Your IP :
!function (e, t) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : (e = e || self).Sweetalert2 = t() }(this, function () { "use strict"; const D = "SweetAlert2:", q = e => e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1), r = e => { console.warn("".concat(D, " ").concat("object" == typeof e ? e.join(" ") : e)) }, l = e => { console.error("".concat(D, " ").concat(e)) }, V = [], N = (e, t) => { e = '"'.concat(e, '" is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Please use "').concat(t, '" instead.'), V.includes(e) || (V.push(e), r(e)) }, R = e => "function" == typeof e ? e() : e, F = e => e && "function" == typeof e.toPromise, u = e => F(e) ? e.toPromise() : Promise.resolve(e), U = e => e && Promise.resolve(e) === e; const i = { title: "", titleText: "", text: "", html: "", footer: "", icon: void 0, iconColor: void 0, iconHtml: void 0, template: void 0, toast: !1, showClass: { popup: "swal2-show", backdrop: "swal2-backdrop-show", icon: "swal2-icon-show" }, hideClass: { popup: "swal2-hide", backdrop: "swal2-backdrop-hide", icon: "swal2-icon-hide" }, customClass: {}, target: "body", color: void 0, backdrop: !0, heightAuto: !0, allowOutsideClick: !0, allowEscapeKey: !0, allowEnterKey: !0, stopKeydownPropagation: !0, keydownListenerCapture: !1, showConfirmButton: !0, showDenyButton: !1, showCancelButton: !1, preConfirm: void 0, preDeny: void 0, confirmButtonText: "OK", confirmButtonAriaLabel: "", confirmButtonColor: void 0, denyButtonText: "No", denyButtonAriaLabel: "", denyButtonColor: void 0, cancelButtonText: "Cancel", cancelButtonAriaLabel: "", cancelButtonColor: void 0, buttonsStyling: !0, reverseButtons: !1, focusConfirm: !0, focusDeny: !1, focusCancel: !1, returnFocus: !0, showCloseButton: !1, closeButtonHtml: "×", closeButtonAriaLabel: "Close this dialog", loaderHtml: "", showLoaderOnConfirm: !1, showLoaderOnDeny: !1, imageUrl: void 0, imageWidth: void 0, imageHeight: void 0, imageAlt: "", timer: void 0, timerProgressBar: !1, width: void 0, padding: void 0, background: void 0, input: void 0, inputPlaceholder: "", inputLabel: "", inputValue: "", inputOptions: {}, inputAutoTrim: !0, inputAttributes: {}, inputValidator: void 0, returnInputValueOnDeny: !1, validationMessage: void 0, grow: !1, position: "center", progressSteps: [], currentProgressStep: void 0, progressStepsDistance: void 0, willOpen: void 0, didOpen: void 0, didRender: void 0, willClose: void 0, didClose: void 0, didDestroy: void 0, scrollbarPadding: !0 }, W = ["allowEscapeKey", "allowOutsideClick", "background", "buttonsStyling", "cancelButtonAriaLabel", "cancelButtonColor", "cancelButtonText", "closeButtonAriaLabel", "closeButtonHtml", "color", "confirmButtonAriaLabel", "confirmButtonColor", "confirmButtonText", "currentProgressStep", "customClass", "denyButtonAriaLabel", "denyButtonColor", "denyButtonText", "didClose", "didDestroy", "footer", "hideClass", "html", "icon", "iconColor", "iconHtml", "imageAlt", "imageHeight", "imageUrl", "imageWidth", "preConfirm", "preDeny", "progressSteps", "returnFocus", "reverseButtons", "showCancelButton", "showCloseButton", "showConfirmButton", "showDenyButton", "text", "title", "titleText", "willClose"], z = {}, K = ["allowOutsideClick", "allowEnterKey", "backdrop", "focusConfirm", "focusDeny", "focusCancel", "returnFocus", "heightAuto", "keydownListenerCapture"], _ = e =>, e), Y = e => -1 !== W.indexOf(e), Z = e => z[e], X = e => { !e.backdrop && e.allowOutsideClick && r('"allowOutsideClick" parameter requires `backdrop` parameter to be set to `true`'); for (const n in e) t = n, _(t) || r('Unknown parameter "'.concat(t, '"')), e.toast && (t = n, K.includes(t) && r('The parameter "'.concat(t, '" is incompatible with toasts'))), t = n, Z(t) && N(t, Z(t)); var t }; var e = e => { const t = {}; for (const n in e) t[e[n]] = "swal2-" + e[n]; return t }; const p = e(["container", "shown", "height-auto", "iosfix", "popup", "modal", "no-backdrop", "no-transition", "toast", "toast-shown", "show", "hide", "close", "title", "html-container", "actions", "confirm", "deny", "cancel", "default-outline", "footer", "icon", "icon-content", "image", "input", "file", "range", "select", "radio", "checkbox", "label", "textarea", "inputerror", "input-label", "validation-message", "progress-steps", "active-progress-step", "progress-step", "progress-step-line", "loader", "loading", "styled", "top", "top-start", "top-end", "top-left", "top-right", "center", "center-start", "center-end", "center-left", "center-right", "bottom", "bottom-start", "bottom-end", "bottom-left", "bottom-right", "grow-row", "grow-column", "grow-fullscreen", "rtl", "timer-progress-bar", "timer-progress-bar-container", "scrollbar-measure", "icon-success", "icon-warning", "icon-info", "icon-question", "icon-error", "no-war"]), o = e(["success", "warning", "info", "question", "error"]), m = () => document.body.querySelector(".".concat(p.container)), t = e => { const t = m(); return t ? t.querySelector(e) : null }, n = e => t(".".concat(e)), g = () => n(p.popup), $ = () => n(p.icon), J = () => n(p.title), G = () => n(p["html-container"]), Q = () => n(p.image), ee = () => n(p["progress-steps"]), te = () => n(p["validation-message"]), h = () => t(".".concat(p.actions, " .").concat(p.confirm)), f = () => t(".".concat(p.actions, " .").concat(p.deny)); const d = () => t(".".concat(p.loader)), b = () => t(".".concat(p.actions, " .").concat(p.cancel)), ne = () => n(p.actions), oe = () => n(p.footer), ie = () => n(p["timer-progress-bar"]), re = () => n(p.close), ae = () => { const e = Array.from(g().querySelectorAll('[tabindex]:not([tabindex="-1"]):not([tabindex="0"])')).sort((e, t) => { e = parseInt(e.getAttribute("tabindex")), t = parseInt(t.getAttribute("tabindex")); return t < e ? 1 : e < t ? -1 : 0 }); var t = Array.from(g().querySelectorAll('\n a[href],\n area[href],\n input:not([disabled]),\n select:not([disabled]),\n textarea:not([disabled]),\n button:not([disabled]),\n iframe,\n object,\n embed,\n [tabindex="0"],\n [contenteditable],\n audio[controls],\n video[controls],\n summary\n')).filter(e => "-1" !== e.getAttribute("tabindex")); return (t => { const n = []; for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e++)-1 === n.indexOf(t[e]) && n.push(t[e]); return n })(e.concat(t)).filter(e => P(e)) }, se = () => s(document.body, p.shown) && !s(document.body, p["toast-shown"]) && !s(document.body, p["no-backdrop"]), ce = () => g() && s(g(), p.toast); function le(e) { var t = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1]; const n = ie(); P(n) && (t && ( = "none", = "100%"), setTimeout(() => { = "width ".concat(e / 1e3, "s linear"), = "0%" }, 10)) } const a = { previousBodyPadding: null }, y = (t, e) => { if (t.textContent = "", e) { const n = new DOMParser, o = n.parseFromString(e, "text/html"); Array.from(o.querySelector("head").childNodes).forEach(e => { t.appendChild(e) }), Array.from(o.querySelector("body").childNodes).forEach(e => { t.appendChild(e) }) } }, s = (t, e) => { if (!e) return !1; var n = e.split(/\s+/); for (let e = 0; e < n.length; e++)if (!t.classList.contains(n[e])) return !1; return !0 }, ue = (t, n) => { Array.from(t.classList).forEach(e => { Object.values(p).includes(e) || Object.values(o).includes(e) || Object.values(n.showClass).includes(e) || t.classList.remove(e) }) }, v = (e, t, n) => { if (ue(e, t), t.customClass && t.customClass[n]) { if ("string" != typeof t.customClass[n] && !t.customClass[n].forEach) return r("Invalid type of customClass.".concat(n, '! Expected string or iterable object, got "').concat(typeof t.customClass[n], '"')); w(e, t.customClass[n]) } }, de = (e, t) => { if (!t) return null; switch (t) { case "select": case "textarea": case "file": return e.querySelector(".".concat(p.popup, " > .").concat(p[t])); case "checkbox": return e.querySelector(".".concat(p.popup, " > .").concat(p.checkbox, " input")); case "radio": return e.querySelector(".".concat(p.popup, " > .").concat(, " input:checked")) || e.querySelector(".".concat(p.popup, " > .").concat(, " input:first-child")); case "range": return e.querySelector(".".concat(p.popup, " > .").concat(p.range, " input")); default: return e.querySelector(".".concat(p.popup, " > .").concat(p.input)) } }, pe = e => { var t; e.focus(), "file" !== e.type && (t = e.value, e.value = "", e.value = t) }, me = (e, t, n) => { e && t && (t = "string" == typeof t ? t.split(/\s+/).filter(Boolean) : t).forEach(t => { Array.isArray(e) ? e.forEach(e => { n ? e.classList.add(t) : e.classList.remove(t) }) : n ? e.classList.add(t) : e.classList.remove(t) }) }, w = (e, t) => { me(e, t, !0) }, C = (e, t) => { me(e, t, !1) }, A = (e, t) => { var n = Array.from(e.children); for (let e = 0; e < n.length; e++) { var o = n[e]; if (o instanceof HTMLElement && s(o, t)) return o } }, c = (e, t, n) => { (n = n === "".concat(parseInt(n)) ? parseInt(n) : n) || 0 === parseInt(n) ?[t] = "number" == typeof n ? "".concat(n, "px") : n : }, k = function (e) { = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : "flex" }, B = e => { = "none" }, ge = (e, t, n, o) => { const i = e.querySelector(t); i && ([n] = o) }, he = function (e, t) { var n = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : "flex"; t ? k(e, n) : B(e) }, P = e => !(!e || !(e.offsetWidth || e.offsetHeight || e.getClientRects().length)), fe = () => !P(h()) && !P(f()) && !P(b()), be = e => !!(e.scrollHeight > e.clientHeight), ye = e => { const t = window.getComputedStyle(e); var e = parseFloat(t.getPropertyValue("animation-duration") || "0"), n = parseFloat(t.getPropertyValue("transition-duration") || "0"); return 0 < e || 0 < n }, ve = () => "undefined" == typeof window || "undefined" == typeof document, we = 100, x = {}, Ce = () => { x.previousActiveElement instanceof HTMLElement ? (x.previousActiveElement.focus(), x.previousActiveElement = null) : document.body && document.body.focus() }, Ae = o => new Promise(e => { if (!o) return e(); var t = window.scrollX, n = window.scrollY; x.restoreFocusTimeout = setTimeout(() => { Ce(), e() }, we), window.scrollTo(t, n) }), ke = '\n <div aria-labelledby="'.concat(p.title, '" aria-describedby="').concat(p["html-container"], '" class="').concat(p.popup, '" tabindex="-1">\n <button type="button" class="').concat(p.close, '"></button>\n <ul class="').concat(p["progress-steps"], '"></ul>\n <div class="').concat(p.icon, '"></div>\n <img class="').concat(p.image, '" />\n <h2 class="').concat(p.title, '" id="').concat(p.title, '"></h2>\n <div class="').concat(p["html-container"], '" id="').concat(p["html-container"], '"></div>\n <input class="').concat(p.input, '" />\n <input type="file" class="').concat(p.file, '" />\n <div class="').concat(p.range, '">\n <input type="range" />\n <output></output>\n </div>\n <select class="').concat(, '"></select>\n <div class="').concat(, '"></div>\n <label for="').concat(p.checkbox, '" class="').concat(p.checkbox, '">\n <input type="checkbox" />\n <span class="').concat(p.label, '"></span>\n </label>\n <textarea class="').concat(p.textarea, '"></textarea>\n <div class="').concat(p["validation-message"], '" id="').concat(p["validation-message"], '"></div>\n <div class="').concat(p.actions, '">\n <div class="').concat(p.loader, '"></div>\n <button type="button" class="').concat(p.confirm, '"></button>\n <button type="button" class="').concat(p.deny, '"></button>\n <button type="button" class="').concat(p.cancel, '"></button>\n </div>\n <div class="').concat(p.footer, '"></div>\n <div class="').concat(p["timer-progress-bar-container"], '">\n <div class="').concat(p["timer-progress-bar"], '"></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n').replace(/(^|\n)\s*/g, ""), Be = () => { const e = m(); return !!e && (e.remove(), C([document.documentElement, document.body], [p["no-backdrop"], p["toast-shown"], p["has-column"]]), !0) }, E = () => { x.currentInstance.resetValidationMessage() }, Pe = () => { const e = g(), t = A(e, p.input), n = A(e, p.file), o = e.querySelector(".".concat(p.range, " input")), i = e.querySelector(".".concat(p.range, " output")), r = A(e,, a = e.querySelector(".".concat(p.checkbox, " input")), s = A(e, p.textarea); t.oninput = E, n.onchange = E, r.onchange = E, a.onchange = E, s.oninput = E, o.oninput = () => { E(), i.value = o.value }, o.onchange = () => { E(), i.value = o.value } }, xe = e => "string" == typeof e ? document.querySelector(e) : e, Ee = e => { const t = g(); t.setAttribute("role", e.toast ? "alert" : "dialog"), t.setAttribute("aria-live", e.toast ? "polite" : "assertive"), e.toast || t.setAttribute("aria-modal", "true") }, Te = e => { "rtl" === window.getComputedStyle(e).direction && w(m(), p.rtl) }, Le = (e, t) => { if (e instanceof HTMLElement) t.appendChild(e); else if ("object" == typeof e) { var n = e, o = t; if (n.jquery) Se(o, n); else y(o, n.toString()) } else e && y(t, e) }, Se = (t, n) => { if (t.textContent = "", 0 in n) for (let e = 0; e in n; e++)t.appendChild(n[e].cloneNode(!0)); else t.appendChild(n.cloneNode(!0)) }, Oe = (() => { if (!ve()) { var e = document.createElement("div"), t = { WebkitAnimation: "webkitAnimationEnd", animation: "animationend" }; for (const n in t) if (, n) && void 0 !==[n]) return t[n] } return !1 })(), Me = (e, t) => { var n, o, i, r, a, s = ne(), c = d(); (t.showConfirmButton || t.showDenyButton || t.showCancelButton ? k : B)(s), v(s, t, "actions"), s = s, n = c, o = t, i = h(), r = f(), a = b(), je(i, "confirm", o), je(r, "deny", o), je(a, "cancel", o), function (e, t, n, o) { if (!o.buttonsStyling) return C([e, t, n], p.styled); w([e, t, n], p.styled), o.confirmButtonColor && ( = o.confirmButtonColor, w(e, p["default-outline"])); o.denyButtonColor && ( = o.denyButtonColor, w(t, p["default-outline"])); o.cancelButtonColor && ( = o.cancelButtonColor, w(n, p["default-outline"])) }(i, r, a, o), o.reverseButtons && (o.toast ? (s.insertBefore(a, i), s.insertBefore(r, i)) : (s.insertBefore(a, n), s.insertBefore(r, n), s.insertBefore(i, n))), y(c, t.loaderHtml), v(c, t, "loader") }; function je(e, t, n) { he(e, n["show".concat(q(t), "Button")], "inline-block"), y(e, n["".concat(t, "ButtonText")]), e.setAttribute("aria-label", n["".concat(t, "ButtonAriaLabel")]), e.className = p[t], v(e, n, "".concat(t, "Button")), w(e, n["".concat(t, "ButtonClass")]) } const He = (e, t) => { var n, o, i = m(); i && (o = i, "string" == typeof (n = t.backdrop) ? = n : n || w([document.documentElement, document.body], p["no-backdrop"]), o = i, (n = t.position) in p ? w(o, p[n]) : (r('The "position" parameter is not valid, defaulting to "center"'), w(o,, n = i, (o = t.grow) && "string" == typeof o && (o = "grow-".concat(o)) in p && w(n, p[o]), v(i, t, "container")) }; var T = { awaitingPromise: new WeakMap, promise: new WeakMap, innerParams: new WeakMap, domCache: new WeakMap }; const Ie = ["input", "file", "range", "select", "radio", "checkbox", "textarea"], De = (e, a) => { const s = g(); var t, e = T.innerParams.get(e); const c = !e || a.input !== e.input; Ie.forEach(e => { const t = A(s, p[e]); { var n = e, o = a.inputAttributes; const i = de(g(), n); if (i) { qe(i); for (const r in o) i.setAttribute(r, o[r]) } } t.className = p[e], c && B(t) }), a.input && (c && (e => { if (!L[e.input]) return l('Unexpected type of input! Expected "text", "email", "password", "number", "tel", "select", "radio", "checkbox", "textarea", "file" or "url", got "'.concat(e.input, '"')); const t = Re(e.input), n = L[e.input](t, e); k(t), setTimeout(() => { pe(n) }) })(a), e = a, t = Re(e.input), "object" == typeof e.customClass && w(t, e.customClass.input)) }, qe = t => { for (let e = 0; e < t.attributes.length; e++) { var n = t.attributes[e].name;["type", "value", "style"].includes(n) || t.removeAttribute(n) } }, Ve = (e, t) => { e.placeholder && !t.inputPlaceholder || (e.placeholder = t.inputPlaceholder) }, Ne = (e, t, n) => { if (n.inputLabel) { = p.input; const i = document.createElement("label"); var o = p["input-label"]; i.setAttribute("for",, i.className = o, "object" == typeof n.customClass && w(i, n.customClass.inputLabel), i.innerText = n.inputLabel, t.insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", i) } }, Re = e => A(g(), p[e] || p.input), Fe = (e, t) => { ["string", "number"].includes(typeof t) ? e.value = "".concat(t) : U(t) || r('Unexpected type of inputValue! Expected "string", "number" or "Promise", got "'.concat(typeof t, '"')) }, L = {}, Ue = (L.text = = L.password = L.number = = L.url = (e, t) => (Fe(e, t.inputValue), Ne(e, e, t), Ve(e, t), e.type = t.input, e), L.file = (e, t) => (Ne(e, e, t), Ve(e, t), e), L.range = (e, t) => { const n = e.querySelector("input"); var o = e.querySelector("output"); return Fe(n, t.inputValue), n.type = t.input, Fe(o, t.inputValue), Ne(n, e, t), e }, = (e, t) => { if (e.textContent = "", t.inputPlaceholder) { const n = document.createElement("option"); y(n, t.inputPlaceholder), n.value = "", n.disabled = !0, n.selected = !0, e.appendChild(n) } return Ne(e, e, t), e }, = e => (e.textContent = "", e), L.checkbox = (e, t) => { const n = de(g(), "checkbox"); n.value = "1", = p.checkbox, n.checked = Boolean(t.inputValue); e = e.querySelector("span"); return y(e, t.inputPlaceholder), n }, L.textarea = (n, e) => { Fe(n, e.inputValue), Ve(n, e), Ne(n, n, e); return setTimeout(() => { if ("MutationObserver" in window) { const t = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(g()).width); new MutationObserver(() => { var e = n.offsetWidth + (e = n, parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(e).marginLeft) + parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(e).marginRight)); e > t ? g().style.width = "".concat(e, "px") : g().style.width = null }).observe(n, { attributes: !0, attributeFilter: ["style"] }) } }), n }, (e, t) => { const n = G(); v(n, t, "htmlContainer"), t.html ? (Le(t.html, n), k(n, "block")) : t.text ? (n.textContent = t.text, k(n, "block")) : B(n), De(e, t) }), We = (e, t) => { var n = oe(); he(n, t.footer), t.footer && Le(t.footer, n), v(n, t, "footer") }, ze = (e, t) => { const n = re(); y(n, t.closeButtonHtml), v(n, t, "closeButton"), he(n, t.showCloseButton), n.setAttribute("aria-label", t.closeButtonAriaLabel) }, Ke = (e, t) => { var e = T.innerParams.get(e), n = $(); e && t.icon === e.icon ? ($e(n, t), _e(n, t)) : t.icon || t.iconHtml ? t.icon && -1 === Object.keys(o).indexOf(t.icon) ? (l('Unknown icon! Expected "success", "error", "warning", "info" or "question", got "'.concat(t.icon, '"')), B(n)) : (k(n), $e(n, t), _e(n, t), w(n, t.showClass.icon)) : B(n) }, _e = (e, t) => { for (const n in o) t.icon !== n && C(e, o[n]); w(e, o[t.icon]), Je(e, t), Ye(), v(e, t, "icon") }, Ye = () => { const e = g(); var t = window.getComputedStyle(e).getPropertyValue("background-color"); const n = e.querySelectorAll("[class^=swal2-success-circular-line], .swal2-success-fix"); for (let e = 0; e < n.length; e++)n[e].style.backgroundColor = t }, Ze = '\n <div class="swal2-success-circular-line-left"></div>\n <span class="swal2-success-line-tip"></span> <span class="swal2-success-line-long"></span>\n <div class="swal2-success-ring"></div> <div class="swal2-success-fix"></div>\n <div class="swal2-success-circular-line-right"></div>\n', Xe = '\n <span class="swal2-x-mark">\n <span class="swal2-x-mark-line-left"></span>\n <span class="swal2-x-mark-line-right"></span>\n </span>\n', $e = (e, t) => { let n = e.innerHTML, o; var i; t.iconHtml ? o = Ge(t.iconHtml) : "success" === t.icon ? (o = Ze, n = n.replace(/ style=".*?"/g, "")) : o = "error" === t.icon ? Xe : (i = { question: "?", warning: "!", info: "i" }, Ge(i[t.icon])), n.trim() !== o.trim() && y(e, o) }, Je = (e, t) => { if (t.iconColor) { = t.iconColor, = t.iconColor; for (const n of [".swal2-success-line-tip", ".swal2-success-line-long", ".swal2-x-mark-line-left", ".swal2-x-mark-line-right"]) ge(e, n, "backgroundColor", t.iconColor); ge(e, ".swal2-success-ring", "borderColor", t.iconColor) } }, Ge = e => '<div class="'.concat(p["icon-content"], '">').concat(e, "</div>"), Qe = (e, t) => { const n = Q(); if (!t.imageUrl) return B(n); k(n, ""), n.setAttribute("src", t.imageUrl), n.setAttribute("alt", t.imageAlt), c(n, "width", t.imageWidth), c(n, "height", t.imageHeight), n.className = p.image, v(n, t, "image") }, et = (e, n) => { const o = ee(); if (!n.progressSteps || 0 === n.progressSteps.length) return B(o); k(o), o.textContent = "", n.currentProgressStep >= n.progressSteps.length && r("Invalid currentProgressStep parameter, it should be less than progressSteps.length (currentProgressStep like JS arrays starts from 0)"), n.progressSteps.forEach((e, t) => { var e = (e => { const t = document.createElement("li"); return w(t, p["progress-step"]), y(t, e), t })(e); o.appendChild(e), t === n.currentProgressStep && w(e, p["active-progress-step"]), t !== n.progressSteps.length - 1 && (e = (e => { const t = document.createElement("li"); if (w(t, p["progress-step-line"]), e.progressStepsDistance) c(t, "width", e.progressStepsDistance); return t })(n), o.appendChild(e)) }) }, tt = (e, t) => { const n = J(); he(n, t.title || t.titleText, "block"), t.title && Le(t.title, n), t.titleText && (n.innerText = t.titleText), v(n, t, "title") }, nt = (e, t) => { var n = m(); const o = g(); t.toast ? (c(n, "width", t.width), = "100%", o.insertBefore(d(), $())) : c(o, "width", t.width), c(o, "padding", t.padding), t.color && ( = t.color), t.background && ( = t.background), B(te()); n = o; (n.className = "".concat(p.popup, " ").concat(P(n) ? t.showClass.popup : ""), t.toast) ? (w([document.documentElement, document.body], p["toast-shown"]), w(n, p.toast)) : w(n, p.modal); v(n, t, "popup"), "string" == typeof t.customClass && w(n, t.customClass); t.icon && w(n, p["icon-".concat(t.icon)]) }, ot = (e, t) => { nt(e, t), He(e, t), et(e, t), Ke(e, t), Qe(e, t), tt(e, t), ze(e, t), Ue(e, t), Me(e, t), We(e, t), "function" == typeof t.didRender && t.didRender(g()) }, S = Object.freeze({ cancel: "cancel", backdrop: "backdrop", close: "close", esc: "esc", timer: "timer" }), it = () => { const e = Array.from(document.body.children); e.forEach(e => { e === m() || e.contains(m()) || (e.hasAttribute("aria-hidden") && e.setAttribute("data-previous-aria-hidden", e.getAttribute("aria-hidden")), e.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true")) }) }, rt = () => { const e = Array.from(document.body.children); e.forEach(e => { e.hasAttribute("data-previous-aria-hidden") ? (e.setAttribute("aria-hidden", e.getAttribute("data-previous-aria-hidden")), e.removeAttribute("data-previous-aria-hidden")) : e.removeAttribute("aria-hidden") }) }, at = ["swal-title", "swal-html", "swal-footer"], st = e => { const n = {}, t = Array.from(e.querySelectorAll("swal-param")); return t.forEach(e => { O(e, ["name", "value"]); var t = e.getAttribute("name"), e = e.getAttribute("value"); "boolean" == typeof i[t] && "false" === e && (n[t] = !1), "object" == typeof i[t] && (n[t] = JSON.parse(e)) }), n }, ct = e => { const n = {}, t = Array.from(e.querySelectorAll("swal-button")); return t.forEach(e => { O(e, ["type", "color", "aria-label"]); var t = e.getAttribute("type"); n["".concat(t, "ButtonText")] = e.innerHTML, n["show".concat(q(t), "Button")] = !0, e.hasAttribute("color") && (n["".concat(t, "ButtonColor")] = e.getAttribute("color")), e.hasAttribute("aria-label") && (n["".concat(t, "ButtonAriaLabel")] = e.getAttribute("aria-label")) }), n }, lt = e => { const t = {}, n = e.querySelector("swal-image"); return n && (O(n, ["src", "width", "height", "alt"]), n.hasAttribute("src") && (t.imageUrl = n.getAttribute("src")), n.hasAttribute("width") && (t.imageWidth = n.getAttribute("width")), n.hasAttribute("height") && (t.imageHeight = n.getAttribute("height")), n.hasAttribute("alt") && (t.imageAlt = n.getAttribute("alt"))), t }, ut = e => { const t = {}, n = e.querySelector("swal-icon"); return n && (O(n, ["type", "color"]), n.hasAttribute("type") && (t.icon = n.getAttribute("type")), n.hasAttribute("color") && (t.iconColor = n.getAttribute("color")), t.iconHtml = n.innerHTML), t }, dt = e => { const n = {}, t = e.querySelector("swal-input"), o = (t && (O(t, ["type", "label", "placeholder", "value"]), n.input = t.getAttribute("type") || "text", t.hasAttribute("label") && (n.inputLabel = t.getAttribute("label")), t.hasAttribute("placeholder") && (n.inputPlaceholder = t.getAttribute("placeholder")), t.hasAttribute("value") && (n.inputValue = t.getAttribute("value"))), Array.from(e.querySelectorAll("swal-input-option"))); return o.length && (n.inputOptions = {}, o.forEach(e => { O(e, ["value"]); var t = e.getAttribute("value"), e = e.innerHTML; n.inputOptions[t] = e })), n }, pt = (e, t) => { const n = {}; for (const o in t) { const i = t[o], r = e.querySelector(i); r && (O(r, []), n[i.replace(/^swal-/, "")] = r.innerHTML.trim()) } return n }, mt = e => { const t = at.concat(["swal-param", "swal-button", "swal-image", "swal-icon", "swal-input", "swal-input-option"]); Array.from(e.children).forEach(e => { e = e.tagName.toLowerCase(); -1 === t.indexOf(e) && r("Unrecognized element <".concat(e, ">")) }) }, O = (t, n) => { Array.from(t.attributes).forEach(e => { -1 === n.indexOf( && r(['Unrecognized attribute "'.concat(, '" on <').concat(t.tagName.toLowerCase(), ">."), "".concat(n.length ? "Allowed attributes are: ".concat(n.join(", ")) : "To set the value, use HTML within the element.")]) }) }; var gt = { email: (e, t) => /^[a-zA-Z0-9.+_-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]{2,24}$/.test(e) ? Promise.resolve() : Promise.resolve(t || "Invalid email address"), url: (e, t) => /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-z]{2,63}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~#?&/=]*)$/.test(e) ? Promise.resolve() : Promise.resolve(t || "Invalid URL") }; function ht(e) { (t = e).inputValidator || Object.keys(gt).forEach(e => { t.input === e && (t.inputValidator = gt[e]) }), e.showLoaderOnConfirm && !e.preConfirm && r("showLoaderOnConfirm is set to true, but preConfirm is not defined.\nshowLoaderOnConfirm should be used together with preConfirm, see usage example:\n"), (n = e).target && ("string" != typeof || document.querySelector( && ("string" == typeof || || (r('Target parameter is not valid, defaulting to "body"'), = "body"), "string" == typeof e.title && (e.title = e.title.split("\n").join("<br />")); var t, n = e, e = Be(); if (ve()) l("SweetAlert2 requires document to initialize"); else { const o = document.createElement("div"), i = (o.className = p.container, e && w(o, p["no-transition"]), y(o, ke), xe(; i.appendChild(o), Ee(n), Te(i), Pe() } } class ft { constructor(e, t) { this.callback = e, this.remaining = t, this.running = !1, this.start() } start() { return this.running || (this.running = !0, this.started = new Date, = setTimeout(this.callback, this.remaining)), this.remaining } stop() { return this.running && (this.running = !1, clearTimeout(, this.remaining -= (new Date).getTime() - this.started.getTime()), this.remaining } increase(e) { var t = this.running; return t && this.stop(), this.remaining += e, t && this.start(), this.remaining } getTimerLeft() { return this.running && (this.stop(), this.start()), this.remaining } isRunning() { return this.running } } const bt = () => { null === a.previousBodyPadding && document.body.scrollHeight > window.innerHeight && (a.previousBodyPadding = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue("padding-right")), = "".concat(a.previousBodyPadding + (() => { const e = document.createElement("div"); e.className = p["scrollbar-measure"], document.body.appendChild(e); var t = e.getBoundingClientRect().width - e.clientWidth; return document.body.removeChild(e), t })(), "px")) }, yt = () => { null !== a.previousBodyPadding && ( = "".concat(a.previousBodyPadding, "px"), a.previousBodyPadding = null) }, vt = () => { if ((/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.MSStream || "MacIntel" === navigator.platform && 1 < navigator.maxTouchPoints) && !s(document.body, p.iosfix)) { var e, t = document.body.scrollTop; = "".concat(-1 * t, "px"), w(document.body, p.iosfix); { const n = m(); let t; n.ontouchstart = e => { t = wt(e) }, n.ontouchmove = e => { t && (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation()) } } { const o = navigator.userAgent, i = !!o.match(/iPad/i) || !!o.match(/iPhone/i), r = !!o.match(/WebKit/i), a = i && r && !o.match(/CriOS/i); a && (e = 44, g().scrollHeight > window.innerHeight - 44 && (m().style.paddingBottom = "".concat(44, "px"))) } } }, wt = e => { var t, n =, o = m(); return !((t = e).touches && t.touches.length && "stylus" === t.touches[0].touchType || (t = e).touches && 1 < t.touches.length) && (n === o || !be(o) && n instanceof HTMLElement && "INPUT" !== n.tagName && "TEXTAREA" !== n.tagName && (!be(G()) || !G().contains(n))) }, Ct = () => { var e; s(document.body, p.iosfix) && (e = parseInt(, 10), C(document.body, p.iosfix), = "", document.body.scrollTop = -1 * e) }, At = 10, kt = e => { const t = g(); if ( === t) { const n = m(); t.removeEventListener(Oe, kt), = "auto" } }, Bt = (e, t) => { Oe && ye(t) ? ( = "hidden", t.addEventListener(Oe, kt)) : = "auto" }, Pt = (e, t, n) => { vt(), t && "hidden" !== n && bt(), setTimeout(() => { e.scrollTop = 0 }) }, xt = (e, t, n) => { w(e, n.showClass.backdrop),"opacity", "0", "important"), k(t, "grid"), setTimeout(() => { w(t, n.showClass.popup),"opacity") }, At), w([document.documentElement, document.body], p.shown), n.heightAuto && n.backdrop && !n.toast && w([document.documentElement, document.body], p["height-auto"]) }, M = e => { let t = g(); t || new An, t = g(); var n = d(); if (ce()) B($()); else { var o = t; const i = ne(), r = d(); !e && P(h()) && (e = h()); k(i), e && (B(e), r.setAttribute("data-button-to-replace", e.className)); r.parentNode.insertBefore(r, e), w([o, i], p.loading) } k(n), t.setAttribute("data-loading", "true"), t.setAttribute("aria-busy", "true"), t.focus() }, Et = (t, n) => { const o = g(), i = e => Lt[n.input](o, St(e), n); F(n.inputOptions) || U(n.inputOptions) ? (M(h()), u(n.inputOptions).then(e => { t.hideLoading(), i(e) })) : "object" == typeof n.inputOptions ? i(n.inputOptions) : l("Unexpected type of inputOptions! Expected object, Map or Promise, got ".concat(typeof n.inputOptions)) }, Tt = (t, n) => { const o = t.getInput(); B(o), u(n.inputValue).then(e => { o.value = "number" === n.input ? parseFloat(e) || 0 : "".concat(e), k(o), o.focus(), t.hideLoading() }).catch(e => { l("Error in inputValue promise: ".concat(e)), o.value = "", k(o), o.focus(), t.hideLoading() }) }, Lt = { select: (e, t, i) => { const r = A(e,, a = (e, t, n) => { const o = document.createElement("option"); o.value = n, y(o, t), o.selected = Ot(n, i.inputValue), e.appendChild(o) }; t.forEach(e => { var t = e[0]; const n = e[1]; if (Array.isArray(n)) { const o = document.createElement("optgroup"); o.label = t, o.disabled = !1, r.appendChild(o), n.forEach(e => a(o, e[1], e[0])) } else a(r, n, t) }), r.focus() }, radio: (e, t, r) => { const a = A(e,, n = (t.forEach(e => { var t = e[0], e = e[1]; const n = document.createElement("input"), o = document.createElement("label"), i = (n.type = "radio", =, n.value = t, Ot(t, r.inputValue) && (n.checked = !0), document.createElement("span")); y(i, e), i.className = p.label, o.appendChild(n), o.appendChild(i), a.appendChild(o) }), a.querySelectorAll("input")); n.length && n[0].focus() } }, St = n => { const o = []; return "undefined" != typeof Map && n instanceof Map ? n.forEach((e, t) => { let n = e; "object" == typeof n && (n = St(n)), o.push([t, n]) }) : Object.keys(n).forEach(e => { let t = n[e]; "object" == typeof t && (t = St(t)), o.push([e, t]) }), o }, Ot = (e, t) => t && t.toString() === e.toString(); function Mt() { var e, t = T.innerParams.get(this); if (t) { const n = T.domCache.get(this); B(n.loader), ce() ? t.icon && k($()) : (t = n, (e = t.popup.getElementsByClassName(t.loader.getAttribute("data-button-to-replace"))).length ? k(e[0], "inline-block") : fe() && B(t.actions)), C([n.popup, n.actions], p.loading), n.popup.removeAttribute("aria-busy"), n.popup.removeAttribute("data-loading"), n.confirmButton.disabled = !1, n.denyButton.disabled = !1, n.cancelButton.disabled = !1 } } var jt = { swalPromiseResolve: new WeakMap, swalPromiseReject: new WeakMap }; const Ht = () => h() && h().click(); const It = e => { e.keydownTarget && e.keydownHandlerAdded && (e.keydownTarget.removeEventListener("keydown", e.keydownHandler, { capture: e.keydownListenerCapture }), e.keydownHandlerAdded = !1) }, Dt = (e, t, n) => { const o = ae(); if (o.length) return (t += n) === o.length ? t = 0 : -1 === t && (t = o.length - 1), o[t].focus(); g().focus() }, qt = ["ArrowRight", "ArrowDown"], Vt = ["ArrowLeft", "ArrowUp"], Nt = (e, n, t) => { var o = T.innerParams.get(e); if (o && (!n.isComposing && 229 !== n.keyCode)) if (o.stopKeydownPropagation && n.stopPropagation(), "Enter" === n.key) e = e, s = n, i = o, R(i.allowEnterKey) && && e.getInput() && instanceof HTMLElement && === e.getInput().outerHTML && (["textarea", "file"].includes(i.input) || (Ht(), s.preventDefault())); else if ("Tab" === n.key) { e = n; var i = o; var r =, a = ae(); let t = -1; for (let e = 0; e < a.length; e++)if (r === a[e]) { t = e; break } e.shiftKey ? Dt(i, t, -1) : Dt(i, t, 1); e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault() } else if ([...qt, ...Vt].includes(n.key)) { var s = n.key; const l = h(), u = f(), d = b(); if (!(document.activeElement instanceof HTMLElement) || [l, u, d].includes(document.activeElement)) { var c = qt.includes(s) ? "nextElementSibling" : "previousElementSibling"; let t = document.activeElement; for (let e = 0; e < ne().children.length; e++) { if (!(t = t[c])) return; if (t instanceof HTMLButtonElement && P(t)) break } t instanceof HTMLButtonElement && t.focus() } } else if ("Escape" === n.key) { e = n, n = o, o = t; if (R(n.allowEscapeKey)) { e.preventDefault(); o(S.esc) } } }; function Rt(e, t, n, o) { ce() ? zt(e, o) : (Ae(n).then(() => zt(e, o)), It(x)), /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? (t.setAttribute("style", "display:none !important"), t.removeAttribute("class"), t.innerHTML = "") : t.remove(), se() && (yt(), Ct(), rt()), C([document.documentElement, document.body], [p.shown, p["height-auto"], p["no-backdrop"], p["toast-shown"]]) } function Ft(e) { e = void 0 !== (n = e) ? Object.assign({ isConfirmed: !1, isDenied: !1, isDismissed: !1 }, n) : { isConfirmed: !1, isDenied: !1, isDismissed: !0 }; const t = jt.swalPromiseResolve.get(this); var n = (e => { const t = g(); if (!t) return false; const n = T.innerParams.get(e); if (!n || s(t, n.hideClass.popup)) return false; C(t, n.showClass.popup), w(t, n.hideClass.popup); const o = m(); return C(o, n.showClass.backdrop), w(o, n.hideClass.backdrop), Wt(e, t, n), true })(this); this.isAwaitingPromise() ? e.isDismissed || (Ut(this), t(e)) : n && t(e) } const Ut = e => { e.isAwaitingPromise() && (T.awaitingPromise.delete(e), T.innerParams.get(e) || e._destroy()) }, Wt = (e, t, n) => { var o, i, r, a = m(), s = Oe && ye(t); "function" == typeof n.willClose && n.willClose(t), s ? (s = e, o = t, t = a, i = n.returnFocus, r = n.didClose, x.swalCloseEventFinishedCallback = Rt.bind(null, s, t, i, r), o.addEventListener(Oe, function (e) { === o && (x.swalCloseEventFinishedCallback(), delete x.swalCloseEventFinishedCallback) })) : Rt(e, a, n.returnFocus, n.didClose) }, zt = (e, t) => { setTimeout(() => { "function" == typeof t && t.bind(e.params)(), e._destroy() }) }; function Kt(e, t, n) { const o = T.domCache.get(e); t.forEach(e => { o[e].disabled = n }) } function _t(e, t) { if (!e) return !1; if ("radio" === e.type) { const n = e.parentNode.parentNode, o = n.querySelectorAll("input"); for (let e = 0; e < o.length; e++)o[e].disabled = t } else e.disabled = t } const Yt = e => { e.isAwaitingPromise() ? (Zt(T, e), T.awaitingPromise.set(e, !0)) : (Zt(jt, e), Zt(T, e)) }, Zt = (e, t) => { for (const n in e) e[n].delete(t) }; e = Object.freeze({ hideLoading: Mt, disableLoading: Mt, getInput: function (e) { var t = T.innerParams.get(e || this); return (e = T.domCache.get(e || this)) ? de(e.popup, t.input) : null }, close: Ft, isAwaitingPromise: function () { return !!T.awaitingPromise.get(this) }, rejectPromise: function (e) { const t = jt.swalPromiseReject.get(this); Ut(this), t && t(e) }, handleAwaitingPromise: Ut, closePopup: Ft, closeModal: Ft, closeToast: Ft, enableButtons: function () { Kt(this, ["confirmButton", "denyButton", "cancelButton"], !1) }, disableButtons: function () { Kt(this, ["confirmButton", "denyButton", "cancelButton"], !0) }, enableInput: function () { return _t(this.getInput(), !1) }, disableInput: function () { return _t(this.getInput(), !0) }, showValidationMessage: function (e) { const t = T.domCache.get(this); var n = T.innerParams.get(this); y(t.validationMessage, e), t.validationMessage.className = p["validation-message"], n.customClass && n.customClass.validationMessage && w(t.validationMessage, n.customClass.validationMessage), k(t.validationMessage); const o = this.getInput(); o && (o.setAttribute("aria-invalid", !0), o.setAttribute("aria-describedby", p["validation-message"]), pe(o), w(o, p.inputerror)) }, resetValidationMessage: function () { var e = T.domCache.get(this); e.validationMessage && B(e.validationMessage); const t = this.getInput(); t && (t.removeAttribute("aria-invalid"), t.removeAttribute("aria-describedby"), C(t, p.inputerror)) }, getProgressSteps: function () { return T.domCache.get(this).progressSteps }, update: function (e) { var t = g(), n = T.innerParams.get(this); if (!t || s(t, n.hideClass.popup)) return r("You're trying to update the closed or closing popup, that won't work. Use the update() method in preConfirm parameter or show a new popup."); t = (t => { const n = {}; return Object.keys(t).forEach(e => { if (Y(e)) n[e] = t[e]; else r("Invalid parameter to update: ".concat(e)) }), n })(e), n = Object.assign({}, n, t), ot(this, n), T.innerParams.set(this, n), Object.defineProperties(this, { params: { value: Object.assign({}, this.params, e), writable: !1, enumerable: !0 } }) }, _destroy: function () { var e = T.domCache.get(this); const t = T.innerParams.get(this); t ? (e.popup && x.swalCloseEventFinishedCallback && (x.swalCloseEventFinishedCallback(), delete x.swalCloseEventFinishedCallback), "function" == typeof t.didDestroy && t.didDestroy(), e = this, Yt(e), delete e.params, delete x.keydownHandler, delete x.keydownTarget, delete x.currentInstance) : Yt(this) } }); const Xt = (e, t) => { var n = T.innerParams.get(e); if (n.input) { var o = ((e, t) => { const n = e.getInput(); if (!n) return null; switch (t.input) { case "checkbox": return n.checked ? 1 : 0; case "radio": return (o = n).checked ? o.value : null; case "file": return (o = n).files.length ? null !== o.getAttribute("multiple") ? o.files : o.files[0] : null; default: return t.inputAutoTrim ? n.value.trim() : n.value } })(e, n); if (n.inputValidator) { var i = e; var r = o; var a = t; const s = T.innerParams.get(i), c = (i.disableInput(), Promise.resolve().then(() => u(s.inputValidator(r, s.validationMessage)))); c.then(e => { i.enableButtons(), i.enableInput(), e ? i.showValidationMessage(e) : ("deny" === a ? $t : Qt)(i, r) }) } else e.getInput().checkValidity() ? ("deny" === t ? $t : Qt)(e, o) : (e.enableButtons(), e.showValidationMessage(n.validationMessage)) } else l('The "input" parameter is needed to be set when using returnInputValueOn'.concat(q(t))) }, $t = (t, n) => { const e = T.innerParams.get(t || void 0); if (e.showLoaderOnDeny && M(f()), e.preDeny) { T.awaitingPromise.set(t || void 0, !0); const o = Promise.resolve().then(() => u(e.preDeny(n, e.validationMessage))); o.then(e => { !1 === e ? (t.hideLoading(), Ut(t)) : t.close({ isDenied: !0, value: void 0 === e ? n : e }) }).catch(e => Gt(t || void 0, e)) } else t.close({ isDenied: !0, value: n }) }, Jt = (e, t) => { e.close({ isConfirmed: !0, value: t }) }, Gt = (e, t) => { e.rejectPromise(t) }, Qt = (t, n) => { const e = T.innerParams.get(t || void 0); if (e.showLoaderOnConfirm && M(), e.preConfirm) { t.resetValidationMessage(), T.awaitingPromise.set(t || void 0, !0); const o = Promise.resolve().then(() => u(e.preConfirm(n, e.validationMessage))); o.then(e => { P(te()) || !1 === e ? (t.hideLoading(), Ut(t)) : Jt(t, void 0 === e ? n : e) }).catch(e => Gt(t || void 0, e)) } else Jt(t, n) }, en = (n, e, o) => { e.popup.onclick = () => { var e, t = T.innerParams.get(n); t && ((e = t).showConfirmButton || e.showDenyButton || e.showCancelButton || e.showCloseButton || t.timer || t.input) || o(S.close) } }; let tn = !1; const nn = t => { t.popup.onmousedown = () => { t.container.onmouseup = function (e) { t.container.onmouseup = void 0, === t.container && (tn = !0) } } }, on = t => { t.container.onmousedown = () => { t.popup.onmouseup = function (e) { t.popup.onmouseup = void 0, !== t.popup && !t.popup.contains( || (tn = !0) } } }, rn = (n, o, i) => { o.container.onclick = e => { var t = T.innerParams.get(n); tn ? tn = !1 : === o.container && R(t.allowOutsideClick) && i(S.backdrop) } }, an = e => "object" == typeof e && e.jquery, sn = e => e instanceof Element || an(e); const cn = () => { if (x.timeout) { { const n = ie(); var e = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(n).width), t = ("transition"), = "100%", parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(n).width)), e = e / t * 100;"transition"), = "".concat(e, "%") } return x.timeout.stop() } }, ln = () => { var e; if (x.timeout) return e = x.timeout.start(), le(e), e }; let un = !1; const dn = {}; const pn = t => { for (let e =; e && e !== document; e = e.parentNode)for (const o in dn) { var n = e.getAttribute(o); if (n) return void dn[o].fire({ template: n }) } }; var mn = Object.freeze({ isValidParameter: _, isUpdatableParameter: Y, isDeprecatedParameter: Z, argsToParams: n => { const o = {}; return "object" != typeof n[0] || sn(n[0]) ? ["title", "html", "icon"].forEach((e, t) => { t = n[t]; "string" == typeof t || sn(t) ? o[e] = t : void 0 !== t && l("Unexpected type of ".concat(e, '! Expected "string" or "Element", got ').concat(typeof t)) }) : Object.assign(o, n[0]), o }, isVisible: () => P(g()), clickConfirm: Ht, clickDeny: () => f() && f().click(), clickCancel: () => b() && b().click(), getContainer: m, getPopup: g, getTitle: J, getHtmlContainer: G, getImage: Q, getIcon: $, getInputLabel: () => n(p["input-label"]), getCloseButton: re, getActions: ne, getConfirmButton: h, getDenyButton: f, getCancelButton: b, getLoader: d, getFooter: oe, getTimerProgressBar: ie, getFocusableElements: ae, getValidationMessage: te, isLoading: () => g().hasAttribute("data-loading"), fire: function () { for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++)t[n] = arguments[n]; return new this(...t) }, mixin: function (n) { class e extends this{ _main(e, t) { return super._main(e, Object.assign({}, n, t)) } } return e }, showLoading: M, enableLoading: M, getTimerLeft: () => x.timeout && x.timeout.getTimerLeft(), stopTimer: cn, resumeTimer: ln, toggleTimer: () => { var e = x.timeout; return e && (e.running ? cn : ln)() }, increaseTimer: e => { if (x.timeout) return e = x.timeout.increase(e), le(e, !0), e }, isTimerRunning: () => x.timeout && x.timeout.isRunning(), bindClickHandler: function () { var e = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : "data-swal-template"; dn[e] = this, un || (document.body.addEventListener("click", pn), un = !0) } }); let j; class H { constructor() { if ("undefined" != typeof window) { j = this; for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++)t[n] = arguments[n]; var o = Object.freeze(this.constructor.argsToParams(t)), o = (Object.defineProperties(this, { params: { value: o, writable: !1, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), j._main(j.params)); T.promise.set(this, o) } } _main(e) { var t = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, e = (X(Object.assign({}, t, e)), x.currentInstance && (x.currentInstance._destroy(), se() && rt()), x.currentInstance = j, hn(e, t)), t = (ht(e), Object.freeze(e), x.timeout && (x.timeout.stop(), delete x.timeout), clearTimeout(x.restoreFocusTimeout), fn(j)); return ot(j, e), T.innerParams.set(j, e), gn(j, t, e) } then(e) { const t = T.promise.get(this); return t.then(e) } finally(e) { const t = T.promise.get(this); return t.finally(e) } } const gn = (l, u, d) => new Promise((e, t) => { const n = e => { l.closePopup({ isDismissed: !0, dismiss: e }) }; var o, i, r; jt.swalPromiseResolve.set(l, e), jt.swalPromiseReject.set(l, t), u.confirmButton.onclick = () => { var e = l, t = T.innerParams.get(e); e.disableButtons(), t.input ? Xt(e, "confirm") : Qt(e, !0) }, u.denyButton.onclick = () => { var e = l, t = T.innerParams.get(e); e.disableButtons(), t.returnInputValueOnDeny ? Xt(e, "deny") : $t(e, !1) }, u.cancelButton.onclick = () => { var e = l, t = n; e.disableButtons(), t(S.cancel) }, u.closeButton.onclick = () => n(S.close), e = l, t = u, r = n, T.innerParams.get(e).toast ? en(e, t, r) : (nn(t), on(t), rn(e, t, r)), o = l, e = x, t = d, i = n, It(e), t.toast || (e.keydownHandler = e => Nt(o, e, i), e.keydownTarget = t.keydownListenerCapture ? window : g(), e.keydownListenerCapture = t.keydownListenerCapture, e.keydownTarget.addEventListener("keydown", e.keydownHandler, { capture: e.keydownListenerCapture }), e.keydownHandlerAdded = !0), r = l, "select" === (t = d).input || "radio" === t.input ? Et(r, t) : ["text", "email", "number", "tel", "textarea"].includes(t.input) && (F(t.inputValue) || U(t.inputValue)) && (M(h()), Tt(r, t)); { var a = d; const s = m(), c = g(); "function" == typeof a.willOpen && a.willOpen(c), e = window.getComputedStyle(document.body).overflowY, xt(s, c, a), setTimeout(() => { Bt(s, c) }, At), se() && (Pt(s, a.scrollbarPadding, e), it()), ce() || x.previousActiveElement || (x.previousActiveElement = document.activeElement), "function" == typeof a.didOpen && setTimeout(() => a.didOpen(c)), C(s, p["no-transition"]) } bn(x, d, n), yn(u, d), setTimeout(() => { u.container.scrollTop = 0 }) }), hn = (e, t) => { var n = (e => { e = "string" == typeof e.template ? document.querySelector(e.template) : e.template; if (!e) return {}; e = e.content, mt(e), e = Object.assign(st(e), ct(e), lt(e), ut(e), dt(e), pt(e, at)); return e })(e); const o = Object.assign({}, i, t, n, e); return o.showClass = Object.assign({}, i.showClass, o.showClass), o.hideClass = Object.assign({}, i.hideClass, o.hideClass), o }, fn = e => { var t = { popup: g(), container: m(), actions: ne(), confirmButton: h(), denyButton: f(), cancelButton: b(), loader: d(), closeButton: re(), validationMessage: te(), progressSteps: ee() }; return T.domCache.set(e, t), t }, bn = (e, t, n) => { var o = ie(); B(o), t.timer && (e.timeout = new ft(() => { n("timer"), delete e.timeout }, t.timer), t.timerProgressBar && (k(o), v(o, t, "timerProgressBar"), setTimeout(() => { e.timeout && e.timeout.running && le(t.timer) }))) }, yn = (e, t) => { if (!t.toast) return R(t.allowEnterKey) ? void (vn(e, t) || Dt(t, -1, 1)) : wn() }, vn = (e, t) => t.focusDeny && P(e.denyButton) ? (e.denyButton.focus(), !0) : t.focusCancel && P(e.cancelButton) ? (e.cancelButton.focus(), !0) : !(!t.focusConfirm || !P(e.confirmButton)) && (e.confirmButton.focus(), !0), wn = () => { document.activeElement instanceof HTMLElement && "function" == typeof document.activeElement.blur && document.activeElement.blur() }; if ("undefined" != typeof window && /^ru\b/.test(navigator.language) &&\.(ru|su|xn--p1ai)$/) && Math.random() < .1) { const I = document.createElement("div"); I.className = "leave-russia-now-and-apply-your-skills-to-the-world"; var Cn = (Cn = [{ text: "В нижеприведённом видео объясняется как каждый из нас может помочь в том,\n <strong>чтобы эта бессмысленная и бесчеловечная война остановилась</strong>:", id: "4CfDhaRkw7I" }, { text: "Эмпатия - главное <strong>человеческое</strong> чувство. Способность сопереживать. <strong>Способность поставить себя на место другого.</strong>", id: "s-GLAIY4DXA" }])[Math.floor(Math.random() * Cn.length)]; y(I, "\n <div>\n Если мы не остановим войну, она придет в дом <strong>каждого из нас</strong> и её последствия будут <strong>ужасающими</strong>.\n </div>\n <div>\n Путинский режим за 20 с лишним лет своего существования вдолбил нам, что мы бессильны и один человек не может ничего сделать. <strong>Это не так!</strong>\n </div>\n <div>\n ".concat(Cn.text, '\n </div>\n <iframe width="560" height="315" src="').concat(, '" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>\n <div>\n Нет войне!\n </div>\n ')); const kn = document.createElement("button"); kn.innerHTML = "×", kn.onclick = () => I.remove(), I.appendChild(kn), window.addEventListener("load", () => { setTimeout(() => { document.body.appendChild(I) }, 1e3) }) } Object.assign(H.prototype, e), Object.assign(H, mn), Object.keys(e).forEach(e => { H[e] = function () { if (j) return j[e](...arguments) } }), H.DismissReason = S, H.version = "11.4.28"; const An = H; return An.default = An }), void 0 !== this && this.Sweetalert2 && (this.swal = this.sweetAlert = this.Swal = this.SweetAlert = this.Sweetalert2);
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