Your IP :
!`Nc @ s� d Z d d l Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z i e d 6e d 6e d
6e d 6e d 6Z e g e j
� D] \ Z Z e e f ^ qi � Z
e j j f d � � YZ d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d S( s DNS Opcodes.i����Ni i i i i t QUERYt IQUERYt STATUSt NOTIFYt UPDATEt
UnknownOpcodec B s e Z d Z RS( s Raised if an opcode is unknown.( t __name__t
__module__t __doc__( ( ( s0 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/opcode.pyR ) s c C se | j � r7 t | � } | d k r7 | d k r7 | Sn t j | j � � } | d k ra t � n | S( s� Convert text into an opcode.
@param text: the textual opcode
@type text: string
@raises UnknownOpcode: the opcode is unknown
@rtype: int
i i N( t isdigitt intt _by_textt gett uppert NoneR ( t textt value( ( s0 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/opcode.pyt from_text- s c C s | d @d ?S( sU Extract an opcode from DNS message flags.
@param flags: int
@rtype: int
i x i ( ( t flags( ( s0 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/opcode.pyt
from_flags? s c C s | d >d @S( s` Convert an opcode to a value suitable for ORing into DNS message
@rtype: int
i i x ( ( R ( ( s0 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/opcode.pyt to_flagsH s c C s. t j | � } | d k r* t | � } n | S( s� Convert an opcode to text.
@param value: the opcdoe
@type value: int
@raises UnknownOpcode: the opcode is unknown
@rtype: string
N( t _by_valueR R t str( R R ( ( s0 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/opcode.pyt to_textP s c C s t | � t k r t St S( sn True if the opcode in flags is UPDATE.
@param flags: DNS flags
@type flags: int
@rtype: bool
( R R t Truet False( R ( ( s0 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/opcode.pyt is_update^ s ( R t
dns.exceptiont dnsR R R R R R t dictt iteritemst xt yR t exceptiont DNSExceptionR R R R R R ( ( ( s0 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/opcode.pyt <module> s&