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3*5="E?&A+$8%s %s differ: byte %s, line %s
%s %s differ: byte %s, line %s is %3o %s %3o %s
%s: diff failed: (C)--from-file and --to-file both specified-D option not supported with directoriesBinary files %s and %s differ
Common subdirectories: %s and %s
Compare three files line by line.Compare two files byte by byte.File %s is a %s while file %s is a %s
Files %s and %s are identical
Files %s and %s differ
Invalid back referenceInvalid character class nameInvalid collation characterInvalid content of \{\}Invalid preceding regular expressionInvalid range endInvalid regular expressionMemory exhaustedNo matchNo newline at end of fileNo previous regular expressionOnly in %s: %s
Premature end of regular expressionRegular expression too bigSKIP values may be followed by the following multiplicative suffixes:
kB 1000, K 1024, MB 1,000,000, M 1,048,576,
GB 1,000,000,000, G 1,073,741,824, and so on for T, P, E, Z, Y.SuccessTrailing backslashUnknown system errorUnmatched ( or \(Unmatched ) or \)Unmatched \{Usage: %s [OPTION]... FILE1 FILE2
Usage: %s [OPTION]... FILE1 [FILE2 [SKIP1 [SKIP2]]]
Usage: %s [OPTION]... FILES
block special fileboth files to be compared are directoriescannot interactively merge standard inputcharacter special fileconflicting output style optionsconflicting tabsize optionsconflicting width optionsdirectoryfifoincompatible optionsinput file shrankinternal error: invalid diff type in process_diffinternal error: invalid diff type passed to outputinternal error: screwup in format of diff blocksinvalid diff format; incomplete last lineinvalid diff format; incorrect leading line charsinvalid diff format; invalid change separatormemory exhaustedmessage queueoptions -l and -s are incompatiblepagination not supported on this hostprogram errorread failedregular empty fileregular filesemaphoreshared memory objectsocketstack overflowstandard outputsymbolic linktoo many file label optionsweird filewrite failedProject-Id-Version: diffutils 2.8.3
POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-21 13:26-0700
PO-Revision-Date: 2003-08-22 08:43+0300
Last-Translator: Eugen Hoanca <>
Language-Team: Romanian <>
Language: ro
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Bugs: Report translation errors to the Language-Team address.
%s %s difer�: octetul %s, linia %s
%s %s difer�: octetul %s, linia %s este %3o %s %3o %s
%s: diff e�uat: (C) --from-file �i --to-file sunt specificate �mpreun�op�iunea -D nu este compatibil� cu directoareleFi�ierele binare %s �i %s difer�
Subdirectoare comune: %s �i %s.
Compar� trei fi�iere linie cu linieCompar� dou� fi�iere octet cu octet.Fi�ierul %s este un %s pe c�nd fi�ierul %s este un %s.
Fi�ierele %s �i %s sunt identice
Fi�ierele %s �i %s difer�
Referin�� precedent� invalid�Nume clas� caracter invalid�Caracter de comparare invalidCon�inut invalid al \{\}Expresie normal� de preceden�� invalid�Sf�r�it de domeniu invalidExpresie normal�(regular) invalid�Memorie plin�Nici o potrivireNici un element de linie nou� la sf�r�itul fi�ieruluiNu a existat nici o expresie normal� antecedent�Doar �n %s: %s
Sf�r�it prematur de expresie normal�Expresie normal� prea mareValorile OMIS pot fi urmate de urm�toarele sufixe multiplicative:
kB 1000, K 1024, MB 1,000,000, M 1,048,576,
GB 1,000,000,000, G 1,073,741,824, �i a�a mai departe pentru T, P, E, Z, Y.SuccesBackslash de sf�r�it de linie(trailing)Eroare de sistem necunoscut�( or \( ne�nchise) or \) nedeschise\{ ne�nchis�Folosire: %s [OP�IUNE]... FI�IER1 FI�IER2
Folosire: %s [OP�IUNE]... FI�IER1 [FI�IER2 [OMIS1 [OMIS2]]]
Folosire: %s [OP�IUNE]... FI�IERE
fi�ier bloc specialambele fi�iere de comparat sunt directoarenu poate rezulta(merge) interactiv intrarea(input) standardfi�ier caracter specialConflict �n op�iunile stilului de afi�are(output)op�iuni m�rime tab �n conflictop�iuni de lungime �n conflictdirectorfifoop�iuni incompatibilefi�ier de intrare(input) mic�orateroare intern�: tip diff invalid �n process_differoare intern�: tip invalid de diff trimis spre ie�ire(output)eroare intern�: z�p�ceal� �n formatul blocurilor diffformat diff invalid; ultim�-linie incomplet�format diff invalid; caractere precedente liniei incorecteformat diff invalid; separator de modificare invalidmemorie plin�coad�(queue) de mesajeop�iunile -l �i -s sunt incompatibilepagina�ie nesuportat� de acest hosteroare de programcitire e�uat�fi�ier obi�nuit(regular) vidfi�ier obi�nuitsemaforobiect memorie global�(shared memory)socketstiv� plin�(overflow)ie�ire(output) standardleg�tur� simbolic�prea multe op�iuni de etichete fi�ierfi�ier ciudatscriere e�uat�
