Your IP :
package LWP::Authen::Digest;
use strict;
use parent 'LWP::Authen::Basic';
our $VERSION = '6.77';
require Digest::MD5;
sub _reauth_requested {
my ($class, $auth_param, $ua, $request, $auth_header) = @_;
my $ret = defined($$auth_param{stale}) && lc($$auth_param{stale}) eq 'true';
if ($ret) {
my $hdr = $request->header($auth_header);
$hdr =~ tr/,/;/; # "," is used to separate auth-params!!
($hdr) = HTTP::Headers::Util::split_header_words($hdr);
my $nonce = {@$hdr}->{nonce};
delete $$ua{authen_md5_nonce_count}{$nonce};
return $ret;
sub auth_header {
my($class, $user, $pass, $request, $ua, $h) = @_;
my $auth_param = $h->{auth_param};
my $nc = sprintf "%08X", ++$ua->{authen_md5_nonce_count}{$auth_param->{nonce}};
my $cnonce = sprintf "%8x", time;
my $uri = $request->uri->path_query;
$uri = "/" unless length $uri;
my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
$md5->add(join(":", $user, $auth_param->{realm}, $pass));
push(@digest, $md5->hexdigest);
push(@digest, $auth_param->{nonce});
if ($auth_param->{qop}) {
push(@digest, $nc, $cnonce, ($auth_param->{qop} =~ m|^auth[,;]auth-int$|) ? 'auth' : $auth_param->{qop});
$md5->add(join(":", $request->method, $uri));
push(@digest, $md5->hexdigest);
$md5->add(join(":", @digest));
my($digest) = $md5->hexdigest;
my %resp = map { $_ => $auth_param->{$_} } qw(realm nonce opaque);
@resp{qw(username uri response algorithm)} = ($user, $uri, $digest, "MD5");
if (($auth_param->{qop} || "") =~ m|^auth([,;]auth-int)?$|) {
@resp{qw(qop cnonce nc)} = ("auth", $cnonce, $nc);
my(@order) = qw(username realm qop algorithm uri nonce nc cnonce response opaque);
my @pairs;
for (@order) {
next unless defined $resp{$_};
# RFC2617 says that qop-value and nc-value should be unquoted.
if ( $_ eq 'qop' || $_ eq 'nc' ) {
push(@pairs, "$_=" . $resp{$_});
else {
push(@pairs, "$_=" . qq("$resp{$_}"));
my $auth_value = "Digest " . join(", ", @pairs);
return $auth_value;