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SLICE loop variable must be of an array typeFOREACH expression must not be nullFOREACH expression must yield an array, not type %sFOREACH loop variable must not be of an array typeFOREACH over arrayGET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS cannot be used outside an exception handlerINTO specified more than onceINTO used with a command that cannot return dataIf you want to discard the results of a SELECT, use PERFORM instead.It could refer to either a PL/pgSQL variable or a table column.List of programming constructs that should produce a warning.List of programming constructs that should produce an error.PL/pgSQL function %sPL/pgSQL function %s %sPL/pgSQL function %s line %d %sPL/pgSQL function %s line %d at %sPL/pgSQL functions cannot accept type %sPL/pgSQL functions cannot return type %sPerform checks given in ASSERT statements.Print information about parameters in the DETAIL part of the error messages generated on INTO ... STRICT failures.RAISE option already specified: %sRAISE statement option cannot be nullRAISE without parameters cannot be used outside an exception handlerRETURN NEXT cannot have a parameter in function with OUT parametersRETURN NEXT must have a parameterRETURN cannot have a parameter in function returning setRETURN cannot have a parameter in function returning voidRETURN cannot have a parameter in function with OUT parametersSQL statementSets handling of conflicts between PL/pgSQL variable names and table column names.The arguments of the trigger can be accessed through TG_NARGS and TG_ARGV instead.The tuple structure of a not-yet-assigned record is indeterminate.Use RETURN NEXT or RETURN QUERY.Use a BEGIN block with an EXCEPTION clause instead.You might want to use EXECUTE ... INTO or EXECUTE CREATE TABLE ... AS instead.arguments given for cursor without argumentsarguments required for cursorarray subscript in assignment must not be nullassertion failedassignmentblock label "%s" cannot be used in CONTINUEblock label must be placed before DECLARE, not aftercannot COPY to/from client in PL/pgSQLcannot assign non-composite value to a record variablecannot assign non-composite value to a row variablecannot begin/end transactions in PL/pgSQLcannot return non-composite value from function returning composite typecannot specify REVERSE in query FOR loopcannot use RETURN NEXT in a non-SETOF functioncannot use RETURN QUERY in a non-SETOF functioncase not foundcollations are not supported by type %scolumn reference "%s" is ambiguouscompilation of PL/pgSQL function "%s" near line %dcontrol reached end of function without RETURNcontrol reached end of trigger procedure without RETURNcould not determine actual argument type for polymorphic function "%s"could not determine actual return type for polymorphic function "%s"cursor "%s" already in usecursor "%s" does not existcursor "%s" has argumentscursor "%s" has no argument named "%s"cursor "%s" has no argumentscursor FOR loop must have only one target variablecursor FOR loop must use a bound cursor variablecursor variable "%s" is nullcursor variable must be a simple variabledefault value for row or record variable is not supporteddiagnostics item %s is not allowed in GET CURRENT DIAGNOSTICSdiagnostics item %s is not allowed in GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICSduplicate declarationduring exception cleanupduring function entryduring function exitduring initialization of execution stateduring statement block entryduring statement block exitduring statement block local variable initializationend label "%s" differs from block's label "%s"end label "%s" specified for unlabelled blockevent trigger functions cannot have declared argumentsexpected FROM or INincomplete data type declarationinteger FOR loop must have only one target variableinvalid SQLSTATE codeloop variable of FOREACH must be a known variable or list of variablesloop variable of loop over rows must be a record or row variable or list of scalar variableslower bound of FOR loop cannot be nullmismatched parenthesesmissing "%s" at end of SQL expressionmissing "%s" at end of SQL statementmissing SQL statementmissing data type declarationmissing expressionnot enough arguments for cursor "%s"null value cannot be assigned to variable "%s" declared NOT NULLnumber of array dimensions (%d) exceeds the maximum allowed (%d)parameter name "%s" used more than oncequery "%s" did not return dataquery "%s" is not a SELECTquery "%s" returned %d columnquery "%s" returned %d columnsquery "%s" returned more than one rowquery has no destination for result dataquery returned more than one rowquery returned no rowsquery string argument of EXECUTE is nullrecord "%s" has no field "%s"record "%s" is not assigned yetrecord or row variable cannot be part of multiple-item INTO listrelation "%s" does not existrelation "%s" is not a tablerelative or absolute cursor position is nullreturned record type does not match expected record typereturned row structure does not match the structure of the triggering tablerow or record variable cannot be CONSTANTrow or record variable cannot be NOT NULLset-valued function called in context that cannot accept a setslice dimension (%d) is out of the valid range 0..%dstatement blockstructure of query does not match function result typesubscripted object is not an arraysyntax errorsyntax error, expected "="syntax error, expected "FOR"there is no label "%s" attached to any block or loop enclosing this statementtoo few parameters specified for RAISEtoo many INTO variables specifiedtoo many arguments for cursor "%s"too many parameters specified for RAISEtrigger functions can only be called as triggerstrigger functions cannot have declared argumentstrigger procedure cannot return a settype "%s" is only a shellunexpected end of function definitionunrecognized GET DIAGNOSTICS itemunrecognized RAISE statement optionunrecognized exception condition "%s"upper bound of FOR loop cannot be nullvalue for parameter "%s" of cursor "%s" specified more than oncevariable "%s" declared NOT NULL cannot default to NULLvariable "%s" does not existvariable "%s" has pseudo-type %svariable "%s" must be of type cursor or refcursorvariable "%s" shadows a previously defined variablewhile casting return value to function's return typewhile storing call arguments into local variableswrong record type supplied in RETURN NEXTwrong result type supplied in RETURN NEXTProject-Id-Version: PostgreSQL 9.0
POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-18 04:37+0000
PO-Revision-Date: 2016-05-19 20:45+0800
Last-Translator: Yuwei Peng <>
Language-Team: Weibin <>
Language: zh_CN
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"%s"被声明为常量"%s" 不是一个已知变量"%s" 不是一个标量变量%s%s 在输入的末尾%s 在 "%s" 或附近的FOR循环的BY值不能为空FOR循环的BY值必须大于0在CASE语句结构中丢失ELSE部分在循环的外部不能使用CONTINUE没有执行EXECUTE of SELECT ... INTO 不能在循环外部使用EXIT,除非该循环有一个标签FETCH语句无法返回多条记录在EXECUTE语句上的FOR语句在SELECT记录上的FOR语句在游标上运行的FOR语句带有整型循环变量的FOR语句FOREACH ... SLICE循环变量必须属于数组类型FOREACH表达式不能为空FOREACH表达式的结果必须是数组, 而不是类型 %sFOREACH循环变量不能为数组类型在数组上运行的FOREACH语句GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS不能用于异常处理之外多次指定INTO使用了带有无法返回数据的命令的INTO如果您想要放弃SELECT语句的结果,请使用PERFORM.可以指向一个PL/pgSQL变量或表中的列程序构造列表必须输出警告.程序构造列表必须输出一个错误信息提示.PL/pgSQL函数 %sPL/pgSQL 函数%s %sPL/pgSQL 函数%s在第%d行%s在%3$s的第%2$d行的PL/pgSQL函数%1$sPL/pgSQL函数不使用类型%sPL/pgSQL函数不能返回类型%s执行在ASSERT语句中给定的检查。打印产生于INTO...STRICT失败时的详细的错误消息里的参数信息已经指定了RAISE选项:%sRAISE语句选项不能为空不带有参数的RAISE不能在异常处理的外部使用在带有输出参数的函数中RETURN NEXT不能有参数RETURN NEXT必须有一个参数在返回为集合的函数中RETURN不能带有参数在返回为空的函数中RETURN不能有参数在带有输出参数的函数中RETURN不能有参数SQL语句设置在PL/pgSQL变量名称和表中列名冲突时的处理原则触发器的参数可以通过TG_NARGS和TG_ARGV进行访问.未分配记录的元组结构未确定.使用RETURN NEXT或RETURN QUERY.使用带有一个EXCEPTION子句的BEGIN代码块.您可以使用EXECUTE ... INTO或者EXECUTE CREATE TABLE ... AS语句来替代给不带有参数的游标指定参数游标需要参数在赋值中数组下标不能为空断言失败赋值块标签 "%s" 不能被用在 CONTINUE 中代码块标签必须放在DECLARE的前面,而不是后面无法在PL/pgSQL中从客户端或向客户端使用COPY命令无法将非组合值分配给记录类型变量无法将非组合值分配给记录变量无法在PL/pgSQL中无法使用begin/end事务返回值为组合类型的函数不能返回非组合型的值无法在查询FOR循环中指定REVERSE 无法在非SETOF函数中使用RETURN NEXT无法在非SETOF函数中使用RETURN QUERY没有找到CASE类型 %s不支持校对函数字段关联 "%s" 是不明确的在第%2$d行附件编译PL/pgSQL函数"%1$s"控制流程到达函数的结束部分,但是没有看到RETURN控制流程到达触发器/存储过程的结束部分,但是没有看到RETURN无法确定多态函数"%s"的实际参数类型无法确定多态函数"%s"的实际返回类型游标"%s"已经在使用游标 "%s" 不存在游标"%s"有参数游标"%s" 没有名为 "%s"的参数游标"%s" 没有参数游标的FOR循环只能有一个目标变量游标的FOR循环必须使用有界游标变量游标变量"%s"是空的游标变量必须是一个简单变量不支持为记录或记录类型变量设置缺省值诊断项 %s 不允许出现在GET CURRENT DIAGNOSTICS的结果中诊断项 %s 不允许出现在GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS的结果中重复声明在清理异常期间在进入函数期间在函数退出期间在执行状态的初始化期间在进入语句块期间在退出语句块期间在初始化语句块的局部变量期间结束标签"%s" 与代码块标签"%s"不同为没有标签的代码块指定结束标签"%s" 事件触发器函数不能有已声明的参数期望关键字FROM或IN未完成的数据类型声明整数FOR循环必须只能有一个目标变量无效的SQLSTATE代码FOREACH的循环变量必须是已知类型或者是变量列表在记录集上进行循环的循环变量必须是记录或记录类型变量或标量变量的列表FOR循环的低位边界不能为空括号不匹配在SQL表达式的结尾处丢失"%s"在SQL语句的结尾处丢失"%s"缺少SQL语句丢失数据类型声明缺少表达式游标 "%s"没有足够的参数不能将声明为NOT NULL的变量"%s" 分配空值数组维数(%d)超过了最大允许值(%d)多次使用参数名称 "%s"查询"%s"没有返回数据查询 "%s"不是SELECT语句查询"%s"返回%d列查询"%s"返回多条数据对于结果数据,查询没有目标查询返回多条记录查询没有返回记录EXECUTE的查询字符串参数是空值记录"%s"没有字段"%s"记录 "%s"还没有分配记录或行类型变量不能作为带有多个项的INTO列表中的一部分关系 "%s" 不存在关系 "%s"不是一张表游标的相对或绝对位置是空的所返回的记录类型与所期待的记录类型不匹配所返回的记录结构与触发表的结构不匹配记录或者记录类型变量不能是CONSTANT类型记录或者记录类型变量不能是NOT NULL集值函数在不接受使用集合的环境中调用索引维数(%d)超出有效范围: 0..%d语句块查询的结构与函数的返回类型不匹配下标对象不是一个数组语法错误语法错误,期望"="语法错误,期望"FOR"在任何包围这个语句的块或者循环上都没有附着标签"%s"为RAISE子句指定参数过少在INTO后面指定了太多的变量游标 "%s"给定的参数太多为RAISE子句指定参数过多触发器函数只能以触发器的形式调用触发器函数不能有已声明的参数触发器存储过程无法返回集合类型 "%s" 只是一个 shell在函数定义中意外出现的结束标志无法识别的项GET DIAGNOSTICS无法识别的RAISE语句选项不可识别的异常条件"%s"FOR循环的高位边界不能为空游标"%2$s"中的参数值"%1$s"指定了多次声明为NOT NULL的变量"%s"无法将缺省值设为NULL变量 "%s" 不存在变量"%s"具有伪类型%s变量"%s" 必须属于游标类型或refcursor类型变量"%s"隐藏了前一个已定义的变量正在将返回值强行指派为函数的返回类型在将调用的参数存储到本地变量时在RETURN NEXT中提供了错误的记录类型在RETURN NEXT中提供了错误的结果类型
