Your IP :
namespace LiteSpeed;
defined( 'WPINC' ) || exit;
$home_url = home_url( '/' );
$parsed = parse_url( $home_url );
$home_url = str_replace( $parsed[ 'scheme' ] . ':', '', $home_url );
$cdn_url = 'https://cdn.' . substr( $home_url, 2 );
$cdn_mapping = $this->conf( Base::O_CDN_MAPPING );
// Special handler: Append one row if somehow the DB default preset value got deleted
if ( ! $cdn_mapping ) {
$cdn_mapping = self::$_default_options[ Base::O_CDN_MAPPING ];
<h3 class="litespeed-title-short">
<?php echo __( 'CDN Settings', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>
<?php Doc::learn_more( '' ); ?>
<table class="wp-list-table striped litespeed-table"><tbody>
<?php $id = Base::O_CDN_QUIC; ?>
<?php $this->title( $id ); ?>
<?php $this->build_switch( $id ); ?>
<div class="litespeed-desc">
<?php echo sprintf( __( 'Enable %s CDN API functionality.', 'litespeed-cache' ), '' ); ?>
<?php Doc::learn_more( '' ); ?>
<?php $id = Base::O_CDN; ?>
<?php $this->title( $id ); ?>
<?php $this->build_switch( $id ); ?>
<div class="litespeed-desc">
<?php echo sprintf( __( 'Turn this setting %1$s if you are using a traditional Content Delivery Network (CDN) or a subdomain for static content with CDN.', 'litespeed-cache' ), '<code>' . __( 'ON', 'litespeed-cache' ) . '</code>' ); ?>
<?php Doc::learn_more( '' ); ?>
<div class="litespeed-desc">
<?php echo sprintf( __( 'NOTE: CDN and Cloudflare do not use CDN Mapping. If you are are only using or Cloudflare, leave this setting %1$s.', 'litespeed-cache' ), '<code>' . __( 'OFF', 'litespeed-cache' ) . '</code>' ); ?>
<th class="litespeed-padding-left"></th>
<?php $this->enroll( Base::O_CDN_MAPPING . '[' . Base::CDN_MAPPING_URL . '][]' ); ?>
<?php $this->enroll( Base::O_CDN_MAPPING . '[' . Base::CDN_MAPPING_INC_IMG . '][]' ); ?>
<?php $this->enroll( Base::O_CDN_MAPPING . '[' . Base::CDN_MAPPING_INC_CSS . '][]' ); ?>
<?php $this->enroll( Base::O_CDN_MAPPING . '[' . Base::CDN_MAPPING_INC_JS . '][]' ); ?>
<?php $this->enroll( Base::O_CDN_MAPPING . '[' . Base::CDN_MAPPING_FILETYPE . '][]' ); ?>
<div id="litespeed_cdn_mapping_div"></div>
<script type="text/babel">
<CDNMapping list={ <?php echo json_encode( $cdn_mapping ); ?> } />,
document.getElementById( 'litespeed_cdn_mapping_div' )
<div class="litespeed-warning">
<?php echo __( 'NOTE', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>:
<?php echo __( 'To randomize CDN hostname, define multiple hostnames for the same resources.', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>
<div class="litespeed-desc">
<b><?php $this->title( Base::CDN_MAPPING_INC_IMG ); ?></b>:
<?php echo sprintf( __( 'Serve all image files through the CDN. This will affect all attachments, HTML %s tags, and CSS %s attributes.', 'litespeed-cache' ), '<code><img</code>', '<code>url()</code>' ); ?>
<br />
<b><?php $this->title( Base::CDN_MAPPING_INC_CSS ); ?></b>:
<?php echo __( 'Serve all CSS files through the CDN. This will affect all enqueued WP CSS files.', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>
<br />
<b><?php $this->title( Base::CDN_MAPPING_INC_JS ); ?></b>:
<?php echo __( 'Serve all JavaScript files through the CDN. This will affect all enqueued WP JavaScript files.', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>
<br />
<b><?php $this->title( Base::CDN_MAPPING_FILETYPE ); ?></b>:
<?php echo __( 'Static file type links to be replaced by CDN links.', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>
<?php Doc::one_per_line(); ?>
<?php echo sprintf( __( 'This will affect all tags containing attributes: %s %s %s.', 'litespeed-cache' ), '<code>src=""</code>', '<code>data-src=""</code>', '<code>href=""</code>' ); ?>
<?php Doc::learn_more( '', __( 'Default value', 'litespeed-cache' ) ); ?>
<br />
<?php echo sprintf( __( 'If you turn any of the above settings OFF, please remove the related file types from the %s box.', 'litespeed-cache' ), '<b>' . __( 'Include File Types', 'litespeed-cache' ) . '</b>' ); ?>
<?php Doc::learn_more( '' ); ?>
<?php $id = Base::O_CDN_ATTR; ?>
<?php $this->title( $id ); ?>
<div class="litespeed-textarea-recommended">
<?php $this->build_textarea( $id, 40 ); ?>
<?php $this->recommended( $id ); ?>
<div class="litespeed-desc">
<?php echo __( 'Specify which HTML element attributes will be replaced with CDN Mapping.', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>
<?php echo __( 'Only attributes listed here will be replaced.', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>
<br /><?php echo sprintf( __( 'Use the format %1$s or %2$s (element is optional).', 'litespeed-cache' ), '<code>element.attribute</code>', '<code>.attribute</code>' ); ?>
<?php Doc::one_per_line(); ?>
<th class="litespeed-padding-left">
<?php $id = Base::O_CDN_ORI; ?>
<?php $this->title( $id ); ?>
<?php $this->build_textarea( $id ); ?>
<div class="litespeed-desc">
<?php echo sprintf( __( 'Site URL to be served through the CDN. Beginning with %1$s. For example, %2$s.', 'litespeed-cache' ), '<code>//</code>', '<code>' . $home_url . '</code>' ); ?>
<br /><?php echo sprintf( __( 'Wildcard %1$s supported (match zero or more characters). For example, to match %2$s and %3$s, use %4$s.', 'litespeed-cache' ), '<code>*</code>', '<code>//</code>', '<code>//</code>', '<code>//*</code>' ); ?>
<?php Doc::one_per_line(); ?>
<th class="litespeed-padding-left">
<?php $id = Base::O_CDN_ORI_DIR; ?>
<?php $this->title( $id ); ?>
<div class="litespeed-textarea-recommended">
<?php $this->build_textarea( $id, 40 ); ?>
<?php $this->recommended( $id ); ?>
<div class="litespeed-desc">
<?php echo __( 'Only files within these directories will be pointed to the CDN.', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>
<?php Doc::one_per_line(); ?>
<th class="litespeed-padding-left">
<?php $id = Base::O_CDN_EXC; ?>
<?php $this->title( $id ); ?>
<?php $this->build_textarea( $id ); ?>
<div class="litespeed-desc">
<?php echo __( 'Paths containing these strings will not be served from the CDN.', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>
<?php Doc::one_per_line(); ?>
<?php $id = Base::O_CDN_CLOUDFLARE; ?>
<?php $this->title( $id ); ?>
<?php $this->build_switch( $id ); ?>
<div class="litespeed-desc">
<?php echo sprintf( __( 'Use %s API functionality.', 'litespeed-cache' ), 'Cloudflare' ); ?>
<?php echo sprintf( __( 'This can be managed from %1$s%2$s tab.', 'litespeed-cache' ), '<b>' . __( 'CDN', 'litespeed-cache' ) . '</b> -> <b>', __( 'Manage', 'litespeed-cache' ) .'</b>' ); ?>
<div class="litespeed-block">
<div class='litespeed-col'>
<label class="litespeed-form-label"><?php echo __( 'Global API Key / API Token', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?></label>
<?php $this->build_input( Base::O_CDN_CLOUDFLARE_KEY ); ?>
<div class="litespeed-desc">
<?php echo sprintf( __( 'Your API key / token is used to access %s APIs.', 'litespeed-cache' ), 'Cloudflare' ); ?>
<?php echo sprintf( __( 'Get it from <a %1$s>%2$s</a>.', 'litespeed-cache' ), 'href="" target="_blank"', 'Cloudflare' ); ?>
<?php echo sprintf( __( 'Recommended to generate the token from Cloudflare API token template "WordPress".', 'litespeed-cache' ) ); ?>
<div class='litespeed-col'>
<label class="litespeed-form-label"><?php echo __( 'Email Address', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?></label>
<?php $this->build_input( Base::O_CDN_CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL ); ?>
<div class="litespeed-desc">
<?php echo sprintf( __( 'Your Email address on %s.', 'litespeed-cache' ), 'Cloudflare' ); ?>
<?php echo sprintf( __( 'Optional when API token used.', 'litespeed-cache' ) ); ?>
<div class='litespeed-col'>
<label class="litespeed-form-label"><?php echo __( 'Domain', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?></label>
$cf_zone = $this->conf( Base::O_CDN_CLOUDFLARE_ZONE );
$cls = $cf_zone ? ' litespeed-input-success' : ' litespeed-input-warning';
$this->build_input( Base::O_CDN_CLOUDFLARE_NAME, $cls );
<div class="litespeed-desc">
<?php echo __( 'You can just type part of the domain.', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>
<?php echo __( 'Once saved, it will be matched with the current list and completed automatically.', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>