Your IP :
<div class="mr-auto">
<p style="
display: inline;
color: red;
font-size: 20px;
margin-top: 0px;
<p style="
display: inline;
color: red;
font-size: 20px;
margin-top: 0px;
<p style="
display: inline;
color: red;
font-size: 20px;
margin-top: 0px;
" id="mins"></p>
<p style="
display: inline;
color: red;
font-size: 20px;
margin-top: 0px;
" id="secs"></p>
<!-- <h2 id="end"></h2>
--> <script>
// The data/time we want to countdown to
var countDownDate = new Date("nov 25, 2020 07:48:13").getTime();
// Run myfunc every second
var myfunc = setInterval(function() {
var now = new Date().getTime();
var timeleft = countDownDate - now;
// Calculating the days, hours, minutes and seconds left
var days = Math.floor(timeleft / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
var hours = Math.floor((timeleft % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) / (1000 * 60 * 60));
var minutes = Math.floor((timeleft % (1000 * 60 * 60)) / (1000 * 60));
var seconds = Math.floor((timeleft % (1000 * 60)) / 1000);
// Result is output to the specific element
document.getElementById("days").innerHTML = days + "d "
document.getElementById("hours").innerHTML = hours + "h "
document.getElementById("mins").innerHTML = minutes + "m "
document.getElementById("secs").innerHTML = seconds + "s "
// Display the message when countdown is over
if (timeleft < 0) {
document.getElementById("days").innerHTML = ""
document.getElementById("hours").innerHTML = ""
document.getElementById("mins").innerHTML = ""
document.getElementById("secs").innerHTML = ""
document.getElementById("end").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("val").innerHTML = "15";
var amt = 12;
} else if(timeleft > 0) {
var amt = 12;
document.getElementById("end").innerHTML = "Enjoy 33.3% discount on card request for the next";
document.getElementById("val").innerHTML = amt;
}, 1000);