Your IP :
/** ******************************************
* LiteSpeed Web Server Cache Manager
* @author Michael Alegre
* @copyright 2017-2024 LiteSpeed Technologies, Inc.
* ******************************************* */
namespace Lsc\Wp\Panel;
use DirectoryIterator;
use Exception;
use Lsc\Wp\Logger;
use Lsc\Wp\LSCMException;
use Lsc\Wp\Util;
use Lsc\Wp\WPInstall;
abstract class ControlPanel
* @deprecated
* @var string
const PANEL_CPANEL = 'whm';
* @deprecated
* @var string
const PANEL_PLESK = 'plesk';
* @var string
* @since 1.9
* @var int
* @since 1.9
* @var int
* @since 1.9
* @var int
* @since 1.9
* @var int
* @var int
const PHP_TIMEOUT = 30;
* @var string
const NOT_SET = '__LSC_NOTSET__';
* @var string
protected $panelName = '';
* @var string
protected $phpOptions;
* @var null|string
protected $serverCacheRoot;
* @var null|string
protected $vhCacheRoot;
* @var string
protected $defaultSvrCacheRoot;
* @var string
protected $apacheConf;
* @var string
protected $apacheVHConf;
* @var null|array[] 'docroots' => (index => docroots),
* 'names' => (servername => index)
protected $docRootMap = null;
* @since 1.9.7
* @var string
protected static $minAPIFilePath = '';
* @var null|ControlPanel Object that extends ControlPanel abstract class.
protected static $instance;
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by $this->init2() call.
protected function __construct()
* Temporary function name until existing deprecated public static init()
* function is removed.
* @since 1.13.2
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by $this->initConfPaths() call.
protected function init2()
* output_handler value cleared to avoid compressed output through
* 'ob_gzhandler' etc.
$this->phpOptions = '-d disable_functions=ini_set -d opcache.enable=0 '
. '-d max_execution_time=' . static::PHP_TIMEOUT
. ' -d memory_limit=512M -d register_argc_argv=1 '
. '-d zlib.output_compression=0 -d output_handler= '
. '-d safe_mode=0 -d open_basedir=';
* Deprecated 02/04/19 as this function will be made private.
* Use getClassInstance() with a fully qualified class name as a parameter
* instead.
* Sets static::$instance with a new $className instance if it has not been
* set already. An exception will be thrown if static::$instance has already
* been set to a different class name than the one provided.
* @deprecated
* @param string $className A fully qualified control panel class name.
* @return ControlPanel|null Object that extends ControlPanel abstract
* class.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown when unable to include custom panel file.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown when class 'CustomPanel' does not extend
* class '\Lsc\Wp\Panel\CustomPanelBase'.
* @throws LSCMException Re-thrown when "new $className()" call throws an
* exception.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown when an instance of a different
* ControlPanel/CustomPanel extending class has already been created.
public static function initByClassName( $className )
if ( static::$instance == null ) {
if ( $className == 'custom' ) {
$lsws_home = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../../');
$customPanelFile =
if ( ! file_exists($customPanelFile)
|| ! include_once $customPanelFile ) {
throw new LSCMException(
"Unable to include file $customPanelFile"
$className = '\Lsc\Wp\Panel\CustomPanel';
$isSubClass = is_subclass_of(
if ( ! $isSubClass ) {
throw new LSCMException(
'Class CustomPanel must extend class '
. '\Lsc\Wp\Panel\CustomPanelBase'
static::$instance = new $className();
catch ( Exception $e ){
throw new LSCMException(
"Could not create object with class name $className. "
. "Error: {$e->getMessage()}"
else {
$instanceClassName = '\\' . get_class(static::$instance);
if ( $instanceClassName != $className ) {
throw new LSCMException(
"Could not initialize $className instance as an instance "
. "of another class ($instanceClassName) has already "
. 'been created.'
return static::$instance;
* Deprecated 01/14/19. Use initByClassName() instead.
* @deprecated
* @param string $name
* @return ControlPanel Object that extends ControlPanel abstract class.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown when static::$instance is not null.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown when provided $name is not recognized.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by static::initByClassName()
* call.
public static function init( $name )
if ( static::$instance != null ) {
throw new LSCMException(
'ControlPanel cannot be initialized twice.'
switch ($name) {
case static::PANEL_CPANEL:
$className = 'CPanel';
case static::PANEL_PLESK:
$className = 'Plesk';
throw new LSCMException(
"Control panel '$name' is not supported."
return static::initByClassName("\Lsc\Wp\Panel\\$className");
* Returns current ControlPanel instance when no $className is given. When
* $className is provided, an instance of $className will also be
* initialized if it has not yet been initialized already.
* @param string $className Fully qualified class name.
* @return ControlPanel Object that extends ControlPanel abstract class.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown when static::$instance is null.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by static::initByClassName()
* call.
public static function getClassInstance( $className = '' )
if ( $className != '' ) {
elseif ( static::$instance == null ) {
throw new LSCMException(
'Could not get instance, ControlPanel not initialized. '
return static::$instance;
* Deprecated on 02/06/19. Use getClassInstance() instead.
* @deprecated
* @return ControlPanel Object that extends ControlPanel abstract class.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by static::getClassInstance()
* call.
public static function getInstance()
return static::getClassInstance();
* @param string $serverName
* @return string|null
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by $this->prepareDocrootMap()
* call.
public function mapDocRoot( $serverName )
if ( $this->docRootMap == null ) {
if ( isset($this->docRootMap['names'][$serverName]) ) {
$index = $this->docRootMap['names'][$serverName];
return $this->docRootMap['docroots'][$index];
// error out
return null;
* @return bool
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by $this->getServerCacheRoot()
* call.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by $this->getVHCacheRoot() call.
public function areCacheRootsSet()
$ret = true;
if ( static::NOT_SET == $this->getServerCacheRoot() ) {
$ret = false;
if ( static::NOT_SET == $this->getVHCacheRoot() ) {
$ret = false;
return $ret;
* @throws LSCMException Thrown when cache is not enabled for the current
* LiteSpeed license.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by $this->getServerCacheRoot()
* call.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by $this->setServerCacheRoot()
* call.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by $this->getVHCacheRoot() call.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by $this->setVHCacheRoot() call.
public function verifyCacheSetup()
if ( !$this->isCacheEnabled() ) {
throw new LSCMException(
'LSCache is not included in the current LiteSpeed license. '
. 'Please purchase the LSCache add-on or upgrade to a '
. 'license type that includes LSCache and try again.',
$restartRequired = false;
if ( static::NOT_SET == $this->getServerCacheRoot() ) {
$restartRequired = true;
if ( static::NOT_SET == $this->getVHCacheRoot() ) {
$restartRequired = true;
if ( $restartRequired ) {
* @param string $vhCacheRoot
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by $this->log() call.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by $this->writeVHCacheRoot()
* call.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by $this->log() call.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by $this->applyVHConfChanges()
* call.
public function setVHCacheRoot( $vhCacheRoot = 'lscache' )
$this->log('Attempting to set VH cache root...', Logger::L_VERBOSE);
if ( !file_exists($this->apacheVHConf) ) {
else {
$this->writeVHCacheRoot($this->apacheVHConf, $vhCacheRoot);
$this->vhCacheRoot = $vhCacheRoot;
"Virtual Host cache root set to $vhCacheRoot",
if ( $this->vhCacheRoot[0] == '/'
&& !file_exists($this->vhCacheRoot) ) {
* 01/29/19: Temporarily create top virtual host cache root
* directory to avoid LSWS setting incorrect owner/group and
* permissions for the directory outside the cage.
mkdir(str_replace('/$vh_user', '', $vhCacheRoot), 0755, true);
* @return bool
* @throws LSCMException Thrown when status file is not found.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown when status file cannot be read.
public function isCacheEnabled()
$statusFile = '/tmp/lshttpd/.status';
if ( !file_exists($statusFile) ) {
throw new LSCMException(
'Cannot determine LSCache availability. Please start/switch to '
. 'LiteSpeed Web Server before trying again.',
if ( ($f = fopen($statusFile, 'r')) === false ) {
throw new LSCMException(
'Cannot determine LSCache availability.',
fseek($f, -128, SEEK_END);
$line = fread($f, 128);
if ( preg_match('/FEATURES: ([0-9.]+)/', $line, $m)
&& ($m[1] & 1) == 1 ) {
return true;
return false;
* return array of docroots, can set index from and batch
* @param int $offset
* @param null|int $length
* @return string[]
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by $this->prepareDocrootMap()
* call.
public function getDocRoots( $offset = 0, $length = null )
if ( $this->docRootMap == null ) {
return array_slice($this->docRootMap['docroots'], $offset, $length);
* Used in PleskEscalate.
* @return array[]
* @noinspection PhpUnused
* @noinspection PhpDocMissingThrowsInspection
public function getDocrootMap()
if ( $this->docRootMap == null ) {
* LSCMException not thrown in Plesk implementation.
* @noinspection PhpUnhandledExceptionInspection
return $this->docRootMap;
* @return string
public function getDefaultSvrCacheRoot()
return $this->defaultSvrCacheRoot;
* @return string
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by $this->initCacheRoots() call.
public function getServerCacheRoot()
if ( $this->serverCacheRoot == null ) {
return $this->serverCacheRoot;
* @return string
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by $this->initCacheRoots() call.
public function getVHCacheRoot()
if ( $this->vhCacheRoot == null ) {
return $this->vhCacheRoot;
* @return void
* @throws LSCMException Thrown in some existing implementations.
abstract protected function initConfPaths();
* @throws LSCMException Thrown in some existing implementations.
abstract protected function prepareDocrootMap();
* @param WPInstall $wpInstall
* @return string
* @throws LSCMException Thrown in some existing implementations.
abstract public function getPhpBinary( WPInstall $wpInstall );
* Searches the given directories '.conf' files for CacheRoot setting.
* Note: Visibility is public to better accommodate escalation functions.
* @param string $confDir Directory to be searched.
* @return string
public function cacheRootSearch( $confDir )
$files = new DirectoryIterator($confDir);
foreach ( $files as $file ) {
$filename = $file->getFilename();
if ( strlen($filename) > 5
&& substr_compare($filename, '.conf', -5) === 0 ) {
$cacheRoot = $this->getCacheRootSetting($file->getPathname());
if ( $cacheRoot != '' ) {
return $cacheRoot;
return '';
* Note: Visibility is public to better accommodate escalation functions.
* @param string $file
* @return string
public function getCacheRootSetting( $file )
if ( file_exists($file) ) {
$matchFound = preg_match(
'/^\s*CacheRoot (.+)/im',
if ( $matchFound ) {
return trim($matches[1]);
return '';
* Note: Visibility is public to better accommodate escalation functions.
* @return string
public function getLSWSCacheRootSetting()
$serverConf = __DIR__ . '/../../../../conf/httpd_config.xml';
if ( file_exists($serverConf) ) {
$matchFound = preg_match(
if ( $matchFound ) {
return trim($matches[1]);
return '';
abstract protected function serverCacheRootSearch();
abstract protected function vhCacheRootSearch();
* Checks server and VH conf files for cacheroot settings and populates in
* object if found.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by $this->log() call.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by $this->log() call.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by $this->log() call.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by $this->log() call.
protected function initCacheRoots()
$svrCacheRoot = $this->serverCacheRootSearch();
if ( $svrCacheRoot == '' ) {
$svrCacheRoot = $this->getLSWSCacheRootSetting();
$vhCacheRoot = $this->vhCacheRootSearch();
if ( $svrCacheRoot ) {
$this->serverCacheRoot = $svrCacheRoot;
"Server level cache root is $svrCacheRoot.",
else {
$this->serverCacheRoot = static::NOT_SET;
$this->log('Server level cache root is not set.', Logger::L_NOTICE);
if ( $vhCacheRoot ) {
$this->vhCacheRoot = $vhCacheRoot;
"Virtual Host level cache root is $vhCacheRoot.",
else {
$this->vhCacheRoot = static::NOT_SET;
'Virtual Host level cache root is not set.',
* @param string $msg
* @param int $level
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by Logger::error() call.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by Logger::warn() call.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by Logger::notice() call.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by Logger::info() call.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by Logger::verbose() call.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by Logger::debug() call.
protected function log( $msg, $level )
$msg = "$this->panelName - $msg";
switch ($level) {
case Logger::L_ERROR:
case Logger::L_WARN:
case Logger::L_NOTICE:
case Logger::L_INFO:
case Logger::L_VERBOSE:
case Logger::L_DEBUG:
//no default
* @param string $svrCacheRoot
* @throws LSCMException Thrown directly and indirectly.
public function setServerCacheRoot( $svrCacheRoot = '' )
$this->log('Attempting to set server cache root...', Logger::L_VERBOSE);
if ( $svrCacheRoot != '' ) {
$cacheroot = $svrCacheRoot;
else {
$cacheroot = $this->defaultSvrCacheRoot;
$cacheRootLine =
"<IfModule LiteSpeed>\nCacheRoot $cacheroot\n</IfModule>\n\n";
if ( !file_exists($this->apacheConf) ) {
file_put_contents($this->apacheConf, $cacheRootLine);
chmod($this->apacheConf, 0644);
$this->log("Created file $this->apacheConf", Logger::L_VERBOSE);
else {
if ( !is_writable($this->apacheConf) ) {
throw new LSCMException(
'Apache Config is not writeable. No changes made.'
if ( !Util::createBackup($this->apacheConf) ) {
throw new LSCMException(
'Could not backup Apache config. No changes made.'
else {
$file_contents = file($this->apacheConf);
$pattern = '/^\s*<IfModule +LiteSpeed *>/im';
if ( preg_grep($pattern, $file_contents) ) {
if ( preg_grep('/^\s*CacheRoot +/im', $file_contents) ) {
$file_contents = preg_replace(
'/^\s*CacheRoot +.+/im',
"CacheRoot $cacheroot",
else {
$file_contents = preg_replace(
'/^\s*<IfModule +LiteSpeed *>/im',
"<IfModule LiteSpeed>\nCacheRoot $cacheroot",
else {
array_unshift($file_contents, $cacheRootLine);
file_put_contents($this->apacheConf, $file_contents);
$this->serverCacheRoot = $cacheroot;
$this->log("Server level cache root set to $cacheroot", Logger::L_INFO);
if ( file_exists($cacheroot) ) {
exec("/bin/rm -rf $cacheroot");
'Server level cache root directory removed for proper '
. 'permission.',
* @param array $file_contents
* @param string $vhCacheRoot
* @return array
abstract protected function addVHCacheRootSection(
array $file_contents,
$vhCacheRoot = 'lscache'
* @param string $vhConf
* @throws LSCMException Thrown when virtual host conf file is not
* writeable.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown when a backup of the virtual host conf file
* could not be made.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown when "write to virtual host conf file" call
* fails.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by $this->log() call.
public function writeVHCacheRoot( $vhConf, $vhCacheRoot = 'lscache' )
if ( !is_writable($vhConf) ) {
throw new LSCMException(
"Could not write to VH config $vhConf. No changes made.",
if ( !Util::createBackup($vhConf) ) {
throw new LSCMException(
"Could not backup Virtual Host config file $vhConf. No "
. 'changes made.',
$file_contents = file($vhConf);
if ( preg_grep('/^\s*<IfModule +LiteSpeed *>/im', $file_contents) ) {
if ( preg_grep('/^\s*CacheRoot +/im', $file_contents) ) {
$modified_contents = preg_replace(
'/^\s*CacheRoot +.+/im',
"CacheRoot $vhCacheRoot",
else {
$modified_contents = preg_replace(
'/^\s*<IfModule +LiteSpeed *>/im',
"<IfModule LiteSpeed>\nCacheRoot $vhCacheRoot",
else {
$modified_contents =
$this->addVHCacheRootSection($file_contents, $vhCacheRoot);
if ( file_put_contents($vhConf, $modified_contents) === false ) {
throw new LSCMException(
"Failed to write to file $vhConf.",
$this->log("Updated file $vhConf.", Logger::L_DEBUG);
* Note: Visibility is public to better accommodate escalation functions.
* @param string $vhConf
* @param string $vhCacheRoot
abstract public function createVHConfAndSetCacheRoot(
$vhCacheRoot = 'lscache'
* Note: Visibility is public to better accommodate escalation functions.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown by some implementations.
abstract public function applyVHConfChanges();
* @since 1.9.7
protected static function setMinAPIFilePath()
static::$minAPIFilePath = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../..') . '/MIN_VER';
* @since 1.9.7
* @return string
protected static function getMinAPIFilePath()
if ( static::$minAPIFilePath == '' ) {
return static::$minAPIFilePath;
* @since 1.9.7
* @since 1.12 Changed visibility from protected to public.
public static function populateMinAPIVerFile()
$minVerFile = static::getMinAPIFilePath();
$content = Util::get_url_contents(
if ( !empty($content) ) {
file_put_contents($minVerFile, $content);
else {
* @since 1.9.7
* @return string
protected static function getMinAPIVer()
$minVerFile = static::getMinAPIFilePath();
if ( !file_exists($minVerFile)
|| (time() - filemtime($minVerFile)) > 86400 ) {
if ( ($content = file_get_contents($minVerFile)) !== false ) {
return trim($content);
return '';
* @since 1.9.7
* @return bool
public static function meetsMinAPIVerRequirement()
$minAPIVer = static::getMinAPIVer();
if ( $minAPIVer == ''
|| Util::betterVersionCompare(static::PANEL_API_VERSION, $minAPIVer, '<') ) {
return false;
return true;
* @since 1.9
* @param string $panelAPIVer Shared code API version used by the panel
* plugin.
* @return int
public static function checkPanelAPICompatibility( $panelAPIVer )
$supportedAPIVers = array(
if ( Util::betterVersionCompare($panelAPIVer, $supportedAPIVers[0], '>') ) {
elseif ( Util::betterVersionCompare($panelAPIVer, end($supportedAPIVers), '<') ) {
elseif ( ! in_array($panelAPIVer, $supportedAPIVers) ) {
else {
* @deprecated 1.9 Use checkPanelAPICompatibility() instead.
* @param string $panelAPIVer Shared code API version used by the panel
* plugin.
* @return bool
public static function isPanelAPICompatible( $panelAPIVer )
$apiCompatStatus = static::checkPanelAPICompatibility($panelAPIVer);
if ( $apiCompatStatus != static::PANEL_API_VERSION_SUPPORTED ) {
return false;
return true;