Your IP :
# -*- mode: TCL; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*-
# $Id: Select.tcl,v 1.3 2001/12/09 05:04:02 idiscovery Exp $
# Select.tcl --
# Implement the tixSelect widget.
# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Ioi Kim Lam.
# Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Tix Project Group.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
tixWidgetClass tixSelect {
-superclass tixLabelWidget
-classname TixSelect
-method {
add button invoke
-flag {
-allowzero -buttontype -command -disablecallback -orientation
-orient -padx -pady -radio -selectedbg -state -validatecmd
-value -variable
-forcecall {
-variable -state
-static {
-allowzero -orientation -padx -pady -radio
-configspec {
{-allowzero allowZero AllowZero 0 tixVerifyBoolean}
{-buttontype buttonType ButtonType button}
{-command command Command ""}
{-disablecallback disableCallback DisableCallback 0 tixVerifyBoolean}
{-orientation orientation Orientation horizontal}
{-padx padx Pad 0}
{-pady pady Pad 0}
{-radio radio Radio 0 tixVerifyBoolean}
{-selectedbg selectedBg SelectedBg gray}
{-state state State normal}
{-validatecmd validateCmd ValidateCmd ""}
{-value value Value ""}
{-variable variable Variable ""}
-alias {
{-orient -orientation}
-default {
{*frame.borderWidth 1}
{*frame.relief sunken}
{*Button.borderWidth 2}
{*Button.highlightThickness 0}
proc tixSelect:InitWidgetRec {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
tixChainMethod $w InitWidgetRec
set data(items) ""
set data(buttonbg) ""
set data(varInited) 0
proc tixSelect:config-state {w arg} {
upvar #0 $w data
if {$arg == "disabled"} {
foreach item $data(items) {
$data(w:$item) config -state disabled -relief raised \
-bg $data(buttonbg)
if {![info exists data(labelFg)]} {
set data(labelFg) [$data(w:label) cget -foreground]
catch {
$data(w:label) config -fg [tix option get disabled_fg]
} else {
foreach item $data(items) {
if {[lsearch $data(-value) $item] != -1} {
# This button is selected
$data(w:$item) config -relief sunken -bg $data(-selectedbg) \
-state normal
} else {
$data(w:$item) config -relief raised -bg $data(buttonbg) \
-command "$w invoke $item" -state normal
if {[info exists data(labelFg)]} {
catch {
$data(w:label) config -fg $data(labelFg)
unset data(labelFg)
return ""
proc tixSelect:config-variable {w arg} {
upvar #0 $w data
set oldValue $data(-value)
if {[tixVariable:ConfigVariable $w $arg]} {
# The value of data(-value) is changed if tixVariable:ConfigVariable
# returns true
set newValue $data(-value)
set data(-value) $oldValue
tixSelect:config-value $w $newValue
catch {
unset data(varInited)
set data(-variable) $arg
proc tixSelect:config-value {w value} {
upvar #0 $w data
# sanity checking
foreach item $value {
if {[lsearch $data(items) $item] == "-1"} {
error "subwidget \"$item\" does not exist"
tixSelect:SetValue $w $value
proc tixSelect:add {w name args} {
upvar #0 $w data
set data(w:$name) [eval $data(-buttontype) $data(w:frame).$name -command \
[list "$w invoke $name"] -takefocus 0 $args]
if {$data(-orientation) == "horizontal"} {
pack $data(w:$name) -side left -expand yes -fill y\
-padx $data(-padx) -pady $data(-pady)
} else {
pack $data(w:$name) -side top -expand yes -fill x\
-padx $data(-padx) -pady $data(-pady)
if {$data(-state) == "disabled"} {
$data(w:$name) config -relief raised -state disabled
# find out the background of the buttons
if {$data(buttonbg) == ""} {
set data(buttonbg) [lindex [$data(w:$name) config -background] 4]
lappend data(items) $name
# Obsolete command
proc tixSelect:button {w name args} {
upvar #0 $w data
if {$args != ""} {
return [eval $data(w:$name) $args]
} else {
return $w.$name
# This is called when a button is invoked
proc tixSelect:invoke {w button} {
upvar #0 $w data
if {$data(-state) != "normal"} {
set newValue $data(-value)
if {[lsearch $data(-value) $button] != -1} {
# This button was selected
if {[llength $data(-value)] > 1 || [tixGetBoolean $data(-allowzero)]} {
# Take the button from the selected list
set newValue ""
foreach item $data(-value) {
if {$item != $button} {
lappend newValue $item
} else {
# This button was not selected
if {[tixGetBoolean $data(-radio)]} {
# The button become the sole item in the list
set newValue [list $button]
} else {
# Add this button into the list
lappend newValue $button
if {$newValue != $data(-value)} {
tixSelect:SetValue $w $newValue
# Private functions
proc tixSelect:SetValue {w newValue {noUpdate 0}} {
upvar #0 $w data
set oldValue $data(-value)
if {$data(-validatecmd) != ""} {
set data(-value) [tixEvalCmdBinding $w $data(-validatecmd) "" $newValue]
} else {
if {[tixGetBoolean $data(-radio)] && [llength $newValue] > 1} {
error "cannot choose more than one items in a radio box"
if {![tixGetBoolean $data(-allowzero)] && [llength $newValue] == 0} {
error "empty selection not allowed"
set data(-value) $newValue
if {! $noUpdate} {
tixVariable:UpdateVariable $w
# Reset all to be unselected
foreach item $data(items) {
if {[lsearch $data(-value) $item] == -1} {
# Is unselected
if {[lsearch $oldValue $item] != -1} {
# was selected
# -> popup the button, call command
$data(w:$item) config -relief raised -bg $data(buttonbg)
tixSelect:CallCommand $w $item 0
} else {
# Is selected
if {[lsearch $oldValue $item] == -1} {
# was unselected
# -> push down the button, call command
$data(w:$item) config -relief sunken -bg $data(-selectedbg)
tixSelect:CallCommand $w $item 1
proc tixSelect:CallCommand {w name value} {
upvar #0 $w data
if {!$data(-disablecallback) && $data(-command) != ""} {
if {![info exists data(varInited)]} {
set bind(specs) "name value"
set bind(name) $name
set bind(value) $value
tixEvalCmdBinding $w $data(-command) bind $name $value
proc tixSelect:Destructor {w} {
tixVariable:DeleteVariable $w
# Chain this to the superclass
tixChainMethod $w Destructor