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This module offers a generic date/time string parser which is able to parse
most known formats to represent a date and/or time.
This module attempts to be forgiving with regards to unlikely input formats,
returning a datetime object even for dates which are ambiguous. If an element
of a date/time stamp is omitted, the following rules are applied:
- If AM or PM is left unspecified, a 24-hour clock is assumed, however, an hour
on a 12-hour clock (``0 <= hour <= 12``) *must* be specified if AM or PM is
- If a time zone is omitted, a timezone-naive datetime is returned.
If any other elements are missing, they are taken from the
:class:`datetime.datetime` object passed to the parameter ``default``. If this
results in a day number exceeding the valid number of days per month, the
value falls back to the end of the month.
Additional resources about date/time string formats can be found below:
- `A summary of the international standard date and time notation
- `W3C Date and Time Formats <>`_
- `Time Formats (Planetary Rings Node) <>`_
- `CPAN ParseDate module
- `Java SimpleDateFormat Class
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tokenstack�eof)�selfr � r �/usr/lib/python3.6/�__init__4 s
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�}|S )a�
This function breaks the time string into lexical units (tokens), which
can be parsed by the parser. Lexical units are demarcated by changes in
the character set, so any continuous string of letters is considered
one unit, any continuous string of numbers is considered one unit.
The main complication arises from the fact that dots ('.') can be used
both as separators (e.g. "Sep.20.2009") or decimal points (e.g.
"4:30:21.447"). As such, it is necessary to read the full context of
any dot-separated strings before breaking it into tokens; as such, this
function maintains a "token stack", for when the ambiguous context
demands that multiple tokens be parsed at once.
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