Your IP :
#! /bin/sh
# Written by andrey joukov
# (C) 1996 2:5020/
# Updated by 1999
# Andrew V. Samoilov <> 2000
# Andrew Borodin <>
# David Haller <>
# 2013: support unrar5
# beta version 2.0
# rar and unrar can be found on
# Prefer unrar (freeware).
UNRAR=`which unrar 2>/dev/null`
[ -z $UNRAR ] && UNRAR=$RAR
[ ! -x $UNRAR -a -x $RAR ] && UNRAR=$RAR
# Let the test framework hook in:
# Determine the $UNRAR version
if [ -n "$MC_TEST_EXTFS_UNRAR_VERSION" ]; then
# Let the test framework fool us:
# Figure it out from rar itself:
UNRAR_VERSION=`$UNRAR -cfg- -? | grep "Copyright" | sed -e 's/.*\([0-9]\)\..*/\1/'`
mcrar4fs_list ()
$UNRAR v -c- -cfg- "$1" | gawk -v uid=`id -u` -v gid=`id -g` '
BEGIN { flag=0 }
/^-------/ { flag++; if (flag > 1) exit 0; next }
flag==1 {
str = substr($0, 2)
split($4, a, "-")
if (index($6, "D") != 0)
if (index($6, ".") != 0)
printf "%s 1 %s %s %d %02d/%02d/%02d %s ./%s\n", $6, uid, gid, $1, a[2], a[1], a[3], $5, str
mcrar5fs_list ()
$UNRAR vt -c- -cfg- "$1" | gawk -F ':' -v uid=`id -u` -v gid=`id -g` '
### remove space after the ":" of the field name
sub ("^ ", "", $2);
$1 ~ /^ *Name$/ {
### next file
name = mtime = size = attrs = "";
delete date;
name = $2;
### if the name contains ":", append the rest of the fields
if (NF > 2) {
for (i = 3; i <= NF; i++) {
name = name ":" $i;
$1 ~ /^ *mtime$/ {
mtime = $2 ":" $3;
$1 ~ /^ *Size$/ {
size = $2;
$1 ~ /^ *Attributes$/ {
attrs = $2;
$1 ~ /^ *Compression$/ {
### file done, using /^$/ is not so good you
### would have to skip the version stuff first
### get date and time
split (mtime, date, " ");
time = date[2];
### cut off seconds from the time
sub (",[0-9]*$", "", time);
### split for reordering of the date in the printf below
split (date[1], date, "-");
### mc seems to be able to parse 4 digit years too, so remove if tested
# sub ("^..", "", date[1]); ### cut year to 2 digits only
### check/adjust rights
if (index (attrs, "D") != 0) {
attrs = "drwxr-xr-x";
} else {
if (index (attrs, ".") != 0) {
attrs = "-rw-r--r--";
### and finally
printf ("%s 1 %s %s %d %02d/%02d/%02d %s ./%s\n",
attrs, uid, gid, size, date[2], date[3], date[1], time, name);
mcrarfs_list ()
[ x$UNRAR_VERSION = x5 ] && mcrar5fs_list "$@" || mcrar4fs_list "$@"
mcrarfs_copyin ()
# copyin by
# preserve pwd. It is clean, but is it necessary?
# Create a directory and copy in it the tmp file with the good name
mkdir "$3.dir"
cd "$3.dir"
# if file is to be written upper in the archive tree, make fake dir
if test x"$di" != x"${2##*/}" ; then
mkdir -p "$di"
cp -fp "$3" "$3.dir/$2"
$RAR a "$1" "$2" >/dev/null
cd "$pwd"
rm -rf "$3.dir"
mcrarfs_copyout ()
$UNRAR p -p- -c- -cfg- -inul "$1" "$2" > "$3"
mcrarfs_mkdir ()
# preserve pwd. It is clean, but is it necessary?
# Create a directory and create in it a tmp directory with the good name
dir=`mktemp -d "${MC_TMPDIR:-/tmp}/mctmpdir-urar.XXXXXX"` || exit 1
cd "$dir"
mkdir -p "$2"
# rar cannot create an empty directory
touch "$2"/.rarfs
$RAR a -r "$1" "$2" >/dev/null
$RAR d "$1" "$2/.rarfs" >/dev/null
cd "$pwd"
rm -rf "$dir"
mcrarfs_rm ()
$RAR d "$1" "$2" >/dev/null
umask 077
case "$cmd" in
# Workaround for a bug in mc - directories must precede files to
# avoid duplicate entries, so we sort output by filenames
list) mcrarfs_list "$@" | sort -k 8 ;;
rm) mcrarfs_rm "$@" ;;
rmdir) mcrarfs_rm "$@" ;;
mkdir) mcrarfs_mkdir "$@" ;;
copyin) mcrarfs_copyin "$@" ;;
copyout) mcrarfs_copyout "$@" ;;
*) exit 1 ;;
exit 0