Your IP :
% Copyright (C) 2001-2019 Artifex Software, Inc.
% All Rights Reserved.
% This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
% implied.
% This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
% modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
% of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
% Refer to licensing information at or contact
% Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato,
% CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information.
% Unicode Decoding
% Maps PS and TT names to Unicode UTF-16.
% This file is in the same format as the "Unicode" Decoding resource, and includes
% the same mappings, with the following exceptions:
% - the set of names is smaller, no new names were added since SVN revision 6799;
% - there are a few FCO-specific mapping differences (look for "%FCO-specific:");
% these are put in an extra, last column.
/FCO_Unicode % resource name
3375 % # of names
/ParseDecoding /ProcSet findresource /Parse get exec
16#0000 .null NUL
16#0001 SOH
16#0002 STX
16#0003 ETX
16#0004 EOT
16#0005 ENQ
16#0006 ACK
16#0007 BEL
16#0008 BS
16#0009 HT
16#000A LF
16#000B VT
16#000C FF
16#000D CR nonmarkingreturn
16#000E SO
16#000F SI
16#0010 DLE DC0
16#0011 XON DC1
16#0012 DC2
16#0013 XOF DC3
16#0014 DC4
16#0015 NAK
16#0016 SYN
16#0017 ETB
16#0018 CAN
16#0019 EM
16#001A EOF SUB
16#001B ESC
16#001C IFS FS
16#001D IGS GS
16#001E IRS RS
16#001F IUS US
16#0020 space SP010000
16#0021 exclam SP020000
16#0022 quotedbl SP040000
16#0023 numbersign SM010000
16#0024 dollar SC030000 milreis escudo
16#0025 percent SM020000
16#0026 ampersand SM030000
16#0027 quotesingle SP050000
16#0028 parenleft SP060000
16#0029 parenright SP070000
16#002A asterisk SM040000
16#002B plus SA010000
16#002C comma SP080000
16#002D hyphen SP100000 hyphen-minus hyphenminus
16#002E period SP110000
16#002F slash SP120000
16#0030 zero ND100000 zerodot zeroslash
16#0031 one ND010000
16#0032 two ND020000
16#0033 three ND030000
16#0034 four ND040000
16#0035 five ND050000
16#0036 six ND060000
16#0037 seven ND070000
16#0038 eight ND080000
16#0039 nine ND090000
16#003A colon SP130000
16#003B semicolon SP140000
16#003C less SA030000
16#003D equal SA040000
16#003E greater SA050000
16#003F question SP150000
16#0040 at SM050000
16#0041 A LA020000
16#0042 B LB020000
16#0043 C LC020000
16#0044 D LD020000
16#0045 E LE020000
16#0046 F LF020000
16#0047 G LG020000
16#0048 H LH020000
16#0049 I LI020000 Inodot
16#004A J LJ020000
16#004B K LK020000
16#004C L LL020000
16#004D M LM020000
16#004E N LN020000
16#004F O LO020000
16#0050 P LP020000
16#0051 Q LQ020000
16#0052 R LR020000
16#0053 S LS020000
16#0054 T LT020000
16#0055 U LU020000
16#0056 V LV020000
16#0057 W LW020000
16#0058 X LX020000
16#0059 Y LY020000
16#005A Z LZ020000
16#005B bracketleft SM060000
16#005C backslash SM070000
16#005D bracketright SM080000
16#005E asciicircum SD150000
16#005F underscore SP090000
16#0060 grave SD130000
16#0061 a LA010000
16#0062 b LB010000
16#0063 c LC010000
16#0064 d LD010000
16#0065 e LE010000
16#0066 f LF010000
16#0067 g LG010000
16#0068 h LH010000
16#0069 i LI010000
16#006A j LJ010000
16#006B k LK010000
16#006C l LL010000
16#006D m LM010000
16#006E n LN010000
16#006F o LO010000
16#0070 p LP010000
16#0071 q LQ010000
16#0072 r LR010000
16#0073 s LS010000
16#0074 t LT010000
16#0075 u LU010000
16#0076 v LV010000
16#0077 w LW010000
16#0078 x LX010000
16#0079 y LY010000
16#007A z LZ010000
16#007B braceleft SM110000
16#007C bar SM130000
16#007D braceright SM140000
16#007E asciitilde SD190000
16#007F DEL
16#0080 SP300000 c128
16#0081 SP030000 c129
16#0082 SC040000
16#0083 SC020000
16#0084 SC010000
16#0085 SC050000
16#0086 SM650000
16#0087 SM240000
16#0088 SD170000 diaeresis
16#0089 SM520000
16#008A SM210000
16#008B SP170000
16#008C SM660000
16#008D SP320000 c141
16#008E SM530000 c142
16#008F SM150000 overstore c143
16#0090 SM190000
16#0091 SA020000
16#0092 ND021000
16#0093 ND031000
16#0094 SD110000
16#0095 SM170000 micro
16#0096 SM250000
16#0097 SD630000 periodcentered.0
16#0098 SD410000
16#0099 ND011000
16#009A SM200000
16#009B SP180000
16#009C NF040000
16#009D NF010000
16#009E NF050000
16#009F SP160000
16#00A0 nbspace LA140000
16#00A1 exclamdown LA120000
16#00A2 cent LA160000
16#00A3 sterling LA200000
16#00A4 currency LA180000
16#00A5 yen LA280000
16#00A6 brokenbar LA520000
16#00A7 section LC420000
16#00A8 dieresis LE140000
16#00A9 copyright LE120000
16#00AA ordfeminine LE160000
16#00AB guillemotleft LE180000
16#00AC logicalnot LI140000
16#00AD sfthyphen softhyphen LI120000
16#00AE registered LI160000
16#00AF overscore LI180000 %FCO-specific: macron at 16#02C9, not 16#00AF
16#00B0 degree
16#00B1 plusminus LN200000
16#00B2 twosuperior LO140000
16#00B3 threesuperior LO120000
16#00B4 acute LO160000
16#00B5 mu LO200000
16#00B6 paragraph LO180000
16#00B7 middot SA070000 periodcentered.1 %FCO-specific: periodcentered at 16#2022, 16#00B7 is periodcentered.1
16#00B8 cedilla
16#00B9 onesuperior LU140000
16#00BA ordmasculine LU120000
16#00BB guillemotright LU160000
16#00BC onequarter LU180000
16#00BD onehalf LY120000
16#00BE threequarters LT640000
16#00BF questiondown LS610000
16#00C0 Agrave LA130000
16#00C1 Aacute LA110000
16#00C2 Acircumflex LA150000
16#00C3 Atilde LA190000
16#00C4 Adieresis LA170000
16#00C5 Aring LA270000
16#00C6 AE LA510000
16#00C7 Ccedilla LC410000
16#00C8 Egrave LE130000
16#00C9 Eacute LE110000
16#00CA Ecircumflex LE150000
16#00CB Edieresis LE170000
16#00CC Igrave LI130000
16#00CD Iacute LI110000
16#00CE Icircumflex LI150000
16#00CF Idieresis LI170000
16#00D0 Eth LD630000
16#00D1 Ntilde LN190000
16#00D2 Ograve LO130000
16#00D3 Oacute LO110000
16#00D4 Ocircumflex LO150000
16#00D5 Otilde LO190000
16#00D6 Odieresis LO170000
16#00D7 multiply SA060000
16#00D8 Oslash
16#00D9 Ugrave LU130000
16#00DA Uacute LU110000
16#00DB Ucircumflex LU150000
16#00DC Udieresis LU170000
16#00DD Yacute LY110000
16#00DE Thorn LT630000
16#00DF germandbls LY170000
16#00E0 agrave LA620000
16#00E1 aacute LA610000
16#00E2 acircumflex LA240000
16#00E3 atilde LA230000
16#00E4 adieresis LA440000
16#00E5 aring LA430000
16#00E6 ae LC120000
16#00E7 ccedilla LC110000
16#00E8 egrave LC160000
16#00E9 eacute LC150000
16#00EA ecircumflex LC300000
16#00EB edieresis LC290000
16#00EC igrave LC220000
16#00ED iacute LC210000
16#00EE icircumflex LD220000
16#00EF idieresis LD210000 dquoteright
16#00F0 eth LD620000 Dbar Dmacron
16#00F1 ntilde LD610000 dbar
16#00F2 ograve LE620000
16#00F3 oacute LE610000
16#00F4 ocircumflex LE240000
16#00F5 otilde LE230000
16#00F6 odieresis LE300000
16#00F7 divide LE290000 c144
16#00F8 oslash LE440000
16#00F9 ugrave LE430000
16#00FA uacute LE220000
16#00FB ucircumflex LE210000
16#00FC udieresis LG160000
16#00FD yacute LG150000
16#00FE thorn LG240000
16#00FF ydieresis LG230000
16#0100 Amacron LG300000
16#0101 amacron LG290000 c158
16#0102 Abreve LG420000
16#0103 abreve LG110000
16#0104 Aogonek LH160000
16#0105 aogonek LH150000
16#0106 Cacute LH620000 Hmacron
16#0107 cacute LH610000 hmacron
16#0108 Ccircumflex LI200000
16#0109 ccircumflex LI190000
16#010A Cdotaccent Cdot LI620000
16#010B cdotaccent cdot
16#010C Ccaron LI240000
16#010D ccaron LI230000
16#010E Dcaron LI440000
16#010F dcaron LI430000
16#0110 Dcroat Dslash LI300000
16#0111 dcroat dmacron LI610000 dslash
16#0112 Emacron
16#0113 emacron
16#0114 Ebreve LJ160000
16#0115 ebreve LJ150000
16#0116 Edotaccent Edot LK420000
16#0117 edotaccent edot LK410000
16#0118 Eogonek kra
16#0119 eogonek LL120000
16#011A Ecaron LL110000
16#011B ecaron LL420000
16#011C Gcircumflex LL410000
16#011D gcircumflex LL220000
16#011E Gbreve LL210000
16#011F gbreve LL640000
16#0120 Gdotaccent Gdot LL630000
16#0121 gdotaccent gdot LL620000
16#0122 Gcedilla Gcommaaccent LL610000
16#0123 gcedilla gcommaaccent LN120000
16#0124 Hcircumflex LN110000
16#0125 hcircumflex LN420000
16#0126 Hbar LN410000
16#0127 hbar LN220000
16#0128 Itilde LN210000
16#0129 itilde highcomman
16#012A Imacron
16#012B imacron
16#012C Ibreve LO620000
16#012D ibreve LO610000
16#012E Iogonek LO240000
16#012F iogonek LO230000
16#0130 Idotaccent Idot LO260000
16#0131 dotlessi LO250000
16#0132 IJ LO520000
16#0133 ij LO510000
16#0134 Jcircumflex LR120000
16#0135 jcircumflex LR110000
16#0136 Kcedilla Kcommaaccent LR420000
16#0137 kcedilla kcommaaccent LR410000
16#0138 kgreenlandic LR220000
16#0139 Lacute LR210000
16#013A lacute LS120000
16#013B Lcedilla Lcommaaccent LS110000
16#013C lcedilla lcommaaccent LS160000
16#013D Lcaron LS150000
16#013E lcaron LS420000
16#013F Ldot Ldotaccent LS410000
16#0140 ldot ldotaccent LS220000
16#0141 Lslash LS210000
16#0142 lslash LT420000
16#0143 Nacute LT410000
16#0144 nacute LT220000
16#0145 Ncedilla Ncommaaccent LT210000 tquoteright
16#0146 ncedilla ncommaaccent LT620000 Tmacron
16#0147 Ncaron LT610000 tmacron
16#0148 ncaron LU200000
16#0149 napostrophe LU190000
16#014A Eng LU620000
16#014B eng LU610000
16#014C Omacron LU240000
16#014D omacron LU230000
16#014E Obreve LU280000
16#014F obreve LU270000
16#0150 Ohungarumlaut Odblacute LU260000
16#0151 ohungarumlaut odblacute LU250000
16#0152 OE LU440000
16#0153 oe LU430000
16#0154 Racute LW160000
16#0155 racute LW150000
16#0156 Rcedilla Rcommaaccent LY160000
16#0157 rcedilla rcommaaccent LY150000
16#0158 Rcaron LY180000
16#0159 rcaron LZ120000
16#015A Sacute LZ110000
16#015B sacute LZ300000
16#015C Scircumflex LZ290000
16#015D scircumflex LZ220000
16#015E Scedilla LZ210000
16#015F scedilla
16#0160 Scaron bbar
16#0161 scaron
16#0162 Tcedilla Tcommaaccent
16#0163 tcedilla tcommaaccent
16#0164 Tcaron
16#0165 tcaron
16#0166 Tbar
16#0167 tbar
16#0168 Utilde
16#0169 utilde Dbar1
16#016A Umacron
16#016B umacron
16#016C Ubreve
16#016D ubreve deltaturn
16#016E Uring Eturn
16#016F uring
16#0170 Uhungarumlaut Udblacute Epsilon1
16#0171 uhungarumlaut udblacute
16#0172 Uogonek SC070000 fscript
16#0173 uogonek
16#0174 Wcircumflex Gamma1
16#0175 wcircumflex
16#0176 Ycircumflex Iota1
16#0177 ycircumflex Ibar
16#0178 Ydieresis
16#0179 Zacute
16#017A zacute
16#017B Zdotaccent Zdot lambdabar
16#017C zdotaccent zdot mcapturn
16#017D Zcaron Nhook
16#017E zcaron nleg
16#017F longs slong Obar
16#0181 Bhook
16#0182 Btopbar OI
16#0183 btopbar
16#0184 Tonesix
16#0185 tonesix
16#0186 Oopen YR
16#0187 Chook
16#0188 chook
16#018A Dhook eshlooprev
16#018B Dtopbar
16#018C dtopbar
16#018E Trthook
16#018F Schwa
16#0191 Fhook Upsilon2
16#0192 florin Vcursive
16#0193 Ghook
16#0195 hv Zbar
16#0196 zbar
16#0197 Yogh
16#0198 Khook Yoghrev
16#0199 khook yoghrev
16#019A lbar yoghtail
16#019B 2bar
16#019E glottalstopbarinv
16#01A0 Ohorn pipe
16#01A1 ohorn pipedbl
16#01A2 pipedblbar
16#01A3 oi exclam1
16#01A4 Phook DZhacek
16#01A5 phook Dzhacek
16#01A6 dzhacek
16#01A7 Tonetwo
16#01A8 tonetwo
16#01A9 Esh
16#01AB tpalatalhook
16#01AC Thook
16#01AD thook Ahacek
16#01AE ahacek
16#01AF Uhorn Ihacek
16#01B0 uhorn ihacek
16#01B1 Ohacek
16#01B2 ohacek
16#01B3 Yhook Uhacek
16#01B4 yhook uhacek
16#01B9 Udieresishacek
16#01BA udieresishacek
16#01BC Tonefive
16#01BD tonefive eturn
16#01BF wynn
16#01C4 Gbar
16#01C5 gbar
16#01C6 Ghacek
16#01C7 LJ ghacek
16#01C8 Lj Khacek
16#01C9 lj khacek
16#01CA NJ
16#01CB Nj
16#01CC nj
16#01CE Yoghhacek
16#01CF yoghhacek
16#01D0 jhacek
16#01D5 Udieresismacron
16#01D6 udieresismacron
16#01D7 Udieresisacute
16#01D8 udieresisacute
16#01DA Aacutering
16#01DB Udieresisgrave aacutering
16#01DC udieresisgrave
16#01DE Adieresismacron
16#01DF adieresismacron
16#01E0 Adotmacron aturn
16#01E1 adotmacron
16#01E2 AEmacron ascriptturn
16#01E3 aemacron
16#01E4 cturn
16#01E6 Gcaron drthook
16#01E7 gcaron
16#01E8 erev
16#01EA Oogonek
16#01EB oogonek epsilon1
16#01EC Oogonekmacron epsilon1rev
16#01ED oogonekmacron epsilon1revhook
16#01EE epsilon1revclosed
16#01EF jdotlessbar
16#01F1 DZ gcursive
16#01F2 Dz Gsmallcap
16#01F3 dz gamma1
16#01F4 Gacute babygamma
16#01F5 gacute hturn
16#01F8 ibar
16#01F9 iota1
16#01FA Aringacute Ismallcap
16#01FB aringacute lmidtilde
16#01FC AEacute
16#01FD aeacute lrthook
16#01FE Oslashacute lyogh
16#01FF oslashacute mturn
16#0200 mturndescend
16#0202 nlftlfthook
16#0203 nrthook
16#0204 Nsmallcap
16#0205 obar
16#0206 OEsmallcap
16#0207 omegaclosed
16#0209 rturn
16#020A rturnascend
16#020B rturnrthook rturnhook
16#020C rdescend
16#020D rrthook
16#020F rfishhookrev
16#0210 Rsmallcap
16#0211 Rsmallcapinv
16#0212 srthook
16#0214 jhookdblbar
16#0215 eshshortrev
16#0217 tturn
16#0218 Scommaaccent trthook
16#0219 scommaaccent
16#021B vscript
16#021C vturn
16#021D wturn
16#021E yturn
16#021F Ysmallcap
16#0220 zrthook
16#0222 yogh
16#0223 yoghcurl
16#0225 glottalstoprevinv
16#0226 glottalstopinv
16#0227 cstretch
16#0229 Bsmallcap
16#022A epsilonclosed
16#022B Gsmallcaphook
16#022C Hsmallcap
16#022D jcrosstail
16#022E kturn
16#022F Lsmallcap
16#0231 glottalstopbar
16#0232 glottalstopbarrev
16#0234 dyogh
16#0239 hsuper
16#023A hhooksuper
16#023B jsuper
16#023C rsuper
16#023D rturnsuper
16#023E rturnrthooksuper rturnhooksuper
16#023F Rturnsuper
16#0240 wsuper
16#0241 ysuper
16#0243 primedblmod
16#0244 quoteleftmod
16#0245 apostrophe
16#0246 apostropherev
16#0247 ringrighthalfsuper
16#0248 ringlefthalfsuper
16#0249 glottal
16#024A glottalrev
16#024B fronted
16#024C backed
16#024D raised
16#024E lowered
16#024F SD150100
16#0250 SD210000
16#0251 ascript linevert
16#0252 SD310000 overscore1 macron1
16#0253 bhook acute1
16#0254 grave1
16#0255 ccurl linevertsub
16#0256 macronsub
16#0257 dhook gravesub
16#0258 acutesub
16#0259 schwa length
16#025A schwahook halflength
16#025B ringrighthalfcenter
16#025C ringlefthalfsup
16#025D tackupmid
16#025E tackdownmid
16#0260 ghook
16#0261 gscript SD230000
16#0262 SD290000
16#0263 SD270000
16#0264 SD430000
16#0265 SD190100
16#0266 hhook SD250000
16#0267 henghook rhotichook
16#0269 gammasuper
16#026A lsuper
16#026B ssuper
16#026C lbelt xsuper
16#026D glottalrevsuper
16#026E toneextrahigh
16#026F tonehigh
16#0270 tonemid
16#0271 mhook tonelow
16#0272 toneextralow
16#0273 gravenosp
16#0274 acutenosp
16#0275 circumflexnosp
16#0276 tildenosp
16#0277 macronnosp
16#0278 philatin overscorenosp
16#0279 brevenosp
16#027A dotnosp
16#027B dieresisnosp
16#027C hooksupnosp
16#027D ringnosp
16#027E rfishhook acutedblnosp
16#027F haceknosp
16#0280 linevertnosp
16#0281 linevertdblnosp
16#0282 gravedblnosp
16#0283 esh candrabindunosp
16#0284 breveinvnosp
16#0285 commaturnsupnosp
16#0286 eshcurl apostrophesupnosp
16#0287 commasuprevnosp
16#0288 commasuprightnosp
16#0289 ubar gravesubnosp
16#028A upsilonlatin acutesubnosp
16#028B tackleftsubnosp
16#028C tackrightsubnosp
16#028D anglesupnosp
16#028E hornnosp
16#028F ringlefthalfsubnosp
16#0290 tackupsubnosp
16#0291 zcurl tackdownsubnosp
16#0292 plussubnosp
16#0293 minussubnosp
16#0294 glottalstop hooksubpalatnosp
16#0295 hooksubretronosp
16#0296 dotsubnosp
16#0297 dotdblsubnosp
16#0298 ringsubnosp
16#0299 commasubnosp
16#029A cedillanosp
16#029B ogoneknosp
16#029C linevertsubnosp
16#029D bridgesubnosp
16#029E archdblsubnosp
16#029F haceksubnosp
16#02A0 qhook circumflexsubnosp
16#02A1 brevesubnosp
16#02A2 breveinvsubnosp
16#02A3 tildesubnosp
16#02A4 macronsubnosp
16#02A5 dzcurl underscorenosp
16#02A6 ts underscoredblnosp
16#02A7 tesh tildemidnosp
16#02A8 tccurl barmidshortnosp
16#02A9 barmidlongnosp
16#02AA slashshortnosp
16#02AB slashlongnosp
16#02AC ringrighthalfsubnosp
16#02AD bridgeinvsubnosp
16#02AE squaresubnosp
16#02AF seagullsubnosp
16#02B0 xsupnosp
16#02B1 tildevertsupnosp
16#02B2 overscoredblnosp
16#02B3 graveleftnosp
16#02B4 acuterightnosp
16#02B7 diaeresistonosnosp
16#02B8 iotasubnosp
16#02B9 primemod
16#02BC afii57929
16#02BD afii64937 numeralgreek
16#02BE numeralgreeksub
16#02C3 iotasub
16#02C6 circumflex
16#02C7 caron
16#02C9 macron %FCO-specific: macron at 16#02C9, not 16#00AF
16#02CE diaeresistonos
16#02D6 plusmod
16#02D7 minusmod
16#02D8 breve
16#02D9 dotaccent iotadiaeresistonos
16#02DA ring GA020000
16#02DB ogonek GB020000
16#02DC tilde GG020000
16#02DD hungarumlaut GD020000
16#02DE GE020000
16#02E1 GT620000
16#02E9 GP020000
16#02EC GS020000
16#02ED GT020000
16#02EF GF020000
16#02F2 GO320000
16#02F3 Iotadiaeresis
16#02F4 Upsilondiaeresis
16#02F9 upsilondiaeresistonos
16#02FA GA010000
16#02FB GB010000
16#02FC GG010000
16#02FD GD010000
16#02FE GE010000
16#0300 gravecomb
16#0301 acutecomb GT610000
16#0303 tildecomb
16#0309 hookabovecomb GP010000
16#030C GS010000
16#030D GT010000
16#030F GF010000
16#0312 GO310000
16#0313 iotadiaeresis
16#0314 upsilondiaeresis
16#0319 beta1
16#031C Upsilon1tonos
16#031D Upsilon1diaeresis Upsilon1dieresis
16#031F pi1
16#0323 dotbelowcomb Stigma
16#0325 Digamma
16#0327 Koppa
16#0329 Sampi
16#0337 Dei
16#0338 dei
16#0339 kappa1
16#033A rho1
16#033B sigmalunate
16#037E questiongreek
16#0384 tonos
16#0385 dieresistonos
16#0386 Alphatonos
16#0387 anoteleia
16#0388 Epsilontonos
16#0389 Etatonos
16#038A Iotatonos
16#038C Omicrontonos
16#038E Upsilontonos
16#038F Omegatonos
16#0390 iotadieresistonos
16#0391 Alpha
16#0392 Beta
16#0393 Gamma
16#0394 Delta %FCO-specific: 16#0394 named Delta, not Deltagreek
16#0395 Epsilon
16#0396 Zeta
16#0397 Eta
16#0398 Theta
16#0399 Iota
16#039A Kappa
16#039B Lambda
16#039C Mu
16#039D Nu
16#039E Xi Yat
16#039F Omicron yat
16#03A0 Pi
16#03A1 Rho
16#03A3 Sigma
16#03A4 Tau
16#03A5 Upsilon
16#03A6 Phi Yusbig
16#03A7 Chi yusbig
16#03A8 Psi
16#03A9 Omega %FCO-specific: 16#03A9 named Omega, not Omegagreek
16#03AA Iotadieresis
16#03AB Upsilondieresis
16#03AC alphatonos
16#03AD epsilontonos
16#03AE etatonos
16#03AF iotatonos
16#03B0 upsilondieresistonos
16#03B1 alpha
16#03B2 beta
16#03B3 gamma
16#03B4 delta
16#03B5 epsilon
16#03B6 zeta
16#03B7 eta
16#03B8 theta
16#03B9 iota
16#03BA kappa
16#03BB lambda
16#03BD nu
16#03BE xi
16#03BF omicron
16#03C0 pi
16#03C1 rho
16#03C2 sigma1 sigmafinal
16#03C3 sigma
16#03C4 tau
16#03C5 upsilon
16#03C6 phi
16#03C7 chi
16#03C8 psi
16#03C9 omega
16#03CA iotadieresis
16#03CB upsilondieresis
16#03CC omicrontonos
16#03CD upsilontonos
16#03CE omegatonos Gebar
16#03CF gebar
16#03D0 Gehook
16#03D1 theta1 gehook
16#03D2 Upsilon1 Zhertdes
16#03D3 zhertdes
16#03D4 Zecedilla
16#03D5 phi1 zecedilla
16#03D6 omega1 Kartdes
16#03D7 kartdes
16#03D8 Kavertbar
16#03D9 kavertbar
16#03DA Kabar
16#03DB kabar
16#03DC GeKarev
16#03DD gekarev
16#03DE Enrtdes
16#03DF enrtdes
16#03E0 EnGe
16#03E1 enge
16#03E2 Pehook
16#03E3 pehook
16#03E4 Ohook
16#03E5 ohook
16#03E6 Escedilla
16#03E7 escedilla
16#03E8 Tertdes
16#03E9 tertdes
16#03EA Ustrt
16#03EB ustrt
16#03EC Ustrtbar
16#03ED ustrtbar
16#03EE Khartdes
16#03EF khartdes
16#03F0 TeTse
16#03F1 tetse
16#03F2 Chertdes
16#03F3 chertdes
16#03F4 Chevertbar
16#03F5 chevertbar
16#03F6 Hcyril
16#03F7 hcyril
16#03F8 Iehook
16#03F9 iehook
16#03FA Iehookogonek
16#03FB iehookogonek
16#03FC Icyril1
16#03FD Zhebreve
16#03FE zhebreve
16#03FF Kahook
16#0400 kahook
16#0401 afii10023 Io
16#0402 afii10051 Dje
16#0403 afii10052 Gje
16#0404 afii10053 Ecyril
16#0405 afii10054 Dze
16#0406 afii10055 Icyril
16#0407 afii10056 Yi
16#0408 afii10057 Je
16#0409 afii10058 Lje
16#040A afii10059 Nje
16#040B afii10060 Tshe
16#040C afii10061 Kje
16#040E afii10062 Ucyrilbreve
16#040F afii10145 Dzhe
16#0410 afii10017 Acyril
16#0411 afii10018 Be
16#0412 afii10019 Ve
16#0413 afii10020 Ge
16#0414 afii10021 De
16#0415 afii10022 Ie
16#0416 afii10024 Zhe
16#0417 afii10025 Ze
16#0418 afii10026 Ii
16#0419 afii10027 Iibreve
16#041A afii10028 Ka
16#041B afii10029 El
16#041C afii10030 Em
16#041D afii10031 En
16#041E afii10032 Ocyril
16#041F afii10033 Pecyril
16#0420 afii10034 Er
16#0421 afii10035 Es
16#0422 afii10036 Te
16#0423 afii10037 Ucyril
16#0424 afii10038 Ef
16#0425 afii10039 Kha
16#0426 afii10040 Tse
16#0427 afii10041 Che
16#0428 afii10042 Sha
16#0429 afii10043 Shcha
16#042A afii10044 Hard
16#042B afii10045 Yeri
16#042C afii10046 Soft
16#042D afii10047 Ecyrilrev
16#042E afii10048 Iu
16#042F afii10049 Ia
16#0430 afii10065 acyril
16#0431 afii10066 be
16#0432 afii10067 ve
16#0433 afii10068 ge
16#0434 afii10069 de
16#0435 afii10070 ie
16#0436 afii10072 zhe
16#0437 afii10073 ze
16#0438 afii10074 ii
16#0439 afii10075 iibreve
16#043A afii10076 ka
16#043B afii10077 el
16#043C afii10078 em
16#043D afii10079 en
16#043E afii10080 ocyril
16#043F afii10081 pecyril
16#0440 afii10082 er
16#0441 afii10083 es
16#0442 afii10084 te
16#0443 afii10085 ucyril
16#0444 afii10086 ef
16#0445 afii10087 kha
16#0446 afii10088 tse
16#0447 afii10089 che
16#0448 afii10090 sha
16#0449 afii10091 shcha
16#044A afii10092 hard
16#044B afii10093 yeri
16#044C afii10094 soft
16#044D afii10095 ecyrilrev
16#044E afii10096 iu
16#044F afii10097 ia
16#0451 afii10071 io
16#0452 afii10099 dje
16#0453 afii10100 gje
16#0454 afii10101 ecyril
16#0455 afii10102 dze
16#0456 afii10103 icyril
16#0457 afii10104 yi
16#0458 afii10105 je
16#0459 afii10106 lje
16#045A afii10107 nje
16#045B afii10108 tshe
16#045C afii10109 kje
16#045E afii10110 ucyrilbreve
16#045F afii10193 dzhe
16#0462 afii10146
16#0463 afii10194
16#0472 afii10147
16#0473 afii10195
16#0474 afii10148
16#0475 afii10196 afii10190
16#0490 afii10050 Geupturn
16#0491 afii10098 geupturn
16#04B5 Lcircumflex
16#04B6 lcircumflex
16#04D9 afii10846
16#0579 SM300000
16#057A SM320000
16#057B SM310000
16#057C SM330000
16#057D SM780000 arrowlongboth
16#057E SM760000 arrowlongbothv
16#057F arrownorthwest
16#0580 arrownortheast
16#0581 arrowsoutheast
16#0582 arrowsouthwest
16#0583 arrowleftnot
16#0584 arrowrightnot
16#0585 arrowwaveleft
16#0586 arrowwaveright
16#0587 dblarrowheadleft
16#0588 dblarrowheadup
16#0589 dblarrowheadright
16#058A dblarrowheaddown
16#058B arrowtailleft
16#058C arrowtailright
16#058D arrowbarleft
16#058E arrowbarup
16#058F arrowbarright
16#0590 arrowbardown
16#0591 SM770000 arrowbothvbase
16#0592 arrowhookleft
16#0593 arrowhookright
16#0594 arrowloopleft
16#0595 arrowloopright
16#0596 arrowwaveboth
16#0597 arrowlongbothnot
16#0598 arrowzigzag
16#0599 null
16#059A startofhead
16#059B starttext
16#059C endtext
16#059D endtrans
16#059E enquiry
16#059F acknowledge
16#05A0 bell
16#05A1 backspace
16#05A2 horiztab
16#05A3 linefeed
16#05A4 verttab
16#05A5 formfeed
16#05A7 shiftout
16#05A8 shiftin
16#05A9 datalinkescape devcon0
16#05AA auxiliaryon devcon1
16#05AB devcon2
16#05AC auxiliaryoff devcon3
16#05AD devcon4
16#05AE negacknowledge
16#05AF synch
16#05B0 afii57799 sheva endtransblock
16#05B1 afii57801 hatafsegol cancel
16#05B2 afii57800 hatafpatah endmedium
16#05B3 afii57802 hatafqamats substitute endoffile
16#05B4 afii57793 hiriq escape
16#05B5 afii57794 tsere fileseparator
16#05B6 afii57795 segol groupseparator
16#05B7 afii57798 patah recordseparator
16#05B8 afii57797 qamats unitseparator
16#05B9 afii57806 holam spaceliteral
16#05BA delete
16#05BB afii57796 qubuts qibuts blankb
16#05BC afii57807 dagesh spaceopenbox
16#05BD afii57839 meteg newline
16#05BE afii57645 maqaf
16#05BF afii57841 rafe
16#05C0 afii57842 paseq
16#05C1 afii57804 shindot
16#05C2 afii57803 sindot
16#05C3 afii57658 sofpasuq
16#05D0 afii57664 alef
16#05D1 afii57665 bet
16#05D2 afii57666 gimel
16#05D3 afii57667 dalet
16#05D4 afii57668 he
16#05D5 afii57669 vav
16#05D6 afii57670 zayin
16#05D7 afii57671 het
16#05D8 afii57672 tet
16#05D9 afii57673 yod
16#05DA afii57674 kaffinal
16#05DB afii57675 kaf
16#05DC afii57676 lamed
16#05DD afii57677 memfinal
16#05DE afii57678 mem
16#05DF afii57679 nunfinal
16#05E0 afii57680 nun
16#05E1 afii57681 samekh
16#05E2 afii57682 ayin
16#05E3 afii57683 pefinal
16#05E4 afii57684 pe
16#05E5 afii57685 tsadifinal
16#05E6 afii57686 tsadi
16#05E7 afii57687 qof
16#05E8 afii57688 resh
16#05E9 afii57689 shin
16#05EA afii57690 tav
16#05F0 afii57716 vavdbl
16#05F1 afii57717 vavyod
16#05F2 afii57718 yoddbl
16#05F3 geresh
16#05F4 gershayim
16#060C afii57388 arabiccomma
16#061B afii57403 arabicsemicolon
16#061F afii57407 arabicquestionmark
16#0621 afii57409 hamza
16#0622 afii57410 alefwithmaddaabove
16#0623 afii57411 alefwithhamzaabove
16#0624 afii57412 wawwithhamzaabove
16#0625 afii57413 alefwithhamzabelow
16#0626 afii57414 yehwithhamzaabove
16#0627 afii57415 arabicalef
16#0628 afii57416 beh
16#0629 afii57417 tehmarbuta
16#062A afii57418 teh
16#062B afii57419 theh
16#062C afii57420 jeem
16#062D afii57421 hah
16#062E afii57422 khah
16#062F afii57423 dal
16#0630 afii57424 thal
16#0631 afii57425 reh
16#0632 afii57426 zain
16#0633 afii57427 seen
16#0634 afii57428 sheen
16#0635 afii57429 sad
16#0636 afii57430 dad
16#0637 afii57431 tah
16#0638 afii57432 zah
16#0639 afii57433 ain
16#063A afii57434 ghain
16#0640 afii57440 tatweel
16#0641 afii57441 feh
16#0642 afii57442 qaf
16#0643 afii57443 arabickaf
16#0644 afii57444 lam
16#0645 afii57445 meem
16#0646 afii57446 noon
16#0647 afii57470 heh
16#0648 afii57448 waw
16#0649 afii57449 alefmaksura
16#064A afii57450 yeh
16#064B afii57451 fathatan
16#064C afii57452 dammatan
16#064D afii57453 kasratan
16#064E afii57454 fatha
16#064F afii57455 damma
16#0650 afii57456 kasra
16#0651 afii57457 shadda
16#0652 afii57458 sukun
16#0660 afii57392 arabicindicdigitzero
16#0661 afii57393 arabicindicdigitone
16#0662 afii57394 arabicindicdigittwo
16#0663 afii57395 arabicindicdigitthree
16#0664 afii57396 arabicindicdigitfour
16#0665 afii57397 arabicindicdigitfive
16#0666 afii57398 arabicindicdigitsix
16#0667 afii57399 arabicindicdigitseven
16#0668 afii57400 arabicindicdigiteight
16#0669 afii57401 arabicindicdigitnine
16#066A afii57381 arabicpercentsign
16#066D afii63167 arabicfivepointedstar
16#0670 superscriptalef
16#0671 alefwasla
16#0674 highhamza
16#0679 afii57511
16#067E afii57506 peh
16#0686 afii57507 tcheh
16#0688 afii57512
16#0691 afii57513
16#0698 afii57508 jeh
16#06A4 afii57505 veh
16#06A9 keheh
16#06AF afii57509 gaf
16#06BA afii57514
16#06CC farsiyeh
16#06D2 afii57519
16#06D5 afii57534 arabicae
16#06E4 smallhighmadda
16#06F0 extendedarabicindicdigitzero
16#06F1 extendedarabicindicdigitone
16#06F2 extendedarabicindicdigittwo
16#06F3 extendedarabicindicdigitthree
16#06F4 extendedarabicindicdigitfour
16#06F5 extendedarabicindicdigitfive
16#06F6 extendedarabicindicdigitsix
16#06F7 extendedarabicindicdigitseven
16#06F8 extendedarabicindicdigiteight
16#06F9 extendedarabicindicdigitnine
16#0E00 0.0
16#0E01 afii59681
16#0E02 afii59682
16#0E03 afii59683
16#0E04 afii59684
16#0E05 afii59685
16#0E06 afii59686
16#0E07 afii59687
16#0E08 afii59688
16#0E09 afii59689
16#0E0A afii59690
16#0E0B afii59691
16#0E0C afii59692
16#0E0D afii59693
16#0E0E afii59694
16#0E0F afii59695
16#0E10 afii59696
16#0E11 afii59697
16#0E12 afii59698
16#0E13 afii59699
16#0E14 afii59700
16#0E15 afii59701
16#0E16 afii59702
16#0E17 afii59703
16#0E18 afii59704
16#0E19 afii59705
16#0E1A afii59706
16#0E1B afii59707
16#0E1C afii59708
16#0E1D afii59709
16#0E1E afii59710
16#0E1F afii59711
16#0E20 afii59712
16#0E21 afii59713
16#0E22 afii59714
16#0E23 afii59715
16#0E24 afii59716
16#0E25 afii59717
16#0E26 afii59718
16#0E27 afii59719
16#0E28 afii59720
16#0E29 afii59721
16#0E2A afii59722
16#0E2B afii59723
16#0E2C afii59724
16#0E2D afii59725
16#0E2E afii59726
16#0E2F afii59727
16#0E30 afii59729
16#0E31 afii59728
16#0E32 afii59730
16#0E33 afii59731
16#0E34 afii59732
16#0E35 afii59733
16#0E36 afii59734
16#0E37 afii59735
16#0E38 afii59736
16#0E39 afii59737
16#0E3A afii59738
16#0E3F afii59743
16#0E40 afii59744
16#0E41 afii59745
16#0E42 afii59746
16#0E43 afii59747
16#0E44 afii59748
16#0E45 afii59749
16#0E46 afii59750
16#0E47 afii59751
16#0E48 afii59752
16#0E49 afii59753
16#0E4A afii59754
16#0E4B afii59755
16#0E4C afii59756
16#0E4D afii59757
16#0E4E afii59758
16#0E4F afii59759
16#0E50 afii59760
16#0E51 afii59761
16#0E52 afii59762
16#0E53 afii59763
16#0E54 afii59764
16#0E55 afii59765
16#0E56 afii59766
16#0E57 afii59767
16#0E58 afii59768
16#0E59 afii59769
16#0E5A afii59770
16#0E5B afii59771
16#1E80 Wgrave
16#1E81 wgrave
16#1E82 Wacute
16#1E83 wacute
16#1E84 Wdieresis
16#1E85 wdieresis
16#1EF2 Ygrave
16#1EF3 ygrave
16#2000 enquad
16#2001 emquad
16#2002 enspace
16#2003 emspace
16#2004 threeperemspace
16#2005 fourperemspace
16#2006 sixperemspace
16#2007 figurespace
16#2008 punctuationspace
16#2009 thinspace
16#200A hairspace
16#200B zerospace
16#200C afii61664 zeronojoin
16#200D afii301 zerojoin
16#200E afii299 lefttoright
16#200F afii300 righttoleft
16#2010 hyphen1
16#2011 hyphennobreak nbhyphen
16#2012 figuredash
16#2013 endash SS680000
16#2014 emdash SM900000
16#2015 afii00208 longdash quotedash
16#2016 verticalbardbl vertlinedbl
16#2017 underscoredbl SM100000
16#2018 quoteleft SP190000 quotesinglleft
16#2019 quoteright SP200000 quotesinglright
16#201A quotesinglbase SP260000
16#201B quotereversed quotesinglrev
16#201C quotedblleft SP210000
16#201D quotedblright SP220000
16#201E quotedblbase SP230000
16#201F quotedblrev
16#2020 dagger SM340000
16#2021 daggerdbl SM350000
16#2022 bullet SM570000 periodcentered %FCO-specific: periodcentered at 16#2022, 16#00B7 is periodcentered.1
16#2023 trianglebullet
16#2024 onedotenleader onedotlead onedotleader
16#2025 twodotenleader twodotleader twodotlead
16#2026 ellipsis SV520000
16#2027 hyphendot
16#2028 lineseparator
16#2029 paragraphseparator
16#202A lre
16#202B rle
16#202C afii61573 pdf
16#202D afii61574 lro
16#202E afii61575 rlo
16#2030 perthousand SM560000
16#2031 pertenthousand
16#2032 minute prime1 prime
16#2033 second primedbl1 primedbl
16#2034 primetripl1 primetripl
16#2035 minuterev primerev1 primerev
16#2036 primedblrev1 primedblrev secondrev
16#2037 primetriplerev1 primetriplerev
16#2038 caret
16#2039 guilsinglleft SP270000
16#203A guilsinglright SP280000
16#203B refmark
16#203C exclamdbl SP330000
16#203D interrobang
16#203E overline
16#203F undertie
16#2040 tie tie1
16#2041 caretinsert
16#2042 asterism
16#2043 hyphenbullet
16#2044 fraction1 %FCO-specific: fraction at 16#2215, not 16#2044
16#2045 bracketleftquill
16#2046 bracketrightquill
16#2070 zerosuperior
16#2074 foursuperior
16#2075 fivesuperior
16#2076 sixsuperior
16#2077 sevensuperior
16#2078 eightsuperior
16#2079 ninesuperior
16#207A plussuperior
16#207B minussuperior
16#207C equalsuperior
16#207D parenleftsuperior
16#207E parenrightsuperior
16#207F nsuperior LN011000
16#2080 zeroinferior zerosub
16#2081 oneinferior onesub
16#2082 twoinferior twosub
16#2083 threeinferior threesub
16#2084 fourinferior foursub
16#2085 fiveinferior fivesub
16#2086 sixinferior sixsub
16#2087 seveninferior sevensub
16#2088 eightinferior eightsub
16#2089 nineinferior ninesub
16#208A plussub plusinferior
16#208B minussub minusinferior
16#208C equalsub equalinferior
16#208D parenleftinferior parenleftsub
16#208E parenrightinferior parenrightsub
16#20A0 eurocurrency
16#20A1 colonmonetary coloncurrency Colonmonetary coloncur
16#20A2 cruzeiro
16#20A3 franc
16#20A4 lira afii08941
16#20A5 mill
16#20A6 naira
16#20A7 peseta SC060000 Pts pesetas
16#20A8 rupees rupee
16#20A9 won
16#20AA afii57636 newsheqel
16#20AB dong
16#20AC Euro
16#2100 accountof
16#2101 addresssubject
16#2102 Cbb Cdblstruck
16#2103 degreecentigrade celsius
16#2104 centreline CL
16#2105 afii61248 careof
16#2106 cadauna
16#2107 Euler
16#2108 scruple
16#2109 fahrenheit degreefarenheit degreefahrenheit farenheit
16#210A gscriptmath
16#210B Hscript
16#210C Hfractur Hfraktur Hblackletter
16#210D Hdblstruck Hbb
16#210E planck
16#210F planckover2pi
16#2110 Iscript
16#2111 Ifraktur Ifractur Iblackletter
16#2112 Lscript
16#2113 afii61289 lscript liter
16#2114 lbbar
16#2115 Ndblstruck Nbb
16#2116 afii61352 numero
16#2117 recordright soundcopyright
16#2118 weierstrass Pscript
16#2119 Pdblstruck Pbb
16#211A Qdblstruck Qbb
16#211B Rscript
16#211C Rfraktur Rblackletter Rfractur
16#211D Rdblstruck Rbb
16#211E prescription Rx
16#211F response
16#2120 servicemark
16#2121 telephone tel
16#2122 trademark SM540000
16#2123 versicle
16#2124 Zbb Zdblstruck
16#2125 ounce
16#2126 ohm %FCO-specific: 16#03A9 named Omega, not Omegagreek
16#2127 Omegainv ohminverted mho
16#2128 Zfraktur Zblackletter Zfractur
16#2129 iotaturn
16#212A kelvin degreekelvin
16#212B angstrom
16#212C Bscript
16#212D Cblackletter Cfraktur Cfractur
16#212E estimated
16#212F escript
16#2130 Escript
16#2131 Fscript
16#2132 Fturn
16#2133 Mscript
16#2134 oscript 0script
16#2135 aleph alephmath
16#2136 bethmath
16#2137 gimelmath
16#2138 dalethmath
16#2153 onethird
16#2154 twothirds
16#2155 onefifth
16#2156 twofifths
16#2157 threefifths
16#2158 fourfifths
16#2159 onesixth
16#215A fivesixth
16#215B oneeighth
16#215C threeeighths
16#215D fiveeighths
16#215E seveneighths
16#2190 arrowleft
16#2191 arrowup
16#2192 arrowright
16#2193 arrowdown
16#2194 arrowboth
16#2195 arrowupdn
16#2196 arrowupleft
16#2197 arrowupright
16#2198 arrowdownright
16#2199 arrowdownleft
16#21A8 arrowupdnbse
16#21B4 arrowrightdown
16#21B5 carriagereturn carriagerreturn
16#21B6 arrowsemanticlockw
16#21B7 arrowsemclockw
16#21B8 home
16#21B9 tableftright
16#21BA arrowanticlockw
16#21BB arrowclockw
16#21BC arrowlefttophalf
16#21BD arrowleftbothalf
16#21BE harpoonupright
16#21BF harpoonupleft
16#21C0 arrowrighttophalf
16#21C1 arrowrightbothalf
16#21C2 harpoondownright
16#21C3 harpoondownleft
16#21C4 arrowparrrightleft
16#21C5 dblarrowupdown
16#21C6 arrowparrleftright
16#21C8 dblarrowup
16#21CA dblarrowdown
16#21CB harpoonleftright
16#21CC harpoonrightleft
16#21CD arrowdblleftnot
16#21CE arrowdbllongbothnot
16#21CF arrowdblrightnot
16#21D0 arrowdblleft
16#21D1 arrowdblup
16#21D2 arrowdblright dblarrowright
16#21D3 arrowdbldown
16#21D4 arrowdblboth dblarrowleft arrowdbllongboth
16#21D5 arrowdbllongbothv
16#21D6 arrowdblnw
16#21D7 arrowdblne
16#21D8 arrowdblse
16#21D9 arrowdblsw
16#21DA arrowtripleleft
16#21DB arrowtripleright
16#21DC arrowsquiggleleft
16#21DD arrowsquiggleright
16#21DE pageup
16#21DF pagedown
16#21E0 arrowdashleft
16#21E1 arrowdashup
16#21E2 arrowdashright
16#21E3 arrowdashdown
16#21E4 arrowtableft
16#21E5 arrowtabright
16#21E6 arrowopenleft
16#21E7 arrowupwhite arrowopenup
16#21E8 arrowopenright
16#21E9 arrowopendown
16#21EA capslock
16#2200 universal
16#2201 complement
16#2202 partialdiff
16#2203 existential
16#2204 notexistential
16#2205 emptyset
16#2206 increment %FCO-specific: 16#0394 named Delta, not Deltagreek
16#2207 gradient nabla
16#2208 element
16#2209 notelement
16#220A elementsmall smallelement
16#220B suchthat owner contains
16#220C notcontains notowner notsuchthat
16#220D ownersmall smallcontains
16#220E eop endofproof
16#220F product
16#2210 coproduct
16#2211 summation
16#2212 minus
16#2213 minusplus
16#2214 dotplus
16#2215 slashmath fraction %FCO-specific: fraction at 16#2215, not 16#2044
16#2216 setminus backslashmath
16#2217 asteriskmath
16#2218 openbullet1 ringmath
16#2219 productdot bulletmath
16#221A radical squareroot
16#221B cuberoot
16#221C fourthroot
16#221D proportional
16#221E infinity
16#221F orthogonal rightangle
16#2220 angle
16#2221 measuredangle
16#2222 sphericalangle
16#2223 divides bar1
16#2224 notbar notdivides
16#2225 parallel bardbl2
16#2226 notparallel notbardbl
16#2227 logicaland
16#2228 logicalor
16#2229 intersection
16#222A union
16#222B integral
16#222C integraldbl doubleintegral
16#222D tripleintegral integraltrpl
16#222E contourintegral contintegral
16#222F surfintegral surfaceintegral
16#2230 volintegral volumeintegral
16#2231 clwintegral
16#2232 clwcontintegral
16#2233 cclwcontintegral
16#2234 therefore
16#2235 because
16#2236 ratio
16#2237 proportion
16#2238 dotminus
16#2239 excess
16#223A geomproportion proportiongeom
16#223B homothetic
16#223C similar tildemath
16#223D revsimilar tildereversed
16#223E Sinvlazy lazysinv
16#223F sine sinewave
16#2240 wreathproduct
16#2241 notsimilar
16#2242 minustilde
16#2243 similarequal approxequalalt asymptequal
16#2244 notasymptequal
16#2245 congruent approxorequal
16#2246 approxnotequal
16#2247 notapproxequal
16#2248 approxequal almostequal
16#2249 notalmostequal
16#224A almostorequal
16#224B tildetrpl
16#224C allequal
16#224D equivasymptotic
16#224E geomequivalent
16#224F difference
16#2250 approachlimit
16#2251 geomequal
16#2252 approxequalorimage
16#2253 imageorapproxequal
16#2254 colonequal
16#2255 equalcolon
16#2256 ringinequal
16#2257 ringequal
16#2258 corresponds
16#2259 estimates
16#225A equiangular
16#225B starequal
16#225C deltaequal
16#225D definequal
16#225E measurequal
16#225F questionequal
16#2260 notequal
16#2261 equivalence
16#2262 notequivalence
16#2263 strictequivalence
16#2264 lessequal
16#2265 greaterequal
16#2266 lessdblequal
16#2267 greaterdblequal
16#2268 lessnotdblequal
16#2269 greaternotdblequal
16#226A lessmuch
16#226B greatermuch
16#226C between
16#226D notequivasymptotic
16#226E notless
16#226F notgreater
16#2270 notlessequal1
16#2271 notgreaterequal1
16#2272 lessequivlnt
16#2273 greaterequivlnt
16#2274 notlessequivlnt
16#2275 notgreaterequivlnt
16#2276 lessorgreater
16#2277 greaterorless
16#2278 notlessgreater
16#2279 notgreaterless
16#227A precedes
16#227B follows
16#227C precedesequal1
16#227D followsequal1
16#227E precedequivlnt
16#227F followsequivlnt
16#2280 notpreceeds
16#2281 notfollows
16#2282 propersubset
16#2283 propersuperset
16#2284 notsubset notpropersubset
16#2285 notsuperset notpropersuperset
16#2286 reflexsubset
16#2287 reflexsuperset
16#2288 notreflexsubset
16#2289 notreflexsuperset
16#228A subsetnotequal
16#228B supersetnotequal
16#228C multiset
16#228D multiplymultiset
16#228E unionmulti
16#228F squareimage
16#2290 squareoriginal
16#2291 subsetsqequal
16#2292 supersetsqequal
16#2293 intersectionsq
16#2294 unionsq
16#2295 circleplus
16#2296 circleminus
16#2297 circlemultiply
16#2298 circledivide
16#2299 circledot
16#229A circlering
16#229B circleasterisk
16#229C circleequal
16#229D circleminus1
16#229E squareplus
16#229F squareminus
16#22A0 squaremultiply
16#22A1 squaredot
16#22A2 turnstileleft
16#22A3 turnstileright
16#22A4 latticetop
16#22A5 perpendicular
16#22A6 assertion
16#22A7 truestate
16#22A8 satisfy
16#22A9 force
16#22AA tacktrpl
16#22AB forceextr
16#22AC notturnstileleft
16#22AD notsatisfy
16#22AE notforce
16#22AF notforceextr
16#22B0 lowerrank
16#22B1 higherrank
16#22B2 triangleright
16#22B3 triangleleft
16#22B4 triangleftequal
16#22B5 triangrightequal
16#22B6 original
16#22B7 image
16#22B8 multimap
16#22B9 hermitconjmatrix
16#22BA intercal
16#22BB orunderscore xor
16#22BC nand
16#22BD nor
16#22BE rightanglearc
16#22BF righttriangle
16#22C0 narylogicaland
16#22C1 narylogicalor
16#22C2 naryintersection
16#22C3 naryunion
16#22C4 diamondmath
16#22C5 dotmath
16#22C6 star
16#22C7 divideonmultiply
16#22C8 bowtie
16#22C9 multicloseleft
16#22CA multicloseright
16#22CB multiopenleft
16#22CC multiopenright
16#22CD revasymptequal
16#22CE curlor
16#22CF curland
16#22D0 subsetdbl
16#22D1 supersetdbl
16#22D2 uniondbl
16#22D3 intersectiondbl
16#22D4 fork
16#22D5 equalparallel
16#22D6 lessdot
16#22D7 greaterdot
16#22D8 verymuchless
16#22D9 verymuchgreater
16#22DA lessequalgreater
16#22DB greaterequalless
16#22DC equalless
16#22DD equalgreater
16#22DE equalprecedes1
16#22DF equalfollows1
16#22E0 preceedsnotequal
16#22E1 followsnotequal
16#22E2 notsubsetsqequal
16#22E3 notsupersetsqequal
16#22E4 sqimageornotequal
16#22E5 sqoriginornotequal
16#22E6 lessnotequivlnt
16#22E7 greaternotequivlnt
16#22E8 preceedsnotsimilar
16#22E9 followsnotequivlnt
16#22EA nottriangleleft
16#22EB nottriangleright
16#22EC nottriangleleftequal
16#22ED nottrianglerightequal
16#22EE vertellipsis
16#22EF midhorizellipsis
16#22F0 upslopeellipsis
16#22F1 downslopeellipsis
16#2302 house SM790000
16#2303 control
16#2306 perspcorrespond
16#2308 ceilingleft
16#2309 ceilingright
16#230A floorleft
16#230B floorright
16#2310 revlogicalnot
16#2318 propellor
16#2320 integraltp SS260000
16#2321 integralbt SS270000
16#2322 slurabove
16#2323 slurbelow
16#2325 option
16#2326 deleteright
16#2327 clear
16#2329 angleleft
16#232A angleright
16#232B deleteleft
16#2423 blank
16#2500 SF100000
16#2502 SF110000
16#250A 250a
16#250B 250b
16#250C SF010000 250c
16#250D 250d
16#250E 250e
16#250F 250f
16#2510 SF030000
16#2514 SF020000
16#2518 SF040000
16#251A 251a
16#251B 251b
16#251C SF080000 251c
16#251D 251d
16#251E 251e
16#251F 251f
16#2524 SF090000
16#252A 252a
16#252B 252b
16#252C SF060000 252c
16#252D 252d
16#252E 252e
16#252F 252f
16#2534 SF070000
16#253A 253a
16#253B 253b
16#253C SF050000 253c
16#253D 253d
16#253E 253e
16#253F 253f
16#254A 254a
16#254B 254b
16#254C 254c
16#254D 254d
16#254E 254e
16#254F 254f
16#2550 SF430000
16#2551 SF240000
16#2552 SF510000
16#2553 SF520000
16#2554 SF390000
16#2555 SF220000
16#2556 SF210000
16#2557 SF250000
16#2558 SF500000
16#2559 SF490000
16#255A SF380000 255a
16#255B SF280000 255b
16#255C SF270000 255c
16#255D SF260000 255d
16#255E SF360000 255e
16#255F SF370000 255f
16#2560 SF420000
16#2561 SF190000
16#2562 SF200000
16#2563 SF230000
16#2564 SF470000
16#2565 SF480000
16#2566 SF410000
16#2567 SF450000
16#2568 SF460000
16#2569 SF400000
16#256A SF540000 256a
16#256B SF530000 256b
16#256C SF440000 256c
16#256D 256d
16#256E 256e
16#256F 256f
16#257A 257a
16#257B 257b
16#257C 257c
16#257D 257d
16#257E 257e
16#257F 257f
16#2580 upblock SF600000
16#2581 dneightblock
16#2582 dnquarterblock
16#2583 dnthreeeighthblock
16#2584 dnblock SF570000
16#2585 dnfiveeighthblock
16#2586 dnthreequarterblock
16#2587 dnseveneighthblock
16#2588 block SF610000
16#2589 lfseveneighthblock
16#258A lfthreequarterblock
16#258B lffiveeighthblock
16#258C lfblock SF580000
16#258D lfthreeeighthblock
16#258E lfquarterblock
16#258F lfeighthblock
16#2590 rtblock SF590000
16#2591 ltshade SF140000
16#2592 shade SF150000
16#2593 dkshade SF160000
16#2594 upeighthblock
16#2595 rteighthblock
16#25A0 filledbox SM470000
16#25A1 H22073 box
16#25A2 boxrounded
16#25A3 boxnested
16#25A4 boxhorizhatch
16#25A5 boxverthatch
16#25A6 boxcrosshatch
16#25A7 boxleftdiaghatch
16#25A8 boxrtdiaghatch
16#25A9 boxcrossdiaghatch
16#25AA H18543 smallboxfilled
16#25AB H18551 smallbox
16#25AC filledrect SM700000
16#25AD rectangle
16#25AE filledvertrect
16#25AF vertrectangle
16#25B0 filledparallelogram
16#25B1 parallelogram
16#25B2 triagup SM600000
16#25B3 triangle
16#25B4 smalltrianglesld
16#25B5 smalltriangle
16#25B6 trianglerightsld1
16#25B7 triangleright1
16#25B8 smalltrianglerightsld
16#25B9 smalltriangleright
16#25BA triagrt SM590000
16#25BB triagrtopen
16#25BC triagdn SV040000
16#25BD triangleinv
16#25BE smalltriangleinvsld
16#25BF smalltriangleinv
16#25C0 triangleleftsld1
16#25C1 triangleleft1
16#25C2 smalltriangleleftsld
16#25C3 smalltriangleleft
16#25C4 triaglf SM630000
16#25C5 triaglfopen
16#25C6 diamondrhombsolid
16#25C7 diamondrhomb
16#25C8 diamondrhombnested
16#25C9 fisheye
16#25CA lozenge SA660000
16#25CB circle SM750000
16#25CC circledash
16#25CD circleverthatch
16#25CE bullseye bullseye1
16#25CF H18533 SM580000 bulletaltone circlesolid
16#25D0 circleleftsld
16#25D1 circlerightsld
16#25D2 circlebottomsld
16#25D3 circletopsld
16#25D4 circlenesld
16#25D5 circlenwopen
16#25D6 semicircleleftsld
16#25D7 semicirclelertsld
16#25D8 invbullet SM570001
16#25D9 invcircle SM750002
16#25DA invsemicircleup
16#25DB invsemicircledn
16#25DC nwquadarc
16#25DD nequadarc
16#25DE sequadarc
16#25DF swquadarc
16#25E0 toparc
16#25E1 bottomarc
16#25E2 trianglesesld
16#25E3 triangleswsld
16#25E4 tranglenwsld
16#25E5 trianglenesld
16#25E6 openbullet
16#25E7 squareleftsld
16#25E8 squarerightsld
16#25E9 squarenwsld
16#25EA squaresesld
16#25EB squarevertbisect
16#25EC triangledot
16#25ED triangleleftsld
16#25EE trianglerightsld
16#263A smileface SS000000
16#263B invsmileface SS010000
16#263C sun SM690000
16#2640 female SM290000
16#2642 male SM280000
16#2643 u2643
16#2660 spade SS050000
16#2663 club SS040000
16#2665 heart SS020000
16#2666 diamond SS030000
16#266A musicalnote SM930000
16#266B musicalnotedbl SM910000
16#266D flat
16#266E natural
16#266F sharp
16#E802 finalkafwithsheva
16#E803 finalkafwithqamats
16#E804 lamedwithholam
16#E805 lamedwithdageshandholam
16#E811 lamwithmeemwithjeeminitial
16#E812 behwithhehinitial
16#E813 pehwithhehinitial
16#E814 tehwithhehinitial
16#E815 noonwithhehinitial
16#E816 rayaleflam
16#E818 shaddawithfathatanisolated
16#E820 fathalow
16#E821 dammalow
16#E822 sukunlow
16#E823 fathatanlow
16#E824 dammatanlow
16#E825 shaddalow
16#E826 kasralow
16#E827 kasratanlow
16#E828 shaddawithfathalow shaddawithfathaisolatedlow
16#E829 shaddawithdammalow shaddawithdammaisolatedlow
16#E82A shaddawithfathatanisolatedlow shaddawithfathatanlow
16#E82B shaddawithdammatanisolatedlow shaddawithdammatanlow
16#E82C shaddawithkasraisolatedlow shaddawithkasralow
16#E82D shaddawithkasratanisolatedlow shaddawithkasratanlow
16#E832 fathaonhamza
16#E833 fathatanonhamza
16#E834 sukunonhamza
16#E835 dammaonhamza
16#E836 dammatanonhamza
16#F003 circumflex1
16#F004 tilde1
16#F005 dieresis1
16#F006 breve1
16#F007 ring1
16#F008 cedilla1
16#F009 hungarumlaut1
16#F00A caron1
16#F00D cedilla2
16#F6BE dotlessj
16#F6BF LL
16#F6C0 ll
16#F6C3 commaaccent
16#F6C4 afii10063
16#F6C5 afii10064
16#F6C6 afii10192
16#F6C7 afii10831
16#F6C8 afii10832
16#F6C9 Acute
16#F6CA Caron
16#F6CB Dieresis
16#F6CC DieresisAcute
16#F6CD DieresisGrave
16#F6CE Grave
16#F6CF Hungarumlaut
16#F6D0 Macron
16#F6D1 cyrBreve
16#F6D2 cyrFlex
16#F6D3 dblGrave
16#F6D4 cyrbreve
16#F6D5 cyrflex
16#F6D6 dblgrave
16#F6D7 dieresisacute
16#F6D8 dieresisgrave
16#F6D9 copyrightserif
16#F6DA registerserif
16#F6DB trademarkserif
16#F6DC onefitted
16#F6DD rupiah
16#F6DE threequartersemdash
16#F6DF centinferior
16#F6E0 centsuperior
16#F6E1 commainferior
16#F6E2 commasuperior
16#F6E3 dollarinferior
16#F6E4 dollarsuperior
16#F6E5 hypheninferior
16#F6E6 hyphensuperior
16#F6E7 periodinferior
16#F6E8 periodsuperior
16#F6E9 asuperior
16#F6EA bsuperior
16#F6EB dsuperior
16#F6EC esuperior
16#F6ED isuperior
16#F6EE lsuperior
16#F6EF msuperior
16#F6F0 osuperior
16#F6F1 rsuperior
16#F6F2 ssuperior
16#F6F3 tsuperior
16#F6F4 Brevesmall
16#F6F5 Caronsmall
16#F6F6 Circumflexsmall
16#F6F7 Dotaccentsmall
16#F6F8 Hungarumlautsmall
16#F6F9 Lslashsmall
16#F6FA OEsmall
16#F6FB Ogoneksmall
16#F6FC Ringsmall
16#F6FD Scaronsmall
16#F6FE Tildesmall
16#F6FF Zcaronsmall
16#F700 f700
16#F701 f701
16#F702 f702
16#F703 f703
16#F704 f704
16#F705 f705
16#F706 f706
16#F707 f707
16#F708 f708
16#F709 f709
16#F70A f70a
16#F70B f70b
16#F70C f70c
16#F70D f70d
16#F70E f70e
16#F70F f70f
16#F710 f710
16#F711 f711
16#F712 f712
16#F713 f713
16#F714 f714
16#F715 f715
16#F716 f716
16#F717 f717
16#F718 f718
16#F719 f719
16#F71A f71a
16#F71C f71c
16#F71D f71d
16#F721 exclamsmall
16#F724 dollaroldstyle
16#F726 ampersandsmall
16#F730 zerooldstyle
16#F731 oneoldstyle
16#F732 twooldstyle
16#F733 threeoldstyle
16#F734 fouroldstyle
16#F735 fiveoldstyle
16#F736 sixoldstyle
16#F737 sevenoldstyle
16#F738 eightoldstyle
16#F739 nineoldstyle
16#F73F questionsmall
16#F760 Gravesmall
16#F761 Asmall
16#F762 Bsmall
16#F763 Csmall
16#F764 Dsmall
16#F765 Esmall
16#F766 Fsmall
16#F767 Gsmall
16#F768 Hsmall
16#F769 Ismall
16#F76A Jsmall
16#F76B Ksmall
16#F76C Lsmall
16#F76D Msmall
16#F76E Nsmall
16#F76F Osmall
16#F770 Psmall
16#F771 Qsmall
16#F772 Rsmall
16#F773 Ssmall
16#F774 Tsmall
16#F775 Usmall
16#F776 Vsmall
16#F777 Wsmall
16#F778 Xsmall
16#F779 Ysmall
16#F77A Zsmall
16#F7A1 exclamdownsmall
16#F7A2 centoldstyle
16#F7A8 Dieresissmall
16#F7AF Macronsmall
16#F7B4 Acutesmall
16#F7B8 Cedillasmall
16#F7BF questiondownsmall
16#F7E0 Agravesmall
16#F7E1 Aacutesmall
16#F7E2 Acircumflexsmall
16#F7E3 Atildesmall
16#F7E4 Adieresissmall
16#F7E5 Aringsmall
16#F7E6 AEsmall
16#F7E7 Ccedillasmall
16#F7E8 Egravesmall
16#F7E9 Eacutesmall
16#F7EA Ecircumflexsmall
16#F7EB Edieresissmall
16#F7EC Igravesmall
16#F7ED Iacutesmall
16#F7EE Icircumflexsmall
16#F7EF Idieresissmall
16#F7F0 Ethsmall
16#F7F1 Ntildesmall
16#F7F2 Ogravesmall
16#F7F3 Oacutesmall
16#F7F4 Ocircumflexsmall
16#F7F5 Otildesmall
16#F7F6 Odieresissmall
16#F7F8 Oslashsmall
16#F7F9 Ugravesmall
16#F7FA Uacutesmall
16#F7FB Ucircumflexsmall
16#F7FC Udieresissmall
16#F7FD Yacutesmall
16#F7FE Thornsmall
16#F7FF Ydieresissmall
16#F810 Dcaron1
16#F811 dcaron1
16#F812 Lcaron1
16#F813 lcaron1
16#F814 Tcaron1
16#F815 tcaron1 tcaronaltone
16#F816 Scedilla1
16#F817 scedilla1
16#F818 Tcedilla1 Kcedilla1
16#F819 kcedilla1 tcedilla1
16#F81A Lcedilla1 gcedilla1
16#F81B lcedilla1 peso1 pesoph
16#F81C Ncedilla1
16#F81D ncedilla1
16#F81E Rcedilla1
16#F81F rcedilla1
16#F820 dotcircle1
16#F821 ltshade1
16#F822 shade1
16#F823 dkshade1
16#F830 logonek
16#F831 Rcircumflex
16#F832 rcircumflex
16#F833 Ucedilla
16#F834 ucedilla
16#F8E5 radicalex
16#F8E6 arrowvertex
16#F8E7 arrowhorizex
16#F8E8 registersans
16#F8E9 copyrightsans
16#F8EA trademarksans
16#F8EB parenlefttp
16#F8EC parenleftex
16#F8ED parenleftbt
16#F8EE bracketlefttp
16#F8EF bracketleftex
16#F8F0 bracketleftbt
16#F8F1 bracelefttp
16#F8F2 braceleftmid
16#F8F3 braceleftbt
16#F8F4 braceex
16#F8F5 integralex
16#F8F6 parenrighttp help
16#F8F7 parenrightex
16#F8F8 parenrightbt
16#F8F9 bracketrighttp power
16#F8FA bracketrightex
16#F8FB bracketrightbt contextmenu
16#F8FC bracerighttp carriagereturnleft
16#F8FD bracerightmid enter
16#F8FE bracerightbt appleopen
16#F8FF apple
16#FB00 ff
16#FB01 fi
16#FB02 fl
16#FB03 ffi
16#FB04 ffl
16#FB05 slongt longst
16#FB06 st
16#FB1E varika
16#FB1F afii57705
16#FB20 alternativeayin
16#FB2A afii57694 shinwithshindot
16#FB2B afii57695 shinwithsindot
16#FB2C shinwithdageshandshindot
16#FB2D shinwithdageshandsindot
16#FB2E alefwithpatah
16#FB2F alefwithqamats
16#FB30 alefwithmapiq
16#FB31 betwithdagesh
16#FB32 gimelwithdagesh
16#FB33 daletwithdagesh
16#FB34 hewithmapiq
16#FB35 afii57723 vavwithdagesh
16#FB36 zayinwithdagesh
16#FB38 tetwithdagesh
16#FB39 yodwithdagesh
16#FB3A finalkafwithdagesh
16#FB3B kafwithdagesh
16#FB3C lamedwithdagesh
16#FB3E memwithdagesh
16#FB40 nunwithdagesh
16#FB41 samekhwithdagesh
16#FB43 finalpewithdagesh
16#FB44 pewithdagesh
16#FB46 tsadiwithdagesh
16#FB47 qofwithdagesh
16#FB48 reshwithdagesh
16#FB49 shinwithdagesh
16#FB4A tavwithdagesh
16#FB4B afii57700 vavwithholam
16#FB4C betwithrafe
16#FB4D kafwithrafe
16#FB4E pewithrafe
16#FB4F aleflamed
16#FB50 alefwaslaisolated
16#FB51 alefwaslafinal
16#FB56 pehisolated
16#FB57 pehfinal
16#FB58 pehinitial
16#FB59 pehmedial
16#FB6A vehisolated
16#FB6B vehfinal
16#FB6C vehinitial
16#FB6D vehmedial
16#FB7A tchehisolated
16#FB7B tchehfinal
16#FB7C tchehinitial
16#FB7D tchehmedial
16#FB8A jehisolated
16#FB8B jehfinal
16#FB8E kehehisolated
16#FB8F kehehfinal
16#FB90 kehehinitial
16#FB91 kehehmedial
16#FB92 gafisolated
16#FB93 gaffinal
16#FB94 gafinitial
16#FB95 gafmedial
16#FBFC farsiyehisolated
16#FBFD farsiyehfinal
16#FC08 behwithmeemisolated
16#FC09 behwithalefmaksuraisolated
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16#FC10 tehwithyehisolated
16#FC12 thehwithmeemisolated
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16#FC32 fehwithyehisolated
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16#FC40 lamwithhahisolated
16#FC41 lamwithkhahisolated
16#FC42 lamwithmeemisolated
16#FC43 lamwithalefmaksuraisolated
16#FC44 lamwithyehisolated
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16#FC50 noonwithyehisolated
16#FC58 yehwithmeemisolated
16#FC59 yehwithalefmaksuraisolated
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16#FC60 shaddawithfathaisolated
16#FC61 shaddawithdammaisolated
16#FC62 shaddawithkasraisolated
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16#FC6D behwithnoonfinal
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16#FC6F behwithyehfinal
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16#FC73 tehwithnoonfinal
16#FC74 tehwithalefmaksurafinal
16#FC75 tehwithyehfinal
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16#FC8F noonwithyehfinal
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16#FC94 yehwithnoonfinal
16#FC95 yehwithalefmaksurafinal
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16#FC9D behwithhahinitial
16#FC9E behwithkhahinitial
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16#FCA3 tehwithkhahinitial
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16#FCA6 thehwithmeeminitial
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16#FCCB lamwithkhahinitial
16#FCCC lamwithmeeminitial
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16#FCCF meemwithhahinitial
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16#FCD4 noonwithkhahinitial
16#FCD5 noonwithmeeminitial
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16#FCDB yehwithhahinitial
16#FCDC yehwithkhahinitial
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16#FCF3 shaddawithdammamedial
16#FCF4 shaddawithkasramedial
16#FD30 sheenwithmeeminitial
16#FD3C alefwithfathatanfinal
16#FD3D alefwithfathatanisolated
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16#FD3F ornaterightparenthesis
16#FD88 lamwithmeemwithhahinitial
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16#FE72 dammatanisolated
16#FE74 kasratanisolated
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16#FE77 fathahontatweel fathamedial
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16#FE79 dammahontatweel dammamedial
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16#FE7B kasrahontatweel kasramedial
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16#FE7D shaddahontatweel shaddamedial
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16#FE7F sukunontatweel sukunmedial
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16#FE81 alefwithmaddaaboveisolated
16#FE82 alefwithmaddaabovefinal
16#FE83 alefwithhamzaaboveisolated
16#FE84 alefwithhamzaabovefinal
16#FE85 wawwithhamzaaboveisolated
16#FE86 wawwithhamzaabovefinal
16#FE87 alefwithhamzabelowisolated
16#FE88 alefwithhamzabelowfinal
16#FE89 yehwithhamzaaboveisolated
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16#FE90 behfinal
16#FE91 behinitial
16#FE92 behmedial
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16#FE94 tehmarbutafinal
16#FE95 tehisolated
16#FE96 tehfinal
16#FE97 tehinitial
16#FE98 tehmedial
16#FE99 thehisolated
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16#FE9B thehinitial
16#FE9C thehmedial
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16#FE9F jeeminitial
16#FEA0 jeemmedial
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16#FEA2 hahfinal
16#FEA3 hahinitial
16#FEA4 hahmedial
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16#FEA6 khahfinal
16#FEA7 khahinitial
16#FEA8 khahmedial
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16#FEAB thalisolated
16#FEAC thalfinal
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16#FEB2 seenfinal
16#FEB3 seeninitial
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16#FEBC sadmedial
16#FEBD dadisolated
16#FEBE dadfinal
16#FEBF dadinitial
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16#FEC3 tahinitial
16#FEC4 tahmedial
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16#FEC7 zahinitial
16#FEC8 zahmedial
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16#FECB aininitial
16#FECC ainmedial
16#FECD ghainisolated
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16#FECF ghaininitial
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16#FED3 fehinitial
16#FED4 fehmedial
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16#FED7 qafinitial
16#FED8 qafmedial
16#FED9 kafisolated
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16#FEDB kafinitial
16#FEDC kafmedial
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16#FEDE lamfinal
16#FEDF laminitial
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16#FEE2 meemfinal
16#FEE3 meeminitial
16#FEE4 meemmedial
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16#FEE6 noonfinal
16#FEE7 nooninitial
16#FEE8 noonmedial
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16#FEEA hehfinal
16#FEEB hehinitial
16#FEEC hehmedial
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16#FEEE wawfinal
16#FEEF alefmaksuraisolated
16#FEF0 alefmaksurafinal
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16#FEF2 yehfinal
16#FEF3 yehinitial
16#FEF4 yehmedial
16#FEF5 lamwithalefmaddaaboveisolatedd
16#FEF6 lamwithalefmaddaabovefinal
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16#FEF8 lamwithalefhamzaabovefinal
16#FEF9 lamwithalefhamzabelowisolated
16#FEFA lamwithalefhamzabelowfinal
16#FEFB lamwithalefisolated
16#FEFC lamwithaleffinal
16#FEFF zerowidthnobreakspace bom