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m Z e e � n d S( s An implementation of tabbed pages using only standard Tkinter.
Originally developed for use in IDLE. Based on
Classes exported:
TabbedPageSet -- A Tkinter implementation of a tabbed-page widget.
TabSet -- A widget containing tabs (buttons) in one or more rows.
i����( t *t InvalidNameErrorc B s e Z RS( ( t __name__t
__module__( ( ( s+ /usr/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/tabbedpages.pyR s t AlreadyExistsErrorc B s e Z RS( ( R R ( ( ( s+ /usr/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/tabbedpages.pyR
s t TabSetc B so e Z d Z d d d e d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z
d � Z d
e f d � � YZ
sj A widget containing tabs (buttons) in one or more rows.
Only one tab may be selected at a time.
i i c K s� t j | | | � | | _ | | _ | | _ | | _ | | _ i | _ i | _ | rj t | � | _
n g | _
| _ g | _
t | d d d d d t d | j d � �| _ | j j d t d t d t � | j � d
S( s Constructor arguments:
select_command -- A callable which will be called when a tab is
selected. It is called with the name of the selected tab as an
tabs -- A list of strings, the names of the tabs. Should be specified in
the desired tab order. The first tab will be the default and first
active tab. If tabs is None or empty, the TabSet will be initialized
n_rows -- Number of rows of tabs to be shown. If n_rows <= 0 or is
None, then the number of rows will be decided by TabSet. See
_arrange_tabs() for details.
max_tabs_per_row -- Used for deciding how many rows of tabs are needed,
when the number of rows is not constant. See _arrange_tabs() for
t heighti t borderwidthi t relieft
backgroundt sidet fillt expandN( t Framet __init__t select_commandt n_rowst max_tabs_per_rowt expand_tabst page_sett _tabst _tab2rowt listt
_tab_namest Nonet
_selected_tabt _tab_rowst FLATt cgett
padding_framet packt TOPt Xt Falset
_arrange_tabs( t selfR R t tabsR R R t kw( ( s+ /usr/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/tabbedpages.pyR s$ c C sY | s t d | � � n | | j k r; t d | � � n | j j | � | j � d S( s. Add a new tab with the name given in tab_name.s Invalid Tab name: '%s's Tab named '%s' already existsN( R R R t appendR"