Your IP :
# -*- perl -*-
# DBD::Mem - A DBI driver for in-memory tables
# This module is currently maintained by
# Jens Rehsack
# Copyright (C) 2016,2017 by Jens Rehsack
# All rights reserved.
# You may distribute this module under the terms of either the GNU
# General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in
# the Perl README file.
require 5.008;
use strict;
package DBD::Mem;
use base qw( DBI::DBD::SqlEngine );
use vars qw($VERSION $ATTRIBUTION $drh);
$VERSION = '0.001';
$ATTRIBUTION = 'DBD::Mem by Jens Rehsack';
# no need to have driver() unless you need private methods
sub driver ($;$)
my ( $class, $attr ) = @_;
return $drh if ($drh);
# do the real work in DBI::DBD::SqlEngine
$attr->{Attribution} = 'DBD::Mem by Jens Rehsack';
$drh = $class->SUPER::driver($attr);
return $drh;
undef $drh;
package DBD::Mem::dr;
$DBD::Mem::dr::imp_data_size = 0;
@DBD::Mem::dr::ISA = qw(DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::dr);
# you could put some :dr private methods here
# you may need to over-ride some DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::dr methods here
# but you can probably get away with just letting it do the work
# in most cases
package DBD::Mem::db;
$DBD::Mem::db::imp_data_size = 0;
@DBD::Mem::db::ISA = qw(DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::db);
use Carp qw/carp/;
sub set_versions
my $this = $_[0];
$this->{mem_version} = $DBD::Mem::VERSION;
return $this->SUPER::set_versions();
sub init_valid_attributes
my $dbh = shift;
# define valid private attributes
# attempts to set non-valid attrs in connect() or
# with $dbh->{attr} will throw errors
# the attrs here *must* start with mem_ or foo_
# see the STORE methods below for how to check these attrs
$dbh->{mem_valid_attrs} = {
mem_version => 1, # verbose DBD::Mem version
mem_valid_attrs => 1, # DBD::Mem::db valid attrs
mem_readonly_attrs => 1, # DBD::Mem::db r/o attrs
mem_meta => 1, # DBD::Mem public access for f_meta
mem_tables => 1, # DBD::Mem public access for f_meta
$dbh->{mem_readonly_attrs} = {
mem_version => 1, # verbose DBD::Mem version
mem_valid_attrs => 1, # DBD::Mem::db valid attrs
mem_readonly_attrs => 1, # DBD::Mem::db r/o attrs
mem_meta => 1, # DBD::Mem public access for f_meta
$dbh->{mem_meta} = "mem_tables";
return $dbh->SUPER::init_valid_attributes();
sub get_mem_versions
my ( $dbh, $table ) = @_;
$table ||= '';
my $meta;
my $class = $dbh->{ImplementorClass};
$class =~ s/::db$/::Table/;
$table and ( undef, $meta ) = $class->get_table_meta( $dbh, $table, 1 );
$meta or ( $meta = {} and $class->bootstrap_table_meta( $dbh, $meta, $table ) );
return sprintf( "%s using %s", $dbh->{mem_version}, $AnyData2::VERSION );
package DBD::Mem::st;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $imp_data_size = 0;
our @ISA = qw(DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::st);
package DBD::Mem::Statement;
@DBD::Mem::Statement::ISA = qw(DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::Statement);
sub open_table ($$$$$)
my ( $self, $data, $table, $createMode, $lockMode ) = @_;
my $class = ref $self;
$class =~ s/::Statement/::Table/;
my $flags = {
createMode => $createMode,
lockMode => $lockMode,
if( defined( $data->{Database}->{mem_table_data}->{$table} ) && $data->{Database}->{mem_table_data}->{$table})
my $t = $data->{Database}->{mem_tables}->{$table};
$t->seek( $data, 0, 0 );
return $t;
return $self->SUPER::open_table($data, $table, $createMode, $lockMode);
# ====== DataSource ============================================================
package DBD::Mem::DataSource;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
@DBD::Mem::DataSource::ISA = "DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::DataSource";
sub complete_table_name ($$;$)
my ( $self, $meta, $table, $respect_case ) = @_;
sub open_data ($)
my ( $self, $meta, $attrs, $flags ) = @_;
defined $meta->{data_tbl} or $meta->{data_tbl} = [];
package DBD::Mem::Table;
# shamelessly stolen from SQL::Statement::RAM
use Carp qw/croak/;
@DBD::Mem::Table::ISA = qw(DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::Table);
use Carp qw(croak);
sub new
#my ( $class, $tname, $col_names, $data_tbl ) = @_;
my ( $class, $data, $attrs, $flags ) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($data, $attrs, $flags);
my $meta = $self->{meta};
$self->{records} = $meta->{data_tbl};
$self->{index} = 0;
sub bootstrap_table_meta
my ( $self, $dbh, $meta, $table ) = @_;
defined $meta->{sql_data_source} or $meta->{sql_data_source} = "DBD::Mem::DataSource";
sub fetch_row
my ( $self, $data ) = @_;
return $self->{row} =
( $self->{records} and ( $self->{index} < scalar( @{ $self->{records} } ) ) )
? [ @{ $self->{records}->[ $self->{index}++ ] } ]
: undef;
sub push_row
my ( $self, $data, $fields ) = @_;
my $currentRow = $self->{index};
$self->{index} = $currentRow + 1;
$self->{records}->[$currentRow] = $fields;
return 1;
sub truncate
my $self = shift;
return splice @{ $self->{records} }, $self->{index}, 1;
sub push_names
my ( $self, $data, $names ) = @_;
my $meta = $self->{meta};
$meta->{col_names} = $self->{col_names} = $names;
$self->{org_col_names} = [ @{$names} ];
$self->{col_nums} = {};
$self->{col_nums}{ $names->[$_] } = $_ for ( 0 .. scalar @$names - 1 );
sub drop ($)
my ($self, $data) = @_;
delete $data->{Database}{sql_meta}{$self->{table}};
return 1;
} # drop
sub seek
my ( $self, $data, $pos, $whence ) = @_;
return unless defined $self->{records};
my ($currentRow) = $self->{index};
if ( $whence == 0 )
$currentRow = $pos;
elsif ( $whence == 1 )
$currentRow += $pos;
elsif ( $whence == 2 )
$currentRow = @{ $self->{records} } + $pos;
croak $self . "->seek: Illegal whence argument ($whence)";
$currentRow < 0 and
croak "Illegal row number: $currentRow";
$self->{index} = $currentRow;
=head1 NAME
DBD::Mem - a DBI driver for Mem & MLMem files
use DBI;
$dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Mem:', undef, undef, {});
$dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Mem:', undef, undef, {RaiseError => 1});
# or
$dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Mem:');
$dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:Mem(RaiseError=1):');
and other variations on connect() as shown in the L<DBI> docs and
<DBI::DBD::SqlEngine metadata|DBI::DBD::SqlEngine/Metadata>.
Use standard DBI prepare, execute, fetch, placeholders, etc.,
see L<QUICK START> for an example.
DBD::Mem is a database management system that works right out of the box.
If you have a standard installation of Perl and DBI you can begin creating,
accessing, and modifying simple database tables without any further modules.
You can add other modules (e.g., SQL::Statement) for improved functionality.
DBD::Mem doesn't store any data persistently - all data has the lifetime of
the instantiated C<$dbh>. The main reason to use DBD::Mem is to use extended
features of L<SQL::Statement> where temporary tables are required. One can
use DBD::Mem to simulate C<VIEWS> or sub-queries.
Bundling C<DBD::Mem> with L<DBI> will allow us further compatibility checks
of L<DBI::DBD::SqlEngine> beyond the capabilities of L<DBD::File> and
L<DBD::DBM>. This will ensure DBI provided basis for drivers like
L<DBD::AnyData2> or L<DBD::Amazon> are better prepared and tested for
not-file based backends.
=head2 Metadata
There're no new meta data introduced by C<DBD::Mem>. See
L<DBI::DBD::SqlEngine/Metadata> for full description.
If you need help installing or using DBD::Mem, please write to the DBI
users mailing list at L<> or to the
comp.lang.perl.modules newsgroup on usenet. I cannot always answer
every question quickly but there are many on the mailing list or in
the newsgroup who can.
DBD developers for DBD's which rely on DBI::DBD::SqlEngine or DBD::Mem or
use one of them as an example are suggested to join the DBI developers
mailing list at L<> and strongly encouraged to join our
IRC channel at L<irc://>.
If you have suggestions, ideas for improvements, or bugs to report, please
report a bug as described in DBI. Do not mail any of the authors directly,
you might not get an answer.
When reporting bugs, please send the output of C<< $dbh->mem_versions($table) >>
for a table that exhibits the bug and as small a sample as you can make of
the code that produces the bug. And of course, patches are welcome, too
If you need enhancements quickly, you can get commercial support as
described at L<> or you can contact Jens Rehsack
at for commercial support.
This module is written by Jens Rehsack < rehsack AT >.
Copyright (c) 2016- by Jens Rehsack, all rights reserved.
You may freely distribute and/or modify this module under the terms of
either the GNU General Public License (GPL) or the Artistic License, as
specified in the Perl README file.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<DBI> for the Database interface of the Perl Programming Language.
L<SQL::Statement> and L<DBI::SQL::Nano> for the available SQL engines.
L<SQL::Statement::RAM> where the implementation is shamelessly stolen from
to allow DBI bundled Pure-Perl drivers increase the test coverage.
L<DBD::SQLite> using C<dbname=:memory:> for an incredible fast in-memory database engine.