Your IP :
# DNF Repository objects.
# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Red Hat, Inc.
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
# the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of
# Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the
# GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301, USA. Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the
# source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public
# License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of
# Red Hat, Inc.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from dnf.i18n import ucd, _
import dnf.callback
import dnf.conf
import dnf.conf.substitutions
import dnf.const
import dnf.crypto
import dnf.exceptions
import dnf.logging
import dnf.pycomp
import dnf.util
import dnf.yum.misc
import libdnf.error
import libdnf.repo
import functools
import hashlib
import hawkey
import logging
import operator
import os
import re
import shutil
import string
import sys
import time
import traceback
# Chars allowed in a repo ID
_REPOID_CHARS = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '-_.:'
# Regex pattern that matches a repo cachedir and captures the repo ID
_CACHEDIR_RE = r'(?P<repoid>[%s]+)\-[%s]{16}' % (re.escape(_REPOID_CHARS),
# Regex patterns matching any filename that is repo-specific cache data of a
# particular type. The filename is expected to not contain the base cachedir
# path components.
'metadata': r'^%s\/.*((xml|yaml)(\.gz|\.xz|\.bz2|.zck)?|asc|cachecookie|%s)$' %
'packages': r'^%s\/%s\/.+rpm$' % (_CACHEDIR_RE, _PACKAGES_RELATIVE_DIR),
'dbcache': r'^.+(solv|solvx)$',
logger = logging.getLogger("dnf")
def repo_id_invalid(repo_id):
# :api
"""Return index of an invalid character in the repo ID (if present)."""
first_invalid = libdnf.repo.Repo.verifyId(repo_id)
return None if first_invalid < 0 else first_invalid
def _pkg2payload(pkg, progress, *factories):
for fn in factories:
pload = fn(pkg, progress)
if pload is not None:
return pload
raise ValueError(_('no matching payload factory for %s') % pkg)
def _download_payloads(payloads, drpm, fail_fast=True):
# download packages
def _download_sort_key(payload):
return not hasattr(payload, 'delta')
targets = [pload._librepo_target()
for pload in sorted(payloads, key=_download_sort_key)]
errs = _DownloadErrors()
libdnf.repo.PackageTarget.downloadPackages(libdnf.repo.VectorPPackageTarget(targets), fail_fast)
except RuntimeError as e:
errs._fatal = str(e)
# process downloading errors
errs._recoverable = drpm.err.copy()
for tgt in targets:
err = tgt.getErr()
if err is None or err.startswith('Not finished'):
callbacks = tgt.getCallbacks()
payload = callbacks.package_pload
pkg = payload.pkg
if err == 'Already downloaded':
errs._pkg_irrecoverable[pkg] = [err]
return errs
def _update_saving(saving, payloads, errs):
real, full = saving
for pload in payloads:
pkg = pload.pkg
if pkg in errs:
real += pload.download_size
real += pload.download_size
full += pload._full_size
return real, full
class _DownloadErrors(object):
def __init__(self):
self._pkg_irrecoverable = {}
self._val_recoverable = {}
self._fatal = None
self._skipped = set()
def _irrecoverable(self):
if self._pkg_irrecoverable:
return self._pkg_irrecoverable
if self._fatal:
return {'': [self._fatal]}
return {}
def _recoverable(self):
return self._val_recoverable
def _recoverable(self, new_dct):
self._val_recoverable = new_dct
def _bandwidth_used(self, pload):
if pload.pkg in self._skipped:
return 0
return pload.download_size
class _DetailedLibrepoError(Exception):
def __init__(self, librepo_err, source_url):
self.librepo_code = librepo_err.args[0]
self.librepo_msg = librepo_err.args[1]
self.source_url = source_url
class _NullKeyImport(dnf.callback.KeyImport):
def _confirm(self, id, userid, fingerprint, url, timestamp):
return True
class Metadata(object):
def __init__(self, repo):
self._repo = repo
def fresh(self):
# :api
return self._repo.fresh()
class PackageTargetCallbacks(libdnf.repo.PackageTargetCB):
def __init__(self, package_pload):
super(PackageTargetCallbacks, self).__init__()
self.package_pload = package_pload
def end(self, status, msg):
self.package_pload._end_cb(None, status, msg)
return 0
def progress(self, totalToDownload, downloaded):
self.package_pload._progress_cb(None, totalToDownload, downloaded)
return 0
def mirrorFailure(self, msg, url):
self.package_pload._mirrorfail_cb(None, msg, url)
return 0
class PackagePayload(dnf.callback.Payload):
def __init__(self, pkg, progress):
super(PackagePayload, self).__init__(progress)
self.callbacks = PackageTargetCallbacks(self)
self.pkg = pkg
def _end_cb(self, cbdata, lr_status, msg):
"""End callback to librepo operation."""
status = dnf.callback.STATUS_FAILED
if msg is None:
status = dnf.callback.STATUS_OK
elif msg.startswith('Not finished'):
elif lr_status == libdnf.repo.PackageTargetCB.TransferStatus_ALREADYEXISTS:
status = dnf.callback.STATUS_ALREADY_EXISTS
self.progress.end(self, status, msg)
def _mirrorfail_cb(self, cbdata, err, url):
self.progress.end(self, dnf.callback.STATUS_MIRROR, err)
def _progress_cb(self, cbdata, total, done):
self.progress.progress(self, done)
except Exception:
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
except_list = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
def _full_size(self):
return self.download_size
def _librepo_target(self):
pkg = self.pkg
pkgdir = pkg.pkgdir
target_dct = {
'dest': pkgdir,
'resume': True,
'cbdata': self,
'progresscb': self._progress_cb,
'endcb': self._end_cb,
'mirrorfailurecb': self._mirrorfail_cb,
return libdnf.repo.PackageTarget(
target_dct['dest'], target_dct['checksum_type'], target_dct['checksum'],
target_dct['expectedsize'], target_dct['base_url'], target_dct['resume'],
0, 0, self.callbacks)
class RPMPayload(PackagePayload):
def __str__(self):
return os.path.basename(self.pkg.location)
def _target_params(self):
pkg = self.pkg
ctype, csum = pkg.returnIdSum()
ctype_code = libdnf.repo.PackageTarget.checksumType(ctype)
if ctype_code == libdnf.repo.PackageTarget.ChecksumType_UNKNOWN:
logger.warning(_("unsupported checksum type: %s"), ctype)
return {
'relative_url': pkg.location,
'checksum_type': ctype_code,
'checksum': csum,
'expectedsize': pkg.downloadsize,
'base_url': pkg.baseurl,
def download_size(self):
"""Total size of the download."""
return self.pkg.downloadsize
class RemoteRPMPayload(PackagePayload):
def __init__(self, remote_location, conf, progress):
super(RemoteRPMPayload, self).__init__("unused_object", progress)
self.remote_location = remote_location
self.remote_size = 0
self.conf = conf
s = (self.conf.releasever or "") + self.conf.substitutions.get('basearch')
digest = hashlib.sha256(s.encode('utf8')).hexdigest()[:16]
repodir = "commandline-" + digest
self.pkgdir = os.path.join(self.conf.cachedir, repodir, "packages")
self.local_path = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, self.__str__().lstrip("/"))
def __str__(self):
return os.path.basename(self.remote_location)
def _progress_cb(self, cbdata, total, done):
self.remote_size = total
self.progress.progress(self, done)
except Exception:
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
except_list = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
def _librepo_target(self):
return libdnf.repo.PackageTarget(
self.conf._config, os.path.basename(self.remote_location),
self.pkgdir, 0, None, 0, os.path.dirname(self.remote_location),
True, 0, 0, self.callbacks)
def download_size(self):
"""Total size of the download."""
return self.remote_size
class MDPayload(dnf.callback.Payload):
def __init__(self, progress):
super(MDPayload, self).__init__(progress)
self._text = ""
self._download_size = 0
self.fastest_mirror_running = False
self.mirror_failures = set()
def __str__(self):
if dnf.pycomp.PY3:
return self._text
return self._text.encode('utf-8')
def __unicode__(self):
return self._text
def _progress_cb(self, cbdata, total, done):
self._download_size = total
self.progress.progress(self, done)
def _fastestmirror_cb(self, cbdata, stage, data):
if stage == libdnf.repo.RepoCB.FastestMirrorStage_DETECTION:
# pinging mirrors, this might take a while
msg = _('determining the fastest mirror (%s hosts).. ') % data
self.fastest_mirror_running = True
elif stage == libdnf.repo.RepoCB.FastestMirrorStage_STATUS and self.fastest_mirror_running:
# done.. report but ignore any errors
msg = 'error: %s\n' % data if data else 'done.\n'
def _mirror_failure_cb(self, cbdata, msg, url, metadata):
msg = 'error: %s (%s).' % (msg, url)
def download_size(self):
return self._download_size
def progress(self):
return self._progress
def progress(self, progress):
if progress is None:
progress = dnf.callback.NullDownloadProgress()
self._progress = progress
def start(self, text):
self._text = text
self.progress.start(1, 0)
def end(self):
self._download_size = 0
self.progress.end(self, None, None)
# use the local cache even if it's expired. download if there's no cache.
SYNC_LAZY = libdnf.repo.Repo.SyncStrategy_LAZY
# use the local cache, even if it's expired, never download.
SYNC_ONLY_CACHE = libdnf.repo.Repo.SyncStrategy_ONLY_CACHE
# try the cache, if it is expired download new md.
SYNC_TRY_CACHE = libdnf.repo.Repo.SyncStrategy_TRY_CACHE
class RepoCallbacks(libdnf.repo.RepoCB):
def __init__(self, repo):
super(RepoCallbacks, self).__init__()
self._repo = repo
self._md_pload = repo._md_pload
def start(self, what):
def end(self):
def progress(self, totalToDownload, downloaded):
self._md_pload._progress_cb(None, totalToDownload, downloaded)
return 0
def fastestMirror(self, stage, ptr):
self._md_pload._fastestmirror_cb(None, stage, ptr)
def handleMirrorFailure(self, msg, url, metadata):
self._md_pload._mirror_failure_cb(None, msg, url, metadata)
return 0
def repokeyImport(self, id, userid, fingerprint, url, timestamp):
return self._repo._key_import._confirm(id, userid, fingerprint, url, timestamp)
class Repo(dnf.conf.RepoConf):
# :api
def __init__(self, name=None, parent_conf=None):
# :api
super(Repo, self).__init__(section=name, parent=parent_conf)
self._config.this.disown() # _repo will be the owner of _config
self._repo = libdnf.repo.Repo(name if name else "", self._config)
self._md_pload = MDPayload(dnf.callback.NullDownloadProgress())
self._callbacks = RepoCallbacks(self)
self._callbacks.this.disown() # _repo will be the owner of callbacks
self._pkgdir = None
self._key_import = _NullKeyImport()
self.metadata = None # :api
self._repo.setSyncStrategy(SYNC_ONLY_CACHE if parent_conf and parent_conf.cacheonly else self.DEFAULT_SYNC)
if parent_conf:
self._substitutions = dnf.conf.substitutions.Substitutions()
self._check_config_file_age = parent_conf.check_config_file_age \
if parent_conf is not None else True
def id(self):
# :api
return self._repo.getId()
def repofile(self):
# :api
return self._repo.getRepoFilePath()
def repofile(self, value):
def pkgdir(self):
# :api
if self._repo.isLocal():
return self._repo.getLocalBaseurl()
return self.cache_pkgdir()
def cache_pkgdir(self):
if self._pkgdir is not None:
return self._pkgdir
return os.path.join(self._repo.getCachedir(), _PACKAGES_RELATIVE_DIR)
def pkgdir(self, val):
# :api
self._pkgdir = val
def _pubring_dir(self):
return os.path.join(self._repo.getCachedir(), 'pubring')
def load_metadata_other(self):
return self._repo.getLoadMetadataOther()
def load_metadata_other(self, val):
def __lt__(self, other):
return <
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__,
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
super(Repo, self).__setattr__(name, value)
def disable(self):
# :api
def enable(self):
# :api
def add_metadata_type_to_download(self, metadata_type):
# :api
"""Ask for additional repository metadata type to download.
Given metadata_type is appended to the default metadata set when
repository is downloaded.
metadata_type: string
Example: add_metadata_type_to_download("productid")
def remove_metadata_type_from_download(self, metadata_type):
# :api
"""Stop asking for this additional repository metadata type
in download.
Given metadata_type is no longer downloaded by default
when this repository is downloaded.
metadata_type: string
Example: remove_metadata_type_from_download("productid")
def get_metadata_path(self, metadata_type):
# :api
"""Return path to the file with downloaded repository metadata of given type.
metadata_type: string
return self._repo.getMetadataPath(metadata_type)
def get_metadata_content(self, metadata_type):
# :api
"""Return content of the file with downloaded repository metadata of given type.
Content of compressed metadata file is returned uncompressed.
metadata_type: string
return self._repo.getMetadataContent(metadata_type)
def load(self):
# :api
"""Load the metadata for this repo.
Depending on the configuration and the age and consistence of data
available on the disk cache, either loads the metadata from the cache or
downloads them from the mirror, baseurl or metalink.
This method will by default not try to refresh already loaded data if
called repeatedly.
Returns True if this call to load() caused a fresh metadata download.
ret = False
ret = self._repo.load()
except (libdnf.error.Error, RuntimeError) as e:
if self._md_pload.mirror_failures:
msg = "Errors during downloading metadata for repository '%s':" %
for failure in self._md_pload.mirror_failures:
msg += "\n - %s" % failure
raise dnf.exceptions.RepoError(str(e))
self._md_pload.mirror_failures = set()
self.metadata = Metadata(self._repo)
return ret
def _metadata_expire_in(self):
"""Get the number of seconds after which the cached metadata will expire.
Returns a tuple, boolean whether there even is cached metadata and the
number of seconds it will expire in. Negative number means the metadata
has expired already, None that it never expires.
if not self.metadata:
if self.metadata:
if self.metadata_expire == -1:
return True, None
expiration = self._repo.getExpiresIn()
if self._repo.isExpired():
expiration = min(0, expiration)
return True, expiration
return False, 0
def _set_key_import(self, key_import):
self._key_import = key_import
def set_progress_bar(self, progress):
# :api
self._md_pload.progress = progress
def get_http_headers(self):
# :api
"""Returns user defined http headers.
headers : tuple of strings
return self._repo.getHttpHeaders()
def set_http_headers(self, headers):
# :api
"""Sets http headers.
Sets new http headers and rewrites existing ones.
headers : tuple or list of strings
Example: set_http_headers(["User-Agent: Agent007", "MyFieldName: MyFieldValue"])
def remote_location(self, location, schemes=('http', 'ftp', 'file', 'https')):
:param location: relative location inside the repo
:param schemes: list of allowed protocols. Default is ('http', 'ftp', 'file', 'https')
:return: absolute url (string) or None
def schemes_filter(url_list):
for url in url_list:
if schemes:
s = dnf.pycomp.urlparse.urlparse(url)[0]
if s in schemes:
return os.path.join(url, location.lstrip('/'))
return os.path.join(url, location.lstrip('/'))
return None
if not location:
return None
mirrors = self._repo.getMirrors()
if mirrors:
return schemes_filter(mirrors)
elif self.baseurl:
return schemes_filter(self.baseurl)