Your IP :
/** *********************************************
* LiteSpeed Web Server Cache Manager
* @author Michael Alegre
* @copyright 2018-2023 LiteSpeed Technologies, Inc.
* *******************************************
namespace Lsc\Wp;
use ZipArchive;
class Util
* @param string $tag
* @return string
public static function get_request_var( $tag )
if ( isset($_REQUEST[$tag]) ) {
return trim($_REQUEST[$tag]);
* Request var not found in $_REQUEST, try checking POST and
* QUERY_STRING environment variables.
if ( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST' ) {
$querystring = urldecode(getenv('POST'));
else {
$querystring = urldecode(getenv('QUERY_STRING'));
if ( $querystring != ''
&& preg_match("/(?:^|\?|&)$tag=([^&]+)/", $querystring, $m) ) {
return trim($m[1]);
return null;
* @param string $tag
* @return array
public static function get_request_list( $tag )
$varValue = null;
if ( isset($_REQUEST[$tag]) ) {
$varValue = $_REQUEST[$tag];
else {
* Request var not found in $_REQUEST, try checking POST and
* QUERY_STRING environment variables.
if ( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST' ) {
$querystring = urldecode(getenv('POST'));
else {
$querystring = urldecode(getenv('QUERY_STRING'));
if ( $querystring != ''
&& preg_match_all("/(?:^|\?|&)$tag\[]=([^&]+)/", $querystring, $m) ) {
$varValue = $m[1];
return (is_array($varValue)) ? $varValue : null;
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by Logger::info() call.
public static function restartLsws()
Logger::info('Performing a Graceful Restart to apply changes...');
* @noinspection PhpMethodParametersCountMismatchInspection Suppress
* for PHP 5.x.
if ( php_uname('s') == 'FreeBSD' ) {
$lswsCtl = '/usr/local/etc/rc.d/';
else {
$lswsCtl = '/sbin/service lsws';
exec("$lswsCtl restart");
* @since 2.1.15
* @param int $startTime
* @param int $timeout
* @return bool
public static function timedOut( $startTime, $timeout )
return ((time() - $startTime) > $timeout);
* This function is used to get the file owner by name. Useful in cases
* where UID is not accepted or setting a files group to match its owner
* (It is not safe to assume UID == GID or GID exists for username 'x').
* @since 2.2.0
* @param string $filepath
* @return array Keys are id, name, group_id
public static function populateOwnerInfo( $filepath )
$ownerID = fileowner($filepath);
$ownerInfo = posix_getpwuid($ownerID);
return array(
'user_id' => $ownerID,
'user_name' => $ownerInfo['name'],
'group_id' => filegroup($filepath)
* @param string $file
* @param string $owner
* @param string $group
public static function changeUserGroup( $file, $owner, $group )
chown($file, $owner);
chgrp($file, $group);
* Set file permissions of $file2 to match those of $file1.
* @since 2.2.0
* @param string $file1
* @param string $file2
public static function matchPermissions( $file1, $file2 )
* convert fileperms() returned dec to oct
chmod($file2, (fileperms($file1) & 0777));
* @since 1.14.3
* @param string $url
* @param bool $headerOnly
* @return string
public static function getUrlContentsUsingFileGetContents(
$headerOnly = false )
if ( ini_get('allow_url_fopen') ) {
* silence warning when OpenSSL missing while getting LSCWP ver
* file.
$url_content = @file_get_contents($url);
if ( $url_content !== false ) {
if ( $headerOnly ) {
return implode("\n", $http_response_header);
return $url_content;
return '';
* @since 1.14.3
* @param string $url
* @param bool $headerOnly
* @return string
public static function getUrlContentsUsingPhpCurl(
$headerOnly = false )
if ( function_exists('curl_version') ) {
$ch = curl_init();
CURLOPT_URL => $url,
CURLOPT_HEADER => $headerOnly,
CURLOPT_NOBODY => $headerOnly,
$url_content = curl_exec($ch);
if ( $url_content !== false ) {
return $url_content;
return '';
* @since 1.14.3
* @param string $url
* @param string $headerOnly
* @return string
public static function getUrlContentsUsingExecCurl(
$headerOnly = false )
$cmd = 'curl -s';
if ( $headerOnly ) {
$cmd .= ' -I';
exec("$cmd $url", $output, $ret);
if ( $ret === 0 ) {
return implode("\n", $output);
return '';
* @param string $url
* @param bool $headerOnly
* @return string
public static function get_url_contents( $url, $headerOnly = false )
$content = self::getUrlContentsUsingFileGetContents($url, $headerOnly);
if ( $content != '' ) {
return $content;
$content = self::getUrlContentsUsingPhpCurl($url, $headerOnly);
if ( $content != '' ) {
return $content;
return self::getUrlContentsUsingExecCurl($url, $headerOnly);
* @param string $dir
* @return false|string
public static function DirectoryMd5( $dir )
if ( !is_dir($dir) ) {
return false;
$fileMd5s = array();
$d = dir($dir);
while ( ($entry = $d->read()) !== false ) {
if ( $entry != '.' && $entry != '..' ) {
$currEntry = "$dir/$entry";
if ( is_dir($currEntry) ) {
$fileMd5s[] = self::DirectoryMd5($currEntry);
else {
$fileMd5s[] = md5_file($currEntry);
return md5(implode('', $fileMd5s));
* @param string $file
* @param string $backup
* @return bool
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by Logger::debug() call.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by Logger::debug() call.
private static function matchFileSettings( $file, $backup )
$ownerID = fileowner($file);
$groupID = filegroup($file);
if ( $ownerID === false || $groupID === false ) {
Logger::debug("Could not get owner/group of file $file");
Logger::debug("Removed file $backup");
return false;
self::changeUserGroup($backup, $ownerID, $groupID);
self::matchPermissions($file, $backup);
return true;
* @param string $filepath
* @param string $bak
* @return string
private static function getBackupSuffix(
$bak = '_lscachebak_orig' )
$i = 1;
if ( file_exists($filepath . $bak) ) {
$bak = sprintf("_lscachebak_%02d", $i);
while ( file_exists($filepath . $bak) ) {
$bak = sprintf("_lscachebak_%02d", $i);
return $bak;
* @param string $filepath
* @return bool
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by Logger::debug() call.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by Logger::verbose() call.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by self::matchFileSettings()
* call.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by Logger::debug() call.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by Logger::debug() call.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by Logger::info() call.
public static function createBackup( $filepath )
$backup = $filepath . self::getBackupSuffix($filepath);
if ( !copy($filepath, $backup) ) {
"Could not backup file $filepath to location $backup"
return false;
Logger::verbose("Created file $backup");
if ( !self::matchFileSettings($filepath, $backup) ) {
"Could not backup file $filepath to location $backup"
return false;
Logger::debug('Matched owner/group setting for both files');
"Successfully backed up file $filepath to location $backup"
return true;
* @param string $zipFile
* @param string $dest
* @return bool
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by Logger::debug() call.
* @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by Logger::debug() call.
public static function unzipFile( $zipFile, $dest )
if ( class_exists('\ZipArchive') ) {
$zipArchive = new ZipArchive();
if ( $zipArchive->open($zipFile) === true ) {
$extracted = $zipArchive->extractTo($dest);
if ( $extracted ) {
return true;
Logger::debug("Could not unzip $zipFile using ZipArchive.");
$output = array();
"unzip $zipFile -d $dest > /dev/null 2>&1",
if ( $return_var == 0 ) {
return true;
else {
Logger::debug("Could not unzip $zipFile from cli.");
return false;
* Check if a given directory is empty.
* @param string $dir
* @return bool
public static function is_dir_empty( $dir )
if ( !($handle = @opendir($dir)) ) {
return true;
while ( ($entry = readdir($handle)) !== false ) {
if ( $entry != '.' && $entry != '..' ) {
return false;
return true;
* @param string $vhCacheRoot
public static function ensureVHCacheRootInCage( $vhCacheRoot )
$cageFsFile = '/etc/cagefs/';
if ( file_exists($cageFsFile) ) {
if ( $vhCacheRoot[0] == '/' ) {
$cageVhCacheRoot =
'%' . str_replace('/$vh_user', '', $vhCacheRoot);
$matchFound = preg_grep(
"!^\s*" . str_replace('!', '\!', $cageVhCacheRoot) . "!im",
if ( !$matchFound ) {
exec('/usr/sbin/cagefsctl --remount-all');
* Recursively a directory's contents and optionally the directory itself.
* @param string $dir Directory path
* @param bool $keepParent Only remove directory contents when true.
* @return bool
public static function rrmdir( $dir, $keepParent = false )
if ( $dir != '' && is_dir($dir) ) {
if ( ($matches = glob("$dir/*")) === false ) {
return false;
foreach ( $matches as $file ) {
if ( is_dir($file) ) {
else {
if ( !$keepParent ) {
return true;
return false;
* Wrapper for idn_to_utf8() function call to avoid "undefined" exceptions
* when PHP intl module is not installed and enabled.
* @since
* @param string $domain
* @param int $flags
* @param int|null $variant
* @param array|null $idna_info
* @return false|string
public static function tryIdnToUtf8(
$flags = 0,
$variant = null,
array &$idna_info = null )
if ( function_exists('idn_to_utf8') ) {
if ( $variant == null ) {
return idn_to_utf8($domain, $flags, $variant, $idna_info);
return $domain;
* Wrapper for idn_to_ascii() function call to avoid "undefined" exceptions
* when PHP intl module is not installed and enabled.
* @since
* @param string $domain
* @param int|null $flags
* @param int|null $variant
* @param array|null $idna_info
* @return false|string
public static function tryIdnToAscii(
$flags = null,
$variant = null,
array &$idna_info = null )
if ( function_exists('idn_to_ascii') ) {
if ( $flags == null ) {
$flags = IDNA_DEFAULT;
if ( $variant == null ) {
return idn_to_ascii($domain, $flags, $variant, $idna_info);
return $domain;
* Version comparison function capable of properly comparing versions with
* trailing ".0" groups such as '6.1' which is equal to '6.1.0' which is
* equal to '' etc.
* @since 1.14.2
* @param string $ver1
* @param string $ver2
* @param string|null $operator
* @return bool|int
public static function betterVersionCompare(
$operator = null )
$pattern = '/(\.0+)+($|-)/';
return version_compare(
preg_replace($pattern, '', $ver1),
preg_replace($pattern, '', $ver2),
* @since
* @param string $constantName
* @param array|bool|float|int|null|string $value
* @param bool $caseInsensitive Optional
* parameter used for define calls in PHP versions below 7.3.
* @return bool
* @noinspection PhpDeprecationInspection Ignore deprecation of define()
* parameter $case_insensitive for PHP versions below 7.3.
* @noinspection RedundantSuppression
public static function define_wrapper(
$caseInsensitive = false )
if ( PHP_VERSION_ID < 70300 ) {
return define($constantName, $value, $caseInsensitive);
else {
return define($constantName, $value);
* @since
* @param int $wpStatus
* @return string[] [ stateMsg => string, link => string ]
public static function getFatalErrorStateMessageAndLink( $wpStatus )
$stateMsg = $anchor = '';
if ( $wpStatus & WPInstall::ST_ERR_EXECMD ) {
$stateMsg = 'WordPress fatal error encountered during action '
. 'execution. This is most likely caused by custom code in '
. 'this WordPress installation.';
$anchor = '#fatal-error-encountered-during-action-execution';
if ( $wpStatus & WPInstall::ST_ERR_EXECMD_DB ) {
$stateMsg = 'Error establishing WordPress database connection.';
elseif ( $wpStatus & WPInstall::ST_ERR_TIMEOUT ) {
$stateMsg = 'Timeout occurred during action execution.';
$anchor = '#timeout-occurred-during-action-execution';
elseif ( $wpStatus & WPInstall::ST_ERR_SITEURL ) {
$stateMsg = 'Could not retrieve WordPress siteURL.';
$anchor = '#could-not-retrieve-wordpress-siteurl';
elseif ( $wpStatus & WPInstall::ST_ERR_DOCROOT ) {
$stateMsg = 'Could not match WordPress siteURL to a known '
. 'control panel docroot.';
$anchor = '#could-not-match-wordpress-siteurl-to-a-known-'
. 'cpanel-docroot';
elseif ( $wpStatus & WPInstall::ST_ERR_WPCONFIG ) {
$stateMsg = 'Could not find a valid wp-config.php file.';
$anchor = '#could-not-find-a-valid-wp-configphp-file';
$stateMsg .= ' Click for more information.';
return array(
'stateMsg' => $stateMsg,
'link' => ''
. "whm-litespeed-plugin/troubleshooting/$anchor"