Your IP :
import errno
import hashlib
import tuned.logs
import copy
import os
import shutil
import tuned.consts as consts
import re
from subprocess import *
from tuned.exceptions import TunedException
log = tuned.logs.get()
class commands:
def __init__(self, logging = True):
self._logging = logging
def _error(self, msg):
if self._logging:
def _debug(self, msg):
if self._logging:
def get_bool(self, value):
v = str(value).upper().strip()
return {"Y":"1", "YES":"1", "T":"1", "TRUE":"1", "N":"0", "NO":"0", "F":"0", "FALSE":"0"}.get(v, value)
def remove_ws(self, s):
return re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', str(s)).strip()
def unquote(self, v):
return re.sub("^\"(.*)\"$", r"\1", v)
# escape escape character (by default '\')
def escape(self, s, what_escape = "\\", escape_by = "\\"):
return s.replace(what_escape, "%s%s" % (escape_by, what_escape))
# clear escape characters (by default '\')
def unescape(self, s, escape_char = "\\"):
return s.replace(escape_char, "")
# add spaces to align s2 to pos, returns resulting string: s1 + spaces + s2
def align_str(self, s1, pos, s2):
return s1 + " " * (pos - len(s1)) + s2
# convert dictionary 'd' to flat list and return it
# it uses sort on the dictionary items to return consistent results
# for directories with different inserte/delete history
def dict2list(self, d):
l = []
if d is not None:
for i in sorted(d.items()):
l += list(i)
return l
# Compile regex to speedup multiple_re_replace or re_lookup
def re_lookup_compile(self, d):
if d is None:
return None
return re.compile("(%s)" % ")|(".join(list(d.keys())))
# Do multiple regex replaces in 's' according to lookup table described by
# dictionary 'd', e.g.: d = {"re1": "replace1", "re2": "replace2", ...}
# r can be regex precompiled by re_lookup_compile for speedup
def multiple_re_replace(self, d, s, r = None, flags = 0):
if d is None:
if r is None:
return s
if len(d) == 0 or s is None:
return s
if r is None:
r = self.re_lookup_compile(d)
return r.sub(lambda mo: list(d.values())[mo.lastindex - 1], s, flags)
# Do regex lookup on 's' according to lookup table described by
# dictionary 'd' and return corresponding value from the dictionary,
# e.g.: d = {"re1": val1, "re2": val2, ...}
# r can be regex precompiled by re_lookup_compile for speedup
def re_lookup(self, d, s, r = None):
if len(d) == 0 or s is None:
return None
if r is None:
r = self.re_lookup_compile(d)
mo =
if mo:
return list(d.values())[mo.lastindex - 1]
return None
def write_to_file(self, f, data, makedir = False, no_error = False):
"""Write data to a file.
f -- filename where to write
data -- data to write
makedir -- if True and the path doesn't exist, it will be created
no_error -- if True errors are silenced, it can be also list of ignored errnos
bool -- True on success
self._debug("Writing to file: '%s' < '%s'" % (f, data))
if makedir:
d = os.path.dirname(f)
if os.path.isdir(d):
makedir = False
if makedir:
fd = open(f, "w")
rc = True
except (OSError, IOError) as e:
rc = False
if isinstance(no_error, bool) and not no_error or \
isinstance(no_error, list) and e.errno not in no_error:
self._error("Writing to file '%s' error: '%s'" % (f, e))
return rc
def read_file(self, f, err_ret = "", no_error = False):
old_value = err_ret
f = open(f, "r")
old_value =
except (OSError,IOError) as e:
if not no_error:
self._error("Error when reading file '%s': '%s'" % (f, e))
self._debug("Read data from file: '%s' > '%s'" % (f, old_value))
return old_value
def rmtree(self, f, no_error = False):
self._debug("Removing tree: '%s'" % f)
if os.path.exists(f):
shutil.rmtree(f, no_error)
except OSError as error:
if not no_error:
log.error("cannot remove tree '%s': '%s'" % (f, str(error)))
return False
return True
def unlink(self, f, no_error = False):
self._debug("Removing file: '%s'" % f)
if os.path.exists(f):
except OSError as error:
if not no_error:
log.error("cannot remove file '%s': '%s'" % (f, str(error)))
return False
return True
def rename(self, src, dst, no_error = False):
self._debug("Renaming file '%s' to '%s'" % (src, dst))
os.rename(src, dst)
except OSError as error:
if not no_error:
log.error("cannot rename file '%s' to '%s': '%s'" % (src, dst, str(error)))
return False
return True
def copy(self, src, dst, no_error = False):
log.debug("copying file '%s' to '%s'" % (src, dst))
shutil.copy(src, dst)
return True
except IOError as e:
if not no_error:
log.error("cannot copy file '%s' to '%s': %s" % (src, dst, e))
return False
def replace_in_file(self, f, pattern, repl):
data = self.read_file(f)
if len(data) <= 0:
return False;
return self.write_to_file(f, re.sub(pattern, repl, data, flags = re.MULTILINE))
# do multiple replaces in file 'f' by using dictionary 'd',
# e.g.: d = {"re1": val1, "re2": val2, ...}
def multiple_replace_in_file(self, f, d):
data = self.read_file(f)
if len(data) <= 0:
return False;
return self.write_to_file(f, self.multiple_re_replace(d, data, flags = re.MULTILINE))
# makes sure that options from 'd' are set to values from 'd' in file 'f',
# when needed it edits options or add new options if they don't
# exist and 'add' is set to True, 'd' has the following form:
# d = {"option_1": value_1, "option_2": value_2, ...}
def add_modify_option_in_file(self, f, d, add = True):
data = self.read_file(f)
for opt in d:
o = str(opt)
v = str(d[opt])
if"\b" + o + r"\s*=.*$", data, flags = re.MULTILINE) is None:
if add:
if len(data) > 0 and data[-1] != "\n":
data += "\n"
data += "%s=\"%s\"\n" % (o, v)
data = re.sub(r"\b(" + o + r"\s*=).*$", r"\1" + "\"" + self.escape(v) + "\"", data, flags = re.MULTILINE)
return self.write_to_file(f, data)
# calcualtes md5sum of file 'f'
def md5sum(self, f):
data = self.read_file(f)
return hashlib.md5(str(data).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
# calcualtes sha256sum of file 'f'
def sha256sum(self, f):
data = self.read_file(f)
return hashlib.sha256(str(data).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
# returns machine ID or empty string "" in case of error
def get_machine_id(self, no_error = True):
return self.read_file(consts.MACHINE_ID_FILE, no_error).strip()
# "no_errors" can be list of return codes not treated as errors, if 0 is in no_errors, it means any error
# returns (retcode, out), where retcode is exit code of the executed process or -errno if
# OSError or IOError exception happened
def execute(self, args, shell = False, cwd = None, env = {}, no_errors = [], return_err = False):
retcode = 0
_environment = os.environ.copy()
_environment["LC_ALL"] = "C"
self._debug("Executing %s." % str(args))
out = ""
err_msg = None
proc = Popen(args, stdout = PIPE, stderr = PIPE, \
env = _environment, \
shell = shell, cwd = cwd, \
close_fds = True, \
universal_newlines = True)
out, err = proc.communicate()
retcode = proc.returncode
if retcode and not retcode in no_errors and not 0 in no_errors:
err_out = err[:-1]
if len(err_out) == 0:
err_out = out[:-1]
err_msg = "Executing '%s' error: %s" % (' '.join(args), err_out)
if not return_err:
except (OSError, IOError) as e:
retcode = -e.errno if e.errno is not None else -1
if not abs(retcode) in no_errors and not 0 in no_errors:
err_msg = "Executing '%s' error: %s" % (' '.join(args), e)
if not return_err:
if return_err:
return retcode, out, err_msg
return retcode, out
# Helper for parsing kernel options like:
# [always] never
# It will return 'always'
def get_active_option(self, options, dosplit = True):
m = re.match(r'.*\[([^\]]+)\].*', options)
if m:
if dosplit:
return options.split()[0]
return options
# Checks whether CPU is online
def is_cpu_online(self, cpu):
scpu = str(cpu)
# CPU0 is always online
return cpu == "0" or self.read_file("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%s/online" % scpu, no_error = True).strip() == "1"
# Converts hexadecimal CPU mask to CPU list
def hex2cpulist(self, mask):
if mask is None:
return None
mask = str(mask).replace(",", "")
m = int(mask, 16)
except ValueError:
log.error("invalid hexadecimal mask '%s'" % str(mask))
return []
return self.bitmask2cpulist(m)
# Converts an integer bitmask to a list of cpus (e.g. [0,3,4])
def bitmask2cpulist(self, mask):
cpu = 0
cpus = []
while mask > 0:
if mask & 1:
mask >>= 1
cpu += 1
return cpus
# Unpacks CPU list, i.e. 1-3 will be converted to 1, 2, 3, supports
# hexmasks that needs to be prefixed by "0x". Hexmasks can have commas,
# which will be removed. If combining hexmasks with CPU list they need
# to be separated by ",,", e.g.: 0-3, 0xf,, 6. It also supports negation
# cpus by specifying "^" or "!", e.g.: 0-5, ^3, will output the list as
# "0,1,2,4,5" (excluding 3). Note: negation supports only cpu numbers.
# If "strip_chars" is not None and l is not list, we try strip characters.
# It should be string with list of chars that is send to string.strip method
# Default is english single and double quotes ("') rhbz#1891036
def cpulist_unpack(self, l, strip_chars='\'"'):
rl = []
if l is None:
return l
ll = l
if type(ll) is not list:
if strip_chars is not None:
ll = str(ll).strip(strip_chars)
ll = str(ll).split(",")
ll2 = []
negation_list = []
hexmask = False
hv = ""
# Remove commas from hexmasks
for v in ll:
sv = str(v)
if hexmask:
if len(sv) == 0:
hexmask = False
hv = ""
hv += sv
if sv[0:2].lower() == "0x":
hexmask = True
hv = sv
elif sv and (sv[0] == "^" or sv[0] == "!"):
nl = sv[1:].split("-")
if (len(nl) > 1):
negation_list += list(range(
int(nl[1]) + 1
except ValueError:
return []
if len(sv) > 0:
if len(hv) > 0:
for v in ll2:
vl = v.split("-")
if v[0:2].lower() == "0x":
rl += self.hex2cpulist(v)
if len(vl) > 1:
rl += list(range(int(vl[0]), int(vl[1]) + 1))
except ValueError:
return []
cpu_list = sorted(list(set(rl)))
# Remove negated cpus after expanding
for cpu in negation_list:
if cpu in cpu_list:
return cpu_list
# Packs CPU list, i.e. 1, 2, 3 will be converted to 1-3. It unpacks the
# CPU list through cpulist_unpack first, so see its description about the
# details of the input syntax
def cpulist_pack(self, l):
l = self.cpulist_unpack(l)
if l is None or len(l) == 0:
return l
i = 0
j = i
rl = []
while i + 1 < len(l):
if l[i + 1] - l[i] != 1:
if j != i:
rl.append(str(l[j]) + "-" + str(l[i]))
j = i + 1
i += 1
if j + 1 < len(l):
rl.append(str(l[j]) + "-" + str(l[-1]))
return rl
# Inverts CPU list (i.e. makes its complement)
def cpulist_invert(self, l):
cpus = self.cpulist_unpack(l)
online = self.cpulist_unpack(self.read_file("/sys/devices/system/cpu/online"))
return list(set(online) - set(cpus))
# Converts CPU list to hexadecimal CPU mask
def cpulist2hex(self, l):
if l is None:
return None
ul = self.cpulist_unpack(l)
if ul is None:
return None
m = self.cpulist2bitmask(ul)
s = "%x" % m
ls = len(s)
if ls % 8 != 0:
ls += 8 - ls % 8
s = s.zfill(ls)
return ",".join(s[i:i + 8] for i in range(0, len(s), 8))
def cpulist2bitmask(self, l):
m = 0
for v in l:
m |= pow(2, v)
return m
def cpulist2string(self, l, prefix = ""):
return ",".join((prefix + str(v)) for v in l)
# Converts string s consisting of "dev1,dev2,dev3,..." to list ["dev1", "dev2, "dev3", ...],
# whitespaces are ignored, cpu lists are supported with the prefix "cpulist:", e.g.
# "cpulist:0-2,4" is converted to ["cpu0", "cpu1", "cpu2", "cpu4"]. If device name starts
# with "cpulist:" write it as "cpulist:cpulist:". Escape commas in name with the "\,".
def devstr2devs(self, s):
if s[0:8].lower() == "cpulist:":
s = s[8:]
if s[0:8].lower() != "cpulist:":
return [("cpu" + str(v)) for v in self.cpulist_unpack(s)]
l = re.split(r"\s*(?<!\\),\s*", s)
return [str(v).replace(r"\,", ",") for v in l]
# Do not make balancing on patched Python 2 interpreter (rhbz#1028122).
# It means less CPU usage on patchet interpreter. On non-patched interpreter
# it is not allowed to sleep longer than 50 ms.
def wait(self, terminate, time):
return terminate.wait(time, False)
return terminate.wait(time)
def get_size(self, s):
s = str(s).strip().upper()
for unit in ["KB", "MB", "GB", ""]:
unit_ix = s.rfind(unit)
if unit_ix == -1:
val = int(s[:unit_ix])
u = s[unit_ix:]
if u == "KB":
val *= 1024
elif u == "MB":
val *= 1024 * 1024
elif u == "GB":
val *= 1024 * 1024 * 1024
elif u != "":
val = None
return val
except ValueError:
return None
def get_active_profile(self):
profile_name = ""
mode = ""
with open(consts.ACTIVE_PROFILE_FILE, "r") as f:
profile_name =
except IOError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
raise TunedException("Failed to read active profile: %s" % e)
except (OSError, EOFError) as e:
raise TunedException("Failed to read active profile: %s" % e)
with open(consts.PROFILE_MODE_FILE, "r") as f:
mode =
if mode not in ["", consts.ACTIVE_PROFILE_AUTO, consts.ACTIVE_PROFILE_MANUAL]:
raise TunedException("Invalid value in file %s." % consts.PROFILE_MODE_FILE)
except IOError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
raise TunedException("Failed to read profile mode: %s" % e)
except (OSError, EOFError) as e:
raise TunedException("Failed to read profile mode: %s" % e)
if mode == "":
manual = None
manual = mode == consts.ACTIVE_PROFILE_MANUAL
if profile_name == "":
profile_name = None
return (profile_name, manual)
def save_active_profile(self, profile_name, manual):
with open(consts.ACTIVE_PROFILE_FILE, "w") as f:
if profile_name is not None:
f.write(profile_name + "\n")
except (OSError,IOError) as e:
raise TunedException("Failed to save active profile: %s" % e.strerror)
with open(consts.PROFILE_MODE_FILE, "w") as f:
mode = consts.ACTIVE_PROFILE_MANUAL if manual else consts.ACTIVE_PROFILE_AUTO
f.write(mode + "\n")
except (OSError,IOError) as e:
raise TunedException("Failed to save profile mode: %s" % e.strerror)
def get_post_loaded_profile(self):
profile_name = ""
with open(consts.POST_LOADED_PROFILE_FILE, "r") as f:
profile_name =
except IOError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
raise TunedException("Failed to read the active post-loaded profile: %s" % e)
except (OSError, EOFError) as e:
raise TunedException("Failed to read the active post-loaded profile: %s" % e)
if profile_name == "":
profile_name = None
return profile_name
def save_post_loaded_profile(self, profile_name):
with open(consts.POST_LOADED_PROFILE_FILE, "w") as f:
if profile_name is not None:
f.write(profile_name + "\n")
except (OSError,IOError) as e:
raise TunedException("Failed to save the active post-loaded profile: %s" % e.strerror)
# Translates characters in 'text' from 'source_chars' to 'dest_chars'
def tr(self, text, source_chars, dest_chars):
trans = str.maketrans(source_chars, dest_chars)
except AttributeError:
import string
trans = string.maketrans(source_chars, dest_chars)
return text.translate(trans)
# Checks if name contains only valid characters and has valid length or is empty string or None
def is_valid_name(self, name):
return not name or (all(c in consts.NAMES_ALLOWED_CHARS for c in name) and len(name) <= consts.NAMES_MAX_LENGTH)