Your IP :
* This file is part of Psy Shell.
* (c) 2012-2022 Justin Hileman
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Psy;
use Psy\CodeCleaner\NoReturnValue;
use Psy\Exception\BreakException;
use Psy\Exception\ErrorException;
use Psy\Exception\Exception as PsyException;
use Psy\Exception\ThrowUpException;
use Psy\Exception\TypeErrorException;
use Psy\ExecutionLoop\ProcessForker;
use Psy\ExecutionLoop\RunkitReloader;
use Psy\Formatter\TraceFormatter;
use Psy\Input\ShellInput;
use Psy\Input\SilentInput;
use Psy\Output\ShellOutput;
use Psy\TabCompletion\Matcher;
use Psy\VarDumper\PresenterAware;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Application;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command as BaseCommand;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatter;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArrayInput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\StringInput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
* The Psy Shell application.
* Usage:
* $shell = new Shell;
* $shell->run();
* @author Justin Hileman <>
class Shell extends Application
const VERSION = 'v0.11.7';
const PROMPT = '>>> ';
const BUFF_PROMPT = '... ';
const REPLAY = '--> ';
const RETVAL = '=> ';
private $config;
private $cleaner;
private $output;
private $originalVerbosity;
private $readline;
private $inputBuffer;
private $code;
private $codeBuffer;
private $codeBufferOpen;
private $codeStack;
private $stdoutBuffer;
private $context;
private $includes;
private $outputWantsNewline = false;
private $loopListeners;
private $autoCompleter;
private $matchers = [];
private $commandsMatcher;
private $lastExecSuccess = true;
private $nonInteractive = false;
private $errorReporting;
* Create a new Psy Shell.
* @param Configuration|null $config (default: null)
public function __construct(Configuration $config = null)
$this->config = $config ?: new Configuration();
$this->cleaner = $this->config->getCodeCleaner();
$this->context = new Context();
$this->includes = [];
$this->readline = $this->config->getReadline();
$this->inputBuffer = [];
$this->codeStack = [];
$this->stdoutBuffer = '';
$this->loopListeners = $this->getDefaultLoopListeners();
parent::__construct('Psy Shell', self::VERSION);
// Register the current shell session's config with \Psy\info
* Check whether the first thing in a backtrace is an include call.
* This is used by the psysh bin to decide whether to start a shell on boot,
* or to simply autoload the library.
public static function isIncluded(array $trace): bool
$isIncluded = isset($trace[0]['function']) &&
\in_array($trace[0]['function'], ['require', 'include', 'require_once', 'include_once']);
// Detect Composer PHP bin proxies.
if ($isIncluded && \array_key_exists('_composer_autoload_path', $GLOBALS) && \preg_match('{[\\\\/]psysh$}', $trace[0]['file'])) {
// If we're in a bin proxy, we'll *always* see one include, but we
// care if we see a second immediately after that.
return isset($trace[1]['function']) &&
\in_array($trace[1]['function'], ['require', 'include', 'require_once', 'include_once']);
return $isIncluded;
* Invoke a Psy Shell from the current context.
* @see Psy\debug
* @deprecated will be removed in 1.0. Use \Psy\debug instead
* @param array $vars Scope variables from the calling context (default: [])
* @param object|string $bindTo Bound object ($this) or class (self) value for the shell
* @return array Scope variables from the debugger session
public static function debug(array $vars = [], $bindTo = null): array
return \Psy\debug($vars, $bindTo);
* Adds a command object.
* {@inheritdoc}
* @param BaseCommand $command A Symfony Console Command object
* @return BaseCommand The registered command
public function add(BaseCommand $command): BaseCommand
if ($ret = parent::add($command)) {
if ($ret instanceof ContextAware) {
if ($ret instanceof PresenterAware) {
if (isset($this->commandsMatcher)) {
return $ret;
* Gets the default input definition.
* @return InputDefinition An InputDefinition instance
protected function getDefaultInputDefinition(): InputDefinition
return new InputDefinition([
new InputArgument('command', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The command to execute'),
new InputOption('--help', '-h', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Display this help message.'),
* Gets the default commands that should always be available.
* @return array An array of default Command instances
protected function getDefaultCommands(): array
$sudo = new Command\SudoCommand();
$hist = new Command\HistoryCommand();
return [
new Command\HelpCommand(),
new Command\ListCommand(),
new Command\DumpCommand(),
new Command\DocCommand(),
new Command\ShowCommand(),
new Command\WtfCommand(),
new Command\WhereamiCommand(),
new Command\ThrowUpCommand(),
new Command\TimeitCommand(),
new Command\TraceCommand(),
new Command\BufferCommand(),
new Command\ClearCommand(),
new Command\EditCommand($this->config->getRuntimeDir()),
// new Command\PsyVersionCommand(),
new Command\ExitCommand(),
* @return array
protected function getDefaultMatchers(): array
// Store the Commands Matcher for later. If more commands are added,
// we'll update the Commands Matcher too.
$this->commandsMatcher = new Matcher\CommandsMatcher($this->all());
return [
new Matcher\KeywordsMatcher(),
new Matcher\VariablesMatcher(),
new Matcher\ConstantsMatcher(),
new Matcher\FunctionsMatcher(),
new Matcher\ClassNamesMatcher(),
new Matcher\ClassMethodsMatcher(),
new Matcher\ClassAttributesMatcher(),
new Matcher\ObjectMethodsMatcher(),
new Matcher\ObjectAttributesMatcher(),
new Matcher\ClassMethodDefaultParametersMatcher(),
new Matcher\ObjectMethodDefaultParametersMatcher(),
new Matcher\FunctionDefaultParametersMatcher(),
* @deprecated Nothing should use this anymore
protected function getTabCompletionMatchers()
@\trigger_error('getTabCompletionMatchers is no longer used', \E_USER_DEPRECATED);
* Gets the default command loop listeners.
* @return array An array of Execution Loop Listener instances
protected function getDefaultLoopListeners(): array
$listeners = [];
if (ProcessForker::isSupported() && $this->config->usePcntl()) {
$listeners[] = new ProcessForker();
if (RunkitReloader::isSupported()) {
$listeners[] = new RunkitReloader();
return $listeners;
* Add tab completion matchers.
* @param array $matchers
public function addMatchers(array $matchers)
$this->matchers = \array_merge($this->matchers, $matchers);
if (isset($this->autoCompleter)) {
* @deprecated Call `addMatchers` instead
* @param array $matchers
public function addTabCompletionMatchers(array $matchers)
* Set the Shell output.
* @param OutputInterface $output
public function setOutput(OutputInterface $output)
$this->output = $output;
$this->originalVerbosity = $output->getVerbosity();
* Runs PsySH.
* @param InputInterface|null $input An Input instance
* @param OutputInterface|null $output An Output instance
* @return int 0 if everything went fine, or an error code
public function run(InputInterface $input = null, OutputInterface $output = null): int
// We'll just ignore the input passed in, and set up our own!
$input = new ArrayInput([]);
if ($output === null) {
$output = $this->config->getOutput();
try {
return parent::run($input, $output);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return 1;
* Runs PsySH.
* @throws \Exception if thrown via the `throw-up` command
* @param InputInterface $input An Input instance
* @param OutputInterface $output An Output instance
* @return int 0 if everything went fine, or an error code
public function doRun(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
if ($input->isInteractive()) {
// @todo should it be possible to have raw output in an interactive run?
return $this->doInteractiveRun();
} else {
return $this->doNonInteractiveRun($this->config->rawOutput());
* Run PsySH in interactive mode.
* Initializes tab completion and readline history, then spins up the
* execution loop.
* @throws \Exception if thrown via the `throw-up` command
* @return int 0 if everything went fine, or an error code
private function doInteractiveRun(): int
try {
$loop = new ExecutionLoopClosure($this);
} catch (ThrowUpException $e) {
throw $e->getPrevious();
} catch (BreakException $e) {
// The ProcessForker throws a BreakException to finish the main thread.
return 0;
* Run PsySH in non-interactive mode.
* Note that this isn't very useful unless you supply "include" arguments at
* the command line, or code via stdin.
* @param bool $rawOutput
* @return int 0 if everything went fine, or an error code
private function doNonInteractiveRun(bool $rawOutput): int
$this->nonInteractive = true;
// If raw output is enabled (or output is piped) we don't want startup messages.
if (!$rawOutput && !$this->config->outputIsPiped()) {
// For non-interactive execution, read only from the input buffer or from piped input.
// Otherwise it'll try to readline and hang, waiting for user input with no indication of
// what's holding things up.
if (!empty($this->inputBuffer) || $this->config->inputIsPiped()) {
if ($this->hasCode()) {
$ret = $this->execute($this->flushCode());
$this->writeReturnValue($ret, $rawOutput);
$this->nonInteractive = false;
return 0;
* Configures the input and output instances based on the user arguments and options.
protected function configureIO(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
// @todo overrides via environment variables (or should these happen in config? ... probably config)
if ($this->config->getOutputDecorated() !== null) {
* Load user-defined includes.
private function loadIncludes()
// Load user-defined includes
$load = function (self $__psysh__) {
\set_error_handler([$__psysh__, 'handleError']);
foreach ($__psysh__->getIncludes() as $__psysh_include__) {
try {
include_once $__psysh_include__;
} catch (\Error $_e) {
} catch (\Exception $_e) {
// Override any new local variables with pre-defined scope variables
// ... then add the whole mess of variables back.
* Read user input.
* This will continue fetching user input until the code buffer contains
* valid code.
* @throws BreakException if user hits Ctrl+D
* @param bool $interactive
public function getInput(bool $interactive = true)
$this->codeBufferOpen = false;
do {
// reset output verbosity (in case it was altered by a subcommand)
$input = $this->readline();
* Handle Ctrl+D. It behaves differently in different cases:
* 1) In an expression, like a function or "if" block, clear the input buffer
* 2) At top-level session, behave like the exit command
* 3) When non-interactive, return, because that's the end of stdin
if ($input === false) {
if (!$interactive) {
if ($this->hasCode()) {
} else {
throw new BreakException('Ctrl+D');
// handle empty input
if (\trim($input) === '' && !$this->codeBufferOpen) {
$input = $this->onInput($input);
// If the input isn't in an open string or comment, check for commands to run.
if ($this->hasCommand($input) && !$this->inputInOpenStringOrComment($input)) {
} while (!$interactive || !$this->hasValidCode());
* Check whether the code buffer (plus current input) is in an open string or comment.
* @param string $input current line of input
* @return bool true if the input is in an open string or comment
private function inputInOpenStringOrComment(string $input): bool
if (!$this->hasCode()) {
return false;
$code = $this->codeBuffer;
$code[] = $input;
$tokens = @\token_get_all('<?php '.\implode("\n", $code));
$last = \array_pop($tokens);
return $last === '"' || $last === '`' ||
(\is_array($last) && \in_array($last[0], [\T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, \T_START_HEREDOC, \T_COMMENT]));
* Run execution loop listeners before the shell session.
protected function beforeRun()
foreach ($this->loopListeners as $listener) {
* Run execution loop listeners at the start of each loop.
public function beforeLoop()
foreach ($this->loopListeners as $listener) {
* Run execution loop listeners on user input.
* @param string $input
* @return string
public function onInput(string $input): string
foreach ($this->loopListeners as $listeners) {
if (($return = $listeners->onInput($this, $input)) !== null) {
$input = $return;
return $input;
* Run execution loop listeners on code to be executed.
* @param string $code
* @return string
public function onExecute(string $code): string
$this->errorReporting = \error_reporting();
foreach ($this->loopListeners as $listener) {
if (($return = $listener->onExecute($this, $code)) !== null) {
$code = $return;
$output = $this->output;
if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutput) {
$output = $output->getErrorOutput();
$output->writeln(\sprintf('<aside>%s</aside>', OutputFormatter::escape($code)), ConsoleOutput::VERBOSITY_DEBUG);
return $code;
* Run execution loop listeners after each loop.
public function afterLoop()
foreach ($this->loopListeners as $listener) {
* Run execution loop listers after the shell session.
protected function afterRun()
foreach ($this->loopListeners as $listener) {
* Set the variables currently in scope.
* @param array $vars
public function setScopeVariables(array $vars)
* Return the set of variables currently in scope.
* @param bool $includeBoundObject Pass false to exclude 'this'. If you're
* passing the scope variables to `extract`
* in PHP 7.1+, you _must_ exclude 'this'
* @return array Associative array of scope variables
public function getScopeVariables(bool $includeBoundObject = true): array
$vars = $this->context->getAll();
if (!$includeBoundObject) {
return $vars;
* Return the set of magic variables currently in scope.
* @param bool $includeBoundObject Pass false to exclude 'this'. If you're
* passing the scope variables to `extract`
* in PHP 7.1+, you _must_ exclude 'this'
* @return array Associative array of magic scope variables
public function getSpecialScopeVariables(bool $includeBoundObject = true): array
$vars = $this->context->getSpecialVariables();
if (!$includeBoundObject) {
return $vars;
* Return the set of variables currently in scope which differ from the
* values passed as $currentVars.
* This is used inside the Execution Loop Closure to pick up scope variable
* changes made by commands while the loop is running.
* @param array $currentVars
* @return array Associative array of scope variables which differ from $currentVars
public function getScopeVariablesDiff(array $currentVars): array
$newVars = [];
foreach ($this->getScopeVariables(false) as $key => $value) {
if (!\array_key_exists($key, $currentVars) || $currentVars[$key] !== $value) {
$newVars[$key] = $value;
return $newVars;
* Get the set of unused command-scope variable names.
* @return array Array of unused variable names
public function getUnusedCommandScopeVariableNames(): array
return $this->context->getUnusedCommandScopeVariableNames();
* Get the set of variable names currently in scope.
* @return array Array of variable names
public function getScopeVariableNames(): array
return \array_keys($this->context->getAll());
* Get a scope variable value by name.
* @param string $name
* @return mixed
public function getScopeVariable(string $name)
return $this->context->get($name);
* Set the bound object ($this variable) for the interactive shell.
* @param object|null $boundObject
public function setBoundObject($boundObject)
* Get the bound object ($this variable) for the interactive shell.
* @return object|null
public function getBoundObject()
return $this->context->getBoundObject();
* Set the bound class (self) for the interactive shell.
* @param string|null $boundClass
public function setBoundClass($boundClass)
* Get the bound class (self) for the interactive shell.
* @return string|null
public function getBoundClass()
return $this->context->getBoundClass();
* Add includes, to be parsed and executed before running the interactive shell.
* @param array $includes
public function setIncludes(array $includes = [])
$this->includes = $includes;
* Get PHP files to be parsed and executed before running the interactive shell.
* @return array
public function getIncludes(): array
return \array_merge($this->config->getDefaultIncludes(), $this->includes);
* Check whether this shell's code buffer contains code.
* @return bool True if the code buffer contains code
public function hasCode(): bool
return !empty($this->codeBuffer);
* Check whether the code in this shell's code buffer is valid.
* If the code is valid, the code buffer should be flushed and evaluated.
* @return bool True if the code buffer content is valid
protected function hasValidCode(): bool
return !$this->codeBufferOpen && $this->code !== false;
* Add code to the code buffer.
* @param string $code
* @param bool $silent
public function addCode(string $code, bool $silent = false)
try {
// Code lines ending in \ keep the buffer open
if (\substr(\rtrim($code), -1) === '\\') {
$this->codeBufferOpen = true;
$code = \substr(\rtrim($code), 0, -1);
} else {
$this->codeBufferOpen = false;
$this->codeBuffer[] = $silent ? new SilentInput($code) : $code;
$this->code = $this->cleaner->clean($this->codeBuffer, $this->config->requireSemicolons());
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
// Add failed code blocks to the readline history.
throw $e;
* Set the code buffer.
* This is mostly used by `Shell::execute`. Any existing code in the input
* buffer is pushed onto a stack and will come back after this new code is
* executed.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if $code isn't a complete statement
* @param string $code
* @param bool $silent
private function setCode(string $code, bool $silent = false)
if ($this->hasCode()) {
$this->codeStack[] = [$this->codeBuffer, $this->codeBufferOpen, $this->code];
try {
$this->addCode($code, $silent);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw $e;
if (!$this->hasValidCode()) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unexpected end of input');
* Get the current code buffer.
* This is useful for commands which manipulate the buffer.
* @return array
public function getCodeBuffer(): array
return $this->codeBuffer;
* Run a Psy Shell command given the user input.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the input is not a valid command
* @param string $input User input string
* @return mixed Who knows?
protected function runCommand(string $input)
$command = $this->getCommand($input);
if (empty($command)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Command not found: '.$input);
$input = new ShellInput(\str_replace('\\', '\\\\', \rtrim($input, " \t\n\r\0\x0B;")));
if ($input->hasParameterOption(['--help', '-h'])) {
$helpCommand = $this->get('help');
return $helpCommand->run(new StringInput(''), $this->output);
return $command->run($input, $this->output);
* Reset the current code buffer.
* This should be run after evaluating user input, catching exceptions, or
* on demand by commands such as BufferCommand.
public function resetCodeBuffer()
$this->codeBuffer = [];
$this->code = false;
* Inject input into the input buffer.
* This is useful for commands which want to replay history.
* @param string|array $input
* @param bool $silent
public function addInput($input, bool $silent = false)
foreach ((array) $input as $line) {
$this->inputBuffer[] = $silent ? new SilentInput($line) : $line;
* Flush the current (valid) code buffer.
* If the code buffer is valid, resets the code buffer and returns the
* current code.
* @return string|null PHP code buffer contents
public function flushCode()
if ($this->hasValidCode()) {
$code = $this->code;
return $code;
* Reset the code buffer and restore any code pushed during `execute` calls.
private function popCodeStack()
if (empty($this->codeStack)) {
list($codeBuffer, $codeBufferOpen, $code) = \array_pop($this->codeStack);
$this->codeBuffer = $codeBuffer;
$this->codeBufferOpen = $codeBufferOpen;
$this->code = $code;
* (Possibly) add a line to the readline history.
* Like Bash, if the line starts with a space character, it will be omitted
* from history. Note that an entire block multi-line code input will be
* omitted iff the first line begins with a space.
* Additionally, if a line is "silent", i.e. it was initially added with the
* silent flag, it will also be omitted.
* @param string|SilentInput $line
private function addHistory($line)
if ($line instanceof SilentInput) {
// Skip empty lines and lines starting with a space
if (\trim($line) !== '' && \substr($line, 0, 1) !== ' ') {
* Filter silent input from code buffer, write the rest to readline history.
private function addCodeBufferToHistory()
$codeBuffer = \array_filter($this->codeBuffer, function ($line) {
return !$line instanceof SilentInput;
$this->addHistory(\implode("\n", $codeBuffer));
* Get the current evaluation scope namespace.
* @see CodeCleaner::getNamespace
* @return string|null Current code namespace
public function getNamespace()
if ($namespace = $this->cleaner->getNamespace()) {
return \implode('\\', $namespace);
* Write a string to stdout.
* This is used by the shell loop for rendering output from evaluated code.
* @param string $out
* @param int $phase Output buffering phase
public function writeStdout(string $out, int $phase = \PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_END)
if ($this->output instanceof ShellOutput) {
$isCleaning = $phase & \PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_CLEAN;
// Incremental flush
if ($out !== '' && !$isCleaning) {
$this->output->write($out, false, OutputInterface::OUTPUT_RAW);
$this->outputWantsNewline = (\substr($out, -1) !== "\n");
$this->stdoutBuffer .= $out;
// Output buffering is done!
if ($phase & \PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_END) {
// Write an extra newline if stdout didn't end with one
if ($this->outputWantsNewline) {
if (!$this->config->rawOutput() && !$this->config->outputIsPiped()) {
$this->output->writeln(\sprintf('<aside>%s</aside>', $this->config->useUnicode() ? '⏎' : '\\n'));
} else {
$this->outputWantsNewline = false;
// Save the stdout buffer as $__out
if ($this->stdoutBuffer !== '') {
$this->stdoutBuffer = '';
if ($this->output instanceof ShellOutput) {
* Write a return value to stdout.
* The return value is formatted or pretty-printed, and rendered in a
* visibly distinct manner (in this case, as cyan).
* @see self::presentValue
* @param mixed $ret
* @param bool $rawOutput Write raw var_export-style values
public function writeReturnValue($ret, bool $rawOutput = false)
$this->lastExecSuccess = true;
if ($ret instanceof NoReturnValue) {
if ($rawOutput) {
$formatted = \var_export($ret, true);
} else {
$indent = \str_repeat(' ', \strlen(static::RETVAL));
$formatted = $this->presentValue($ret);
$formatted = static::RETVAL.\str_replace(\PHP_EOL, \PHP_EOL.$indent, $formatted);
if ($this->output instanceof ShellOutput) {
} else {
* Renders a caught Exception.
* Exceptions are formatted according to severity. ErrorExceptions which were
* warnings or Strict errors aren't rendered as harshly as real errors.
* Stores $e as the last Exception in the Shell Context.
* @param \Exception $e An exception instance
public function writeException(\Exception $e)
// No need to write the break exception during a non-interactive run.
if ($e instanceof BreakException && $this->nonInteractive) {
// Break exceptions don't count :)
if (!$e instanceof BreakException) {
$this->lastExecSuccess = false;
$output = $this->output;
if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutput) {
$output = $output->getErrorOutput();
// Include an exception trace (as long as this isn't a BreakException).
if (!$e instanceof BreakException && $output->getVerbosity() >= OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE) {
$trace = TraceFormatter::formatTrace($e);
if (\count($trace) !== 0) {
$output->write($trace, true);
* Check whether the last exec was successful.
* Returns true if a return value was logged rather than an exception.
* @return bool
public function getLastExecSuccess(): bool
return $this->lastExecSuccess;
* Helper for formatting an exception for writeException().
* @todo extract this to somewhere it makes more sense
* @param \Exception $e
* @return string
public function formatException(\Exception $e): string
$message = $e->getMessage();
if (!$e instanceof PsyException) {
if ($message === '') {
$message = \get_class($e);
} else {
$message = \sprintf('%s with message \'%s\'', \get_class($e), $message);
$message = \preg_replace(
"#(\\w:)?([\\\\/]\\w+)*[\\\\/]src[\\\\/]Execution(?:Loop)?Closure.php\(\d+\) : eval\(\)'d code#",
"eval()'d code",
$message = \str_replace(" in eval()'d code", ' in Psy Shell code', $message);
$severity = ($e instanceof \ErrorException) ? $this->getSeverity($e) : 'error';
return \sprintf('<%s>%s</%s>', $severity, OutputFormatter::escape($message), $severity);
* Helper for getting an output style for the given ErrorException's level.
* @param \ErrorException $e
* @return string
protected function getSeverity(\ErrorException $e): string
$severity = $e->getSeverity();
if ($severity & \error_reporting()) {
switch ($severity) {
case \E_WARNING:
case \E_NOTICE:
case \E_STRICT:
return 'warning';
return 'error';
} else {
// Since this is below the user's reporting threshold, it's always going to be a warning.
return 'warning';
* Execute code in the shell execution context.
* @param string $code
* @param bool $throwExceptions
* @return mixed
public function execute(string $code, bool $throwExceptions = false)
$this->setCode($code, true);
$closure = new ExecutionClosure($this);
if ($throwExceptions) {
return $closure->execute();
try {
return $closure->execute();
} catch (\TypeError $_e) {
} catch (\Error $_e) {
} catch (\Exception $_e) {
* Helper for throwing an ErrorException.
* This allows us to:
* set_error_handler([$psysh, 'handleError']);
* Unlike ErrorException::throwException, this error handler respects error
* levels; i.e. it logs warnings and notices, but doesn't throw exceptions.
* This should probably only be used in the inner execution loop of the
* shell, as most of the time a thrown exception is much more useful.
* If the error type matches the `errorLoggingLevel` config, it will be
* logged as well, regardless of the `error_reporting` level.
* @see \Psy\Exception\ErrorException::throwException
* @see \Psy\Shell::writeException
* @throws \Psy\Exception\ErrorException depending on the error level
* @param int $errno Error type
* @param string $errstr Message
* @param string $errfile Filename
* @param int $errline Line number
public function handleError($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
// This is an error worth throwing.
// n.b. Technically we can't handle all of these in userland code, but
// we'll list 'em all for good measure
ErrorException::throwException($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline);
// When errors are suppressed, the error_reporting value will differ
// from when we started executing. In that case, we won't log errors.
$errorsSuppressed = $this->errorReporting !== null && $this->errorReporting !== \error_reporting();
// Otherwise log it and continue.
if ($errno & \error_reporting() || (!$errorsSuppressed && ($errno & $this->config->errorLoggingLevel()))) {
$this->writeException(new ErrorException($errstr, 0, $errno, $errfile, $errline));
* Format a value for display.
* @see Presenter::present
* @param mixed $val
* @return string Formatted value
protected function presentValue($val): string
return $this->config->getPresenter()->present($val);
* Get a command (if one exists) for the current input string.
* @param string $input
* @return BaseCommand|null
protected function getCommand(string $input)
$input = new StringInput($input);
if ($name = $input->getFirstArgument()) {
return $this->get($name);
* Check whether a command is set for the current input string.
* @param string $input
* @return bool True if the shell has a command for the given input
protected function hasCommand(string $input): bool
if (\preg_match('/([^\s]+?)(?:\s|$)/A', \ltrim($input), $match)) {
return $this->has($match[1]);
return false;
* Get the current input prompt.
* @return string|null
protected function getPrompt()
if ($this->output->isQuiet()) {
return null;
if ($this->hasCode()) {
return static::BUFF_PROMPT;
return $this->config->getPrompt() ?: static::PROMPT;
* Read a line of user input.
* This will return a line from the input buffer (if any exist). Otherwise,
* it will ask the user for input.
* If readline is enabled, this delegates to readline. Otherwise, it's an
* ugly `fgets` call.
* @param bool $interactive
* @return string|false One line of user input
protected function readline(bool $interactive = true)
if (!empty($this->inputBuffer)) {
$line = \array_shift($this->inputBuffer);
if (!$line instanceof SilentInput) {
$this->output->writeln(\sprintf('<aside>%s %s</aside>', static::REPLAY, OutputFormatter::escape($line)));
return $line;
$bracketedPaste = $interactive && $this->config->useBracketedPaste();
if ($bracketedPaste) {
\printf("\e[?2004h"); // Enable bracketed paste
$line = $this->readline->readline($this->getPrompt());
if ($bracketedPaste) {
\printf("\e[?2004l"); // ... and disable it again
return $line;
* Get the shell output header.
* @return string
protected function getHeader(): string
return \sprintf('<aside>%s by Justin Hileman</aside>', $this->getVersion());
* Get the current version of Psy Shell.
* @deprecated call self::getVersionHeader instead
* @return string
public function getVersion(): string
return self::getVersionHeader($this->config->useUnicode());
* Get a pretty header including the current version of Psy Shell.
* @param bool $useUnicode
* @return string
public static function getVersionHeader(bool $useUnicode = false): string
$separator = $useUnicode ? '—' : '-';
return \sprintf('Psy Shell %s (PHP %s %s %s)', self::VERSION, \PHP_VERSION, $separator, \PHP_SAPI);
* Get a PHP manual database instance.
* @return \PDO|null
public function getManualDb()
return $this->config->getManualDb();
* @deprecated Tab completion is provided by the AutoCompleter service
protected function autocomplete($text)
@\trigger_error('Tab completion is provided by the AutoCompleter service', \E_USER_DEPRECATED);
* Initialize tab completion matchers.
* If tab completion is enabled this adds tab completion matchers to the
* auto completer and sets context if needed.
protected function initializeTabCompletion()
if (!$this->config->useTabCompletion()) {
$this->autoCompleter = $this->config->getAutoCompleter();
// auto completer needs shell to be linked to configuration because of
// the context aware matchers
* Add matchers to the auto completer, setting context if needed.
* @param array $matchers
private function addMatchersToAutoCompleter(array $matchers)
foreach ($matchers as $matcher) {
if ($matcher instanceof ContextAware) {
* @todo Implement self-update
* @todo Implement prompt to start update
* @return void|string
protected function writeVersionInfo()
if (\PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') {
try {
$client = $this->config->getChecker();
if (!$client->isLatest()) {
$this->output->writeln(\sprintf('New version is available (current: %s, latest: %s)', self::VERSION, $client->getLatest()));
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
* Write a startup message if set.
protected function writeStartupMessage()
$message = $this->config->getStartupMessage();
if ($message !== null && $message !== '') {