Your IP :
namespace LiteSpeedAutoIndex;
class UserSettings
public static $TIME_FORMAT = 'Y-m-d H:i';
* If file name is longer than this widtch, will cutoff and append with ...
public static $NAME_WIDTH = 80;
* For JS version, if the file list has more than this limit, we will show the name filter
public static $FILTER_SHOW = 6;
* @return string if you return empty string or null, will not check and include any Header
public static function getHeaderName()
return 'HEADER';
* @return string if you return empty string or null, will not check and include any Readme
public static function getReadmeName()
return 'README';
public static function getExcludePatterns()
return ['.',
private static $exclude_list;
public static function shouldExclude($filename)
if (self::$exclude_list == null) {
self::$exclude_list = self::getExcludePatterns();
if (!empty($_SERVER['LS_AI_INDEX_IGNORE'])) {
self::$exclude_list = array_merge(explode(' ', $_SERVER['LS_AI_INDEX_IGNORE']), self::$exclude_list);
foreach (self::$exclude_list as $ex) {
if (fnmatch($ex, $filename))
return true;
return false;
class IconMap
private $icons;
private $definedSuffix;
private static $instance;
private function __construct()
$this->icons = [
'DEFAULT' => ['file.svg', 'File'],
'UP' => ['corner-left-up.svg', 'Up'],
'DIR' => ['folder-fill.svg', 'Directory'],
'IMG' => ['image.svg', '[IMG]'],
'TXT' => ['file-text.svg', '[TXT]'],
'CMP' => ['file.svg', '[CMP]'],
'BIN' => ['file.svg', '[BIN]'],
'VID' => ['video.svg', '[VID]'],
'SND' => ['music.svg', '[SND]'],
$this->definedSuffix = [];
$this->addMapping(['gif', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'tif', 'tiff', 'bmp', 'svg', 'raw'],
$this->addMapping(['txt', 'md5', 'c', 'cpp', 'cc', 'h', 'sh', 'html', 'htm', 'shtml', 'php', 'phtml', 'css', 'js'],
$this->addMapping(['gz', 'tgz', 'zip', 'Z', 'z'], 'CMP');
$this->addMapping(['bin', 'exe'], 'BIN');
$this->addMapping(['mpg', 'avi', 'mpeg', 'ram', 'wmv'], 'VID');
$this->addMapping(['mp3', 'mp2', 'ogg', 'wav', 'wma', 'aac', 'mp4', 'rm'], 'SND');
private function addMapping($suffixArray, $iconTag)
if (!isset($this->icons[$iconTag])) { // should not happen, unrecognized tag
$iconTag = 'DEFAULT';
foreach ($suffixArray as $suffix) {
$this->definedSuffix[$suffix] = $iconTag;
private static function getMap()
if (self::$instance == null) {
self::$instance = new self();
return self::$instance;
public static function getFileIconTag($file)
$map = self::getMap();
$pos = strrpos($file, '.');
if ($pos !== false) {
$suffix = substr($file, $pos + 1);
if ($suffix !== false) {
if (isset($map->definedSuffix[$suffix])) {
return $map->definedSuffix[$suffix];
return 'DEFAULT';
public static function img($iconTag)
$me = self::getMap();
return '<img class="icon" src="/_autoindex/assets/icons/'
. $me->icons[$iconTag][0] . '" alt="' . $me->icons[$iconTag][1] . '">';
// END of customization section
class FileStat
protected $name;
protected $size;
protected $mtime;
protected $isdir;
protected $iconTag;
protected $restricted = false;
public function __construct($path, $filename)
$this->name = $filename;
if ($path == '..') {
$this->size = -2;
$this->iconTag = 'UP';
$this->mtime = 0;
$s = @stat($path . $filename);
if ($s == false) {
$this->restricted = true;
$this->mtime = $s[9];
if (($s[2] & 040000) > 0) {
$this->isdir = true;
$this->size = -1;
$this->iconTag = 'DIR';
} else {
$this->isdir = false;
$this->size = $s[7];
$this->iconTag = IconMap::getFileIconTag($filename);
public function isRestricted()
// due to openbase_dir, file is outside of DOCROOT
return $this->restricted;
public function isDir()
return $this->isdir;
public function getUrl($base)
$encoded = $base . rawurlencode($this->name);
if ($this->isdir) {
$encoded .= '/';
return $encoded;
public function getIconTag()
return $this->iconTag;
public function sortName()
// case insensitive compare
$name = htmlspecialchars(strtolower($this->name), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE);
return $this->isdir ? '*' . $name : $name; // to make directories list on top
public function dispName()
$name = $this->name;
if (strlen($name) > UserSettings::$NAME_WIDTH) {
$name = substr($name, 0, UserSettings::$NAME_WIDTH - 3) . '...';
return htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE);
public function dispTime()
return ($this->mtime > 0) ? date(UserSettings::$TIME_FORMAT, $this->mtime) : '';
public function sortTime()
if ($this->isdir) {
// to make dir sorted together, deduct 50 years
return ($this->mtime - 1576800000);
return $this->mtime;
public function dispSize()
if ($this->iconTag == 'UP') { // parent dir
return '';
if ($this->isdir) {
return '-';
return sprintf("%7ldk", ($this->size + 1023) / 1024);
public function sortSize()
return $this->size;
public static function cmpNA($a, $b)
return strcasecmp($a->name, $b->name);
public static function cmpND($a, $b)
return - self::cmpNA($a, $b);
public static function cmpSA($a, $b)
$ret = $a->size - $b->size;
if ($ret == 0) {
// if same size, compare by name ascending
return self::cmpNA($a, $b);
return $ret;
public static function cmpSD($a, $b)
return - self::cmpSA($a, $b);
public static function cmpMA($a, $b)
return $a->mtime - $b->mtime;
public static function cmpMD($a, $b)
return - self::cmpMA($a, $b);
class Directory
private $list;
private $path;
private $len;
public function __construct($path)
$this->path = $path;
$handle = opendir($path);
if ($handle === false) {
$this->list = [];
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if (!UserSettings::shouldExclude($file)) {
$fs = new FileStat($path, $file);
if (!$fs->isRestricted()) {
$this->list[] = $fs;
$this->len = count($this->list);
public function cannotLoad()
return ($this->list === null);
public function getListCount()
return $this->len;
public function sortList($order)
usort($this->list, ['\\LiteSpeedAutoIndex\\FileStat', "cmp$order"]);
public function populateList(&$dirs, &$files)
$files = [];
foreach ($this->list as $fileStat) {
if ($fileStat->isDir()) {
$dirs[] = $fileStat;
} else {
$files[] = $fileStat;
class Index
protected $dir;
protected $uri;
protected $path;
protected $isFancy;
protected $sort;
public function printPage()
protected function init()
if (empty($_SERVER['LS_AI_PATH'])) {
$this->exit403('[ERROR] Auto Index script can not be accessed directly!');
$this->path = $_SERVER['LS_AI_PATH'];
ini_set('open_basedir', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
$this->dir = new Directory($this->path);
if ($this->dir->cannotLoad()) {
$this->exit403('<h1>403 Access Denied</h1>');
if (($pos = strpos($uri, '?')) !== false) {
$uri = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, $pos);
$this->uri = $uri;
if (isset($_SERVER['LS_AI_MIME_TYPE'])) {
header('Content-Type: ' . $_SERVER['LS_AI_MIME_TYPE']);
$this->isFancy = empty($_SERVER['LS_FI_OFF']); // if not set Fancy Index Off, by default it's ON
if ($this->isFancy) {
protected function initSort()
$order = isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : '';
if ($order == '' || strlen($order) != 2 || !in_array($order, ['NA', 'ND', 'MA', 'MD', 'SA', 'SD'])) {
$order = 'NA'; // set to default
$this->sort = [];
$a = 'ascending';
$d = 'descending';
switch ($order) {
case 'NA': $this->sort['name_aria'] = $a; // for indicator for current active sort order.
$this->sort['N_link'] = 'ND'; // for current header click action link, reverse to current order
case 'ND': $this->sort['name_aria'] = $d;
case 'MA': $this->sort['mod_aria'] = $a;
$this->sort['M_link'] = 'MD';
case 'MD': $this->sort['mod_aria'] = $d;
case 'SA': $this->sort['size_aria'] = $a;
$this->sort['S_link'] = 'SD';
case 'SD': $this->sort['size_aria'] = $d;
protected function exit403($msg)
echo $msg;
protected function getAssetLinks()
return '<link rel="stylesheet" href="/_autoindex/assets/css/autoindex.css" />';
protected function getEndBodyScripts()
return '';
protected function printHeader()
$disp_uri = htmlentities(urldecode($this->uri), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE, 'UTF-8');
$title = 'Index of ' . $disp_uri;
echo '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />'
. $this->getAssetLinks() . '<title>' . $title . '</title><style>@media (prefers-color-scheme:dark){body{background-color:#000!important}}</style></head>'
. '<body><div class="content"><h1 style="color: #555;">' . $title . "</h1>\n";
$includeHeader = UserSettings::getHeaderName();
if ($includeHeader) {
$this->printIncludes($this->path, $includeHeader);
protected function printIncludes($path, $name)
$testNames = ["$name.html", "$name.htm", $name];
foreach ($testNames as $testname) {
$filename = $path . $testname;
if (file_exists($filename) && !is_link($filename)) {
$content = file_get_contents($filename);
if (!$content) {
$style = ($name == 'HEADER') ? 'header-text' : 'readme-text';
echo "<div class=\"{$style}\">\n" . htmlspecialchars($content, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE) . "</div>\n";
protected function printFooter()
$includeReadme = UserSettings::getReadmeName();
if ($includeReadme) {
$this->printIncludes($this->path, $includeReadme);
echo '<address>Proudly Served by LiteSpeed Web Server at '
. '</address></div>'
. $this->getEndBodyScripts()
. "</body></html>\n";
protected function printOneEntry($base, $fileStat)
$url = $fileStat->getUrl($base);
$buf = '<tr><td><a href="' . $url . '">';
if ($this->isFancy) {
$buf .= IconMap::img($fileStat->getIconTag())
. $fileStat->dispName()
. '</a></td><td>' . $fileStat->dispTime()
. '</td><td>' . $fileStat->dispSize() . '</td>';
} else {
$buf .= $fileStat->dispName() . '</a></td>';
$buf .= "</tr>\n";
echo $buf;
protected function printContent()
echo '<div id="table-list"><table id="table-content">';
if ($this->isFancy) {
} else {
$dirs = $files = [];
$this->dir->populateList($dirs, $files);
if ($this->uri != '/') {
$fileStat = new FileStat('..', '');
$base = substr($this->uri, 0, strlen($this->uri) - 1);
if (($off = strrpos($base, '/')) !== false) {
$base = substr($base, 0, $off + 1);
$this->printParentLine($base, $fileStat);
foreach ($dirs as $fileStat) {
$this->printOneEntry($this->uri, $fileStat);
foreach ($files as $fileStat) {
$this->printOneEntry($this->uri, $fileStat);
echo "</table></div>\n";
protected function ariaClass($type)
$name = $type . '_aria';
return isset($this->sort[$name]) ? ' aria-sort="' . $this->sort[$name] . '"' : '';
protected function headerQs($type)
$name = $type . '_link';
return isset($this->sort[$name]) ? $this->sort[$name] : $type . 'A'; // default is ascending
protected function printFancyTableHeader()
$th = '<th class="colname"';
echo '<thead class="t-header"><tr>'
. $th . $this->ariaClass('name') . '><a class="name" href="?' . $this->headerQs('N') . '">Name</a></th>'
. $th . $this->ariaClass('mod') . '><a href="?' . $this->headerQs('M') . '">Last Modified</a></th>'
. $th . $this->ariaClass('size') . '><a href="?' . $this->headerQs('S') . '">Size</a></th>'
. "</tr></thead>\n";
protected function printTableHeader()
echo '<thead class="t-header"><tr>'
. '<th class="colname">Name</th>'
. '<th class="colname">Last Modified</th>'
. '<th class="colname">Size</th>'
. "</tr></thead>\n";
protected function printParentLine($base, $fileStat)
$url = $fileStat->getUrl($base);
if ($this->isFancy) {
$buf = '<tr><td><a href="' . $url . '">'
. IconMap::img('UP') . 'Parent Directory'
. '</a></td><td></td><td></td></tr>';
} else {
$buf = '<tr><td><a href="' . $url . '">' . $fileStat->dispName() . '</a></td></tr>';
echo $buf . "\n";
class IndexWithJS extends Index
protected function getAssetLinks()
return '<link rel="stylesheet" href="/_autoindex/assets/css/autoindex.css" />'
. '<script src="/_autoindex/assets/js/tablesort.js"></script>'
. '<script src="/_autoindex/assets/js/tablesort.number.js"></script>';
protected function getEndBodyScripts()
if ($this->dir->getListCount() >= UserSettings::$FILTER_SHOW) {
return <<<EJS
new Tablesort(document.getElementById("table-content"));
var keywordInput = document.getElementById('filter-keyword');
document.addEventListener('keyup', filterTable);
function filterTable(e) {
if ( != 'filter-keyword') return;
var cols = document.querySelectorAll('tbody td:first-child');
var keyword = keywordInput.value.toLowerCase();
for (i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
var text = cols[i].textContent.toLowerCase();
if (text != 'parent directory') {
cols[i] = text.indexOf(keyword) === -1 ? 'none' : 'table-row';
} else {
return '<script>new Tablesort(document.getElementById("table-content"));</script>';
protected function printHeader()
if ($this->dir->getListCount() >= UserSettings::$FILTER_SHOW) {
echo '<div id="table-filter"><input type="text" name="keyword" id="filter-keyword" placeholder="Filter Name"></div>' . "\n";
protected function printFancyTableHeader()
$onclick = ' onclick="return false"';
$sortnum = ' data-sort-method="number"';
$th = '<th class="colname"';
echo '<thead class="t-header"><tr>'
. $th . $this->ariaClass('name') . '><a class="name" href="?' . $this->headerQs('N') . '" ' . $onclick . '">Name</a></th>'
. $th . $sortnum . $this->ariaClass('mod') . '><a href="?' . $this->headerQs('M') . '" ' . $onclick . '">Last Modified</a></th>'
. $th . $sortnum . $this->ariaClass('size') . '><a href="?' . $this->headerQs('S') . '" ' . $onclick . '">Size</a></th>'
. "</tr></thead>\n";
protected function printOneEntry($base, $fileStat)
$url = $fileStat->getUrl($base);
$buf = '<tr>';
if ($this->isFancy) {
$buf .= '<td data-sort="' . $fileStat->sortName() . '"><a href="' . $url . '">'
. IconMap::img($fileStat->getIconTag())
. $fileStat->dispName()
. '</a></td><td data-sort="' . $fileStat->sortTime() . '">' . $fileStat->dispTime()
. '</td><td data-sort="' . $fileStat->sortSize() . '">' . $fileStat->dispSize() . '</td>';
} else {
$buf .= '<td><a href="' . $url . '">' . $fileStat->dispName() . '</a></td>';
$buf .= "</tr>\n";
echo $buf;
protected function printParentLine($base, $fileStat)
$url = $fileStat->getUrl($base);
if ($this->isFancy) {
$buf = '<tr data-sort-method="none"><td><a href="' . $url . '">'
. IconMap::img('UP') . 'Parent Directory'
. '</a></td><td></td><td></td></tr>';
} else {
$buf = '<tr><td><a href="' . $url . '">Parent Directory</a></td></tr>';
echo $buf . "\n";