Your IP :
package ExtUtils::MM_Win32;
use strict;
=head1 NAME
ExtUtils::MM_Win32 - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
use ExtUtils::MM_Win32; # Done internally by ExtUtils::MakeMaker if needed
See ExtUtils::MM_Unix for a documentation of the methods provided
there. This package overrides the implementation of these methods, not
the semantics.
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config;
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker qw(neatvalue _sprintf562);
require ExtUtils::MM_Any;
require ExtUtils::MM_Unix;
our @ISA = qw( ExtUtils::MM_Any ExtUtils::MM_Unix );
our $VERSION = '7.34';
$ENV{EMXSHELL} = 'sh'; # to run `commands`
my ( $BORLAND, $GCC, $MSVC ) = _identify_compiler_environment( \%Config );
sub _identify_compiler_environment {
my ( $config ) = @_;
my $BORLAND = $config->{cc} =~ /\bbcc/i ? 1 : 0;
my $GCC = $config->{cc} =~ /\bgcc\b/i ? 1 : 0;
my $MSVC = $config->{cc} =~ /\b(?:cl|icl)/i ? 1 : 0; # MSVC can come as clarm.exe, icl=Intel C
return ( $BORLAND, $GCC, $MSVC );
=head2 Overridden methods
=over 4
=item B<dlsyms>
sub dlsyms {
my($self,%attribs) = @_;
return '' if $self->{SKIPHASH}{'dynamic'};
=item xs_dlsyms_ext
On Win32, is C<.def>.
sub xs_dlsyms_ext {
=item replace_manpage_separator
Changes the path separator with .
sub replace_manpage_separator {
my($self,$man) = @_;
$man =~ s,/+,.,g;
=item B<maybe_command>
Since Windows has nothing as simple as an executable bit, we check the
file extension.
The PATHEXT env variable will be used to get a list of extensions that
might indicate a command, otherwise .com, .exe, .bat and .cmd will be
used by default.
sub maybe_command {
my($self,$file) = @_;
my @e = exists($ENV{'PATHEXT'})
? split(/;/, $ENV{PATHEXT})
: qw(.com .exe .bat .cmd);
my $e = '';
for (@e) { $e .= "\Q$_\E|" }
chop $e;
# see if file ends in one of the known extensions
if ($file =~ /($e)$/i) {
return $file if -e $file;
else {
for (@e) {
return "$file$_" if -e "$file$_";
=item B<init_DIRFILESEP>
Using \ for Windows, except for "gmake" where it is /.
sub init_DIRFILESEP {
my($self) = shift;
# The ^ makes sure its not interpreted as an escape in nmake
$self->{DIRFILESEP} = $self->is_make_type('nmake') ? '^\\' :
$self->is_make_type('dmake') ? '\\\\' :
$self->is_make_type('gmake') ? '/'
: '\\';
=item init_tools
Override some of the slower, portable commands with Windows specific ones.
sub init_tools {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{NOOP} ||= 'rem';
$self->{DEV_NULL} ||= '> NUL';
$self->{FIXIN} ||= $self->{PERL_CORE} ?
"\$(PERLRUN) $self->{PERL_SRC}\\win32\\bin\\" :
# Setting SHELL from $Config{sh} can break dmake. Its ok without it.
delete $self->{SHELL};
=item init_others
Override the default link and compile tools.
LDLOADLIBS's default is changed to $Config{libs}.
Adjustments are made for Borland's quirks needing -L to come first.
sub init_others {
my $self = shift;
$self->{LD} ||= 'link';
$self->{AR} ||= 'lib';
$self->{LDLOADLIBS} ||= $Config{libs};
# -Lfoo must come first for Borland, so we put it in LDDLFLAGS
if ($BORLAND) {
my $libs = $self->{LDLOADLIBS};
my $libpath = '';
while ($libs =~ s/(?:^|\s)(("?)-L.+?\2)(?:\s|$)/ /) {
$libpath .= ' ' if length $libpath;
$libpath .= $1;
$self->{LDLOADLIBS} = $libs;
$self->{LDDLFLAGS} ||= $Config{lddlflags};
$self->{LDDLFLAGS} .= " $libpath";
=item init_platform
=item platform_constants
sub init_platform {
my($self) = shift;
$self->{MM_Win32_VERSION} = $VERSION;
sub platform_constants {
my($self) = shift;
my $make_frag = '';
foreach my $macro (qw(MM_Win32_VERSION))
next unless defined $self->{$macro};
$make_frag .= "$macro = $self->{$macro}\n";
return $make_frag;
=item specify_shell
Set SHELL to $ENV{COMSPEC} only if make is type 'gmake'.
sub specify_shell {
my $self = shift;
return '' unless $self->is_make_type('gmake');
=item constants
Add MAXLINELENGTH for dmake before all the constants are output.
sub constants {
my $self = shift;
my $make_text = $self->SUPER::constants;
return $make_text unless $self->is_make_type('dmake');
# dmake won't read any single "line" (even those with escaped newlines)
# larger than a certain size which can be as small as 8k. PM_TO_BLIB
# on large modules like DateTime::TimeZone can create lines over 32k.
# So we'll crank it up to a <ironic>WHOPPING</ironic> 64k.
# This has to come here before all the constants and not in
# platform_constants which is after constants.
my $size = $self->{MAXLINELENGTH} || 800000;
my $prefix = qq{
# Get dmake to read long commands like PM_TO_BLIB
return $prefix . $make_text;
=item special_targets
Add .USESHELL target for dmake.
sub special_targets {
my($self) = @_;
my $make_frag = $self->SUPER::special_targets;
$make_frag .= <<'MAKE_FRAG' if $self->is_make_type('dmake');
return $make_frag;
=item static_lib_pure_cmd
Defines how to run the archive utility
sub static_lib_pure_cmd {
my ($self, $from) = @_;
$from =~ s/(\$\(\w+)(\))/$1:^"+"$2/g if $BORLAND;
sprintf qq{\t\$(AR) %s\n}, ($BORLAND ? '$@ ' . $from
: ($GCC ? '-ru $@ ' . $from
: '-out:$@ ' . $from));
=item dynamic_lib
Methods are overridden here: not dynamic_lib itself, but the utility
ones that do the OS-specific work.
sub xs_make_dynamic_lib {
my ($self, $attribs, $from, $to, $todir, $ldfrom, $exportlist) = @_;
my @m = sprintf '%s : %s $(MYEXTLIB) %s$(DFSEP).exists %s $(PERL_ARCHIVEDEP) $(INST_DYNAMIC_DEP)'."\n", $to, $from, $todir, $exportlist;
if ($GCC) {
# per no longer
# uses dlltool - relies on post 2002 MinGW
# 1 2
push @m, _sprintf562 <<'EOF', $exportlist, $ldfrom;
$(LD) %1$s -o $@ $(LDDLFLAGS) %2$s $(OTHERLDFLAGS) $(MYEXTLIB) "$(PERL_ARCHIVE)" $(LDLOADLIBS) -Wl,--enable-auto-image-base
} elsif ($BORLAND) {
my $ldargs = $self->is_make_type('dmake')
? q{"$(PERL_ARCHIVE:s,/,\,)" $(LDLOADLIBS:s,/,\,) $(MYEXTLIB:s,/,\,),}
: q{"$(subst /,\,$(PERL_ARCHIVE))" $(subst /,\,$(LDLOADLIBS)) $(subst /,\,$(MYEXTLIB)),};
my $subbed;
if ($exportlist eq '$(EXPORT_LIST)') {
$subbed = $self->is_make_type('dmake')
? q{$(EXPORT_LIST:s,/,\,)}
: q{$(subst /,\,$(EXPORT_LIST))};
} else {
# in XSMULTI, exportlist is per-XS, so have to sub in perl not make
($subbed = $exportlist) =~ s#/#\\#g;
push @m, sprintf <<'EOF', $ldfrom, $ldargs . $subbed;
} else { # VC
push @m, sprintf <<'EOF', $ldfrom, $exportlist;
# Embed the manifest file if it exists
push(@m, q{ if exist $@.manifest mt -nologo -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;2
if exist $@.manifest del $@.manifest});
push @m, "\n\t\$(CHMOD) \$(PERM_RWX) \$\@\n";
join '', @m;
sub xs_dynamic_lib_macros {
my ($self, $attribs) = @_;
my $otherldflags = $attribs->{OTHERLDFLAGS} || ($BORLAND ? 'c0d32.obj': '');
my $inst_dynamic_dep = $attribs->{INST_DYNAMIC_DEP} || "";
sprintf <<'EOF', $otherldflags, $inst_dynamic_dep;
# This section creates the dynamically loadable objects from relevant
# objects and possibly $(MYEXTLIB).
=item extra_clean_files
Clean out some extra dll.{base,exp} files which might be generated by
gcc. Otherwise, take out all *.pdb files.
sub extra_clean_files {
my $self = shift;
return $GCC ? (qw(dll.base dll.exp)) : ('*.pdb');
=item init_linker
sub init_linker {
my $self = shift;
$self->{PERL_ARCHIVE} = "\$(PERL_INC)\\$Config{libperl}";
$self->{PERL_ARCHIVEDEP} = "\$(PERL_INCDEP)\\$Config{libperl}";
$self->{PERL_ARCHIVE_AFTER} = '';
$self->{EXPORT_LIST} = '$(BASEEXT).def';
=item perl_script
Checks for the perl program under several common perl extensions.
sub perl_script {
my($self,$file) = @_;
return $file if -r $file && -f _;
return "$" if -r "$" && -f _;
return "$file.plx" if -r "$file.plx" && -f _;
return "$file.bat" if -r "$file.bat" && -f _;
sub can_dep_space {
my $self = shift;
1; # with Win32::GetShortPathName
=item quote_dep
sub quote_dep {
my ($self, $arg) = @_;
if ($arg =~ / / and not $self->is_make_type('gmake')) {
require Win32;
$arg = Win32::GetShortPathName($arg);
die <<EOF if not defined $arg or $arg =~ / /;
Tried to use make dependency with space for non-GNU make:
Fallback to short pathname failed.
return $arg;
return $self->SUPER::quote_dep($arg);
=item xs_obj_opt
Override to fixup -o flags for MSVC.
sub xs_obj_opt {
my ($self, $output_file) = @_;
($MSVC ? "/Fo" : "-o ") . $output_file;
=item pasthru
All we send is -nologo to nmake to prevent it from printing its damned
sub pasthru {
my($self) = shift;
my $old = $self->SUPER::pasthru;
return $old unless $self->is_make_type('nmake');
$old =~ s/(PASTHRU\s*=\s*)/$1 -nologo /;
=item arch_check (override)
Normalize all arguments for consistency of comparison.
sub arch_check {
my $self = shift;
# Win32 is an XS module, minperl won't have it.
# arch_check() is not critical, so just fake it.
return 1 unless $self->can_load_xs;
return $self->SUPER::arch_check( map { $self->_normalize_path_name($_) } @_);
sub _normalize_path_name {
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
require Win32;
my $short = Win32::GetShortPathName($file);
return defined $short ? lc $short : lc $file;
=item oneliner
These are based on what does on Win98. They may be wrong
for other Windows shells, I don't know.
sub oneliner {
my($self, $cmd, $switches) = @_;
$switches = [] unless defined $switches;
# Strip leading and trailing newlines
$cmd =~ s{^\n+}{};
$cmd =~ s{\n+$}{};
$cmd = $self->quote_literal($cmd);
$cmd = $self->escape_newlines($cmd);
$switches = join ' ', @$switches;
return qq{\$(ABSPERLRUN) $switches -e $cmd --};
sub quote_literal {
my($self, $text, $opts) = @_;
$opts->{allow_variables} = 1 unless defined $opts->{allow_variables};
# See:
# Apply the Microsoft C/C++ parsing rules
$text =~ s{\\\\"}{\\\\\\\\\\"}g; # \\" -> \\\\\"
$text =~ s{(?<!\\)\\"}{\\\\\\"}g; # \" -> \\\"
$text =~ s{(?<!\\)"}{\\"}g; # " -> \"
$text = qq{"$text"} if $text =~ /[ \t]/;
# Apply the Command Prompt parsing rules (cmd.exe)
my @text = split /("[^"]*")/, $text;
# We should also escape parentheses, but it breaks one-liners containing
# $(MACRO)s in makefiles.
s{([<>|&^@!])}{^$1}g foreach grep { !/^"[^"]*"$/ } @text;
$text = join('', @text);
# dmake expands {{ to { and }} to }.
if( $self->is_make_type('dmake') ) {
$text =~ s/{/{{/g;
$text =~ s/}/}}/g;
$text = $opts->{allow_variables}
? $self->escape_dollarsigns($text) : $self->escape_all_dollarsigns($text);
return $text;
sub escape_newlines {
my($self, $text) = @_;
# Escape newlines
$text =~ s{\n}{\\\n}g;
return $text;
=item cd
dmake can handle Unix style cd'ing but nmake (at least 1.5) cannot. It
cd dir1\dir2
cd ..\..
sub cd {
my($self, $dir, @cmds) = @_;
return $self->SUPER::cd($dir, @cmds) unless $self->is_make_type('nmake');
my $cmd = join "\n\t", map "$_", @cmds;
my $updirs = $self->catdir(map { $self->updir } $self->splitdir($dir));
# No leading tab and no trailing newline makes for easier embedding.
my $make_frag = sprintf <<'MAKE_FRAG', $dir, $cmd, $updirs;
cd %s
cd %s
chomp $make_frag;
return $make_frag;
=item max_exec_len
nmake 1.50 limits command length to 2048 characters.
sub max_exec_len {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{_MAX_EXEC_LEN} ||= 2 * 1024;
=item os_flavor
Windows is Win32.
sub os_flavor {
=item cflags
Defines the PERLDLL symbol if we are configured for static building since all
code destined for the perl5xx.dll must be compiled with the PERLDLL symbol
sub cflags {
return $self->{CFLAGS} if $self->{CFLAGS};
return '' unless $self->needs_linking();
my $base = $self->SUPER::cflags($libperl);
foreach (split /\n/, $base) {
/^(\S*)\s*=\s*(\S*)$/ and $self->{$1} = $2;
$self->{CCFLAGS} .= " -DPERLDLL" if ($self->{LINKTYPE} eq 'static');
return $self->{CFLAGS} = qq{
=item make_type
Returns a suitable string describing the type of makefile being written.
sub make_type {
my ($self) = @_;
my $make = $self->make;
$make = +( File::Spec->splitpath( $make ) )[-1];
$make =~ s!\.exe$!!i;
if ( $make =~ m![^A-Z0-9]!i ) {
($make) = grep { m!make!i } split m![^A-Z0-9]!i, $make;
return "$make-style";