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A-E@6>(%F*!&%(prog)s: error: %(message)s
%r is not callable'required' is an invalid argument for positionals.__call__() not definedAdd addons to the system syspurposeAdded "{value}" to {prop_name}.Adds the value(s) to the given propertyCannot create directory {}
Are you root?Cannot create file {}
Are you root?Cannot read syspurpose file {}
Are you root?Clear set addonsClear set roleClear set slaClear set usageError: Malformed data in file {}; please review and correct.If you'd like to overwrite the server side change please run: {command}Not adding value "{value}" to {prop_name}; it already exists.Not removing value "{val}" from {name}; it was not there.Remove addons from the system syspurposeRemoved "{val}" from {name}.Removes the value(s) from the given propertySet the system role to the system syspurposeSet the system slaSet the system usageSets the value for the given propertyShow the current system syspurposeSystem Syspurpose Management ToolThe 'syspurpose' command is deprecated and will be removed in a future major release. Please use the 'subscription-manager syspurpose' command going forward.The name of the property to set/updateThe name of the property to updateThe value to setThe value(s) to addThe value(s) to removeUnsets (clears) the value for the given propertyUser interrupted processWARNING: Setting syspurpose in containers has no effect.
Please run syspurpose on the host.
Warning: A {attr} of "{download_value}" was recently set for this system by the entitlement server administrator.
{advice}Warning: Provided key "{key}" is not included in the list of valid keys:Warning: Provided value "{val}" is not included in the list of valid values for attribute {attr}:Warning: Unable to sync system purpose with subscription management server: subscription_manager module is not available.ambiguous option: %(option)s could match %(matches)sargument "-" with mode %rcan't open '%s': %scannot have multiple subparser argumentscannot merge actions - two groups are named %rconflicting option string: %sconflicting option strings: %sdest= is required for options like %rexpected %s argumentexpected %s argumentsexpected at least one argumentexpected at most one argumentexpected one argumentignored explicit argument %rinvalid %(type)s value: %(value)rinvalid choice: %(value)r (choose from %(choices)s)invalid conflict_resolution value: %rinvalid option string %(option)r: must start with a character %(prefix_chars)rmutually exclusive arguments must be optionalnot allowed with argument %sone of the arguments %s is requiredoptional argumentspositional argumentsshow this help message and exitthe following arguments are required: %sunexpected option string: %sunknown parser %(parser_name)r (choices: %(choices)s)unrecognized arguments: %susage: {attr} set to "{val}".{attr} unset.{attr} updated.Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION
POT-Creation-Date: 2022-03-02 12:40+0100
PO-Revision-Date: 2022-06-20 11:18+0000
Last-Translator: Transtats <>
Language-Team: Chinese (Simplified) <>
Language: zh_CN
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;
X-Generator: Weblate 4.13
%(prog)s: 错误: %(message)s
%r 不可调用对于位置参数,’required' 是一个无效的参数.__call__() 未定义将 addons 添加到系统 syspurpose将 "{value}" 添加 到 {prop_name} 。为给定属性添加值无法创建目录 {}
您是 root 用户吗?无法创建文件 {}
您是 root 用户吗?无法读 syspurpose 文件 {}
您是 root 用户吗?取消设置 addons取消设置角色取消设置 SLA取消设置 usage错误:文件 {} 中的数据格式错误;请查看并更正。如果需要覆盖服务器端的改变,请运行:{command}没有将值 "{value}" 添加到 {prop_name} ;它已存在。没有从{name} 中删除值 "{val}",它没有存在于那里。将 addons 从系统 syspurpose 中删除从 {name} 删除 "{val}"。从给定属性中删除值将系统角色设置为系统 syspurpose设置系统的 SLA设置系统的使用为给定属性设置值显示当前系统的 syspurpose系统 Syspurpose 管理工具'syspurpose' 命令已弃用,并将在以后的主发行版本中删除。请继续使用 'subscription-manager syspurpose' 命令。要设置/更新的属性名称要更新的属性名称要设置的值要添加的值要删除的值为给定属性取消设置(清除设置)用户中断的进程警告:在容器中设置 syspurpose 无效。
请在主机上运行 syspurpose。
警告:"{download_value}" 的 {attr} 是最近由授权服务器管理员为这个系统设置的。
{advice}警告:提供的键 "{key}" 没有包括在有效键列表中:警告:提供的值 "{val}" 没有包括在属性{attr} 的有效值列表中:警告:无法与订阅管理服务器同步系统用途:subscription_manager 模块不可用。模糊选项: %(option)s 可能会匹配 %(matches)s参数 "-" 带有模式 %r无法打开 '%s': %s不能有多个 subparser 参数无法合并操作 - 两个组被命名为 %r冲突的选项字符串: %s如 %r 等选项需要 dest=预期 %s 参数预期至少有一个参数预期最多一个参数预期一个参数忽略的显式参数 %r无效 %(type)s 值:%(value)r无效选择: %(value)r(从 %(choices)s选择)无效的 conflict_resolution 值: %r无效的选项字符串 %(option)r: 必须以字符 %(prefix_chars)r 开头相互排斥的参数必须是可选的不允许带有参数 %s需要参数 %s 的一个可选参数位置参数显示此帮助信息并退出需要以下参数: %s意外选项字符串: %s未知解析器 %(parser_name)r(选择: %(choices)s)无法识别的参数: %s用法: {attr} 设置为 "{val}"。{attr} 取消设置。{attr} 已更新。
