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# league/config
**league/config** helps you define nested configuration arrays with strict schemas and access configuration values with dot notation. It was created by [Colin O'Dell][@colinodell].
## π¦ Installation
This project requires PHP 7.4 or higher. To install it via [Composer] simply run:
``` bash
$ composer require league/config
## π§°οΈ Basic Usage
The `Configuration` class provides everything you need to define the configuration structure and fetch values:
use League\Config\Configuration;
use Nette\Schema\Expect;
// Define your configuration schema
$config = new Configuration([
'database' => Expect::structure([
'driver' => Expect::anyOf('mysql', 'postgresql', 'sqlite')->required(),
'host' => Expect::string()->default('localhost'),
'port' => Expect::int()->min(1)->max(65535),
'ssl' => Expect::bool(),
'database' => Expect::string()->required(),
'username' => Expect::string()->required(),
'password' => Expect::string()->nullable(),
'logging' => Expect::structure([
'enabled' => Expect::bool()->default($_ENV['DEBUG'] == true),
'file' => Expect::string()->deprecated("use logging.path instead"),
'path' => Expect::string()->assert(function ($path) { return \is_writeable($path); })->required(),
// Set the values, either all at once with `merge()`:
'database' => [
'driver' => 'mysql',
'port' => 3306,
'database' => 'mydb',
'username' => 'user',
'password' => 'secret',
// Or one-at-a-time with `set()`:
$config->set('logging.path', '/var/log/myapp.log');
// You can now retrieve those values with `get()`.
// Validation and defaults will be applied for you automatically
$config->get('database'); // Fetches the entire "database" section as an array
$config->get('database.driver'); // Fetch a specific nested value with dot notation
$config->get('database/driver'); // Fetch a specific nested value with slash notation
$config->get(''); // Returns the default value "localhost"
$config->get('logging.path'); // Guaranteed to be writeable thanks to the assertion in the schema
// If validation fails an `InvalidConfigurationException` will be thrown:
$config->set('database.driver', 'mongodb');
$config->get('database.driver'); // InvalidConfigurationException
// Attempting to fetch a non-existent key will result in an `InvalidConfigurationException`
// You could avoid this by checking whether that item exists:
$config->exists(''); // Returns `false`
## π Documentation
Full documentation can be found at [][docs].
## π Philosophy
This library aims to provide a **simple yet opinionated** approach to configuration with the following goals:
- The configuration should operate on **arrays with nested values** which are easily accessible
- The configuration structure should be **defined with strict schemas** defining the overall structure, allowed types, and allowed values
- Schemas should be defined using a **simple, fluent interface**
- You should be able to **add and combine schemas but never modify existing ones**
- Both the configuration values and the schema should be **defined and managed with PHP code**
- Schemas should be **immutable**; they should never change once they are set
- Configuration values should never define or influence the schemas
As a result, this library will likely **never** support features like:
- Loading and/or exporting configuration values or schemas using YAML, XML, or other files
- Parsing configuration values from a command line or other user interface
- Dynamically changing the schema, allowed values, or default values based on other configuration values
If you need that functionality you should check out other libraries like:
- [symfony/config]
- [symfony/options-resolver]
- [hassankhan/config]
- [consolidation/config]
- [laminas/laminas-config]
## π·οΈ Versioning
[SemVer]( is followed closely. Minor and patch releases should not introduce breaking changes to the codebase.
Any classes or methods marked `@internal` are not intended for use outside this library and are subject to breaking changes at any time, so please avoid using them.
## π οΈ Maintenance & Support
When a new **minor** version (e.g. `1.0` -> `1.1`) is released, the previous one (`1.0`) will continue to receive security and critical bug fixes for *at least* 3 months.
When a new **major** version is released (e.g. `1.1` -> `2.0`), the previous one (`1.1`) will receive critical bug fixes for *at least* 3 months and security updates for 6 months after that new release comes out.
(This policy may change in the future and exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis.)
## π·βοΈ Contributing
Contributions to this library are **welcome**! We only ask that you adhere to our [contributor guidelines] and avoid making changes that conflict with our Philosophy above.
## π§ͺ Testing
``` bash
$ composer test
## π License
**league/config** is licensed under the BSD-3 license. See the [``][license] file for more details.
## πΊοΈ Who Uses It?
This project is used by [league/commonmark][league-commonmark].
[PHP League]:
[contributor guidelines]: