Your IP :
* The PlaceHolder class
* @since 3.0
* @package LiteSpeed
* @subpackage LiteSpeed/inc
* @author LiteSpeed Technologies <>
namespace LiteSpeed;
defined('WPINC') || exit();
class Placeholder extends Base
const TYPE_GENERATE = 'generate';
const TYPE_CLEAR_Q = 'clear_q';
private $_conf_placeholder_resp;
private $_conf_placeholder_resp_svg;
private $_conf_lqip;
private $_conf_lqip_qual;
private $_conf_lqip_min_w;
private $_conf_lqip_min_h;
private $_conf_placeholder_resp_color;
private $_conf_placeholder_resp_async;
private $_conf_ph_default;
private $_placeholder_resp_dict = array();
private $_ph_queue = array();
protected $_summary;
* Init
* @since 3.0
public function __construct()
$this->_conf_placeholder_resp = defined('LITESPEED_GUEST_OPTM') || $this->conf(self::O_MEDIA_PLACEHOLDER_RESP);
$this->_conf_placeholder_resp_svg = $this->conf(self::O_MEDIA_PLACEHOLDER_RESP_SVG);
$this->_conf_lqip = !defined('LITESPEED_GUEST_OPTM') && $this->conf(self::O_MEDIA_LQIP);
$this->_conf_lqip_qual = $this->conf(self::O_MEDIA_LQIP_QUAL);
$this->_conf_lqip_min_w = $this->conf(self::O_MEDIA_LQIP_MIN_W);
$this->_conf_lqip_min_h = $this->conf(self::O_MEDIA_LQIP_MIN_H);
$this->_conf_placeholder_resp_async = $this->conf(self::O_MEDIA_PLACEHOLDER_RESP_ASYNC);
$this->_conf_placeholder_resp_color = $this->conf(self::O_MEDIA_PLACEHOLDER_RESP_COLOR);
$this->_conf_ph_default = $this->conf(self::O_MEDIA_LAZY_PLACEHOLDER) ?: LITESPEED_PLACEHOLDER;
$this->_summary = self::get_summary();
* Init Placeholder
public function init()
Debug2::debug2('[LQIP] init');
add_action('litspeed_after_admin_init', array($this, 'after_admin_init'));
* Display column in Media
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function after_admin_init()
if ($this->_conf_lqip) {
add_filter('manage_media_columns', array($this, 'media_row_title'));
add_filter('manage_media_custom_column', array($this, 'media_row_actions'), 10, 2);
add_action('litespeed_media_row_lqip', array($this, 'media_row_con'));
* Media Admin Menu -> LQIP col
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function media_row_title($posts_columns)
$posts_columns['lqip'] = __('LQIP', 'litespeed-cache');
return $posts_columns;
* Media Admin Menu -> LQIP Column
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function media_row_actions($column_name, $post_id)
if ($column_name !== 'lqip') {
do_action('litespeed_media_row_lqip', $post_id);
* Display LQIP column
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function media_row_con($post_id)
$meta_value = wp_get_attachment_metadata($post_id);
if (empty($meta_value['file'])) {
$total_files = 0;
// List all sizes
$all_sizes = array($meta_value['file']);
$size_path = pathinfo($meta_value['file'], PATHINFO_DIRNAME) . '/';
foreach ($meta_value['sizes'] as $v) {
$all_sizes[] = $size_path . $v['file'];
foreach ($all_sizes as $short_path) {
$lqip_folder = LITESPEED_STATIC_DIR . '/lqip/' . $short_path;
if (is_dir($lqip_folder)) {
Debug2::debug('[LQIP] Found folder: ' . $short_path);
// List all files
foreach (scandir($lqip_folder) as $v) {
if ($v == '.' || $v == '..') {
if ($total_files == 0) {
echo '<div class="litespeed-media-lqip"><img src="' .
Str::trim_quotes(File::read($lqip_folder . '/' . $v)) .
'" alt="' .
sprintf(__('LQIP image preview for size %s', 'litespeed-cache'), $v) .
echo '<div class="litespeed-media-size"><a href="' . Str::trim_quotes(File::read($lqip_folder . '/' . $v)) . '" target="_blank">' . $v . '</a></div>';
if ($total_files == 0) {
echo '—';
* Replace image with placeholder
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function replace($html, $src, $size)
// Check if need to enable responsive placeholder or not
$this_placeholder = $this->_placeholder($src, $size) ?: $this->_conf_ph_default;
$additional_attr = '';
if ($this->_conf_lqip && $this_placeholder != $this->_conf_ph_default) {
Debug2::debug2('[LQIP] Use resp LQIP [size] ' . $size);
$additional_attr = ' data-placeholder-resp="' . Str::trim_quotes($size) . '"';
$snippet = defined('LITESPEED_GUEST_OPTM') || $this->conf(self::O_OPTM_NOSCRIPT_RM) ? '' : '<noscript>' . $html . '</noscript>';
$html = str_replace(array(' src=', ' srcset=', ' sizes='), array(' data-src=', ' data-srcset=', ' data-sizes='), $html);
$html = str_replace('<img ', '<img data-lazyloaded="1"' . $additional_attr . ' src="' . Str::trim_quotes($this_placeholder) . '" ', $html);
$snippet = $html . $snippet;
return $snippet;
* Generate responsive placeholder
* @since 2.5.1
* @access private
private function _placeholder($src, $size)
// Low Quality Image Placeholders
if (!$size) {
Debug2::debug2('[LQIP] no size ' . $src);
return false;
if (!$this->_conf_placeholder_resp) {
return false;
// If use local generator
if (!$this->_conf_lqip || !$this->_lqip_size_check($size)) {
return $this->_generate_placeholder_locally($size);
Debug2::debug2('[LQIP] Resp LQIP process [src] ' . $src . ' [size] ' . $size);
$arr_key = $size . ' ' . $src;
// Check if its already in dict or not
if (!empty($this->_placeholder_resp_dict[$arr_key])) {
Debug2::debug2('[LQIP] already in dict');
return $this->_placeholder_resp_dict[$arr_key];
// Need to generate the responsive placeholder
$placeholder_realpath = $this->_placeholder_realpath($src, $size); // todo: give offload API
if (file_exists($placeholder_realpath)) {
Debug2::debug2('[LQIP] file exists');
$this->_placeholder_resp_dict[$arr_key] = File::read($placeholder_realpath);
return $this->_placeholder_resp_dict[$arr_key];
// Add to cron queue
// Prevent repeated requests
if (in_array($arr_key, $this->_ph_queue)) {
Debug2::debug2('[LQIP] file bypass generating due to in queue');
return $this->_generate_placeholder_locally($size);
if ($hit = Utility::str_hit_array($src, $this->conf(self::O_MEDIA_LQIP_EXC))) {
Debug2::debug2('[LQIP] file bypass generating due to exclude setting [hit] ' . $hit);
return $this->_generate_placeholder_locally($size);
$this->_ph_queue[] = $arr_key;
// Send request to generate placeholder
if (!$this->_conf_placeholder_resp_async) {
// If requested recently, bypass
if ($this->_summary && !empty($this->_summary['curr_request']) && time() - $this->_summary['curr_request'] < 300) {
Debug2::debug2('[LQIP] file bypass generating due to interval limit');
return false;
// Generate immediately
$this->_placeholder_resp_dict[$arr_key] = $this->_generate_placeholder($arr_key);
return $this->_placeholder_resp_dict[$arr_key];
// Prepare default svg placeholder as tmp placeholder
$tmp_placeholder = $this->_generate_placeholder_locally($size);
// Store it to prepare for cron
$queue = $this->load_queue('lqip');
if (in_array($arr_key, $queue)) {
Debug2::debug2('[LQIP] already in queue');
return $tmp_placeholder;
if (count($queue) > 500) {
Debug2::debug2('[LQIP] queue is full');
return $tmp_placeholder;
$queue[] = $arr_key;
$this->save_queue('lqip', $queue);
Debug2::debug('[LQIP] Added placeholder queue');
return $tmp_placeholder;
* Generate realpath of placeholder file
* @since 2.5.1
* @access private
private function _placeholder_realpath($src, $size)
// Use LQIP Cloud generator, each image placeholder will be separately stored
// Compatibility with WebP
if (substr($src, -5) === '.webp') {
$src = substr($src, 0, -5);
$filepath_prefix = $this->_build_filepath_prefix('lqip');
// External images will use cache folder directly
$domain = parse_url($src, PHP_URL_HOST);
if ($domain && !Utility::internal($domain)) {
// todo: need to improve `util:internal()` to include `CDN::internal()`
$md5 = md5($src);
return LITESPEED_STATIC_DIR . $filepath_prefix . 'remote/' . substr($md5, 0, 1) . '/' . substr($md5, 1, 1) . '/' . $md5 . '.' . $size;
// Drop domain
$short_path = Utility::att_short_path($src);
return LITESPEED_STATIC_DIR . $filepath_prefix . $short_path . '/' . $size;
* Cron placeholder generation
* @since 2.5.1
* @access public
public static function cron($continue = false)
$_instance = self::cls();
$queue = $_instance->load_queue('lqip');
if (empty($queue)) {
// For cron, need to check request interval too
if (!$continue) {
if (!empty($_instance->_summary['curr_request']) && time() - $_instance->_summary['curr_request'] < 300) {
Debug2::debug('[LQIP] Last request not done');
foreach ($queue as $v) {
Debug2::debug('[LQIP] cron job [size] ' . $v);
$res = $_instance->_generate_placeholder($v, true);
// Exit queue if out of quota
if ($res === 'out_of_quota') {
// only request first one
if (!$continue) {
* Generate placeholder locally
* @since 3.0
* @access private
private function _generate_placeholder_locally($size)
Debug2::debug2('[LQIP] _generate_placeholder local [size] ' . $size);
$size = explode('x', $size);
$svg = str_replace(array('{width}', '{height}', '{color}'), array($size[0], $size[1], $this->_conf_placeholder_resp_color), $this->_conf_placeholder_resp_svg);
return 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' . base64_encode($svg);
* Send to LiteSpeed API to generate placeholder
* @since 2.5.1
* @access private
private function _generate_placeholder($raw_size_and_src, $from_cron = false)
// Parse containing size and src info
$size_and_src = explode(' ', $raw_size_and_src, 2);
$size = $size_and_src[0];
if (empty($size_and_src[1])) {
Debug2::debug('[LQIP] ❌ No src [raw] ' . $raw_size_and_src);
return $this->_generate_placeholder_locally($size);
$src = $size_and_src[1];
$file = $this->_placeholder_realpath($src, $size);
// Local generate SVG to serve ( Repeatedly doing this here to remove stored cron queue in case the setting _conf_lqip is changed )
if (!$this->_conf_lqip || !$this->_lqip_size_check($size)) {
$data = $this->_generate_placeholder_locally($size);
} else {
$err = false;
$allowance = Cloud::cls()->allowance(Cloud::SVC_LQIP, $err);
if (!$allowance) {
Debug2::debug('[LQIP] ❌ No credit: ' . $err);
$err && Admin_Display::error(Error::msg($err));
if ($from_cron) {
return 'out_of_quota';
return $this->_generate_placeholder_locally($size);
// Generate LQIP
list($width, $height) = explode('x', $size);
$req_data = array(
'width' => $width,
'height' => $height,
'url' => substr($src, -5) === '.webp' ? substr($src, 0, -5) : $src,
'quality' => $this->_conf_lqip_qual,
// CHeck if the image is 404 first
if (File::is_404($req_data['url'])) {
$this->_popup_and_save($raw_size_and_src, true);
Debug2::debug('[LQIP] 404 before request [src] ' . $req_data['url']);
return $this->_generate_placeholder_locally($size);
// Update request status
$this->_summary['curr_request'] = time();
$json = Cloud::post(Cloud::SVC_LQIP, $req_data, 120);
if (!is_array($json)) {
return $this->_generate_placeholder_locally($size);
if (empty($json['lqip']) || strpos($json['lqip'], 'data:image/svg+xml') !== 0) {
// image error, pop up the current queue
$this->_popup_and_save($raw_size_and_src, true);
Debug2::debug('[LQIP] wrong response format', $json);
return $this->_generate_placeholder_locally($size);
$data = $json['lqip'];
Debug2::debug('[LQIP] _generate_placeholder LQIP');
// Write to file
File::save($file, $data, true);
// Save summary data
$this->_summary['last_spent'] = time() - $this->_summary['curr_request'];
$this->_summary['last_request'] = $this->_summary['curr_request'];
$this->_summary['curr_request'] = 0;
Debug2::debug('[LQIP] saved LQIP ' . $file);
return $data;
* Check if the size is valid to send LQIP request or not
* @since 3.0
private function _lqip_size_check($size)
$size = explode('x', $size);
if ($size[0] >= $this->_conf_lqip_min_w || $size[1] >= $this->_conf_lqip_min_h) {
return true;
Debug2::debug2('[LQIP] Size too small');
return false;
* Add to LQIP exclude list
* @since 3.4
private function _append_exc($src)
$val = $this->conf(self::O_MEDIA_LQIP_EXC);
$val[] = $src;
$this->cls('Conf')->update(self::O_MEDIA_LQIP_EXC, $val);
Debug2::debug('[LQIP] Appended to LQIP Excludes [URL] ' . $src);
* Pop up the current request and save
* @since 3.0
private function _popup_and_save($raw_size_and_src, $append_to_exc = false)
$queue = $this->load_queue('lqip');
if (!empty($queue) && in_array($raw_size_and_src, $queue)) {
unset($queue[array_search($raw_size_and_src, $queue)]);
if ($append_to_exc) {
$size_and_src = explode(' ', $raw_size_and_src, 2);
$this_src = $size_and_src[1];
// Append to lqip exc setting first
// Check if other queues contain this src or not
if ($queue) {
foreach ($queue as $k => $raw_size_and_src) {
$size_and_src = explode(' ', $raw_size_and_src, 2);
if (empty($size_and_src[1])) {
if ($size_and_src[1] == $this_src) {
$this->save_queue('lqip', $queue);
* Handle all request actions from main cls
* @since 2.5.1
* @access public
public function handler()
$type = Router::verify_type();
switch ($type) {
case self::TYPE_GENERATE:
case self::TYPE_CLEAR_Q: