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%s: -w option cannot use a relative socket directory specification

%s: -w option is not supported when starting a pre-9.1 server

Allowed signal names for kill:

Common options:

Options for register and unregister:

Options for start or restart:

Options for stop or restart:

Report bugs to <>.

Shutdown modes are:

Start types are:
  %s init[db]               [-D DATADIR] [-s] [-o "OPTIONS"]
  %s kill    SIGNALNAME PID
  %s promote [-D DATADIR] [-s]
                    [-S START-TYPE] [-w] [-t SECS] [-o "OPTIONS"]
  %s reload  [-D DATADIR] [-s]
  %s restart [-w] [-t SECS] [-D DATADIR] [-s] [-m SHUTDOWN-MODE]
                 [-o "OPTIONS"]
  %s start   [-w] [-t SECS] [-D DATADIR] [-s] [-l FILENAME] [-o "OPTIONS"]
  %s status  [-D DATADIR]
  %s stop    [-W] [-t SECS] [-D DATADIR] [-s] [-m SHUTDOWN-MODE]
  %s unregister [-N SERVICENAME]
  -?, --help             show this help, then exit
  -D, --pgdata=DATADIR   location of the database storage area
  -N SERVICENAME  service name with which to register PostgreSQL server
  -P PASSWORD     password of account to register PostgreSQL server
  -S START-TYPE   service start type to register PostgreSQL server
  -U USERNAME     user name of account to register PostgreSQL server
  -V, --version          output version information, then exit
  -W                     do not wait until operation completes
  -c, --core-files       allow postgres to produce core files
  -c, --core-files       not applicable on this platform
  -e SOURCE              event source for logging when running as a service
  -l, --log=FILENAME     write (or append) server log to FILENAME
  -m, --mode=MODE        MODE can be "smart", "fast", or "immediate"
  -o OPTIONS             command line options to pass to postgres
                         (PostgreSQL server executable) or initdb
  -p PATH-TO-POSTGRES    normally not necessary
  -s, --silent           only print errors, no informational messages
  -t, --timeout=SECS     seconds to wait when using -w option
  -w                     wait until operation completes
  auto       start service automatically during system startup (default)
  demand     start service on demand
  fast        quit directly, with proper shutdown
  immediate   quit without complete shutdown; will lead to recovery on restart
  smart       quit after all clients have disconnected
 stopped waiting
%s is a utility to initialize, start, stop, or control a PostgreSQL server.

%s: -S option not supported on this platform
%s: PID file "%s" does not exist
%s: WARNING: cannot create restricted tokens on this platform
%s: WARNING: could not locate all job object functions in system API
%s: another server might be running; trying to start server anyway
%s: cannot be run as root
Please log in (using, e.g., "su") as the (unprivileged) user that will
own the server process.
%s: cannot promote server; server is not in standby mode
%s: cannot promote server; single-user server is running (PID: %ld)
%s: cannot reload server; single-user server is running (PID: %ld)
%s: cannot restart server; single-user server is running (PID: %ld)
%s: cannot set core file size limit; disallowed by hard limit
%s: cannot stop server; single-user server is running (PID: %ld)
%s: could not access directory "%s": %s
%s: could not allocate SIDs: error code %lu
%s: could not create promote signal file "%s": %s
%s: could not create restricted token: error code %lu
%s: could not determine the data directory using command "%s"
%s: could not find own program executable
%s: could not find postgres program executable
%s: could not open PID file "%s": %s
%s: could not open process token: error code %lu
%s: could not open service "%s": error code %lu
%s: could not open service manager
%s: could not read file "%s"
%s: could not register service "%s": error code %lu
%s: could not remove promote signal file "%s": %s
%s: could not send promote signal (PID: %ld): %s
%s: could not send reload signal (PID: %ld): %s
%s: could not send signal %d (PID: %ld): %s
%s: could not send stop signal (PID: %ld): %s
%s: could not start server
Examine the log output.
%s: could not start server: %s
%s: could not start server: error code %lu
%s: could not start service "%s": error code %lu
%s: could not unregister service "%s": error code %lu
%s: could not wait for server because of misconfiguration
%s: could not write promote signal file "%s": %s
%s: database system initialization failed
%s: directory "%s" does not exist
%s: directory "%s" is not a database cluster directory
%s: invalid data in PID file "%s"
%s: missing arguments for kill mode
%s: no database directory specified and environment variable PGDATA unset
%s: no operation specified
%s: no server running
%s: old server process (PID: %ld) seems to be gone
%s: option file "%s" must have exactly one line
%s: server does not shut down
%s: server is running (PID: %ld)
%s: service "%s" already registered
%s: service "%s" not registered
%s: single-user server is running (PID: %ld)
%s: the PID file "%s" is empty
%s: too many command-line arguments (first is "%s")
%s: unrecognized operation mode "%s"
%s: unrecognized shutdown mode "%s"
%s: unrecognized signal name "%s"
%s: unrecognized start type "%s"
(The default is to wait for shutdown, but not for start or restart.)

HINT: The "-m fast" option immediately disconnects sessions rather than
waiting for session-initiated disconnection.
If the -D option is omitted, the environment variable PGDATA is used.
Is server running?
Please terminate the single-user server and try again.
Server started and accepting connections
The program "%s" is needed by %s but was not found in the
same directory as "%s".
Check your installation.
The program "%s" was found by "%s"
but was not the same version as %s.
Check your installation.
Timed out waiting for server startup
Try "%s --help" for more information.
WARNING: online backup mode is active
Shutdown will not complete until pg_stop_backup() is called.

Waiting for server startup...
cannot duplicate null pointer (internal error)
child process exited with exit code %dchild process exited with unrecognized status %dchild process was terminated by exception 0x%Xchild process was terminated by signal %dchild process was terminated by signal %scommand not executablecommand not foundcould not change directory to "%s": %scould not find a "%s" to executecould not get current working directory: %s
could not identify current directory: %scould not read binary "%s"could not read symbolic link "%s"invalid binary "%s"out of memory
pclose failed: %sserver is still starting up
server promoting
server shutting down
server signaled
server started
server starting
server stopped
starting server anyway
waiting for server to shut down...waiting for server to start...Project-Id-Version: pg_ctl (PostgreSQL 9.0)
POT-Creation-Date: 2015-11-26 18:43+0000
PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-01 19:30+0800
Last-Translator: Yuwei Peng <>
Language-Team: Chinese (Simplified)
Language: zh_CN
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.7

%s: -w 选项不能用于相对套接字目录

%s: -w 选项不能用于9.1以前版本的服务器启动






臭虫报告至 <>.


  %s init[db]               [-D 数据目录] [-s] [-o "选项"]
  %s kill    信号名称 进程号
  %s promote  [-D 数据目录] [-s]
  %s register   [-N 服务名称] [-U 用户名] [-P 口令] [-D 数据目录]
          [-S 启动类型] [-w] [-t 秒数] [-o "选项"]
  %s reload  [-D 数据目录] [-s]
  %s restart [-w] [-t 秒数] [-D 数据目录] [-s] [-m 关闭模式]
                [-o "选项"]
  %s start   [-w]  [-t 秒数] [-D 数据目录] [-s] [-l 文件名] [-o "选项"]
  %s status  [-D 数据目录]
  %s stop   [-W]  [-t 秒数] [-D 数据目录] [-s] [-m 关闭模式]
  %s unregister [-N 服务名称]
  -?, --help             显示此帮助, 然后退出
  -D, --pgdata=数据目录  数据库存储区域的位置
  -N 服务名称     注册到 PostgreSQL 服务器的服务名称
  -P 口令         注册到 PostgreSQL 服务器帐户的口令
  -S START-TYPE   注册到PostgreSQL服务器的服务启动类型
  -U 用户名       注册到 PostgreSQL 服务器帐户的用户名
  -V, --version           输出版本信息, 然后退出
  -W                     不用等待操作完成
  -c, --core-files       允许postgres进程产生核心文件
  -c, --core-files       在这种平台上不可用
  -e SOURCE              当作为一个服务运行时要记录的事件的来源
  -l, --log=FILENAME    写入 (或追加) 服务器日志到文件FILENAME
  -m, --mode=MODE        可以是 "smart", "fast", 或者 "immediate"
  -o OPTIONS             传递给postgres的命令行选项
                      (PostgreSQL 服务器执行文件)或initdb
  -p PATH-TO-POSTMASTER  正常情况不必要
  -s, --silent           只打印错误信息, 没有其他信息
  -t, --timeout=SECS    当使用-w 选项时需要等待的秒数
  -w                     等待直到操作完成
  auto       在系统启动时自动启动服务(默认选项)
  demand     按需启动服务
  fast        直接退出, 正确的关闭
  immediate   不完全的关闭退出; 重启后恢复
  smart       所有客户端断开连接后退出
%s 是一个用于初始化、启动、停止或控制PostgreSQL服务器的工具.

%s: -S 选项在该平台上不支持
%s: PID 文件 "%s" 不存在
%s: 警告: 该平台上无法创建受限令牌
%s: 警告: 系统API中无法定位所有工作对象函数
%s: 其他服务器进程可能正在运行; 尝试启动服务器进程
%s: 无法以 root 用户运行
请以服务器进程所属用户 (非特权用户) 登录 (或使用 "su")

%s: 无法重新加载服务器进程;服务器没有运行在standby模式下
%s: 无法重新加载服务器进程;正在运行单用户模式的服务器进程 (PID: %ld)
%s: 无法重新加载服务器进程;正在运行单用户模式的服务器进程 (PID: %ld)
%s: 无法重启服务器进程; 单用户模式服务器进程正在运行 (PID: %ld)
%s: 不能设置核心文件大小的限制;磁盘限额不允许
%s: 无法停止服务器进程; 正在运行 单用户模式服务器进程(PID: %ld)
%s: 无法访问目录 "%s": %s
%s: 无法分配SID: 错误码 %lu
%s: 无法创建重新加载信号文件 "%s": %s
%s: 无法创建继承套接字: 错误码为 %lu
%s: 使用命令 "%s"无法确定数据目录
%s: 无法找到执行文件
%s: 无法找到postgres程序的执行文件
%s: 无法打开 PID 文件 "%s": %s
%s: 无法打开进程令牌 (token): 错误码 %lu
%s: 无法打开服务 "%s": 错误码 %lu
%s: 无法打开服务管理器
%s: 无法读取文件 "%s"
%s: 无法注册服务 "%s": 错误码 %lu
%s: 无法移动重新加载信号文件 "%s": %s
%s: 无法发送重载信号(PID: %ld): %s
%s: 无法发送重载信号 (PID: %ld): %s
%s: 无法发送信号 %d (PID: %ld): %s
%s: 无法发送停止信号 (PID: %ld): %s
%s: 无法启动服务器进程
%s: 无法启动服务器:%s
%s: 无法启动服务 "%s": 错误码 %lu
%s: 无法注销服务 "%s": 错误码 %lu
%s: 因为配制错误,而无法等待服务器
%s: 无法写入重新加载文件 "%s": %s
%s: 数据库系统初始化失败
%s: 目录 "%s" 不存在
%s: 目录 "%s"不是一个数据库集群目录
%s: PID文件 "%s" 中存在无效数据
%s: 缺少 kill 模式参数
%s: 没有指定数据目录, 并且没有设置 PGDATA 环境变量
%s: 没有指定操作
%s: 原有的进程(PID: %ld)可能已经不存在了
%s: 选项文件 "%s" 只能有一行
%s: server进程没有关闭
%s: 正在运行服务器进程(PID: %ld)
%s: 服务 "%s" 已经注册了
%s: 服务 "%s" 没有注册
%s: 正在运行单用户模式服务器进程 (PID: %ld)
%s: PID 文件 "%s" 为空
%s: 命令行参数太多 (第一个是 "%s")
%s: 无效的操作模式 "%s"
%s: 无效的关闭模式 "%s"
%s: 无效信号名称 "%s"
%s: 无法识别的启动类型 "%s"
(默认为关闭等待, 但不是启动或重启.)

提示: "-m fast" 选项可以立即断开会话, 而不用
如果省略了 -D 选项, 将使用 PGDATA 环境变量.
%2$s需要程序"%1$s", 但是在同一个目录"%3$s"中没找到.

"%2$s"找到程序 "%1$s", 但是和版本 "%3$s" 不一致.

试用 "%s --help" 获取更多的信息.
警告: 在线备份模式处于激活状态
等待服务器进程启动 ...
无法复制空指针 (内部错误)
子进程已退出, 退出码为 %d子进程已退出, 未知状态 %d子进程被例外(exception) 0x%X 终止子进程被信号 %d 终止子进程被信号 %s 终止无法执行命令没有找到命令无法跳转到目录 "%s" 中: %s未能找到一个 "%s" 来执行无法得到当前工作目录: %s
无法确认当前目录: %s无法读取二进制码 "%s"无法读取符号链结 "%s"无效的二进制码 "%s"内存溢出
pclose调用失败: %s服务器仍在启动过程中
等待服务器进程关闭 ...等待服务器进程启动 ...
