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� Zdd� Zer�dd� Zndd� Ze� Zejd Zdd� ZdS )� N)�PY3�binary_type� text_type)�BindingF)Zshould_clear_after_allocc C s | sdS t tj| ��S )z�
Get a native string type representing of the given CFFI ``char*`` object.
:param charp: A C-style string represented using CFFI.
:return: :class:`str`
� )�native�ffi�string)Zcharp� r
�/usr/lib/python3.6/�text s r c C sV g }xDt j� }|dkrP |jtt j|��tt j|��tt j|��f� qW | |��dS )ac
Convert an OpenSSL library failure into a Python exception.
When a call to the native OpenSSL library fails, this is usually signalled
by the return value, and an error code is stored in an error queue
associated with the current thread. The err library provides functions to
obtain these error codes and textual error messages.
r N)�libZ
ERR_get_error�appendr ZERR_lib_error_stringZERR_func_error_stringZERR_reason_error_string)Zexception_type�errors�errorr
r �exception_from_error_queue"