Your IP :
* The admin settings handler of the plugin.
* @since 1.1.0
* @package LiteSpeed
* @subpackage LiteSpeed/src
* @author LiteSpeed Technologies <>
namespace LiteSpeed;
defined('WPINC') || exit();
class Admin_Settings extends Base
const ENROLL = '_settings-enroll';
* Save settings
* Both $_POST and CLI can use this way
* Import will directly call conf.cls
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function save($raw_data)
Debug2::debug('[Settings] saving');
if (empty($raw_data[self::ENROLL])) {
exit('No fields');
$raw_data = Admin::cleanup_text($raw_data);
// Convert data to config format
$the_matrix = array();
foreach (array_unique($raw_data[self::ENROLL]) as $id) {
$child = false;
// Drop array format
if (strpos($id, '[') !== false) {
if (strpos($id, self::O_CDN_MAPPING) === 0 || strpos($id, self::O_CRAWLER_COOKIES) === 0) {
// CDN child | Cookie Crawler settings
$child = substr($id, strpos($id, '[') + 1, strpos($id, ']') - strpos($id, '[') - 1);
$id = substr($id, 0, strpos($id, '[')); // Drop ending []; Compatible with xx[0] way from CLI
} else {
$id = substr($id, 0, strpos($id, '[')); // Drop ending []
if (!array_key_exists($id, self::$_default_options)) {
// Validate $child
if ($id == self::O_CDN_MAPPING) {
if (!in_array($child, array(self::CDN_MAPPING_URL, self::CDN_MAPPING_INC_IMG, self::CDN_MAPPING_INC_CSS, self::CDN_MAPPING_INC_JS, self::CDN_MAPPING_FILETYPE))) {
if ($id == self::O_CRAWLER_COOKIES) {
if (!in_array($child, array(self::CRWL_COOKIE_NAME, self::CRWL_COOKIE_VALS))) {
$data = false;
if ($child) {
$data = !empty($raw_data[$id][$child]) ? $raw_data[$id][$child] : false; // []=xxx or [0]=xxx
} else {
$data = !empty($raw_data[$id]) ? $raw_data[$id] : false;
* Sanitize the value
if ($id == self::O_CDN_MAPPING || $id == self::O_CRAWLER_COOKIES) {
// Use existing in queue data if existed (Only available when $child != false)
$data2 = array_key_exists($id, $the_matrix) ? $the_matrix[$id] : (defined('WP_CLI') && WP_CLI ? $this->conf($id) : array());
switch ($id) {
case self::O_CDN_MAPPING:
* CDN setting
* Raw data format:
* cdn-mapping[url][] = 'xxx'
* cdn-mapping[url][2] = 'xxx2'
* cdn-mapping[inc_js][] = 1
* Final format:
* cdn-mapping[ 0 ][ url ] = 'xxx'
* cdn-mapping[ 2 ][ url ] = 'xxx2'
if ($data) {
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
if ($child == self::CDN_MAPPING_FILETYPE) {
$v = Utility::sanitize_lines($v);
if ($child == self::CDN_MAPPING_URL) {
# If not a valid URL, turn off CDN
if (strpos($v, 'https://') !== 0) {
self::debug('❌ CDN mapping set to OFF due to invalid URL');
$the_matrix[self::O_CDN] = false;
$v = trailingslashit($v);
if (in_array($child, array(self::CDN_MAPPING_INC_IMG, self::CDN_MAPPING_INC_CSS, self::CDN_MAPPING_INC_JS))) {
// Because these can't be auto detected in `config->update()`, need to format here
$v = $v === 'false' ? 0 : (bool) $v;
if (empty($data2[$k])) {
$data2[$k] = array();
$data2[$k][$child] = $v;
$data = $data2;
* Cookie Crawler setting
* Raw Format:
* crawler-cookies[name][] = xxx
* crawler-cookies[name][2] = xxx2
* crawler-cookies[vals][] = xxx
* todo: need to allow null for values
* Final format:
* crawler-cookie[ 0 ][ name ] = 'xxx'
* crawler-cookie[ 0 ][ vals ] = 'xxx'
* crawler-cookie[ 2 ][ name ] = 'xxx2'
* empty line for `vals` use literal `_null`
if ($data) {
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
if ($child == self::CRWL_COOKIE_VALS) {
$v = Utility::sanitize_lines($v);
if (empty($data2[$k])) {
$data2[$k] = array();
$data2[$k][$child] = $v;
$data = $data2;
// Cache exclude cat
case self::O_CACHE_EXC_CAT:
$data2 = array();
$data = Utility::sanitize_lines($data);
foreach ($data as $v) {
$cat_id = get_cat_ID($v);
if (!$cat_id) {
$data2[] = $cat_id;
$data = $data2;
// Cache exclude tag
case self::O_CACHE_EXC_TAG:
$data2 = array();
$data = Utility::sanitize_lines($data);
foreach ($data as $v) {
$term = get_term_by('name', $v, 'post_tag');
if (!$term) {
// todo: can show the error in admin error msg
$data2[] = $term->term_id;
$data = $data2;
$the_matrix[$id] = $data;
// Special handler for CDN/Crawler 2d list to drop empty rows
foreach ($the_matrix as $id => $data) {
* cdn-mapping[ 0 ][ url ] = 'xxx'
* cdn-mapping[ 2 ][ url ] = 'xxx2'
* crawler-cookie[ 0 ][ name ] = 'xxx'
* crawler-cookie[ 0 ][ vals ] = 'xxx'
* crawler-cookie[ 2 ][ name ] = 'xxx2'
if ($id == self::O_CDN_MAPPING || $id == self::O_CRAWLER_COOKIES) {
// Drop this line if all children elements are empty
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
foreach ($v as $v2) {
if ($v2) {
continue 2;
// If hit here, means all empty
// Don't allow repeated cookie name
if ($id == self::O_CRAWLER_COOKIES) {
$existed = array();
foreach ($the_matrix[$id] as $k => $v) {
if (!$v[self::CRWL_COOKIE_NAME] || in_array($v[self::CRWL_COOKIE_NAME], $existed)) {
// Filter repeated or empty name
$existed[] = $v[self::CRWL_COOKIE_NAME];
// CDN mapping allow URL values repeated
// if ( $id == self::O_CDN_MAPPING ) {}
// tmp fix the 3rd part woo update hook issue when enabling vary cookie
if ($id == 'wc_cart_vary') {
if ($data) {
add_filter('litespeed_vary_cookies', function ($list) {
$list[] = 'woocommerce_cart_hash';
return array_unique($list);
} else {
add_filter('litespeed_vary_cookies', function ($list) {
if (in_array('woocommerce_cart_hash', $list)) {
unset($list[array_search('woocommerce_cart_hash', $list)]);
return array_unique($list);
// id validation will be inside
$msg = __('Options saved.', 'litespeed-cache');
* Parses any changes made by the network admin on the network settings.
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function network_save($raw_data)
Debug2::debug('[Settings] network saving');
if (empty($raw_data[self::ENROLL])) {
exit('No fields');
$raw_data = Admin::cleanup_text($raw_data);
foreach (array_unique($raw_data[self::ENROLL]) as $id) {
// Append current field to setting save
if (!array_key_exists($id, self::$_default_site_options)) {
$data = !empty($raw_data[$id]) ? $raw_data[$id] : false;
// id validation will be inside
$this->cls('Conf')->network_update($id, $data);
// Update related files
$msg = __('Options saved.', 'litespeed-cache');
* Hooked to the wp_redirect filter.
* This will only hook if there was a problem when saving the widget.
* @since 1.1.3
* @access public
* @param string $location The location string.
* @return string the updated location string.
public static function widget_save_err($location)
return str_replace('?message=0', '?error=0', $location);
* Hooked to the widget_update_callback filter.
* Validate the LiteSpeed Cache settings on edit widget save.
* @since 1.1.3
* @access public
* @param array $instance The new settings.
* @param array $new_instance
* @param array $old_instance The original settings.
* @param WP_Widget $widget The widget
* @return mixed Updated settings on success, false on error.
public static function validate_widget_save($instance, $new_instance, $old_instance, $widget)
if (empty($new_instance)) {
return $instance;
if (!isset($new_instance[ESI::WIDGET_O_ESIENABLE]) || !isset($new_instance[ESI::WIDGET_O_TTL])) {
return $instance;
$esi = intval($new_instance[ESI::WIDGET_O_ESIENABLE]) % 3;
$ttl = (int) $new_instance[ESI::WIDGET_O_TTL];
if ($ttl != 0 && $ttl < 30) {
add_filter('wp_redirect', __CLASS__ . '::widget_save_err');
return false; // invalid ttl.
if (empty($instance[Conf::OPTION_NAME])) {
// todo: to be removed
$instance[Conf::OPTION_NAME] = array();
$instance[Conf::OPTION_NAME][ESI::WIDGET_O_ESIENABLE] = $esi;
$instance[Conf::OPTION_NAME][ESI::WIDGET_O_TTL] = $ttl;
$current = !empty($old_instance[Conf::OPTION_NAME]) ? $old_instance[Conf::OPTION_NAME] : false;
if (!strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '/wp-admin/customize.php')) {
if (!$current || $esi != $current[ESI::WIDGET_O_ESIENABLE]) {
Purge::purge_all('Widget ESI_enable changed');
} elseif ($ttl != 0 && $ttl != $current[ESI::WIDGET_O_TTL]) {
Purge::add(Tag::TYPE_WIDGET . $widget->id);
Purge::purge_all('Widget saved');
return $instance;