Your IP :
* copyright : (C) 2001-2021 Advanced Internet Designs Inc.
* email :
* $Id$
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
function draw_post_smiley_cntrl()
global $PS_SRC, $PS_DST; /* Import from global scope, if possible. */
include_once $GLOBALS['FORUM_SETTINGS_PATH'] .'ps_cache';
/* Nothing to do. */
$limit = count($PS_SRC);
if ($limit > $GLOBALS['MAX_SMILIES_SHOWN']) {
$smilies = '';
$i = 0;
while ($i < $limit) {
$smilies .= '<a href="javascript: insertTag(\'txtb\', \'\', \' '.$PS_DST[$i].' \');">'.$PS_SRC[$i++].'</a> ';
return '<tr class="RowStyleA">
<td class="nw vt GenText">
Smiley Shortcuts:<br />
<span class="SmallText">[ <a href="javascript://" onclick="window_open(\'[[relativeurl]]/index.php?t=smladd\', \'sml_list\', 220, 200);">list all smilies</a> ]</span>
<td class="vm">
<span class="FormattingToolsBG">'.$smilies.'</span>
function draw_post_icons($msg_icon)
include $GLOBALS['FORUM_SETTINGS_PATH'] .'icon_cache';
/* Nothing to do. */
if (!$ICON_L) {
$tmp = $data = '';
foreach ($ICON_L as $k => $f) {
if ($k && !($k % $rl)) {
$data .= '<tr>'.$tmp.'</tr>';
$tmp = '';
$tmp .= '<td class="ac nw"><input type="radio" name="msg_icon" value="'.$f.'"'.($f == $msg_icon ? ' checked="checked"' : '' ) .' /><img src="[[relativeurl]]/images/message_icons/'.$f.'" alt="" /></td>';
if ($tmp) {
$data .= '<tr>'.$tmp.'</tr>';
return '<tr class="RowStyleA">
<td class="vt GenText">Message Icon:</td>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<td class="GenText" colspan="'.$GLOBALS['POST_ICONS_PER_ROW'].'">
<input type="radio" name="msg_icon" value=""'.(!$msg_icon ? ' checked="checked"' : '' ) .' />No Icon
function draw_post_attachments($al, $max_as, $max_a, $attach_control_error, $private, $msg_id)
$attached_files = '';
$i = 0;
if (!empty($al)) {
$enc = base64_encode(serialize($al));
ses_putvar((int)$GLOBALS['usr']->sid, md5($enc));
$c = uq('SELECT,a.fsize,a.original_name,m.mime_hdr
FROM fud30_attach a
LEFT JOIN fud30_mime m ON
WHERE IN('. implode(',', $al) .') AND message_id IN(0, '. $msg_id .') AND attach_opt='. ($private ? 1 : 0));
while ($r = db_rowarr($c)) {
$sz = ( $r[1] < 100000 ) ? number_format($r[1]/1024,2) .'KB' : number_format($r[1]/1048576,2) .'MB';
$insert_uploaded_image = strncasecmp('image/', $r[3], 6) ? '' : ' | <a href="javascript: insertTag(\'txtb\', \'[img][[relativeurl]]/index.php?t=getfile&id='.$r[0].'&private='.$private.'\', \'[/img]\');">Insert image into message body</a>';
$attached_files .= '<tr>
<td class="RowStyleB">'.$r[2].'</td>
<td class="RowStyleB">'.$sz.'</td>
<td class="RowStyleB"><a href="javascript: document.forms[\'post_form\'].file_del_opt.value=\''.$r[0].'\'; document.forms[\'post_form\'].submit();">Delete</a>'.$insert_uploaded_image.'</td>
if (!$private && $GLOBALS['MOD'] && $GLOBALS['frm']->forum_opt & 32) {
$allowed_extensions = '(unrestricted)';
} else {
include $GLOBALS['FORUM_SETTINGS_PATH'] .'file_filter_regexp';
if (empty($GLOBALS['__FUD_EXT_FILER__'])) {
$allowed_extensions = '(unrestricted)';
} else {
$allowed_extensions = implode(' ', $GLOBALS['__FUD_EXT_FILER__']);
$max_as_k = round($max_as / 1024); // We display max attch size in KB.
return '<tr class="RowStyleB"><td class="GenText vt nw">File Attachments:</td><td>
'.($i ? '
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="ContentTable">
<input type="hidden" name="file_del_opt" value="" />
' : '' ) .'
'.(isset($enc) ? '<input type="hidden" name="file_array" value="'.$enc.'" />' : '' ) .'
<span class="SmallText">
<b>Allowed File Extensions:</b> '.$allowed_extensions.'<br />
<b>Maximum File Size:</b> '.$max_as_k.'KB<br />
<b>Maximum Files Per Message:</b> '.$max_a.($i ? '; currently attached: '.$i.' '.convertPlural($i, array('file','files')).'' : '' ) .'
'.((($i + 1) <= $max_a) ? '<input type="hidden" id="MAX_FILE_SIZE" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="'.$max_as.'" />
<input type="file" name="attach_control[]" multiple="multiple" />
<input type="submit" class="button" name="attach_control_add" value="Upload File" />
<input type="hidden" name="tmp_f_val" value="1" />' : '' ) .'