Your IP :
* This file is part of the Carbon package.
* (c) Brian Nesbitt <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* Authors:
* - leyluj
* - Josh Soref
* - ryanhart2
return [
'year' => 'mwaka :count|miaka :count',
'a_year' => 'mwaka mmoja|miaka :count',
'y' => 'mwaka :count|miaka :count',
'month' => 'mwezi :count|miezi :count',
'a_month' => 'mwezi mmoja|miezi :count',
'm' => 'mwezi :count|miezi :count',
'week' => 'wiki :count',
'a_week' => 'wiki mmoja|wiki :count',
'w' => 'w. :count',
'day' => 'siku :count',
'a_day' => 'siku moja|masiku :count',
'd' => 'si. :count',
'hour' => 'saa :count|masaa :count',
'a_hour' => 'saa limoja|masaa :count',
'h' => 'saa :count|masaa :count',
'minute' => 'dakika :count',
'a_minute' => 'dakika moja|dakika :count',
'min' => 'd. :count',
'second' => 'sekunde :count',
'a_second' => 'hivi punde|sekunde :count',
's' => 'se. :count',
'ago' => 'tokea :time',
'from_now' => ':time baadaye',
'after' => ':time baada',
'before' => ':time kabla',
'diff_now' => 'sasa hivi',
'diff_today' => 'leo',
'diff_today_regexp' => 'leo(?:\\s+saa)?',
'diff_yesterday' => 'jana',
'diff_tomorrow' => 'kesho',
'diff_tomorrow_regexp' => 'kesho(?:\\s+saa)?',
'formats' => [
'LT' => 'HH:mm',
'LTS' => 'HH:mm:ss',
'L' => 'DD.MM.YYYY',
'LL' => 'D MMMM YYYY',
'LLL' => 'D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
'LLLL' => 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
'calendar' => [
'sameDay' => '[leo saa] LT',
'nextDay' => '[kesho saa] LT',
'nextWeek' => '[wiki ijayo] dddd [saat] LT',
'lastDay' => '[jana] LT',
'lastWeek' => '[wiki iliyopita] dddd [saat] LT',
'sameElse' => 'L',
'months' => ['Januari', 'Februari', 'Machi', 'Aprili', 'Mei', 'Juni', 'Julai', 'Agosti', 'Septemba', 'Oktoba', 'Novemba', 'Desemba'],
'months_short' => ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mac', 'Apr', 'Mei', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Ago', 'Sep', 'Okt', 'Nov', 'Des'],
'weekdays' => ['Jumapili', 'Jumatatu', 'Jumanne', 'Jumatano', 'Alhamisi', 'Ijumaa', 'Jumamosi'],
'weekdays_short' => ['Jpl', 'Jtat', 'Jnne', 'Jtan', 'Alh', 'Ijm', 'Jmos'],
'weekdays_min' => ['J2', 'J3', 'J4', 'J5', 'Al', 'Ij', 'J1'],
'first_day_of_week' => 1,
'day_of_first_week_of_year' => 1,
'list' => [', ', ' na '],