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% Copyright (C) 2001-2019 Artifex Software, Inc.
% All Rights Reserved.
% This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
% implied.
% This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
% modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
% of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
% Refer to licensing information at or contact
% Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato,
% CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information.
% Emulate CIE algorithms in PostScript.
% ---------------- Auxiliary procedures ---------------- %
/r1default [0 1] def
/r3default [0 1 0 1 0 1] def
/apply3 % <u> <v> <w> [<pu> <pv> <pw>] apply3 <u'> <v'> <w'>
{ { 4 -1 roll exch exec } forall
} bind def
/restrict % <u> <min> <max> restrict <u'>
{ 3 1 roll .max .min
} bind def
/restrict3 % <u> <v> <w> [<minu> ... <maxw>] restrict3 <u'> <v'> <w'>
{ aload pop
7 -1 roll 3 1 roll restrict 7 1 roll
5 -1 roll 3 1 roll restrict 5 1 roll
restrict 3 1 roll
} bind def
/rescale % <u> <min> <max> rescale <u'>
{ 1 index sub 3 1 roll sub exch div 0 .max 1 .min
} bind def
/rescale3 % <u> <v> <w> [<minu> ... <maxw>] rescale3 <u'> <v'> <w'>
{ aload pop
7 -1 roll 3 1 roll rescale 7 1 roll
5 -1 roll 3 1 roll rescale 5 1 roll
rescale 3 1 roll
} bind def
/mmult3 % <u> <v> <w> [<uu> <uv> ... <wv> <ww>] mmult3
% <u'> <v'> <w'>
{ 4 -1 roll dup dup 6 -1 roll dup dup 8 -1 roll dup dup
10 -1 roll { 10 -1 roll mul } forall
% Stack: u1 v1 w1 u2 v2 w2 u3 v3 w3
4 -1 roll add 6 -1 roll add
% Stack: u1 v1 u2 v2 u3 v3 w'
7 1 roll 3 -1 roll add 4 -1 roll add
% Stack: w' u1 u2 u3 v'
5 1 roll add add 3 1 roll
} bind def
/minvert3 % [<uu> <uv> ... <wv> <ww>] minvert3
% [<uu'> <uv'> ... <wv'> <ww'>]
{ 16 dict begin
aload pop { I H G F E D C B A } { exch def } forall
/coa E I mul F H mul sub def
/cob F G mul D I mul sub def
/coc D H mul E G mul sub def
/det A coa mul B cob mul add C coc mul add def
[ coa det div
C H mul B I mul sub det div
B F mul C E mul sub det div
cob det div
A I mul C G mul sub det div
C D mul A F mul sub det div
coc det div
B G mul A H mul sub det div
A E mul B D mul sub det div
} bind def
{ print dup ==
} bind def
{ print 3 array astore dup == aload pop
} bind def
% ---------------- Mapping to XYZ ---------------- %
/csmap % <csdict> <l> <m> <n> csmap <csdict> <x> <y> <z>
{ 3 index /RangeLMN .knownget not { r3default } if restrict3
DOCIEDEBUG { (After RangeLMN Decode: ) print3 } if
3 index /DecodeLMN .knownget { apply3 } if
DOCIEDEBUG { (After DecodeLMN Decode: ) print3 } if
3 index /MatrixLMN .knownget { mmult3 } if
DOCIEDEBUG { (After MatrixLMN Decode: ) print3 } if
} bind def
/csciea % <csdict> <a> csciea <csdict> <x> <y> <z>
{ 1 index /RangeA .knownget not { r1default aload pop } if restrict
DOCIEDEBUG { (After RangeA Decode: ) print1 } if
1 index /DecodeA .knownget { exec } if
DOCIEDEBUG { (After DecodeA Decode: ) print1 } if
1 index /MatrixA .knownget
{ { 1 index mul exch } forall pop }
{ dup dup }
DOCIEDEBUG { (After MatrixA Decode: ) print3 } if
} bind def
/cscieabc % <csdict> <a> <b> <c> cscieabc <csdict> <x> <y> <z>
{ 3 index /RangeABC .knownget not { r3default } if restrict3
DOCIEDEBUG { (After RangeABC Decode: ) print3 } if
3 index /DecodeABC .knownget { apply3 } if
DOCIEDEBUG { (After DecodeABC Decode: ) print3 } if
3 index /MatrixABC .knownget { mmult3 } if
DOCIEDEBUG { (After MatrixABC Decode: ) print3 } if
} bind def
% ---------------- Rendering from XYZ ---------------- %
/lookup3 % <rtable> <a[0..1]> <b[0..1]> <c[0..1]> lookup3
% <rtable> <bytes>
{ 3 -1 roll 3 index 0 get 1 sub mul
3 -1 roll 3 index 1 get 1 sub mul
3 -1 roll 3 index 2 get 1 sub mul
% Stack: rtable ia ib ic
DOCIEDEBUG { (RenderTable indices: ) print3 mark 5 1 roll } if
3 -1 roll round cvi 3 index 3 get exch get
% Stack: rtable ib ic string
3 -1 roll round cvi 3 index 2 get mul
% Stack: rtable ic string ib*nc
3 -1 roll round cvi add 2 index 4 get mul
% Stack: rtable string index
2 index 4 get getinterval
% Stack: rtable bytes
DOCIEDEBUG { (RenderTable values: ) print (<) print (%stdout) (w) file 1 index writehexstring (>) = } if
} bind def
/bpdefault [0 0 0] def
/crmap % <csdict> <crdict> <x> <y> <z> crmap <v1> ...
DOCIEDEBUG { (CIE XYZ = ) print3 } if
3 index /MatrixPQR .knownget { mmult3 } if
DOCIEDEBUG { (After MatrixPQR: ) print3 } if
4 index /WhitePoint get
5 index /BlackPoint .knownget not { bpdefault } if
5 index /WhitePoint get
6 index /BlackPoint .knownget not { bpdefault } if
{ 4 -1 roll aload pop
% Stack: csdict crdict x y z pt pt pt px py pz
3 copy 12 index /MatrixPQR .knownget { mmult3 } if 6 array astore
% Stack: csdict crdict x y z wps+ bps+ wpd+ bpd+
9 -1 roll pop % get rid of csdict
7 4 roll
7 index /TransformPQR get
{ % Stack: crdict wps+ bps+ wpd+ bpd+ u v w proc
8 copy exch pop exch pop
exec exch pop 4 -1 roll pop
7 3 roll pop pop pop pop % get rid of White/BlackPoints
DOCIEDEBUG { (After TransformPQR: ) print3 } if
3 index /MatrixPQR .knownget { minvert3 mmult3 } if
DOCIEDEBUG { (After MatrixPQR': ) print3 } if
3 index /MatrixLMN .knownget { mmult3 } if
DOCIEDEBUG { (After MatrixLMN Encode: ) print3 } if
3 index /EncodeLMN .knownget { apply3 } if
DOCIEDEBUG { (After EncodeLMN Encode: ) print3 } if
3 index /RangeLMN .knownget not { r3default } if restrict3
DOCIEDEBUG { (After RangeLMN Encode: ) print3 } if
3 index /MatrixABC .knownget { mmult3 } if
DOCIEDEBUG { (After MatrixABC Encode: ) print3 } if
3 index /EncodeABC .knownget { apply3 } if
DOCIEDEBUG { (After EncodeABC Encode: ) print3 } if
3 index /RangeABC .knownget not { r3default } if
5 -1 roll /RenderTable .knownget
{ % Stack: u v w ranges rtable
5 1 roll rescale3
DOCIEDEBUG { (Rescaled ABC: ) print3 } if
% Stack: rtable a b c
% Stack: rtable bytes
0 1 3 index 4 get 1 sub
{ % Stack: values rtable bytes c
2 copy get 255 div
% Stack: values rtable bytes c v
3 index 3 -1 roll 5 add get exec 3 1 roll
for pop pop
DOCIEDEBUG { (After RenderTableT: ) print ] dup == aload pop } if
{ restrict3
DOCIEDEBUG { (After RangeABC Encode: ) print3 } if
} bind def
% ---------------- Top level control ---------------- %
/mapdict mark
/CIEBasedA { 1 get exch csciea currentcolorrendering 4 1 roll crmap } bind
/DeviceGray { pop /DefaultGray /ColorSpace findresource 1 get exch csciea currentcolorrendering 4 1 roll crmap } bind
/CIEBasedABC { 1 get 4 1 roll cscieabc currentcolorrendering 4 1 roll crmap } bind
/DeviceRGB { pop /DefaultRGB /ColorSpace findresource 1 get 4 1 roll cscieabc currentcolorrendering 4 1 roll crmap } bind
.dicttomark def
/mapcie % <a> mapcie <v1> ...
% <a> <b> <c> mapcie <v1> ...
{ currentcolorspace dup 0 get //mapdict exch get exec
} bind def