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�rr dd=lKmJZJ Y nX d>d?� ZLdS )Az;Thread module emulating a subset of Java's threading model.� N)� monotonic�sleep)�
format_exc)�WeakSet)�islice�count)�deque� get_ident�active_count� Condition�current_thread� enumerate�main_thread�TIMEOUT_MAX�Event�Lock�RLock� Semaphore�BoundedSemaphore�Thread�Barrier�BrokenBarrierError�Timer�ThreadError�
stack_sizec C s | a dS )z�Set a profile function for all threads started from the threading module.
The func will be passed to sys.setprofile() for each thread, before its
run() method is called.
_profile_hook)�func� r �!/usr/lib64/python3.6/threading.pyr 2 s c C s | a dS )z�Set a trace function for all threads started from the threading module.
The func will be passed to sys.settrace() for each thread, before its run()
method is called.
N)�_trace_hook)r r r r! r <