Your IP :
Du�ac @ s9 d Z d Z d d l m Z d e j f d � � YZ d S( s� Protocol message implementation hooks for C++ implementation.
Contains helper functions used to create protocol message classes from
Descriptor objects at runtime backed by the protocol buffer C++ API.
s (Johan Tibell)i����( t _messaget GeneratedProtocolMessageTypec B s e Z d Z d Z RS( s� Metaclass for protocol message classes created at runtime from Descriptors.
The protocol compiler currently uses this metaclass to create protocol
message classes at runtime. Clients can also manually create their own
classes at runtime, as in this example:
mydescriptor = Descriptor(.....)
factory = symbol_database.Default()
MyProtoClass = factory.GetPrototype(mydescriptor)
myproto_instance = MyProtoClass()
myproto.foo_field = 23
The above example will not work for nested types. If you wish to include them,
use reflection.MakeClass() instead of manually instantiating the class in
order to create the appropriate class structure.
DESCRIPTOR( t __name__t
__module__t __doc__t _DESCRIPTOR_KEY( ( ( sE /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/pyext/cpp_message.pyR * s N( R t
__author__t google.protobuf.pyextR t MessageMetaR ( ( ( sE /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/pyext/cpp_message.pyt <module># s