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dZd d
� Zdd� Z
d� ZG dd� de�ZeZdS )zUnittest main program� N� )�loader�runner)�installHandlerTa Examples:
%(prog)s test_module - run tests from test_module
%(prog)s module.TestClass - run tests from module.TestClass
%(prog)s module.Class.test_method - run specified test method
%(prog)s path/to/ - run tests from
aF Examples:
%(prog)s - run default set of tests
%(prog)s MyTestSuite - run suite 'MyTestSuite'
%(prog)s MyTestCase.testSomething - run MyTestCase.testSomething
%(prog)s MyTestCase - run all 'test*' test methods
in MyTestCase
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� Zdd� Zddd�Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zd dd�Zdd� ZdS )!�TestProgramzA command-line program that runs a set of tests; this is primarily
for making test modules conveniently executable.
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catchbreak� verbosity�bufferr"