfony, Composer, etc.
new InputOption('ansi', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Force colors in output.'),
new InputOption('no-ansi', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Disable colors in output.'),
new InputOption('quiet', 'q', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Shhhhhh.'),
new InputOption('verbose', 'v|vv|vvv', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Increase the verbosity of messages.', '0'),
new InputOption('interactive', 'i|a', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Force PsySH to run in interactive mode.'),
new InputOption('no-interactive', 'n', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Run PsySH without interactive input. Requires input from stdin.'),
// --interaction and --no-interaction aliases for compatibility with Symfony, Composer, etc
new InputOption('interaction', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Force PsySH to run in interactive mode.'),
new InputOption('no-interaction', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Run PsySH without interactive input. Requires input from stdin.'),
new InputOption('raw-output', 'r', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Print var_export-style return values (for non-interactive input)'),
new InputOption('yolo', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Run PsySH with minimal input validation. You probably don\'t want this.'),
* Initialize the configuration.
* This checks for the presence of Readline and Pcntl extensions.
* If a config file is available, it will be loaded and merged with the current config.
* If no custom config file was specified and a local project config file
* is available, it will be loaded and merged with the current config.
public function init()
// feature detection
$this->hasReadline = \function_exists('readline');
$this->hasPcntl = ProcessForker::isSupported();
if ($configFile = $this->getConfigFile()) {
if (!$this->configFile && $localConfig = $this->getLocalConfigFile()) {
'configDir' => $this->configDir,
'dataDir' => $this->dataDir,
'runtimeDir' => $this->runtimeDir,
* Get the current PsySH config file.
* If a `configFile` option was passed to the Configuration constructor,
* this file will be returned. If not, all possible config directories will
* be searched, and the first `config.php` or `rc.php` file which exists
* will be returned.
* If you're trying to decide where to put your config file, pick
* ~/.config/psysh/config.php
* @return string|null
public function getConfigFile()
if (isset($this->configFile)) {
return $this->configFile;
$files = $this->configPaths->configFiles(['config.php', 'rc.php']);
if (!empty($files)) {
if ($this->warnOnMultipleConfigs && \count($files) > 1) {
$msg = \sprintf('Multiple configuration files found: %s. Using %s', \implode(', ', $files), $files[0]);
\trigger_error($msg, \E_USER_NOTICE);
return $files[0];
* Get the local PsySH config file.
* Searches for a project specific config file `.psysh.php` in the current
* working directory.
* @return string|null
public function getLocalConfigFile()
$localConfig = \getcwd().'/.psysh.php';
if (@\is_file($localConfig)) {
return $localConfig;
* Load configuration values from an array of options.
* @param array $options
public function loadConfig(array $options)
foreach (self::$AVAILABLE_OPTIONS as $option) {
if (isset($options[$option])) {
$method = 'set'.\ucfirst($option);
// legacy `tabCompletion` option
if (isset($options['tabCompletion'])) {
$msg = '`tabCompletion` is deprecated; use `useTabCompletion` instead.';
@\trigger_error($msg, \E_USER_DEPRECATED);
foreach (['commands', 'matchers', 'casters'] as $option) {
if (isset($options[$option])) {
$method = 'add'.\ucfirst($option);
// legacy `tabCompletionMatchers` option
if (isset($options['tabCompletionMatchers'])) {
$msg = '`tabCompletionMatchers` is deprecated; use `matchers` instead.';
@\trigger_error($msg, \E_USER_DEPRECATED);
* Load a configuration file (default: `$HOME/.config/psysh/config.php`).
* This configuration instance will be available to the config file as $config.
* The config file may directly manipulate the configuration, or may return
* an array of options which will be merged with the current configuration.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the config file does not exist or returns a non-array result
* @param string $file
public function loadConfigFile(string $file)
if (!\is_file($file)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('Invalid configuration file specified, %s does not exist', $file));
$__psysh_config_file__ = $file;
$load = function ($config) use ($__psysh_config_file__) {
$result = require $__psysh_config_file__;
if ($result !== 1) {
return $result;
$result = $load($this);
if (!empty($result)) {
if (\is_array($result)) {
} else {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Psy Shell configuration must return an array of options');
* Set files to be included by default at the start of each shell session.
* @param array $includes
public function setDefaultIncludes(array $includes = [])
$this->defaultIncludes = $includes;
* Get files to be included by default at the start of each shell session.
* @return array
public function getDefaultIncludes(): array
return $this->defaultIncludes ?: [];
* Set the shell's config directory location.
* @param string $dir
public function setConfigDir(string $dir)
$this->configDir = (string) $dir;
'configDir' => $this->configDir,
'dataDir' => $this->dataDir,
'runtimeDir' => $this->runtimeDir,
* Get the current configuration directory, if any is explicitly set.
* @return string|null
public function getConfigDir()
return $this->configDir;
* Set the shell's data directory location.
* @param string $dir
public function setDataDir(string $dir)
$this->dataDir = (string) $dir;
'configDir' => $this->configDir,
'dataDir' => $this->dataDir,
'runtimeDir' => $this->runtimeDir,
* Get the current data directory, if any is explicitly set.
* @return string|null
public function getDataDir()
return $this->dataDir;
* Set the shell's temporary directory location.
* @param string $dir
public function setRuntimeDir(string $dir)
$this->runtimeDir = (string) $dir;
'configDir' => $this->configDir,
'dataDir' => $this->dataDir,
'runtimeDir' => $this->runtimeDir,
* Get the shell's temporary directory location.
* Defaults to `/psysh` inside the system's temp dir unless explicitly
* overridden.
* @throws RuntimeException if no temporary directory is set and it is not possible to create one
* @return string
public function getRuntimeDir(): string
$runtimeDir = $this->configPaths->runtimeDir();
if (!\is_dir($runtimeDir)) {
if (!@\mkdir($runtimeDir, 0700, true)) {
throw new RuntimeException(\sprintf('Unable to create PsySH runtime directory. Make sure PHP is able to write to %s in order to continue.', \dirname($runtimeDir)));
return $runtimeDir;
* Set the readline history file path.
* @param string $file
public function setHistoryFile(string $file)
$this->historyFile = ConfigPaths::touchFileWithMkdir($file);
* Get the readline history file path.
* Defaults to `/history` inside the shell's base config dir unless
* explicitly overridden.
* @return string
public function getHistoryFile(): string
if (isset($this->historyFile)) {
return $this->historyFile;
$files = $this->configPaths->configFiles(['psysh_history', 'history']);
if (!empty($files)) {
if ($this->warnOnMultipleConfigs && \count($files) > 1) {
$msg = \sprintf('Multiple history files found: %s. Using %s', \implode(', ', $files), $files[0]);
\trigger_error($msg, \E_USER_NOTICE);
} else {
// fallback: create our own history file
return $this->historyFile;
* Set the readline max history size.
* @param int $value
public function setHistorySize(int $value)
$this->historySize = (int) $value;
* Get the readline max history size.
* @return int
public function getHistorySize()
return $this->historySize;
* Sets whether readline erases old duplicate history entries.
* @param bool $value
public function setEraseDuplicates(bool $value)
$this->eraseDuplicates = (bool) $value;
* Get whether readline erases old duplicate history entries.
* @return bool|null
public function getEraseDuplicates()
return $this->eraseDuplicates;
* Get a temporary file of type $type for process $pid.
* The file will be created inside the current temporary directory.
* @see self::getRuntimeDir
* @param string $type
* @param int $pid
* @return string Temporary file name
public function getTempFile(string $type, int $pid): string
return \tempnam($this->getRuntimeDir(), $type.'_'.$pid.'_');
* Get a filename suitable for a FIFO pipe of $type for process $pid.
* The pipe will be created inside the current temporary directory.
* @param string $type
* @param int $pid
* @return string Pipe name
public function getPipe(string $type, int $pid): string
return \sprintf('%s/%s_%s', $this->getRuntimeDir(), $type, $pid);
* Check whether this PHP instance has Readline available.
* @return bool True if Readline is available
public function hasReadline(): bool
return $this->hasReadline;
* Enable or disable Readline usage.
* @param bool $useReadline
public function setUseReadline(bool $useReadline)
$this->useReadline = (bool) $useReadline;
* Check whether to use Readline.
* If `setUseReadline` as been set to true, but Readline is not actually
* available, this will return false.
* @return bool True if the current Shell should use Readline
public function useReadline(): bool
return isset($this->useReadline) ? ($this->hasReadline && $this->useReadline) : $this->hasReadline;
* Set the Psy Shell readline service.
* @param Readline\Readline $readline
public function setReadline(Readline\Readline $readline)
$this->readline = $readline;
* Get the Psy Shell readline service.
* By default, this service uses (in order of preference):
* * GNU Readline
* * Libedit
* * A transient array-based readline emulation.
* @return Readline\Readline
public function getReadline(): Readline\Readline
if (!isset($this->readline)) {
$className = $this->getReadlineClass();
$this->readline = new $className(
return $this->readline;
* Get the appropriate Readline implementation class name.
* @see self::getReadline
* @return string
private function getReadlineClass(): string
if ($this->useReadline()) {
if (Readline\GNUReadline::isSupported()) {
return Readline\GNUReadline::class;
} elseif (Readline\Libedit::isSupported()) {
return Readline\Libedit::class;
if (Readline\Userland::isSupported()) {
return Readline\Userland::class;
return Readline\Transient::class;
* Enable or disable bracketed paste.
* Note that this only works with readline (not libedit) integration for now.
* @param bool $useBracketedPaste
public function setUseBracketedPaste(bool $useBracketedPaste)
$this->useBracketedPaste = (bool) $useBracketedPaste;
* Check whether to use bracketed paste with readline.
* When this works, it's magical. Tabs in pastes don't try to autcomplete.
* Newlines in paste don't execute code until you get to the end. It makes
* readline act like you'd expect when pasting.
* But it often (usually?) does not work. And when it doesn't, it just spews
* escape codes all over the place and generally makes things ugly :(
* If `useBracketedPaste` has been set to true, but the current readline
* implementation is anything besides GNU readline, this will return false.
* @return bool True if the shell should use bracketed paste
public function useBracketedPaste(): bool
$readlineClass = $this->getReadlineClass();
return $this->useBracketedPaste && $readlineClass::supportsBracketedPaste();
// @todo mebbe turn this on by default some day?
// return $readlineClass::supportsBracketedPaste() && $this->useBracketedPaste !== false;
* Check whether this PHP instance has Pcntl available.
* @return bool True if Pcntl is available
public function hasPcntl(): bool
return $this->hasPcntl;
* Enable or disable Pcntl usage.
* @param bool $usePcntl
public function setUsePcntl(bool $usePcntl)
$this->usePcntl = (bool) $usePcntl;
* Check whether to use Pcntl.
* If `setUsePcntl` has been set to true, but Pcntl is not actually
* available, this will return false.
* @return bool True if the current Shell should use Pcntl
public function usePcntl(): bool
return isset($this->usePcntl) ? ($this->hasPcntl && $this->usePcntl) : $this->hasPcntl;
* Check whether to use raw output.
* This is set by the --raw-output (-r) flag, and really only makes sense
* when non-interactive, e.g. executing stdin.
* @return bool true if raw output is enabled
public function rawOutput(): bool
return $this->rawOutput;
* Enable or disable raw output.
* @param bool $rawOutput
public function setRawOutput(bool $rawOutput)
$this->rawOutput = (bool) $rawOutput;
* Enable or disable strict requirement of semicolons.
* @see self::requireSemicolons()
* @param bool $requireSemicolons
public function setRequireSemicolons(bool $requireSemicolons)
$this->requireSemicolons = (bool) $requireSemicolons;
* Check whether to require semicolons on all statements.
* By default, PsySH will automatically insert semicolons at the end of
* statements if they're missing. To strictly require semicolons, set
* `requireSemicolons` to true.
* @return bool
public function requireSemicolons(): bool
return $this->requireSemicolons;
* Enable or disable Unicode in PsySH specific output.
* Note that this does not disable Unicode output in general, it just makes
* it so PsySH won't output any itself.
* @param bool $useUnicode
public function setUseUnicode(bool $useUnicode)
$this->useUnicode = (bool) $useUnicode;
* Check whether to use Unicode in PsySH specific output.
* Note that this does not disable Unicode output in general, it just makes
* it so PsySH won't output any itself.
* @return bool
public function useUnicode(): bool
if (isset($this->useUnicode)) {
return $this->useUnicode;
// @todo detect `chsh` != 65001 on Windows and return false
return true;
* Set the error logging level.
* @see self::errorLoggingLevel
* @param int $errorLoggingLevel
public function setErrorLoggingLevel($errorLoggingLevel)
$this->errorLoggingLevel = (\E_ALL | \E_STRICT) & $errorLoggingLevel;
* Get the current error logging level.
* By default, PsySH will automatically log all errors, regardless of the
* current `error_reporting` level.
* Set `errorLoggingLevel` to 0 to prevent logging non-thrown errors. Set it
* to any valid error_reporting value to log only errors which match that
* level.
* @return int
public function errorLoggingLevel(): int
return $this->errorLoggingLevel;
* Set a CodeCleaner service instance.
* @param CodeCleaner $cleaner
public function setCodeCleaner(CodeCleaner $cleaner)
$this->cleaner = $cleaner;
* Get a CodeCleaner service instance.
* If none has been explicitly defined, this will create a new instance.
* @return CodeCleaner
public function getCodeCleaner(): CodeCleaner
if (!isset($this->cleaner)) {
$this->cleaner = new CodeCleaner(null, null, null, $this->yolo());
return $this->cleaner;
* Enable or disable running PsySH without input validation.
* You don't want this.
public function setYolo($yolo)
$this->yolo = (bool) $yolo;
* Check whether to disable input validation.
public function yolo(): bool
return $this->yolo;
* Enable or disable tab completion.
* @param bool $useTabCompletion
public function setUseTabCompletion(bool $useTabCompletion)
$this->useTabCompletion = (bool) $useTabCompletion;
* @deprecated Call `setUseTabCompletion` instead
* @param bool $useTabCompletion
public function setTabCompletion(bool $useTabCompletion)
* Check whether to use tab completion.
* If `setUseTabCompletion` has been set to true, but readline is not
* actually available, this will return false.
* @return bool True if the current Shell should use tab completion
public function useTabCompletion(): bool
return isset($this->useTabCompletion) ? ($this->hasReadline && $this->useTabCompletion) : $this->hasReadline;
* @deprecated Call `useTabCompletion` instead
* @return bool
public function getTabCompletion(): bool
return $this->useTabCompletion();
* Set the Shell Output service.
* @param ShellOutput $output
public function setOutput(ShellOutput $output)
$this->output = $output;
$this->pipedOutput = null; // Reset cached pipe info
* Get a Shell Output service instance.
* If none has been explicitly provided, this will create a new instance
* with the configured verbosity and output pager supplied by self::getPager
* @see self::verbosity
* @see self::getPager
* @return ShellOutput
public function getOutput(): ShellOutput
if (!isset($this->output)) {
$this->setOutput(new ShellOutput(
$this->getPager() ?: null
// This is racy because `getOutputDecorated` needs access to the
// output stream to figure out if it's piped or not, so create it
// first, then update after we have a stream.
$decorated = $this->getOutputDecorated();
if ($decorated !== null) {
return $this->output;
* Get the decoration (i.e. color) setting for the Shell Output service.
* @return bool|null 3-state boolean corresponding to the current color mode
public function getOutputDecorated()
switch ($this->colorMode()) {
case self::COLOR_MODE_AUTO:
return $this->outputIsPiped() ? false : null;
return true;
return false;
* Get the interactive setting for shell input.
* @return bool
public function getInputInteractive(): bool
switch ($this->interactiveMode()) {
return !$this->inputIsPiped();
return true;
return false;
* Set the OutputPager service.
* If a string is supplied, a ProcOutputPager will be used which shells out
* to the specified command.
* `cat` is special-cased to use the PassthruPager directly.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if $pager is not a string or OutputPager instance
* @param string|OutputPager|false $pager
public function setPager($pager)
if ($pager === null || $pager === false || $pager === 'cat') {
$pager = false;
if ($pager !== false && !\is_string($pager) && !$pager instanceof OutputPager) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unexpected pager instance');
$this->pager = $pager;
* Get an OutputPager instance or a command for an external Proc pager.
* If no Pager has been explicitly provided, and Pcntl is available, this
* will default to `cli.pager` ini value, falling back to `which less`.
* @return string|OutputPager|false
public function getPager()
if (!isset($this->pager) && $this->usePcntl()) {
if (\getenv('TERM') === 'dumb') {
return false;
if ($pager = \ini_get('cli.pager')) {
// use the default pager
$this->pager = $pager;
} elseif ($less = \exec('which less 2>/dev/null')) {
// check for the presence of less...
$this->pager = $less.' -R -F -X';
return $this->pager;
* Set the Shell AutoCompleter service.
* @param AutoCompleter $autoCompleter
public function setAutoCompleter(AutoCompleter $autoCompleter)
$this->autoCompleter = $autoCompleter;
* Get an AutoCompleter service instance.
* @return AutoCompleter
public function getAutoCompleter(): AutoCompleter
if (!isset($this->autoCompleter)) {
$this->autoCompleter = new AutoCompleter();
return $this->autoCompleter;
* @deprecated Nothing should be using this anymore
* @return array
public function getTabCompletionMatchers(): array
return [];
* Add tab completion matchers to the AutoCompleter.
* This will buffer new matchers in the event that the Shell has not yet
* been instantiated. This allows the user to specify matchers in their
* config rc file, despite the fact that their file is needed in the Shell
* constructor.
* @param array $matchers
public function addMatchers(array $matchers)
$this->newMatchers = \array_merge($this->newMatchers, $matchers);
if (isset($this->shell)) {
* Internal method for adding tab completion matchers. This will set any new
* matchers once a Shell is available.
private function doAddMatchers()
if (!empty($this->newMatchers)) {
$this->newMatchers = [];
* @deprecated Use `addMatchers` instead
* @param array $matchers
public function addTabCompletionMatchers(array $matchers)
* Add commands to the Shell.
* This will buffer new commands in the event that the Shell has not yet
* been instantiated. This allows the user to specify commands in their
* config rc file, despite the fact that their file is needed in the Shell
* constructor.
* @param array $commands
public function addCommands(array $commands)
$this->newCommands = \array_merge($this->newCommands, $commands);
if (isset($this->shell)) {
* Internal method for adding commands. This will set any new commands once
* a Shell is available.
private function doAddCommands()
if (!empty($this->newCommands)) {
$this->newCommands = [];
* Set the Shell backreference and add any new commands to the Shell.
* @param Shell $shell
public function setShell(Shell $shell)
$this->shell = $shell;
* Set the PHP manual database file.
* This file should be an SQLite database generated from the phpdoc source
* with the `bin/build_manual` script.
* @param string $filename
public function setManualDbFile(string $filename)
$this->manualDbFile = (string) $filename;
* Get the current PHP manual database file.
* @return string|null Default: '~/.local/share/psysh/php_manual.sqlite'
public function getManualDbFile()
if (isset($this->manualDbFile)) {
return $this->manualDbFile;
$files = $this->configPaths->dataFiles(['php_manual.sqlite']);
if (!empty($files)) {
if ($this->warnOnMultipleConfigs && \count($files) > 1) {
$msg = \sprintf('Multiple manual database files found: %s. Using %s', \implode(', ', $files), $files[0]);
\trigger_error($msg, \E_USER_NOTICE);
return $this->manualDbFile = $files[0];
* Get a PHP manual database connection.
* @return \PDO|null
public function getManualDb()
if (!isset($this->manualDb)) {
$dbFile = $this->getManualDbFile();
if ($dbFile !== null && \is_file($dbFile)) {
try {
$this->manualDb = new \PDO('sqlite:'.$dbFile);
} catch (\PDOException $e) {
if ($e->getMessage() === 'could not find driver') {
throw new RuntimeException('SQLite PDO driver not found', 0, $e);
} else {
throw $e;
return $this->manualDb;
* Add an array of casters definitions.
* @param array $casters
public function addCasters(array $casters)
* Get the Presenter service.
* @return Presenter
public function getPresenter(): Presenter
if (!isset($this->presenter)) {
$this->presenter = new Presenter($this->getOutput()->getFormatter(), $this->forceArrayIndexes());
return $this->presenter;
* Enable or disable warnings on multiple configuration or data files.
* @see self::warnOnMultipleConfigs()
* @param bool $warnOnMultipleConfigs
public function setWarnOnMultipleConfigs(bool $warnOnMultipleConfigs)
$this->warnOnMultipleConfigs = (bool) $warnOnMultipleConfigs;
* Check whether to warn on multiple configuration or data files.
* By default, PsySH will use the file with highest precedence, and will
* silently ignore all others. With this enabled, a warning will be emitted
* (but not an exception thrown) if multiple configuration or data files
* are found.
* This will default to true in a future release, but is false for now.
* @return bool
public function warnOnMultipleConfigs(): bool
return $this->warnOnMultipleConfigs;
* Set the current color mode.
* @param string $colorMode
public function setColorMode(string $colorMode)
$validColorModes = [
if (!\in_array($colorMode, $validColorModes)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid color mode: '.$colorMode);
$this->colorMode = $colorMode;
* Get the current color mode.
* @return string
public function colorMode(): string
return $this->colorMode;
* Set the shell's interactive mode.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if interactive mode isn't disabled, forced, or auto
* @param string $interactiveMode
public function setInteractiveMode(string $interactiveMode)
$validInteractiveModes = [
if (!\in_array($interactiveMode, $validInteractiveModes)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid interactive mode: '.$interactiveMode);
$this->interactiveMode = $interactiveMode;
* Get the current interactive mode.
* @return string
public function interactiveMode(): string
return $this->interactiveMode;
* Set an update checker service instance.
* @param Checker $checker
public function setChecker(Checker $checker)
$this->checker = $checker;
* Get an update checker service instance.
* If none has been explicitly defined, this will create a new instance.
* @return Checker
public function getChecker(): Checker
if (!isset($this->checker)) {
$interval = $this->getUpdateCheck();
switch ($interval) {
case Checker::ALWAYS:
$this->checker = new GitHubChecker();
case Checker::DAILY:
case Checker::WEEKLY:
case Checker::MONTHLY:
$checkFile = $this->getUpdateCheckCacheFile();
if ($checkFile === false) {
$this->checker = new NoopChecker();
} else {
$this->checker = new IntervalChecker($checkFile, $interval);
case Checker::NEVER:
$this->checker = new NoopChecker();
return $this->checker;
* Get the current update check interval.
* One of 'always', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly' or 'never'. If none is
* explicitly set, default to 'weekly'.
* @return string
public function getUpdateCheck(): string
return isset($this->updateCheck) ? $this->updateCheck : Checker::WEEKLY;
* Set the update check interval.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the update check interval is unknown
* @param string $interval
public function setUpdateCheck(string $interval)
$validIntervals = [
if (!\in_array($interval, $validIntervals)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid update check interval: '.$interval);
$this->updateCheck = $interval;
* Get a cache file path for the update checker.
* @return string|false Return false if config file/directory is not writable
public function getUpdateCheckCacheFile()
return ConfigPaths::touchFileWithMkdir($this->configPaths->currentConfigDir().'/update_check.json');
* Set the startup message.
* @param string $message
public function setStartupMessage(string $message)
$this->startupMessage = $message;
* Get the startup message.
* @return string|null
public function getStartupMessage()
return $this->startupMessage;
* Set the prompt.
* @param string $prompt
public function setPrompt(string $prompt)
$this->prompt = $prompt;
* Get the prompt.
* @return string|null
public function getPrompt()
return $this->prompt;
* Get the force array indexes.
* @return bool
public function forceArrayIndexes(): bool
return $this->forceArrayIndexes;
* Set the force array indexes.
* @param bool $forceArrayIndexes
public function setForceArrayIndexes(bool $forceArrayIndexes)
$this->forceArrayIndexes = $forceArrayIndexes;
* Set the shell output formatter styles.
* Accepts a map from style name to [fg, bg, options], for example:
* [
* 'error' => ['white', 'red', ['bold']],
* 'warning' => ['black', 'yellow'],
* ]
* Foreground, background or options can be null, or even omitted entirely.
* @see ShellOutput::initFormatters
* @param array $formatterStyles
public function setFormatterStyles(array $formatterStyles)
foreach ($formatterStyles as $name => $style) {
list($fg, $bg, $opts) = \array_pad($style, 3, null);
$this->formatterStyles[$name] = new OutputFormatterStyle($fg ?: null, $bg ?: null, $opts ?: []);
if (isset($this->output)) {
* Internal method for applying output formatter style customization.
* This is called on initialization of the shell output, and again if the
* formatter styles config is updated.
private function applyFormatterStyles()
$formatter = $this->output->getFormatter();
foreach ($this->formatterStyles as $name => $style) {
$formatter->setStyle($name, $style);
* Get the configured output verbosity.
* @return string
public function verbosity(): string
return $this->verbosity;
* Set the shell output verbosity.
* Accepts OutputInterface verbosity constants.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if verbosity level is invalid
* @param string $verbosity
public function setVerbosity(string $verbosity)
$validVerbosityLevels = [
if (!\in_array($verbosity, $validVerbosityLevels)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid verbosity level: '.$verbosity);
$this->verbosity = $verbosity;
if (isset($this->output)) {
* Map the verbosity configuration to OutputInterface verbosity constants.
* @return int OutputInterface verbosity level
public function getOutputVerbosity(): int
switch ($this->verbosity()) {
return OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET;
return OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE;
return OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE;
return OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_DEBUG;
return OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL;
* Guess whether stdin is piped.
* This is mostly useful for deciding whether to use non-interactive mode.
* @return bool
public function inputIsPiped(): bool
if ($this->pipedInput === null) {
$this->pipedInput = \defined('STDIN') && static::looksLikeAPipe(\STDIN);
return $this->pipedInput;
* Guess whether shell output is piped.
* This is mostly useful for deciding whether to use non-decorated output.
* @return bool
public function outputIsPiped(): bool
if ($this->pipedOutput === null) {
$this->pipedOutput = static::looksLikeAPipe($this->getOutput()->getStream());
return $this->pipedOutput;
* Guess whether an input or output stream is piped.
* @param resource|int $stream
* @return bool
private static function looksLikeAPipe($stream): bool
if (\function_exists('posix_isatty')) {
return !\posix_isatty($stream);
$stat = \fstat($stream);
$mode = $stat['mode'] & 0170000;
return $mode === 0010000 || $mode === 0040000 || $mode === 0100000 || $mode === 0120000;